My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 767 Giant

A soldier onlookers saw the strangeness inside the mummy's body and couldn't help but take out a dagger and lightly slashed the arm of the mummy. →

Unlike the blood that bleeds out when humans are injured, after the skin of this mummy was scratched by a dagger, a large group of white substances the size of rice grains flowed out from the inside. If you look closely, you can see that they are all maggots.

The soldier, who felt his scalp was numb, quickly cut open the skin in other places, and without exception, a large amount of maggots came out.

However, fortunately, the soldiers just used a large number of electric shock weapons, causing these densely packed maggots to be electrocuted in batches. The survival rate was less than one ten thousandth, otherwise it would be troublesome.

On the other side, the mummies holding bronze spears and wearing bronze armor were stunned one after another. These stunned bronze corpses would be pulled to the rear by the soldiers, forcibly stripped of their armor and weapons, and then burned with fire. All naked.

During this period, the bronze corpses holding hand crossbows kept shooting at the soldiers to interfere, but it had no effect. Even Mitsubishi arrows could not penetrate the exoskeleton armor.

Three minutes later, all the bronze corpses that rushed out had been wiped out. After the soldiers finished cleaning the battlefield, they immediately focused on the bronze corpses that had not yet been captured.

Just when the soldiers of the guard company were about to forcefully fight against these bronze corpses, a loud noise suddenly came from behind the bronze corpses.

I saw a huge silver coffin hit the ground with a loud roar. It seemed that the silver coffin was originally suspended in the air, but now it fell down for unknown reasons.

There was a sudden roar from the silver coffin that fell to the ground, and with another loud noise, the coffin boards of the silver coffin flew out and hit the wall not far away.

But there is a person sitting on the silver giant coffin at this moment. A giant who is nearly three meters tall and almost as big as an elephant is sitting in the silver giant coffin and looking around blankly.

"Where is this?"

The giant said this in a dry and hoarse voice, but soon, a silver needle came out of nowhere and stabbed the giant's neck hard.

The giant whose neck was pricked by the silver needle first subconsciously raised his hand to touch his neck, but when he raised his hand, the clarity in the giant's eyes slowly dissipated, replaced by anger and mania.


The manic giant immediately picked up a two-hundred kilogram hammer next to him and started running towards the bronze corpses not far away.

Just when the soldiers thought that this giant was a group of these bronze corpses, they saw that half of the bronze corpses who had originally pointed their spearheads at them separated and began to protect their rear.

The shield soldiers at the front moved more than half of the phalanx, and a defense line was stationed at the rear of the team. At the same time, the crossbow soldiers who originally attacked Cai Wenjie and others also turned their guns and began to attack the giant.

The giant casually picked up a coffin board from the side and raised it as a shield. Although it was just a coffin board, it was also made of bronze, so the arrows fired by the crossbowmen could not effectively damage the giant.

At this time, the giant had already entered the sprint stage. He took the bronze coffin board and ran straight into the shield formation of the bronze corpses. He directly waved a 400-pound hammer and began to attack the bronze corpses. Unparalleled was activated in the formation.

Facing the mighty giant wielding a 400-pound hammer, these bronze corpses were unable to stop him and could only watch as he slaughtered them wantonly.

Not only the bronze corpses, but also some people on Cai Wenjie's side felt strange.

Everyone watched with curiosity as this giant slaughtered the bronze corpse. Facing the giant who could smash the bronze corpse into meat pies with one hammer, the soldiers did not feel scared. Instead, they felt that this giant's fighting style was too rough. From the looks of it, He should just use his brute force to swing the big hammer in his hand.

Anyone who knows some fighting skills can easily knock down this giant. Of course, this will only happen if the two parties are of similar size and strength.

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten monsters. The power displayed by a giant alone can completely crush ordinary people. Even if Cai Wenjie faces such a giant, if he does not have suitable weapons in his hands, then Cai Wenjie can only turn around and run away.

Almost five minutes later, all the bronze corpses were smashed into meat pies by the giant, and the armor they wore turned into pieces of copper mixed with a large amount of flesh and blood.

After five minutes of fierce fighting, the giant's physical strength declined rapidly, and he became out of breath.

But even though he was so tired, the giant still set his sights on the soldiers of the guard company. Then he picked up the shield stained with a lot of flesh and blood in his hand, blocked it in front of him, and then ran slowly under his feet, preparing to do the same as before, He wanted to directly break through the steel defense line formed by the soldiers of the guard company.

But it is a pity that the soldiers of the guard company are not those headless bronze corpses. After seeing the giant on the opposite side trying to attack them, the soldiers immediately raised their weapons and fired at the giant's knees.

Even if the giant holds a bronze coffin plate as a shield, for modern firearms, this bronze shield is no different from paper. Armor-piercing bullets can easily penetrate the bronze shield and cause damage to the giant's knee joints.

The large-caliber bullet directly broke the giant's knee joint into two pieces. There is only one outcome for a broken knee joint while running wildly, and that is to be smashed into a piece of shit.

Taking advantage of the moment when the giant fell to the ground, the soldiers immediately made up dozens of knives, breaking all the giant's limbs, making it unable to move.

At this time, the giant, even with damaged limbs, was still struggling madly, and his eyes were still bloodshot.

The soldiers of the guard company saw that the giant was still struggling and vaguely had a tendency to go berserk. For the safety of Cai Wenjie, they decided to directly break the giant's spinal nerves and make it paralyzed, so that there would be no danger.

Perhaps sensing the malice of the opponent, the giant became more and more manic.

However, with all the limbs broken, no matter how manic the giant was, he could not fight back effectively, and even couldn't turn his body over.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers of the guard company who were watching directly aimed their anti-material sniper rifles at the giant's spine, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With more than a dozen loud gunshots, a big hole was directly broken in the giant's waist. Not to mention the spine, the middle part of the entire body lost all flesh and blood, leaving only a hole of about several dozen centimeters.

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