My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 768 The Second Orb

This giant was completely useless. His blood-red eyes instantly returned to their original color. He lost motivation and regained his sanity.

However, in this state, regaining his sanity may not be a good result.

"Ah!!! It hurts so much! Ugh!"

After the giant screamed in pain, he fainted. This was normal. After all, who could stay awake with a big hole and all his limbs broken? He was a very tenacious person if he didn't die on the spot.

Fortunately, this giant was not a simple person. After all, the warriors had made him look like this, but there was no blood on the wound of this giant. This giant, like those bronze corpses, had become a mummy, so naturally no blood would flow out.

However, this giant could still maintain his humanity and speak in this situation, which was quite amazing.

The fire of exploring supernatural power in Cai Wenjie's heart was ignited again.

Now he just wanted to know how this giant could maintain his humanity and the ability to speak even when his body was dry, and he looked like he could still feel the pain in his body.

Does this mean that this giant has other feelings besides pain? To be honest, Cai Wenjie thinks that the biggest gain today, apart from the murals here, is this giant. As long as he can find out the secret of how the giant can survive for such a long time, then Cai Wenjie is likely to get a glimpse of the secret of immortality.

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie could no longer suppress his desire and said directly to the soldiers beside him.

"After fixing it, send it to the research institute and let those researchers find out the secret of his immortality at all costs!"


After the giant was tied up and carried away, Cai Wenjie conducted a final inspection of the underground mausoleum. After confirming that there were no other problems, he led people away.

In the future, this underground mausoleum will become an underground air-raid shelter and warehouse. After all, the space here is large and there is no danger. Making the best use of things has always been Cai Wenjie's advantage.

As for the stone coffins, the Qingtong coffins, and the silver coffins, they were pulled out of the mausoleum by the soldiers. The stone coffins were smashed on the spot and used as cement materials to pave the road in the future. The bronze and silver were taken away for smelting and made into various weapons and ammunition to replenish the arsenal.

After this, Cai Wenjie began to be interested in other gems. If there is a chance to get gems in the future, Cai Wenjie will definitely get involved. You know, this Lihuo Pearl alone has made him full of harvest, and other gems will definitely bring him surprises.

However, what Cai Wenjie didn't expect was that the information about the second gem would come so quickly.

It has been about a month since the Lihuo Pearl incident. During this period, Cai Wenjie used the gold, silver and jewelry found in the mausoleum to expand the Xinguang gathering place.

Originally, the Xinguang gathering place was designed around the mountains, but now Cai Wenjie directly expanded the scope of the Xinguang gathering place by about ten kilometers.

Not only did he include all the mountains that were originally the barrier of the Xinguang gathering place, but he also included all the surrounding small villages and towns within the scope of the Xinguang gathering place.

Cai Wenjie did not use concrete walls to separate the expanded territory, but used barbed wire and railings to make a simple fence. This kind of fence can only block ordinary zombies, but it is useless for other mutant creatures. Even ordinary people can enter and exit freely by climbing over the wall.

Originally, Cai Wenjie did not even want to build a fence. After all, the entire autonomous prefecture is now under his control. Now the number of zombies in the autonomous prefecture can be counted on one hand, and the degree of danger is equivalent to no zombies.

In addition, ordinary people now carry some firearms when they go out. Even if they are unlucky enough to encounter zombies, they can kill them with a single shot.

Even if they are defeated, it doesn’t matter. Now there are dozens of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft patrolling the sky over the entire autonomous prefecture 24 hours a day. If ordinary people encounter zombies in the autonomous prefecture and are discovered by unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, these unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will assist ordinary people in killing zombies together.

Even if it is an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, it can carry six micro air-to-ground missiles under its belly at any time. If it encounters someone who needs help, it can directly launch a micro missile, and the zombies will definitely not survive.

Originally, Cai Wenjie did not plan to build a wall, but he could not stand the nagging of his father and mother, so he still made a simple wall with barbed wire and railings.

As for the information about the other gem, it was also very coincidental.

That day, when Cai Wenjie was using video calls to report the situation of this month with the person in charge of the northern war zone far away in the sky, he suddenly learned from the head that a group of unknown armed elements had secretly run to the border half a month ago, preparing to smuggle arms and various drugs from outside the border back to the country.

Originally, they did it perfectly, but God's plan is not as good as man's plan. It happened that there was an undercover inside the group of armed elements, and the undercover risked his life to convey this news to the war zone.

The war zone leader who learned the news sent two Q-5J fighters and two armed helicopters to attack the militants.

How could a group of militants with old-fashioned rifles and old-fashioned RPGs deal with two attack aircraft and armed helicopters?

The final result was that the two fighters and two armed helicopters sent out successfully completed the mission, blew up all the arms and drugs, and successfully captured the leader of the militants after annihilating most of the militants.

The information about the pearls came from the leader. Although the people in the war zone did not believe the leader's nonsense, they still wrote down everything he said and recorded it in the system file according to the regulations.

Cai Wenjie did not hide anything about these pearls. He told the chief in detail about the Lihuo Pearl he got. At the same time, in order to ensure that what he said was not a joke, he also showed the chief the gold, silver and jewelry he had taken from the mausoleum before.

"I really didn't expect that this bead actually had such a big secret. It's really a long experience. Don't worry, I won't let you take out those jewels and hand them over to the country. We are not those old things in the museum. What you dig is yours. I won't ask."

These words made Cai Wenjie completely put down the stone hanging in his heart. Since his superiors tacitly agreed to what he did, there was no need to worry about anything.

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