My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 772 Godzilla

Just when these people were obviously starting to panic, Cai Wenjie suddenly discovered that a missile was attacking them. Judging from the style of the missile, it should be a Dongfeng short-range missile. Google search reading

It only took more than ten seconds for the missile to hit its target. The more than 20 people who were still panicking turned into ashes together with the wreckage of their plane, and they were too dead to die.

But this also meant that the clues also turned gray. Although he didn't know which unit launched the missile, it did cause him some trouble.

Cai Wenjie had no choice but to give up the pursuit. He moved the system satellite lens to the airport where the transport plane with damaged engine was located.

At a glance, the entire airport is not much different in size from the airport in Xinguang Gathering Area. At most, they have professional control towers and ground staff.

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Seeing a large group of people surrounding the transport plane, and using various tools to repair the damaged engine, Cai Wenjie also put down Xin Lai. As for the pilot of the transport plane, he knew that he was enjoying life without even looking, so he didn't bother him. It's a good thing for them.

After confirming that nothing happened to the other transport plane and the pilot inside, Cai Wenjie drew his attention away from the system satellites.

He held the dry dzi bead he had just brought back in his hand and carefully began to observe the map inside the dry dzi bead. Just like the Lihuo bead, there were small seal characters in the internal map of the dry dzi bead. As long as he understood the meaning of these small seal characters, You should be able to find the corresponding map.

"Send this dried Dzi bead to Professor Li, let him suffer a little, help translate the content of this small seal, and use military satellites to detect the places that match the topography of the internal map of the dried Dzi bead. If you find anything, immediately Notify me"

"Yes! Chief"

After sending away the dried dzi beads, Cai Wenjie turned his attention to the decision-making document in front of him. Because in the past few days, while expanding the Xinguang Gathering Area, many new problems and decisions had to be made, so these few days The days are busy.

When Cai Wenjie started his day's work, a huge monster appeared in the territory of Country M on the other side of the ocean.

This huge monster is not an alien beast, but a monster similar to Godzilla that appears in the movie.

For easy identification, we call this monster Godzilla. This Godzilla is about 130 meters tall, has a tail length of 160 meters, and weighs about 90,000 tons.

This is not much different from the new Godzilla in the M country movie. The only difference is that this Godzilla does not have the various skills of the Godzilla in the movie and can only attack with his claws and tail.

However, with his weight of 90,000 tons, even a swipe of his huge tail can sweep a tall building into rubble. His strength should not be underestimated.

If country M still has an army, it might be possible to blow this Godzilla into pieces. But unfortunately, country M is now full of radiation zones, especially various military bases. In this case, the entire country Country M's military strength is not even one thousandth of what it was before the end of the world.

This also gives Godzilla an opportunity to grow up safely, especially since he has been in the radiation zone and cannot come out, so the remaining military forces have not controlled him and allowed him to move freely wherever he goes.

But this time, Godzilla couldn't stay any longer, because there was nothing left to eat in the radiation zone, including zombies and mutant zombies.

In order not to be hungry, Godzilla decided to leave the radiation zone where he had been staying and go to a new place to find something to eat.

Because of this, the military, which originally ignored him, now discovered that Godzilla actually walked out of the radiation zone and walked towards the few places that were not contaminated by nuclear contamination.

This discovery made the military confused. They need to know which of the few remaining radiation-free areas are the only places where they can live. If Godzilla enters these areas, the nuclear radiation on Godzilla will be Completely turn this area into a new radiation zone, and then they will really have to spend dozens or hundreds of years underground.

In order to prevent this from happening, the military of country M decided to use the few remaining miniature nuclear warheads to attack Godzilla. Although this will cause the nuclear pollution in that area to become more serious, it is not estimated to be that now. Destroying Godzilla is their primary goal.

When three miniature nuclear bombs were launched from a hidden missile launch base, all countries around the world that still had certain surveillance capabilities detected the nuclear bombs.

They all believed that the remaining military of country M still refused to give up and was preparing to carry out nuclear attacks on all countries in the world, so these countries were also preparing to launch nuclear bomb launch procedures. If this nuclear bomb really hit their land, then They would just launch all the nuclear bombs and perish together with Country M again.

Fortunately, after calculations by supercomputers from various countries, this nuclear bomb does not have the ability to strike across the sea and is a short-range missile.

The officers from other countries finally breathed a sigh of relief after learning about this situation. Since there was no threat to them, they did not want to spend their precious time in this place.

However, these countries did not give up observing the micro-nuclear bomb. With the calculations of the supercomputer, they learned the landing point of the micro-nuclear bomb in advance.

After they turned the satellite camera to the impact point of the nuclear bomb, they discovered Godzilla.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?"

"Godzilla! It's Godzilla! I didn't expect that I could actually see Godzilla in real life. Oh my god, am I dreaming?"

"Is this monster a biological weapon made by M country? It's so scary."

"I don't think so. If this Godzilla is a biological weapon of M country, it will never appear on their homeland. Besides, the target of the micro-nuclear bomb we are tracking is probably this monster. If so, why do they release the monster and then use nuclear bombs to attack it? This is illogical."

"When have you ever seen M country being logical?"

"...I can't refute it."

Anyway, when they saw Godzilla, they finally understood why the already crippled M country military wanted to launch micro-nuclear bombs at all costs. If they encountered such a monster, they would probably destroy the monster at all costs.

Finally, a few minutes later, three micro-nuclear bombs flew over Godzilla, and Godzilla also saw the nuclear bombs shining brightly in the sky.

Just as it stretched out its hands and tried to grab the three shining miniature nuclear bombs, the nuclear bomb above was detonated in mid-air.

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