My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 773 Space-based Cannon

Q: What will happen if you attack Godzilla with a nuclear bomb?

A: Mutation will occur

When three micro-nuclear bombs exploded above Godzilla, the huge power generated by the explosion directly flattened all the buildings within a few kilometers around, and Godzilla was also affected by the shock wave and high temperature generated by the explosion, and most of his body turned into charcoal. Google search reading

But that's all. Although the three nuclear bombs gave Godzilla a strong blow and most of his body was blown into charcoal, Godzilla still survived with his tenacious vitality. At the same time, the radiation generated by the three nuclear bombs was also quickly absorbed by Godzilla, and most of his body that was burned into charcoal began to heal quickly and regain new vitality.

All this happened too quickly, causing the M country military to believe that the nuclear bombs they launched had caused a huge damage to Godzilla. Just as they began to cheer, an observer noticed something was wrong.

"Mr. Minister, something is wrong with Godzilla!"

"What are you talking about?"

"He! He is actually starting to mutate!"

The observer's words stopped everyone's cheering, and they stared at the big screen, which was showing the live broadcast of Godzilla's mutation.

While absorbing radiation, Godzilla's entire body has undergone earth-shaking changes. The originally ordinary back is now covered with black ink crystals, and these crystals are actively storing surrounding energy, such as radiation, heat, etc.

After these black ink crystals store energy, they will turn into fiery red crystals. These crystals look very beautiful, but if someone can get close to these crystals, they will find that these crystals are very hot, with a basic temperature of more than 200+, and anyone who touches them will be injured.

Godzilla's changes are not limited to this. In addition to these dangerous crystals, the burned parts have also undergone new changes. Originally, Godzilla's skin was very rough and looked like dry and dead bark, but now Godzilla is like wearing a piece of armor. The burned parts have all grown black stratum corneum, just like armor covering all places.

Just by looking at the appearance, it can be judged that the protective power of these stratum corneum is very strong. It is estimated that ordinary weapons have basically lost their effect on this Godzilla, unless large-caliber artillery is used with armor-piercing shells to threaten Godzilla. Other estimates are also not good.

However, the most important change is not these. The most important thing is that Godzilla now has a skill "atomic breath" or "radioactive heat rays".

Relying on the crystal on his back, Godzilla can now fully release the skill of atomic breath, but unlike the almost heaven-defying skills in movies and games, the "atomic breath" that Godzilla can release in reality is not very strong.

The temperature of the "atomic breath" that Godzilla can release can only reach 5,000 degrees Celsius, and the distance it can release is also very close, only about 500 meters.

But this is enough. There is no object on the earth that can withstand 5,000 degrees Celsius. Even diamonds have a melting point of about 4,000, and the high temperature of 5,000 degrees can completely melt diamonds.

In short, there is no existence in the world that can resist the "atomic breath".

Fortunately, after observation, Godzilla will enter a charging period of half an hour after releasing the "atomic breath", and the crystal behind it will take half an hour to recharge.

Moreover, the observers also found that when Godzilla releases the "atomic breath", he will hurt himself, because the extremely high temperature of the "atomic breath" causes Godzilla to be inevitably burned when releasing this skill.

In general, releasing the "atomic breath" will cause Godzilla to hurt the enemy by 1,000 and himself by 100. If the skill is used too much in one day, it may seriously burn his mouth.

Facing this mutated monster, the attitude of the M country military is to continue the attack.

Since the nuclear bomb is useless, then use their secret weapon, the space-based cannon.

To be honest, the M country military does not like space weapons like the space-based cannon because of its instability, but its super power can make people ignore the other weaknesses of this weapon.

Because it is an experimental sky weapon, the space-based cannon can only be launched once a month. At the same time, after launching once, the maintenance personnel of the space station must perform a maintenance, otherwise the accuracy will deteriorate during the next launch. If it is not repaired for a long time, it may even be directly damaged and cannot be used.

According to their remaining resources, the space-based cannon can be used a total of three times. After three times, this secret weapon will completely lose its function and become a piece of garbage in space.

"Coordinates have been locked! The space-based cannon is ready!"

"Okay! Blast this monster to death for me!"

"Understood! The space-based cannon starts charging! 1 Launch!"

As the countdown ended, a thick beam of light was launched from a satellite in space, and two seconds later, it accurately hit the Godzilla who was continuing to mutate.

The light of death pierced Godzilla's newly mutated cuticle like a finger piercing a piece of paper, leaving a chill in his heart.

Godzilla's huge body gradually dissipated under the light. After just a few seconds, the originally huge Godzilla disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared from the beginning.

If it weren't for the huge hole hundreds of meters deep on the ground, no one would believe that a Godzilla hundreds of meters tall and weighing hundreds of thousands of tons would die so miserably, without even leaving a corpse.

Now, the military of Country M can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Although they have used their last trump card, they are not at a loss to destroy such a monster.

However, unlike the military of Country M who are still immersed in excitement, other surviving countries can't be happy at all.

Because they have also seen the power of space-based artillery. If one day, the people of Country M are ready to shoot him in the head, then they will really be Barbie Q.

Almost at the same time, the top leaders of all surviving countries moved to new places, and the original old sites were directly abandoned and turned into ruins. In this way, even if the space-based artillery locked them, it would be a waste of effort.

Fortunately, the surviving American military were not fools. After destroying Godzilla, they sent a statement to other surviving countries around the world, saying that they would not use space-based weapons to attack any human survival point, let alone any head of state.

They are the new American people and will not take the initiative to provoke disputes.

Of course, all countries knew about this statement, but no one exposed it, and they just tacitly agreed to it.

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