My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 774 New Mission

It has been a month since Godzilla was blasted into ashes by space-based artillery.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝓽𝔀𝓴π“ͺ𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓢

A lot of things happened in this month, for example, Cai Wenjie cracked the map inside the dry sky bead and found another ancient tomb.

From that tomb, Cai Wenjie not only got a lot of gold and silver treasures, but also got a very significant item. Although this item has no real meaning, Cai Wenjie has been very excited since he got it.

Because this item is the legendary imperial seal. If it was just an ordinary imperial seal, Cai Wenjie would not be so excited, but what if this imperial seal was carved from the Heshi Bi during the Qin Shihuang period?

There are also eight small seal characters of insects and birds written by Prime Minister Li Si himself, "Receive the Mandate from Heaven, Long Live and Prosper", and there are traces of gold filling in a corner of the jade seal, which is the so-called gold inlaid jade. These signs indicate that this imperial seal is the one that has disappeared in the long river of history.

To be honest, when Cai Wenjie got this imperial seal and confirmed that it was authentic, even a person like him felt for a moment that he was the one destined by heaven.

No one can refuse the eight characters "Receive the Mandate from Heaven, Long Live and Prosper". If it were not for the end of the world, Cai Wenjie might even have a chance to ascend the throne and become emperor directly.

There is no way, the imperial seal is so evil that almost everyone who gets it will be overwhelmed by the value of the imperial seal.

Even Cai Wenjie now carries this imperial seal with him and takes it out to appreciate or play with it when he has time.

As for whether to hand it over to the country, that is another matter. After all, it is the end of the world. Although this imperial seal is a national treasure, the whole country is suffering from the end of the world. How can it spend its mind on national treasures? So Cai Wenjie protects this imperial seal on behalf of the country. Anyway, he thinks so and does so.

In fact, in addition to the imperial seal, Cai Wenjie also obtained the two treasures of the River Map and the Luoshu. The appearance is actually a tortoise shell and an unknown animal skin. It records

words and pictures that Cai Wenjie can't understand at all. Cai Wenjie was also very interested in these, but after encountering the imperial seal, these two were thrown out of Cai Wenjie's mind and no longer had any interest. He handed them over to researchers for research.

Anyway, those researchers have not found any useful information for them so far, so they don't know.

This month, in addition to finding the tomb of Gan Dzi, Cai Wenjie also spent a lot of points to expand the army again. ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,

Originally, Cai Wenjie had a reinforced regiment with six infantry battalions. Now, three more battalions have been added to this basis, and they are reinforced battalions, each with six companies.

The current number of reinforced regiments has long exceeded 6,000, reaching an astonishing 6,400 people. After all, in addition to infantry battalions, there are also special armored battalions, artillery battalions, transportation battalions, and the latest mecha battalions.

What is the concept of a regiment with more than 6,000 people? These 6,000 people can be regarded as a division-level existence in ordinary troops.

But here, they can only be a regiment. After all, Cai Wenjie is only a regiment commander now. He can't control a division in the name of the regiment commander, even if it is a nominal division.

As for why Cai Wenjie wants to expand the army, the reason is very simple, that is, the superiors have issued a new order to Cai Wenjie.

After about half a year, the entire northern region has almost stabilized. Some areas have fallen, some have survived, and if there are no major changes in the next six months, there will probably be no changes.

However, Cai Wenjie's autonomous prefecture is an exception. The zombies in the autonomous prefecture have been completely driven out, and even those that have not been driven out have been cleaned up.

It can be said that this is the only place without zombie threats besides the capital, and the northern theater also knows this.

Because of this exception, the person in charge of the theater has inexplicable confidence in Cai Wenjie. In order to restore the entire northern region to the pre-apocalyptic scene as soon as possible, the person in charge of the northern theater has issued a series of orders to Cai Wenjie.

The first of them is to eliminate all zombies in JL Province within three months.

Cai Wenjie had been mentally prepared for this order, so he did not react much, but the next order made Cai Wenjie uneasy.

In addition to recovering the entire JL Province, the superior's order also asked Cai Wenjie to recover HLJ as much as possible.

Logically speaking, such an order would not be difficult for Cai Wenjie.

But the problem is that the situation in HLJ Province is very bad. A few months ago, Cai Wenjie heard that new mutant zombies appeared in HLJ. This mutant zombie is different from other mutant zombies. It is very cold-resistant. Even in an environment of minus 40 degrees, it can still not be frozen, and it can be as agile as a rabbit.

If this is the case, it will not give Cai Wenjie a headache, but the problem is that almost all the mutant zombies here have been infected by nuclear radiation and have become one nuclear pollution source after another.

As long as they have stayed in places where they have been, they will basically not be able to set foot there again within a few years, let alone humans, and even plants will not be able to grow.

Nuclear pollution coupled with extremely bad weather, to be honest, Cai Wenjie didn't really want to go there, which was a bit thankless.

But there is no way, an order is an order, no matter how reluctant Cai Wenjie is, he can only execute the order.

Fortunately, all Cai Wenjie has to do now is to regain the JL province and put the HLJ incident behind him for the time being.

As for how Cai Wenjie will regain JL Province? This problem is very simple, that is, to give full play to Cai Wenjie's advantages, and at the same time mobilize the surrounding official gathering places to have them send some manpower to help.

With the cooperation of these official gathering places, Cai Wenjie can regain the entire JL Province in a shorter time.

It doesn't matter even if these official gathering places refuse to cooperate, because Cai Wenjie has received a promise from his superiors that the entire northern theater will fully assist Cai Wenjie in his recovery mission.

However, to be on the safe side, Cai Wenjie decided to try inviting other official gathering places in the surrounding area first.

In order to successfully carry out his plan to regain JL Province, Cai Wenjie directly used the public channel to send an invitation to the surrounding official gathering places.

In order to show his sincerity, Cai Wenjie briefly explained the content of the meeting in the invitation.

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