My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 777 Confirmation of plan

Although they don't know what military supplies are produced in the factory, they believe that there is absolutely no shortage of general weapons and ammunition. Since the weapons and ammunition are guaranteed, they can concentrate on fighting without worrying about logistics.

"Now that everyone understands the situation, let me briefly explain our combat plan."

Cai Wenjie saw that everyone else here had already understood the basic situation, so he went directly to the topic and began to explain the tactical arrangements to be made in the future.

“First of all, in order to avoid direct contact with a large number of zombies, we need to consume the number of zombies before the official battle.

To this end, we need the assistance of the air force, especially bombers. The more the better. Fortunately, our superiors have promised to help in this regard, so our task then is to lead the zombies out of the city as much as possible and guide the zombies to the prepared areas All the good places are available.

However, today's zombies can basically ignore the impact of noise. They will not move because of a little sound. They must smell the smell of blood to prompt them to move. Therefore, we need a lot of blood for this mission. Fortunately, there is no virus-infected blood, otherwise these zombies would not be fooled.

When everything is ready, the Air Force bombers and my drone bomber formation will carry out indiscriminate bombing on these zombies gathered together, thus consuming the number of zombies in advance.

Of course, although this method can eliminate a large part of the zombies, it cannot be done by just one or two bombings. It must be carried out multiple times and in large numbers.

Therefore, I decided to carry out bombing missions specifically in the first month of three months, once a day, which is thirty times a month. Among these thirty bombings, as many as I can solve will be solved.

As for the second month, what we have to do is to hunt as much as possible outside the city and in the wild, and eliminate as many lone zombies and small groups of zombies as possible.

After all the zombies and infected people in the wild are wiped out, we can launch the final attack and drive out all the zombies in the city in one fell swoop."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he looked at the others.

“If you have any opinions or suggestions, you can put them forward.”

"No, no, Chief Cai's plan is perfect. We will listen to you, but there is one thing we are still a little worried about."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Looking at the other representatives who were somewhat hesitant, Cai Wenjie waved his hand and asked him to continue speaking.

"Your plan is good, but our ammunition supply cannot keep up with the consumption rate. So I would like to ask, where should we get the ammunition consumed in the battle?"

As soon as these words came out, all the representatives present turned to look at Cai Wenjie.

In fact, their worries are normal. You must know that Cai Wenjie achieved freedom of ammunition because he had his own military factory, system mall, and the support of the three parties in the war zone.

But other official gathering places do not have this kind of help. From their point of view, bullets are no different from food and pure water. They are scarce materials and should be used if they can be used in battle. If it is really necessary to shoot, then only Several shots will be fired, and the weapon is adjusted to single-shot mode to avoid wasting bullets.

"Are you worried about ammunition supply? Don't worry. For this battle, no, this battle, we will be fully replenished with ammunition over there in the theater, and I will also take out part of the inventory to distribute to you. Hold on There is no problem at all in the three-month campaign.”

After hearing that there was no need to worry about ammunition, many representatives of the delegation breathed a sigh of relief, but a few representatives still looked embarrassed and said it awkwardly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Chief Cai. If possible, can you give us some idle weapons and equipment? We don't lack people here, but we do lack weapons. As long as I have enough weapons, I can form a new company. I don't If you ask for nothing, I will pay for it, food, water, etc.”

"Lack of weapons? It's inappropriate to trouble Chief Cai for such a trivial matter. How about this, I'll provide you with weapons, and you give me 10 tons of rice?"

"Go, go, go! Go away! Who doesn't know that all your weapons are old items from the last century, yet you dare to ask for ten tons of rice? Listen to me, brother, I will give you a hundred sets of modern weapons and equipment, you Just give me 9 tons of rice, okay?”

"Wait a minute! What do you mean by old goods from the last century? I have obviously stored them for a long time. The firearms are all brand new and unopened. Brother, listen to me. I now have a total of two hundred sets of brand new and unopened products. I’ll give you the Kaifeng 81 and 60 40-fire pieces, and then you can just give me 15 tons of rice, how about that?”

Just when the market below was about to turn into a vegetable market, Cai Wenjie coughed lightly, and the originally lively conference room suddenly became silent. Everyone woke up and stopped promoting each other, but quietly returned to their seats. superior.

"As for the issue of arms, our Xinguang Gathering Center can provide you with the latest weapons and ammunition. Of course, these are not free. You can buy them with food and alcohol, or you can exchange them with gold, silver, bronze and other precious metals. These precious metals The price is higher, and I personally prefer that you exchange these precious metals.

As for the calculated price, you can go to the logistics department of our Xinguang Gathering Center to find out after the meeting.

Of course, you can also buy food in our Xinguang gathering place. I will give you a price you can't refuse. Those who are interested can go to the logistics department to inquire after the meeting.

Okay, do you have any other questions? "

"Um, when is the specific time of the battle?"

"Because all parties need to prepare, I decided to officially start the battle half a month later, that is, on July 1st. We must liberate all cities in JL Province before October 1st and restore the order before the end of the world!"

"Good! Applause!"

"Pa pa pa!"

After an impassioned speech, the meeting ended successfully. After the meeting, these representatives did not leave directly, but surrounded Cai Wenjie one by one to get close to him.

You must know that the area under the jurisdiction of Cai Wenjie is the entire LJ Province. No, it should be the only pure land in the country. They are very envious of this. Although they can't do this, they can still learn from it, so the representatives of these delegations are desperately trying to get in touch with Cai Wenjie.

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