My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 778 Price

Because there are many people in each delegation, in addition to those who try to build relationships with Cai Wenjie, there are also a group of people who rush to the logistics department without stopping. They all want to ask about the exchange price of food or weapons. Google search reading

Because today is Sunday, most people are resting, so there is a long queue in front of the logistics department today. If people don’t find what they need in the Civil Affairs Center, they will come to the logistics department, which is known as a department store, to find things.

Although there are many goods in the logistics department, the price is not very cheap. The main reason is that the price of the goods in the logistics department is arbitrarily set by the head of the logistics department, so the price is very unstable. Sometimes a bottle of ordinary liquor can be sold for more than 200 points, and sometimes life-saving antibiotics only cost 10 points.

In short, the more valuable things are, the cheaper they are. Things like cigarettes and alcohol are very expensive.

In order to combat malicious hoarding and reselling, each product has a unique barcode, and the detailed information of the purchaser will be registered when it is sold. If these two points do not match, the person who bought the product will be arrested immediately, and the lightest punishment is to be imprisoned for half a month for hard labor, or to be shot directly.

Because of this, the goods of the Logistics Department and the Civil Affairs Center will not be resold, because they cannot afford the cost of reselling goods.

When the delegation came to the Logistics Department, they all wanted to communicate with the person in charge here as soon as possible to understand the market.

The person in charge of the Logistics Department also received the news as soon as possible. He brought more than a dozen staff members of the Logistics Department to the delegations of various official gathering places.

"Hello, I am the person in charge here. I have received the news about your affairs. The prices of various goods are here. You can take your time to look at them."

As he said, he waved his hand and asked the staff around him to hand the tablet computer in his hand to these people.

When they took the tablet from the staff, they checked the materials they needed as soon as possible.

"Tear! I didn't expect the food here to be so cheap. One kilogram of rice only costs 15 points, and one kilogram of flour only costs 20 points. It's really cheap."

They had already inquired on the way to the logistics department. Now the entire Xinguang gathering place is using the point system. Food, drink, housing and transportation here are all settled with points. They were originally worried that they, as outsiders, could not use the points here, but after the explanation of the locals, they finally knew that even outsiders could register for a points card, but there was no discount compared to the locals.

And points can be exchanged for various items, such as one kilogram of gold can be exchanged for 100 points, and an intact firearm can be exchanged for 100-2000 points. Anyway, as long as it is not garbage, you can exchange points here.

"Look here! There are actually various modified vehicles for sale here, and the price is not expensive. It's amazing."

A member of the delegation accidentally discovered that various modified vehicles appeared in the list of the last few pages when he was looking through the tablet computer.

These modified vehicles look no worse than ordinary armored vehicles, and the weapons on the vehicles can be customized. They can install whatever they want. As long as they want, they can even install a 125mm rifled gun on the mini car. I just don't know if the mini car will flip over directly after firing a shell.

The dazzling array of goods on the flatbed shocked the people in the delegation. If it was before the end of the world, these might not be a big deal, but now it is the end of the world. It is a bit magical to find so many goods in the end of the world and sell them with clear prices.

"Um, may I ask if this supports credit? We don't have much stuff with us now, so we can't exchange enough, so can we buy on credit first, and then we go back..."

"Sorry, this is not a store, we are the logistics department, there is no such thing as credit. If you want to exchange a large number of items, please bring enough goods for exchange next time."

The head of the logistics department rejected the other party's request for credit.

There was no other way. The people of the delegation could only sigh in their hearts, and then made up their minds to collect a lot of gold or other precious metals after returning, and then use these precious metals to exchange for food. This way, their gathering place can survive this year.

"Um, may I ask, can all the firearms hanging here be purchased without limit?"

A representative of the delegation pointed to the CS/LS17 assault rifle displayed on the tablet and asked with expectation on his face.

"Of course, as long as you can afford the price, you can take it no matter how much, and if you buy in large quantities, we will give each firearm a full magazine, the kind that can be fired when the safety is pulled off"

"Then this 08-type rocket launcher..."

"This is buy ten get one free. As long as you buy ten 08-type rocket launchers, we will give you another 08-type rocket launcher for free"

The representatives of the delegation consulted and asked the staff endlessly, and these staff also explained one by one with a smile, without any impatience.

In this harmonious atmosphere, all the representatives of the delegations have understood the information they need. After saying goodbye to the staff, they rushed back to their temporary residences without stopping, and then reported what they had just seen and heard to the head of the delegation.

"Are you serious? Are food/weapons really that cheap?"

Almost all the heads of the delegations couldn't help but ask loudly. After receiving a positive answer, they immediately contacted their gathering places with their own means.

"The news is absolutely true. I remember that we specially collected various gold and gold jewelry before, right? Hurry up and pack the gold and other precious metals and send them here. We are willing to bid for these precious metals. If the price of food remains unchanged, we can feed the people in our gathering place for several months with these gold and other precious metals! ..."

After receiving the news, each official gathering place immediately summoned all the survivors in their gathering place and asked them to hand in the useless gold jewelry and various precious metals in their hands. After exchanging them for food, they distributed the food according to the weight of the gold and other precious metals handed in by people.

As soon as these words were spoken, the survivors took action. After half a year of consumption, the food in the gathering place became very precious. On the contrary, the value of gold and various jewels became worthless. So when they knew that they could exchange gold for food, they immediately took action.

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