My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 779 Food and Ammunition

In order to purchase the necessary items, almost all official gathering places purchased a large amount of precious metals and various specialties, and then automatically used their own transport vehicles to send all the materials to the Xinguang gathering place for the delegations to purchase the necessary items. ♦♦  ♦♦

Even the few gathering places that said they could not come to the Xinguang gathering place alone used various buses, trucks, and vans to send as much as possible. Even if they encountered groups of zombies on the road, they did not give up and forcibly killed their way out of the zombies.

On the second day, the delegations from all the gathering places waited for their own trucks/vans, and they couldn't wait to check what was in these cars.

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Almost every official gathering place sent similar things, all gold plus various precious metals, and a few gathering places took out various drinks for trading.

When the delegations arrived at the logistics department with the goods in the trucks, the logistics director had already led people to stand in front of the logistics warehouse, waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Director of the logistics department, these are all the precious metals collected in our gathering place. We have exchanged them. How many points can you see?"

"Director, these are ours..."

"And mine..."

Faced with the requests of these representatives, he naturally would not leave them alone. He waved his hand and asked the staff next to him to take out various measuring props and put them aside. Then he came to the front of each truck/truck and began to calculate the value of the goods.

Because there were many people and the goods were messy, the work of statistics and valuation was very slow. From nine in the morning to four in the afternoon, it took a total of seven hours to count all the goods and give a detailed valuation.

The valuation of the goods carried by each truck was different, from the highest of 135,272 to the lowest of 23,670 points, which were basically calculated by the staff.

"All the goods have been valued. Are you sure you want to sell them?"


"Okay, wait a minute"

With the approval of these people, a large number of porters soon began to jump up and down to unload the goods from the trucks/vans. At the same time, special staff took out the equivalent score cards and handed them to the delegations from various gathering places present.

"This is your score card. The corresponding points have been added to these cards. You can check your points at the terminal over there. The initial password of the card is 1234"

After simply teaching these people how to use the score card, he remained silent and stopped talking.

And the representatives didn't say anything nonsense. They took the score card directly to the terminal and started to check the points on the score card. Bar Book 69 New

When they found that there were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of points in the score card, everyone laughed involuntarily. After laughing, the representatives immediately came to the reception desk of the logistics department to turn on the buy, buy, buy function.

The representatives' targets were only a few things, food and weapons and ammunition, of which food accounted for about 80%. It seemed that the most lacking in other places was life-saving food, followed by weapons and ammunition. Weapons were still easy to say, but there was no way to get ammunition.

Because bullets were something that could not be made without a little bit of industrial strength. Even if they used indigenous techniques and repeatedly recycled eggshells, it was okay for one or two times. After more, the eggshells were seriously deformed and the accuracy dropped sharply, and they could not be used at all.

As for the ammunition aid from the war zone, it was still too little and the consumption was too large to keep up with the replenishment speed, so bullets also accounted for a large proportion of the things purchased by these representatives.

However, for the Xinguang gathering place, the least valuable things now are ammunition and food, because the first batch of potatoes planted has reached the harvest season, and basically every acre of land can harvest about 4,000 kilograms, and even some land can harvest 6,000 kilograms.

And just a few days ago, various grain bases sent a large amount of potatoes over, and now the grain warehouse of the Xinguang gathering place is basically full of potatoes and other food.

Even if these representatives use all their points to buy food, it is not a big deal for the potatoes that fill several food warehouses, and they can still ensure that the 100,000 people in the Xinguang gathering place are well fed.

Trucks/vans loaded with gold and other precious metals are now loaded with a large amount of food and ammunition and leave the logistics department, accompanied by most of the members of the delegation.

As for why not all of them? That is because after discussion, they decided to stay in the Xinguang gathering place and act as liaisons for their respective gathering places, which is the so-called diplomats in the international community.

In addition to playing the role of diplomats, these people must also be qualified purchasers.

In the future, every once in a while, each gathering place will send out trucks/vans full of gold and precious metals, and they will be responsible for receiving these gold and precious metals, then exchanging them for points, and then using the points to buy the materials they need, and then loading them and sending them back to their gathering places.

Cai Wenjie did not make things difficult for these people. Instead, he formally recognized their status as liaisons, and allocated a piece of land for them to establish a contact point, and provided accommodation so that they would not be bitten by mosquitoes outside.

When trucks or vans filled with food or ammunition arrived at their gathering place, they were warmly welcomed by the people.

Especially when they saw the endless flow of rice and potatoes unloaded from trucks or trains, they burst out with even stronger welcome.

Everyone was stimulated by the food and screamed. There was no other way. In order to save food, each person could only eat two taels of rice and pickles at most every day, and changed from three meals a day to two meals a day.

This amount of food was not enough to fill even children, let alone adults. Long-term malnutrition caused these people to become thinner and thinner. Many people were almost skinny. If these foods were delayed for a day or two, it is estimated that the people in this gathering place would have cannibalism.

It is precisely because of this that the people here are so excited when they see the food, because they know that they will not be hungry again in the short term.

The person in charge of this official gathering place is also a man of temperament. When he saw people so excited, he waved his hand and said.

"I won't say anything else! Dinner will be served in an hour!"


A group of chefs in chef uniforms, along with their own food, set up a pot in the residential area and started cooking.

A large number of residents looked at the food in the pot with green eyes, patiently waiting for the chef to finish cooking.

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