My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 782 Preparations before the War

After receiving the news that the granary was safe, the person in charge of this gathering place immediately ordered the 100 porters who were prepared to get on the car and go to the granary. ♦♦ ♦♦

At the same time, more than a dozen large trucks or vans also went to the granary together to bring back as much food as possible.

He was very excited now, because as long as the food from the granary was brought back, they would not have to worry about food.

The resources saved at that time could also be used to purchase other supplies, such as weapons and ammunition.

Only in this way can his gathering place slowly grow, and it is not impossible to surpass the Xinguang gathering place in one fell swoop. Of course, this is just his idea, and there is still a gap between reality and ideal.

On the other side, Cai Wenjie also received the news that all the unmanned bombers had returned. This battle killed more than 3,000 ordinary zombies and more than 20 mutant zombies. It can be said that the main force of the granary was killed by Cai Wenjie's unmanned bombers, and the crooked melons and cracked dates left behind were the results of their battle.

In fact, this is not the first time that the drone bomber has been dispatched for other gathering places. After confirming the cooperative relationship with other official gathering places, Cai Wenjie agreed to the terms of borrowing the drone bomber group in order to win over these people.

In simple terms, Cai Wenjie allows other official gathering places to borrow the drone bomber group for combat missions. Cai Wenjie will bear the cost of missiles or bombs, but in return, the other side will give them the spoils of the third floor.

For example, for the granary support mission this time, they need to hand over 30% of the grain in the entire granary to the Xinguang gathering place as the hiring fee for this time.

If they borrow the drone bomber not for food or other supplies, but simply to eliminate zombies, then Cai Wenjie will not charge any fees, but will lend the drone bomber for free until the end of the battle, and the ammunition consumed during the period will be borne by Cai Wenjie himself.

In the eyes of others, Cai Wenjie's action was very just and admirable. Even if it consumed his own ammunition reserves, he would still help others. In the end times, people who sacrificed their own interests for others were too precious. Everyone was thinking about how to get along well with Cai Wenjie.

As long as they got the support of the Xinguang Gathering Place, they could move to a higher level in a short time, and food, weapons, and ammunition could be guaranteed.

Even when there was a battle, they could ask for help from the Xinguang Gathering Place. Anyway, they only had to pay 30% of the spoils, which was a big profit, wasn't it?

At this time, Cai Wenjie was sitting in his office, reporting the contents of the previous meeting in detail, and communicating with his superiors about the content of the support.

"Commander, I basically have everything, but there is one thing: we have many mountainous areas, so we urgently need a batch of armed helicopters. The unmanned bombers here cannot cover all the mountainous areas..."

"This is simple. I will let the helicopter formation in the war zone temporarily come under your command, but you need to be self-sufficient in ammunition supply, okay?"

"Yes, thanks to you, my military factory can produce missiles by itself not long ago, so this request is not a big deal"

"That's good, you need to stock up more things like missiles and rockets. Although I can still supply ammunition here, I still need to be on the safe side. Produce more."

"I understand that most of the military factories' production capacity is now allocated to missiles and bombs. As long as the materials are complete, sufficient missiles and bombs can be produced continuously. If you need it, as long as you provide enough materials, I will help you produce enough missiles or other equipment."

Cai Wenjie did not say anything about providing it for free. After all, he still has to pay the salaries of his subordinates. If he provides it for free, he can't afford it. If he asks the leader to pay, it is estimated that his term as a colonel will end. Therefore, as a compromise, the other party is to provide materials, and we will manufacture the corresponding missiles according to the weight of the materials.

For Cai Wenjie's proposal, the commander-in-chief of the theater nodded and agreed with Cai Wenjie's proposal.

"It just so happens that I do need a new batch of air-to-ground missiles and rockets. I will send the materials over in a few days. You just need to make 90% of the materials for me."

"This...Okay, thank you for your kindness, I will be disrespectful to refuse."

Cai Wenjie is a man who can understand the chief's meaning in just a few words. Even 10% of the materials is a large amount. After all, it is a request from the war zone, and the quantity must be large.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's do it. I hope to hear your name on the national broadcast in three months."

"Yes! Please rest assured, chief, I will recover JL Province within three months! I will not let you down."

"Okay! I believe you, I wish you good luck."


After the call ended, although Cai Wenjie did not say it on the surface, he still felt a little pressure in his heart, although theoretically with Cai Wenjie's current strength, there is no problem in recovering JL Province in three months.

But after living for so long, Cai Wenjie also understood one thing, that is, nothing in the world is absolute. Even with a 99% success rate, there can be that 1% failure. Therefore, Cai Wenjie must be 100% prepared to reduce the probability of failure of that 1% to 0 as much as possible.

Cai Wenjie thought for a while, then issued the first order.

"From now on, all factories will implement a 24-hour shift system, with a shift every eight hours. We must ensure that the output of each factory doubles while maintaining the current quality. Also, immediately build six new military factories to specialize in the production of various types of ammunition. All material warehouses must be filled with materials in the shortest possible time."

Song Yi, a full-time secretary who had been on standby, immediately wrote down Cai Wenjie's order.

"Also, let the grain base prepare enough food and send it here. From now on, all military units must be prepared for battle at all times. At the same time, let the new recruits double their training. We must train qualified and combat-ready troops in the shortest possible time."



Under Cai Wenjie's series of orders, the entire Xinguang gathering place began to operate like a precision instrument. Military factories, grain processing plants, and all other factories began to recruit new workers as soon as possible. Because they had to produce 24 hours a day, they could not rely on their current workers alone, so they could only recruit more new employees for production.

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