My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 783 Military Factory

If it were in the past, if a factory wanted to recruit employees, there would be no need for them to do any publicity. They could just choose from family members or relatives and friends of existing workers. Google search reading

But that doesn't work now, because something unexpected happened, and the factory leaders were unable to choose from employees' family members or relatives and friends for a while, so they could only release recruitment information to the outside world.

The leaders of these factories thought that as long as the recruitment information was released, countless people would come to sign up, but things exceeded their imagination.

Because all factories have to implement a 24-hour shift system, other factories are also recruiting people now. If this was the case, it would not be the case that they can't recruit anyone now.

But the problem is that in addition to these existing factories, there is also news that there will be new military factories recruiting people in recent days, and there is not just one military factory, but six.

With six military factories and a 24-hour shift system, the difficulty of recruiting people in the factory skyrocketed like a rocket.

With current wages and benefits alone, let alone recruiting people, we can't even afford to hire dogs.

There is no other way. In order to achieve the above indicators, we can only improve the salary of recruitment. The factory must not only be responsible for three meals a day, but also be responsible for the workers' housing and medical insurance. This has almost reached the five insurances and one housing fund before the apocalypse. level.

However, the consequence of such an increase in remuneration is that the original factory employees are somewhat dissatisfied. Why are the newly recruited workers treated better than the old employees?

"That's not fair!"

"Yes! Not fair!"

"We need equal treatment!"

"Yes! Equal treatment!"

"We need big a**"

"Yes! We need...??? Who are you?"

"Ah, I'm from the water purification plant next door. I just came here to join in the fun. I'm leaving."

After saying that, the man quickly fled the scene as if he had rubbed oil on the soles of his feet.

Only the other workers and factory leaders remained where they were, feeling secretly embarrassed.

Perhaps for this reason, the factory leaders who were originally silent finally spoke up.

"Everyone, calm down. You are all veteran employees of our factory. You will never suffer from the issue of wages and benefits. We treat all workers equally and do whatever they want. We will never treat you badly..."

After repeated persuasion by the factory leaders, these old employees finally dispersed with satisfaction and went to work.

In fact, these people don't dare to cause too much trouble for fear of being laid off by the factory.

If this incident had not been caused by the factory doing something wrong, or their behavior just now had touched the bottom line, even if they were fired immediately the next day, it would only be their own fault.

In fact, not only this factory, but also other factories are in a similar situation. The salary of new employees is much higher than that of old employees, which caused dissatisfaction among the old employees. Then the factory leaders promised to increase the wages with the appeasement of the factory leaders, which solved the problem. There was chaos.

However, not all factory leaders do this. Some people like to take the wrong approach. Faced with the dissatisfaction of old employees, these factory leaders not only fail to appease the emotions of the old employees, but instead threaten them with dismissal and other means. staff.

This made the old employees who were already dissatisfied, but the employees did not riot. Instead, they turned around and reported the matter to the Civil Affairs Center.

After receiving the report, the Civil Affairs Center did not sit idle and directly sent people to invite all the leaders of the factory to the underground observation room of the Civil Affairs Center for talks.

After a two-hour conversation, these factory leaders fully understood their mistakes and promised to give equal treatment to all employees. At the same time, workers are welcome to supervise, and if anyone violates discipline, they can report it to the Civil Affairs Center at any time.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, the workers dispersed, leaving only the factory leaders with cold sweat on their faces standing there wiping sweat.

In just a few months, these people have forgotten that it is still the end of the world and dare to use the methods of capitalists before the end of the world to run factories. They really don’t want to live anymore.

You must know that almost all the factories in Xinguang Gathering Area are Cai Wenjie's private property. They are only entrusted to become factory directors and other factory leaders. Why should it be difficult to beat workers.

If this matter is reported to Cai Wenjie, there will only be one fate for them, and that is to be pulled out and shot.

Cai Wenjie will not give such people a second chance at all. Once discovered, they will either be fired or directly sent to the execution ground for execution.

Cai Wenjie will never allow anyone to exploit workers on his property.

These are just ordinary civilian factories, and this situation will never happen in a real military factory, because the military factory is directly under the jurisdiction of Cai Wenjie's parents, and the employees in the military factory are all family members and relatives of active military personnel. Or it is made up of veterans who have retired due to injuries.

These people will never make any mistakes, because they are tied to active military personnel. If something happens to them, it will definitely affect their military family members. The same is true in reverse. The performance of active military personnel can directly affect the treatment of these workers.

As we all know, the treatment in military factories is the best among all factories. Not only do they provide three meals a day plus midnight snacks, but they also provide accommodation in special dormitories, fixed performance bonuses every month, and various benefits. Although there is no weekend off, overtime pay is calculated at three times the salary. In addition, as long as you work in a military factory for five years, you can be allocated a room in a single apartment. If you have a family and have worked for more than ten years, you can be allocated a large house, which is enough for you and your family to live comfortably.

More importantly, because the war is about to start, these newly built military factories are in urgent need of a group of workers.

In order to recruit employees and start formal production as quickly as possible, the original conditions for entering the military factory have been slightly relaxed. As long as you pass the review and find that there are no major problems, you can enter the factory.

In fact, this so-called review is not to check academic qualifications or something like that. These are not important. The important thing is that there should be no traitors and spies in the military factory.

So this so-called review is actually to detect whether people have any criminal records or other strange things in recent months.

As long as you pass this examination, you can become an intern employee of a military factory and conduct a half-month internship. If no problems are found during the half-month internship period, and you work diligently and obey the orders from above, then you can remove the word "internship" and become a real military factory employee.

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