My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 784 Deserter

The military factory recruitment site was packed with people, countless people gathered here to submit personal information and wait for approval.

Each military factory needs to recruit 100 workers, which means 600 workers are needed this time.

In theory, 600 people are already a lot, but for the recruitment site with thousands of people, 600 places are still not enough.

So most people are desperately squeezing and shoving, just to submit their personal files.

Because they are afraid that these thousands of people will be too excited and trample on each other, the armed police of the Civil Affairs Center have come here to guard.

The armed police of the Civil Affairs Center were actually established with the approval of Cai Wenjie. These armed police are composed of retired soldiers and police. Unlike other staff, these armed police are firm supporters of Cai Wenjie. Although they are not clones, their loyalty is no less than that of clones, and some are even more loyal than clones.

Although the equipment of these armed police is still a little behind that of regular troops, it is also of quasi-first-class level.

The CS/LR17 assault rifles that were previously eliminated by the regular army were equipped on the armed police, and their matching bulletproof vests, stab-proof suits and various equipment were also equipped to them.

It can be said that these armed police were the regular army troops in the early days of the Xinguang gathering place. Even if they are pulled out now and compared with the army in other places, they can easily win.

Moreover, although the armed police force is under the Civil Affairs Center, the Civil Affairs Center has no command power over the armed police force. In other words, the senior officials of the Civil Affairs Center cannot command the armed police to do this or that. They must apply to Cai Wenjie's headquarters to have some mobilization rights.

If the situation is urgent and Cai Wenjie's headquarters cannot be contacted, the Civil Affairs Center can command the armed police force without restrictions. However, there is another point. If the commander of the armed police force feels that the order of the Civil Affairs Center is not suitable for the current situation, then as the commander of the armed police force, he has the right to refuse to execute the order.

With the assistance of the armed police, the crowd maintained a minimum level of order. They lined up in a long queue, and everyone prayed in their hearts, hoping that they would be selected and get a stable job.

This situation continued until the evening of the second day. After layers of screening, all 600 places were filled, and additional canteen kitchen helpers and aunts were recruited. In fact, most of the aunts were young girls.

There is a saying that beauty is delicious. In the case that most workers are men, these girls can better play the power of these four words.

Those one-handed men who want to be reserved in front of girls certainly don’t want to embarrass themselves in front of them, and these girls work in the canteen.

So the question is, how to maintain male reserve in the canteen? The answer is to chew slowly when eating, not to make loud noises, and not to waste food.

In general, they can curb the behavior of wasting food to a certain extent, and it is easy to fill their stomachs when they chew slowly. Under normal circumstances, an adult man may be able to eat eight taels of rice when he eats voraciously. Now he can cut it in half, and it is estimated that four taels per person is enough, which is also a disguised way of saving food.

Well, in fact, the biggest reason is that the person in charge of the canteen is a single dog. As a single-handed dog, what he has to do is to do everything possible to create opportunities to contact women, and recruiting kitchen helpers can create this opportunity, and it will not violate the regulations, so why not do it.

In this way, all factories began to work overtime to produce various necessities, weapons, ammunition, not to mention, various missiles, rockets, incendiary bombs, as long as they can be used, all have been made and stored in the material warehouse.

In addition, the war zone also sent the materials needed to make missiles and bombs. After receiving the materials, the order commissioned by the war zone also started work as soon as possible. It will take another week to complete the rockets required for the order.

There is no way. The order sent by the war zone this time has a thousand rockets alone.

In addition, the number of air-to-ground, ground-to-air, and air-to-air missiles added up to more than 300.

If it was just rockets, it would be easy to say, and the time required would not be very long, but the problem arises with weapons such as missiles. You must know that missiles cannot be made in a moment, but require a lot of processing and calibration, and also need to go through various tests. It is considered good if a military factory can produce one missile a day.

Even if all military factories make missiles, these 300 missiles will take almost a month.

However, with the war imminent, Cai Wenjie cannot let all military factories produce orders from the war zone, so now there are only three military factories that are manufacturing orders from the war zone, and the others are producing weapons and equipment needed for the future war and corresponding ammunition supplies.

During the preparation period, in addition to the factory workers, the hardest-working ones should be the recruits who have just joined the army.

Under Cai Wenjie's order, the training of all recruits doubled directly. In addition to daily physical training, they also need to shoot targets twice a day, and no one has to shoot a hundred times a day.

As the saying goes, sharpshooters are not born, but are fed with bullets. The instructors of the recruit camp believe this, so the way the instructors train the recruits to shoot is to feed them with a lot of bullets.

And from time to time, the recruits are organized to go to the border areas of the autonomous prefecture to fight with those living zombies. After all, only soldiers who see blood are real soldiers. The instructors use the lives of zombies to teach the recruits what killing is.

Under this high-intensity training, the first deserter soon appeared. Yes, the first one who appeared was not a good soldier, but a deserter.

The deserter's name is Xu Yining. He is a strong guy with a height of 178. He is also good-looking and a handsome guy.

Xu Yining did not join the army voluntarily, but was forced to join the army because of the instigation of other friends.

Although he accepted the reality when he entered the barracks and decided to be a good soldier in the future, it would be better to be an officer, so that he could deal with those friends who instigated him to join the army.

But his idea became a fantasy forever, because he was scared when he had close combat with zombies for the first time after joining the army, even though he had a rifle in his hand and could easily kill the zombies in front of him.

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