My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 793 Surrender

Almost half an hour later, Tong Yuan walked out of the bathroom with a comfortable look on her face. Since she didn't have a change of clothes, she could only walk out wrapped in a scarf that was bigger than herself, like a mummy, wrapped tightly. ♦ൠ ♦♦

The first thing she did after coming out was to gently touch the duvet on the bed and feel the unique silky feel of the duvet.

“So comfortable”

While touching the duvet, Tong Yuan's eyes were also fixed on the TV remote control not far away.

She turned to look at the TV hanging on the wall, walked over curiously, took the TV remote control and turned on the TV.

"Hey! There are actually quite a few TV channels now. It's really amazing."

Although it is the end of the world, domestic satellite signals have not been affected much, and many channels are still broadcasting. Although live programs such as reality shows cannot be broadcast, past programs can still be broadcast. Automatic loop playback.

The TV programs Tong Yuan is watching now are the recorded videos of the TV station, but even so, Tong Yuan still thinks they are very interesting.

She hadn't watched any TV shows or movies since her parents put her in the bomb shelter, so she was pleasantly surprised when she saw the show on TV.

Tong Yuan, who was attracted by the TV show, immediately took out an unopened can of fruit from her backpack. After opening the can with a tool, Tong Yuan jumped on the bed and ate the canned fruit. While watching the animated movie on TV, Tong Yuan felt that there should be nothing happier than this in the world.

On the other side, Tian Yi, who returned to his unit, was reporting to his superiors.

"Reporting to the platoon leader, I can basically confirm that Tong Yuan's father is pretended to be Xu Yining. Although his mask is really lifelike, it still cannot hide his inner timidity. From the beginning of the meeting to the end, Saying goodbye, he never once looked me in the eye, and kept deliberately dodging. At the same time, during the physical examination, I also discovered that there were calluses that had just grown on his hands. They must have been left after the recruit training. of"

"Now that his identity has been confirmed, why don't you arrest him?"

"...I, I don't know, I don't want to arrest anyone in front of Tong Yuan...she will be sad...she is my sister, and I don't want to make him sad."

"What on earth are you talking about! You and I are both clones! How can we have a sister! Also! Who is Tong Yuan?"

"Report to the platoon leader, Tong Yuan is the little girl next to Xu Yining, she is my sister now..."

"You stupid head! Get out! Give me three days of confinement. I will report this matter to the chief. The chief will handle this matter personally. No matter what the result is, you must remember! We are The leader’s spear and shield, no matter what happens, we must obey the leader’s orders!”




After Tian Yi left, the platoon leader reported everything that had just happened.

After Cai Wenjie heard the cause and effect, he also fell into deep thought. Regarding Xu Yining, a deserter, Cai Wenjie couldn't make up his mind for a while. If the deserter was caught under normal circumstances, then there would be no problem in killing or beheading him.

But now, this matter has become complicated because of his clone soldiers.

From the beginning, Cai Wenjie knew that replicants were not just dolls that only obeyed orders. They had their own thoughts and personalities, and were only slightly slower than natural people. In other respects, they were no different from ordinary natural people.

Especially on the issue of relationships, Cai Wenjie's idea is to encourage emotional communication between replicants and ordinary natural people. Even if it is not love, there is no problem.

Regarding this incident, his clone soldier Tian Yi chose not to reveal Xu Yining's true identity immediately because he had just recognized a younger sister. Instead, he reported it to his superiors after returning to his unit.

Although this is against military regulations, it also means that Tian Yi already has the same feelings as ordinary people.

Cai Wenjie didn't want this hard-earned relationship to be broken off by him so forcefully, so...

"Well, now Xu Yining's identity has become Tong Yi, hasn't he? Then let him truly become Tong Yi, clear all the previously recorded identity information of Xu Yining, and only register the current information, as long as he does not take the initiative to come out Admit it, you don’t need to worry about him, just leave it at that.”


"However, we can't just let the deserter matter go. Tomorrow we will transfer him to the hardest position and let him sober up."


Now the most difficult job in the entire Xinguang gathering place is the canteen. Every time it is meal time, the canteen is blocked and there are too many people who cannot eat.

Most people in Xinguang Gathering Place live alone in a room. Even if there is a kitchen in the room, they are too lazy to cook, so most people basically go back to the canteen and spend some points to eat in.

Because of this, it is not an exaggeration to say that the current canteen is a sea of ​​people. The arms of the aunties who are cooking are almost turning into hot wheels, so they can barely keep up with the speed of people cooking.

The kitchen is even busier. No matter how many meals they prepare, they can't withstand such a meal, so the kitchen still keeps cooking and doesn't dare to stop.

So, Cai Wenjie decided to assign Xu Yining, no! It should be Tong Yi, to work in the cafeteria as a kitchen helper.

Just when Cai Wenjie was thinking about whether there was any more tiring work, someone knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the office was pushed open, and Cai Wenjie's secretary Song Yi and Xu Yining, who Cai Wenjie was still thinking about how to punish, came into view.

Now Xu Yining did not wear Tong Yi's human skin mask, but appeared in front of Cai Wenjie with his real appearance.

Seeing Xu Yining's sudden appearance, Cai Wenjie turned his head and looked at Song Yi to ask him to explain what was going on.

After seeing Cai Wenjie's inquiring eyes, Song Yi spoke directly.

"Report to the chief, he voluntarily surrendered to me. He said that he was sorry for your cultivation, so he wanted to express his guilt to you in person, so I brought him here"

After hearing Song Yi's explanation, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but feel confused.

"You said you wanted to express your guilt?"

"Yes, Chief, I know it was stupid of me to do this, but I really realized my mistake. From now on, whether I am killed or cut, it is all my own fault. But there is one thing I must make clear before I die."

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