My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 794 Changes in the infected body

"I was a deserter because I was afraid, not because of betrayal. I'm done."

Is there any difference...?

Although Cai Wenjie wanted to complain, he nodded after thinking about it, seeing the serious look on the other side.

But this would not change his fate, he still had to do forced labor.

After Cai Wenjie waved his hand and asked someone to take him away, he didn't say much. He was very busy now. He had to pay attention to the military situation sent back by the front-line troops and make corresponding adjustments.

After nearly half a month of continuous bombing, the number of infected bodies in the entire JL province has dropped rapidly.

In the past half month, the coalition forces have basically eliminated about 15% of the infected bodies in the JL province, and this number is increasing with the passage of time.

But the only thing to be correct is that the materials in the warehouse are being consumed at a very fast rate, and the production of the Xinguang gathering place can only barely offset the same.

However, if the intensity of the battle increases again, it is estimated that the materials produced will not be able to offset the speed of consumption.

However, it doesn't matter. Cai Wenjie can use points to exchange for supplies at critical moments. As long as the gap is not too big, he can basically supply them. At least it won't be a big problem to hold on for three months.


After a month, Cai Wenjie was sitting in his office looking at the latest combat data.

"I really didn't expect that there are so many infected nests in our LJ province, some of which are even hidden in the deep mountains and forests. It seems that this group of infected bodies are becoming more and more cunning..."

With the continuous bombing of the unmanned bomber, more and more infected bodies actually gave up the city and ran into the deep forest.

As more and more infected bodies moved to the deep forest, multiple infected nests appeared in the deep forest. A large number of infected bodies gathered together to form one infected nest after another.

Originally, such infected nests are good bombing targets for unmanned bombers, but the problem is that these nests are located in the deep mountains and forests, and are very hidden. The location of the nests cannot be found by the reconnaissance of unmanned bombers alone.

The bombing mission of the unmanned bomber was once stagnant. In order to change this situation, Cai Wenjie even sent a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to assist the unmanned bomber in the search for the enemy, but the effect was limited.

The dense forest is not very friendly to the signal of the drone. The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has no way to go deep into the dense forest, which in turn leads to the fact that the search for the enemy cannot be carried out at all.

"Alas, it seems that this is the only way."

Since conventional reconnaissance is not very effective, the strategy can only be changed. ♝♦  ♦♦

The next day, one after another unmanned bombers began to take off urgently and rushed to the infected nest that had just been identified. Unlike in the past, the bombs carried by the unmanned bomber group this time were not ordinary bombs, but incendiary bombs that could cause large areas of ground to burn.

Since there is no way to accurately bomb the infected nest, the only way is to use incendiary bombs to burn all the infected nests and dense forests.

"Has arrived at the designated location and started to drop incendiary bombs"


One incendiary bomb after another was thrown down by the unmanned bomber and smashed into the deep forest.

With loud noises, incendiary bombs exploded in mid-air, and the flames that burst out in mid-air fell to the ground like a fairy blooming.

Almost in an instant, a large number of trees were ignited by these flames, and a sea of ​​fire quickly formed in the dense forest.

The infected nests hidden under the dense forest had no way to resist this sea of ​​fire. The infected bodies in the nests struggled to survive and got out of the nests and began to flee in panic.

However, even if they escaped from the nests, it would be useless, because the dense forests have now completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Those infected bodies that ran out of the nests, facing the sea of ​​fire that was still expanding, had only one end, that is, they were burned to charcoal, and there was even a possibility that there would be no charcoal left.

In the end, the unmanned bomber relied on this method to set fire to the mountains on a large scale, burning one infected nest after another into ashes, and the zombies hiding in the dense forests were wiped out in one fell swoop, leaving no one alive.

A month has passed, and basically, any infected body that dares to gather together cannot escape the fate of being bombed. Only those infected bodies that do not gather together and walk alone can be preserved.

However, the fate of these infected bodies has come to an end, because from now on, the final finishing work has officially begun.

The coalition led by the Xinguang gathering place officially carried out the final cleanup of the remaining infected bodies.

In addition to the guard troops that protect the Xinguang gathering place, all other troops are dispatched to encircle and suppress the remaining infected bodies.

The city that human troops did not dare to enter at will before has long been turned into ruins after two months of bombing, and the number of zombies inside the city has been reduced by more than 99%.

There are only less than a thousand zombies left in the entire city, and these thousands of zombies are distributed in various corners of the city, and they can't make a difference at all, so human warriors can rush into the city unscrupulously to hunt these lone zombies.

However, for safety reasons, Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place troops are mainly responsible for sweeping the city, and other troops with less strength are responsible for sweeping towns and villages.

Under this arrangement, the speed of the army's sweep was not very slow. Basically, one city, three towns, and a dozen or several villages could be swept in one day.

At this speed, in less than half a month, most cities, towns, and villages in the entire JL province were almost cleared. Now all they had to do was to clear the infected bodies in the wild.

However, the wild cleanup, which was originally thought to be the simplest, has now become extremely difficult.

The reason is also very simple, that is, these infected bodies in the wild are too good at hiding. Perhaps it is because of the continuous bombing and hunting in the past few months that these bloodthirsty infected bodies will scatter as soon as they hear some loud noises.

Even if there is fresh flesh and blood in front of them, the fear of death has already overcome the bloodthirsty desire.

These infected bodies have encountered some lone warriors several times. If it were in the past, these infected bodies would rush up and attack the lone warrior regardless of the situation.

But now, even if the infected bodies have the advantage in numbers, as long as they see the guns in the soldiers' hands, they will not dare to attack the soldiers no matter what, and sometimes they will even turn around and run away.

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