My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 795 Patrol Team

When the infected bodies become very sensitive and afraid of humans, the cleanup operation will naturally come to a standstill. Google search reading

Fortunately, at this time, all the cities, towns, and villages have been cleaned up, otherwise Cai Wenjie will break his promise.


Soon, three months passed. Although the infected bodies in the wild have not been completely cleaned up, all the cities, towns, and villages in the entire JL province have been cleaned up, and no infected body is left.

Cai Wenjie successfully achieved his goal. Within three months, he cleared out most of the zombies in the entire JL province. The remaining infected bodies hiding in the wilderness are no longer a big deal. JL Province has officially become one of the safest areas in the country.

However, although JL Province can be called a safe area, necessary vigilance is still indispensable. After all, there are still a small number of infected bodies in these places in the wild. If these infected bodies are not cleaned up, there is no way to relax vigilance.

But compared with other areas, it is already okay. At least in the current JL Province, people can relax their vigilance a little in the wild.

After Cai Wenjie resolved the zombie crisis in JL Province within three months, he was commended by the higher authorities without any surprise.

Not only the chief of the Northern Theater, but even the central authorities sent congratulations. In addition to commending Cai Wenjie for his achievements, the central authorities also squeezed out time to have a long-distance video call with Cai Wenjie.

Facing so many big leaders and chiefs for the first time, even if Cai Wenjie wanted to maintain a humble attitude, he simply couldn't keep his mind. He could only show a stiff smile and try to stay calm while answering the questions of these big men and chiefs.

After almost half an hour, Cai Wenjie finally cut off the call. He breathed a long sigh of relief, and his expression was no longer stiff.

To be honest, Cai Wenjie would rather fight a dozen mutant zombies than talk to these big men, even if the chiefs were very kind and didn't deliberately make things difficult for him.

However, Cai Wenjie's suffering did not end, because after seeing Cai Wenjie successfully recover JL Province, the big men above all said that they would send their own learning teams to learn from Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie didn't dare to refuse, so the matter was settled.

In order not to add burden to Cai Wenjie, the number of people in each learning team cannot exceed ten, and each team can't stay in the Xinguang gathering place for more than one month. After one month, no matter what they learned or what they didn't gain, they must go back. ♙♕  ♦♦

As for the arrival date of these teams, Cai Wenjie also discussed with the big guys and decided to set it on the first of next month. The other leaders had no objection to this, so the matter was settled.

Cai Wenjie didn't feel troubled by the team coming here for internship next month. After so long, the current Xinguang gathering place has been reborn. The unique buildings of the system are hidden underground, and there are no eye-catching system buildings on the surface.

The system buildings can be hidden underground, thanks to the tombs excavated before. The space of the tombs is enough to move all the system buildings underground. Even if all the system buildings are moved underground, it will not appear too narrow. It can be seen how big this tomb is.

Moreover, there are heavy troops guarding here. Without Cai Wenjie's order, no one can enter the underground tomb, not even the internship team.

The current Xinguang gathering place has become a new city. Although it is not as prosperous as before the end of the world, it is okay.

Restaurants, supermarkets, and various shops can be seen everywhere, neatly arranged in the streets, and people's laughter and joy have been echoing in the streets and alleys.

Although I dare not guarantee it, the Xinguang gathering place is definitely the safest and most comfortable gathering place in the country.

Since the entire JL province was taken down, the troops originally stationed near the autonomous prefecture have all been transferred to the border of JL province to prevent the infection bodies from other regions from invading JL province.

Of course, the troops of the Xinguang gathering place alone cannot control the border of the entire JL province, so other official gathering places have also dispatched a certain number of people to assist the Xinguang gathering place in defense.

Especially those official gathering places that refused to unite at the beginning, they were very active in this matter, and they rushed to do all the dirty work.

As for why these people are so active, it is mainly because they are afraid that Cai Wenjie will report them to the higher authorities. They were so determined to reject Cai Wenjie at the beginning that they are now working hard.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie is not very dissatisfied with these official gathering places. Although they did not join their coalition forces with Tongyu at that time, they still sent some supplies and materials. Although Cai Wenjie is not short of these things, it is the other party's intention after all, so he accepted these supplies.

In this case, Cai Wenjie naturally has no reason to hate or be dissatisfied with them.

In addition, since the infected bodies in various cities in JL Province have been cleared, various official gathering places have also sent a large number of human resources to repair cities or towns.

However, some places have been bombed into ruins by unmanned bombers, and there is no need to repair them. In this case, people will not spend effort in the ruins. They will search for useful materials in the ruins and send them to the rear base, and then use these materials to focus on repairing those towns that can be repaired.

Unlike Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place, other official gathering places have no way to transform the gathering places into cities from the beginning. They can only requisition cities or towns in other places to build new towns.

Moreover, during this period, the sweep of the wild has not ended. Every day, there will be armed patrols patrolling in the wild. While eliminating those who slipped through the net, ensure the safety of the vicinity. This is the task of the patrol team.

"These infected bodies are cunning enough to escape in this situation. They are reincarnated weasels, right?"

"That's right. These guys actually know the power of guns. They run away as soon as they see us with guns. They are no different from humans."

"Okay, stop talking. Go check if our traps have any results."


Because ordinary means cannot have an effect on these infected bodies in the wild, the patrol team members can only set traps everywhere, such as using some fresh flesh and blood to set a minefield, or directly set up booby traps. As long as they dare to get close, they will definitely turn the infected bodies into pieces.

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