My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 796 Patrol Team 2

The patrol team's trap did attract some hungry infected bodies. ♦♕  ♦ඏ

However, none of the infected bodies that survived until now were simple. Although these infected bodies were attracted by the patrol team's flesh and blood trap, they did not mindlessly approach the flesh and blood bait.

Instead, they carefully observed the surrounding situation, especially the ground and the nearby trees. They were very experienced in this, because they almost fell into this trap several times, so they became more cautious.

However, the traps set by the patrol team were very perfect, and even the most vigilant infected bodies did not find any problems.

Because the patrol team had failed several times, they had regarded these infected bodies as real enemies, enemies with outstanding anti-reconnaissance capabilities, so they were very careful when setting traps. Unless they were engaged in this aspect, no one could see any problems.

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If you just observe with your naked eyes, you can't see anything wrong here. Even if the army comes, they must use various detectors to find the mines buried underground.

Obviously, the infected bodies can't have this kind of technology, so when these infected bodies look left and right and don't find anything wrong, they can no longer suppress the hunger coming from their bodies and rush straight towards the fresh meat.


With a faint sound, an anti-infantry mine buried deep underground was stepped on by the infected body, directly triggering the mine's safety device.


With a loud bang, the right foot that stepped on the mine was blown to pieces, and the body was knocked away by the huge impact force. Coincidentally, there was another anti-infantry mine buried where the infected body fell...


This time, the infected body was completely defeated. A big hole was blown out of the chest by the mine, and the remaining limbs were flying everywhere. The scene was a mess. The cunning infected body could not resist the human trap after all and was blown to pieces.

The huge explosion also attracted the patrol team that was heading to the trap. After exchanging glances, the team members immediately ran towards the direction of the trap.

When the fully armed patrol team members arrived at the trap they set, they only found corpses all over the ground and two large pits.

"Fuck, what an unexpected harvest!"

"Yeah, it seems we are going to be famous in the team"

"Look at what you two have accomplished, come and clean up, and then install new mines"


Under the pressure from the captain, the two team members immediately stood up and answered loudly "Yes!", then took out new mines from the armored vehicle and buried them near the pit.

Because all the mines in this area were buried by them, they didn't need to worry about stepping on the mines they buried, after all, they knew it in their hearts.

Soon, the mines were buried again, and the infected body that was blown into countless pieces of meat was also collected by them. They dug a pit and threw it in, and then burned it clean.

After doing all this, the patrol team members returned to the armored vehicle with shovels and weapons, talking and laughing, and then drove away from here.

Not long after the patrol team left here, several sneaky figures appeared near the original trap. These figures were none other than the infected bodies.

These infected bodies were actually hiding nearby when the patrol team members were laying mines, but these infected bodies, like other infected bodies, did not dare to provoke the patrol team members who were carrying various guns on their bodies.

Therefore, no matter how much the patrol team members relaxed their vigilance, they did not choose to sneak attack, but silently locked their bodies and hid their bodies as much as possible, just for fear of being discovered.

Only after the patrol team disappeared from their sight did these infected bodies dare to come out.

They surrounded the charred corpses, with fear and fear in their eyes.

A few minutes later, these infected bodies walked to the place where the patrol team members had buried the mines just now.

After looking at each other, these infected bodies knelt directly half a meter away from the mines and began to dig at the ground with their hands.

The mines were not buried very deep, only about 30 centimeters, so these infected bodies quickly dug up part of the mine body.

After the infected body dug out a part of the mine, they retreated several meters in fear. According to their current thinking ability, they could clearly distinguish that this was the weapon buried by those people just now.

According to the fear of those weapons, these infected bodies naturally felt unprecedented fear and other emotions about mines, even if this thing has not yet exerted its original power.

Other infected bodies, after discovering that their own kind really dug out a mine, also retreated a few steps in fear.

Until ten minutes later, nothing else happened, which made these infected bodies regain some courage.

These infected bodies, bravely approached the mine slowly, wanting to see what this weapon that could send them to hell at any time looked like.

At the same time

The patrol team that should have left the area stopped one kilometer away from the trap. The members of the patrol team were gathering together to watch the real-time transmission on the screen carefully.

"Sure enough, these infected bodies are cunning. They can see an unactivated mine for more than ten minutes."

"I have to say that these infected bodies are getting smarter and smarter. They can recognize equipment such as mines and know how to hide in the woods. If we let them go, it will be terrible. We must eliminate them now."

"Yes, now the zombies will use anti-reconnaissance. If one day someone tells me that zombies are carrying AKs and shooting at us, I will not be surprised. These guys are not simple."

"Unfortunately, no matter how smart the infected bodies are, they can't beat humans. They are tens of thousands of years ahead of humans in playing tricks."

It turned out that the patrol team had long known that there would definitely be infected bodies watching them in secret near the trap, but at that time, although the team members knew that there were infected bodies nearby, they had no way to accurately find these infected bodies, so they could only use a little trick to pretend that they didn't find them, and then buried mines on their own and left.

During this period, the team members deliberately put away their guns in an attempt to lure out the infected bodies, and then laughed and talked with the team members around them for several minutes, but still failed to lure out these timid infected bodies.

The team members had no choice but to temporarily leave the vicinity of the trap and create the illusion that they had left, in order to make the infected bodies come out from the dark.

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