My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 797 Mutated Black Bear

Sure enough, when the patrol team left the trap, the infected bodies hidden in the dark came out by themselves.

The patrol team's armored vehicles were equipped with monitoring equipment, which could monitor the ground in real time through military satellites. This is the main reason why the patrol team can monitor the infected bodies one kilometer away.

"It's almost time, we should go back, Xunyang! Contact the air command center and ask them to send an unmanned bomber to cover the coordinates."

"Yes! I'll contact you right away."

One minute later, an unmanned bomber loaded with four 250kg bombs took off from the nearest airport runway and rushed straight to the coordinates.

The infected bodies in the trap didn't know what was about to happen. They still surrounded the half-excavated mines and stared at the mines vigilantly, motionless.

Until... the unmanned bomber appeared above them.

At an altitude of several hundred meters, the unmanned bomber directly locked onto the target on the ground, and then dropped four bombs without hesitation.

When the infected bodies found that there were four bombs falling on their heads in the sky, they had already missed the best chance to escape. Before these infected bodies turned around to escape, four bombs hit their surroundings one by one and exploded.

The explosion of the bombs had a chain reaction with the mines in the mine array, and the result was that all the mines nearby were directly detonated.

In a series of explosions, these infected bodies had no chance of survival, and their fate was even worse than the first infected body that triggered two mines.

In the violent explosion, their bodies were torn into thousands of pieces, and then these fragments turned directly into ashes under the influence of the high temperature generated by the explosion.

The patrol members who had been observing the trap with military satellites cheered happily when they saw this scene transmitted from the screen.

Although there were not many infected bodies, according to past experience, no matter how large a range they patrolled in a day, they could not find any trace of an infected body. Now, six infected bodies were directly killed in the explosion. How could they not be happy?

Although it took nearly 1,500 kilograms of explosives to kill the six infected bodies, it was worth it. Maybe they could even get a commendation when they return.

Just as the patrol team members were sitting in the car and excitedly discussing what treatment they would get after returning, a huge shadow was approaching the patrol team quickly.

"Stop making noise! ​​Something is approaching us!"

The patrol team leader immediately discovered the abnormality, and then controlled the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle to fire a series of shots at the shadow.

I saw a black bear that was about five meters tall and weighed three tons, that is, a mutant black bear, rushing out of the woods and rushing straight towards the armored vehicle.

The heavy machine gun mounted on the armored vehicle did not have a great impact on the mutant black bear and could not stop its charge.

The mutant black bear rushed over with the heavy machine gun shooting, and used the impact of the charge to directly hit the armored vehicle, almost overturning the entire armored vehicle to the ground. Fortunately, the weight of the armored vehicle was much heavier than the mutant black bear, otherwise it might really overturn.

"Fuck! Where did this black bear come from?"

"Don't worry about where this thing came from, start the armored vehicle quickly! Let's go!"

"Right away!"

The driver immediately pressed the vehicle start button, and with a roar, the engine started successfully.

"Hold on tight!"

With the driver's shout, the armored vehicle rushed out quickly like a wild horse.

The military quality is trustworthy. If it were an ordinary vehicle, it would definitely have some problems if it was hit like the one just now, but this is a military vehicle. It directly beats ordinary vehicles in terms of protection ability. Even if it is hit like the one just now, there will be no problem, just that the side that was hit is slightly deformed.

When the armored vehicle rushed out, the mutant black bear did not watch the armored vehicle leave honestly, but picked up the boulder next to it and threw it at the armored vehicle.

This boulder weighs at least hundreds of kilograms, but it was thrown out by the mutant black bear like a small stone, which shows how powerful this guy is.

The boulder thrown by the black bear drew a graceful arc and hit the roof of the armored vehicle directly. The huge force directly bent the barrel of the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle, making it impossible to use the heavy machine gun normally.

"Fuck! My heavy machine gun! Huo Yan! Take out the rocket launcher in the back! Blow that bastard to death for me!"


In order to avenge his beloved car, the patrol team leader Luo Yan immediately asked his team members to take out the rocket launcher in the trunk and shoot the mutant black bear.

Soon, Huo Yan, a member of the patrol team, took out a 08-type rocket launcher from the trunk, and then climbed onto the roof of the armored vehicle with the rocket launcher. After a short aiming, Huo Yan decisively pulled the trigger.

The activated rocket was immediately fired from the inside of the rocket launcher and flew straight towards the mutant black bear.

After a short flight, the rocket accurately hit the mutant black bear that was still standing in place, and directly blew the mutant black bear away.


"One more time! The mutants are too strong to be killed by just one rocket launcher! Keep going!"


Soon, Huo Yan took the rocket launcher handed over by his teammates and once again aimed at the place where the black bear was just now and fired.

In order to improve the hit rate, their armored vehicles even stopped in place and did not move.

Once again, after a short flight, the rocket accurately hit the mutated black bear who was about to get up, and once again blew him away.

At this time, the mutated black bear was completely unable to stand up. Although the first rocket was able to resist with its own physical strength, it only blew up its right forelimb, while the second rocket was directly blown up. The mutated black bear completely lost its balance on its hind legs and could no longer stand up.

"How's it going? Have you killed it?"

"Report! No!"

"If that's the case, let's do it again! Completely destroy that mutated black bear for me."


Following the captain's order, the third rocket was fired again.

With the violent explosion, a hole was opened in the head of the mutated black bear, and it could no longer die.

"The captain is dead! No, I mean the black bear is dead!"

Huo Yan, who almost lost his temper, immediately changed his tune and told the captain about the mutated black bear before he got angry.

"Dead? Do it again just in case!"

"Uh, yes!"

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