My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 799 Air Support

The leader of this zombie group gathered a large number of mutant zombies to work for him by drawing a pie in the sky.

If it were a normal person, he would probably see through this pie at a glance. It was really fake, but the mutant zombies did not have this level of insight, so all the mutant zombies who had communicated with this leader joined his zombie group without exception, and drove a large number of ordinary zombies on the road without complaint.

Under its control, the number of zombies has grown from a few misshapen ones at the beginning to a super zombie group with tens of thousands of infected bodies.

As the number of zombies increased, the ambition of this zombie, which had undergone three mutations, grew wildly like weeds. It was no longer satisfied with ordinary human settlements.

Its next target is a small official settlement with a certain degree of protection.

Although the scale of a small official settlement is not much larger than those human settlements, even the smallest official settlements are stationed with official troops, which is also the biggest difference between official settlements and ordinary civilian human settlements.

Now, this zombie group has set its sights on a small official gathering place, which shows how big its ambition has become.

However, while they wanted to attack the official gathering place, the surrounding human settlements and official gathering places also found something wrong.

Although there is no intersection between human settlements and official gathering places, daily communication with each other is essential, not only to report safety to each other, but also to quickly transmit information when something happens.

When each human settlement was breached, the person in charge of the settlement sent a distress signal to other settlements and gathering places around it. Unfortunately, they were breached by the zombie group not long after sending the distress signal, and they could not wait for the corresponding rescue.

Although other settlements received the distress signal, they were limited in strength and could not send out rescue teams, so they could only pretend not to know. Unexpectedly, they also fell into the same situation. This can only be said to be a good turn of events.

As for the surrounding official gathering places, although the rescue team was sent over, when the rescue team arrived at the target location, no survivors were seen at all, so they could only return empty-handed.

And at that time, the zombies deliberately avoided the rescue team or other humans with lethal weapons, so the rescue team and the zombies staggered their routes perfectly, and no one noticed each other.

This is also the main reason why the zombies can grow step by step to its current size.

However, with the large-scale fall of nearby human settlements and the constant distress signals ringing every day, the official gathering place in charge of the surrounding area also noticed something wrong. ♦♦  ♦♦

The person in charge of the official gathering place is not a fool. The moment he confirmed that something was wrong, he contacted his superiors through Likelai and applied for the right to use military satellites.

The right to use the satellite was quickly approved. When the person in charge used the military satellite to carefully observe the surrounding areas, he soon discovered the zombies that were heading towards his gathering place.

"This! This! Where did these zombies come from!"

In addition to being horrified, the person in charge of the official gathering place couldn't help but ask such a question, but it was obvious that no one would answer his question.

It has to be said that no one who can become the person in charge of an official gathering place is a waste. After a brief shock and horror, the person in charge quickly calmed down.

Then, the person in charge of the official gathering place immediately issued a series of emergency orders.

"Use the radio to notify all the teams that are out to return to the gathering place, let the elderly, the weak, women and children hide in the underground air-raid shelter, summon all the young and strong men in the gathering place to immediately reinforce the city wall on the spot, open the weapons and ammunition depots and send the supplies inside to the vicinity of the wall, and the troops immediately go up the wall to start alert..."

After the person in charge of the official gathering place issued a series of orders, he did not sit idle, but contacted his superiors again, reported all the newly discovered conditions and the speculation that he would be attacked by the zombies, and then applied for armed support.

"I understand your situation. We are verifying it. If the situation is true, we will immediately send an air support team to support your unit."

"I understand. Please send support as soon as possible. Please."


"Sorry for the long wait. After our investigation, we have confirmed that a large group of zombies with a number of more than 10,000 are attacking you. Please rest assured that our air support has been launched and is expected to arrive in your area in ten minutes. Due to limited fuel, we will bomb the zombies in advance to ensure that the size of the zombies is reduced by half. The remaining zombies can only be dealt with by you. Is it clear?"

"Clear! Thank you for the support. We will survive successfully. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After hanging up the communication, the person in charge of the official gathering place used the military satellite again to observe the situation of the zombies.

According to the pictures transmitted by the satellite image, the zombies are less than ten kilometers away from them. According to the current movement speed of the zombies, they will appear in their field of vision in about an hour.

"We can't just sit there and wait for death. Inform Captain Xu and have him take the engineers to set up various traps on the zombies' path and use all the mines in the ammunition depot! Now is not the time to feel sorry for the ammunition!"


Just as this official gathering place was preparing for battle because of the approach of the zombies, three H-20 bombers took off from the military camp airport and arrived at the upper entrance of the target point under the escort of two J-20 fighters.

"Report to the headquarters, three of our bombers have arrived at the designated airspace and found the target unit on the ground. Do you want to start bombing?"

"The headquarters has received it. Please start the combat mission"


After obtaining permission from the headquarters, the three bombers began to descend in a triangular formation until they were only two hundred meters above the ground. The three H-20s opened the bombing ports under the belly of the fuselage almost at the same time, and then bombs were dropped one after another by the H-20.

The leader of the zombies on the ground also raised his head and looked at the sky. When he found that three huge mechanical monsters were flying in the sky, he immediately felt panic and fear.

He had seen this kind of mechanical monster in other places before, and he also knew how terrible this kind of mechanical monster was.

In its mind, as long as this kind of monster appeared in the sky, its fellow creatures in these mechanical monsters would die inexplicably, and their bodies would be torn apart.

At that time, it was still an ordinary mutant zombie. It had no other thoughts in its mind, just one word: run! The faster the better.

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