My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 800 Transfer

From then on, he had a psychological shadow on this kind of mechanical monster flying in the sky. As long as he saw this kind of mechanical monster in the sky, he would turn around and run away without hesitation. →

Even now, when it saw the bomber appearing in the sky, it turned around and chose to run away without saying a word.

The other mutant infected bodies were confused when they found that their boss turned around and ran away, but soon, this confusion turned into boundless fear.

Because the bombs dropped by the bomber had fallen and hit the center of the zombie group.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Each bomb that fell exploded when it hit the ground, and each explosion could take away dozens or even dozens of infected bodies.

If the zombies are standing very densely, there may even be a scene where a bomb takes away hundreds of zombies.

The mutant zombies standing in the back to drive the zombies forward saw this scene, and decisively abandoned the zombie group and turned to follow their boss in the direction they ran.

As for those ordinary infected bodies, they can only rely on their luck. If they can survive this coverage bombing, they will probably be organized by mutant zombies again. If they are unfortunately killed, they can only be used as fertilizer by nature.

The three H-20s carried a total of 90 tons of bombs. After all the 90 tons of bombs were dropped by the H-20s, the number of zombies on the ground has been sharply reduced to one-third of the original.

Almost 6,000 ordinary zombies were blown to pieces by the coverage unit bombing. As for the mutant zombies and their boss, they did not die in this bombing because they ran away in advance.

"Bombing is completed, start to return"


After completing the bombing, the three bombers immediately chose to return, leaving only a field of wreckage.

And the zombie leader who chose to run away, after seeing the bomber leave, took the rest of the mutant zombies back to the original place, and then again commanded the mutant zombies to gather the remaining zombies.

However, the zombie leader, who once again gathered a certain scale of zombies, did not choose to continue attacking the official gathering place, but turned the car around and slowly evacuated the area.

The bombing just now not only wiped out two-thirds of his troops, but also extinguished his ambition that had just been ignited. Facing a team of less than 3,000 infected bodies, this leader who had undergone three mutations was directly scared.

It now dared not attack the official gathering place, no matter how small the gathering place was.

What it had to do now was to lead the zombies away from this place of trouble, and then continue to hunt human strongholds, gradually expand its own team, and come to attack the city after it recovered to its original size.

As the old saying goes, a man who knows the times is a hero, and the current zombie leader has already understood this sentence.

If it were an ordinary zombie leader, he would still attack the official gathering place no matter how damaged it was, but it knew that it could not break through the official gathering place with this little force. Recognizing this truth, it would not hesitate to give up attacking the official gathering place and instead escape into the jungle to gather new forces again.

No one expected that a catastrophe would disappear just like that.

The first person to discover the change of direction of the zombies was naturally the person in charge of this official gathering place, because he was now staring at the zombies and naturally discovered that the zombies turned around and left.

The incredulous person in charge finally accepted the reality after more than half an hour of observation.

The departure of the zombies was naturally the best result for a small gathering place like theirs. The person in charge of the small official gathering place immediately notified everyone in the gathering place of the good news.

And with a big wave of his hand, he asked the chefs in the cafeteria to be more generous and slaughter a 300-kilogram white pig for everyone in the gathering place.

A few days later, the leader of the zombie group that had mutated three times had gathered 10,000 infected people again, and the size of the zombie group was successfully restored to what it was three days ago.

In the past few days, while they broke through the human strongholds they encountered, they also attracted new mutant zombies. Now the number of mutant zombies alone has exceeded 200, becoming a combat force that no one dares to underestimate.

However, for some reason, they are no longer in the original area, but somewhere hundreds of kilometers away, and have completely lost their way.

Even if the leader of the zombie group is a triple-mutated infected body, he cannot identify the direction and can only lead his zombie group to rush around until...

A company-level force is now stationed at a checkpoint on a highway in the southwest of JL Province.

And the checkpoint, which was originally abandoned for more than half a year, has directly become a military fortress. A wall was built with concrete walls and sandbags to surround the checkpoint. In simple terms, these things are used to cut off the highway.

"Oh, it's so hot. If it goes on like this, I will definitely be suffocated. I really want to drink a sip of iced cola"

"Shut up! If you didn't play rock-paper-scissors and only got a stone, which caused us to lose ten games in a row, we wouldn't be standing guard here now. It's all your fault"

Seeing the culprit who has become like this now, the comrades next to him were so angry that they scolded him fiercely.

Originally, guard duty was rotated, but now it is summer, when the weather is the hottest. In this case, choosing the shift is the most important. For example, the first and second shifts are 6-9 and 9-12, and the third shift is 12-3, and this shift happens to be the hottest time. No one wants to stand on the third shift, so the absolute order of rock-paper-scissors results.

The result... unfortunately, they were elected, and they were elected on the third shift in a way that they were completely eliminated after guessing ten times with others.

The culprit was the man who said sarcastic words. He actually thought that a man should play stone, and then he only played stone when playing rock-paper-scissors. Even if his comrades used force to persuade him, he couldn't change his mind.

He felt that he was a real man, and his comrades showed him what a real man's iron fist of justice was.

After being beaten up, he didn't say anything. He honestly came to his post and stood guard with his comrades.

Because the weather was too hot, he accidentally said a few words, and his comrades found an opportunity to scold him severely, and relieved his fatigue.

But at this moment, the two of them discovered that a group of black shadows were approaching here at a leisurely speed at the end of their sight.

The two who found the abnormality immediately stopped playing and began to observe with binoculars.

"This is... zombies!"

"It's a group of zombies! The scale is huge! At least more than a thousand! Quick! Sound the alarm!"

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