My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 80: Sad Memories

But this time the deputy platoon leader hesitated. ☞ ♦ ♦♦

Because the people in the room this time were a woman in her thirties and two children. One child looked less than two years old, and the other looked only five years old.

The previous room was full of adults, and the deputy platoon leader could pull the trigger without hesitation, but this time he couldn't do it. The MK23 pistol with a silencer was aimed at the three people who were lying down and sleeping peacefully. Couldn't pull the trigger.

Looking around, you can see that there is a family portrait hanging on the wall, which contains photos of a family of four. It is obviously this family, but next to it there is a black and white photo of the man in the family portrait, which means that the woman in front of him is a A single mother is now raising two children alone, and the child's father has passed away.

The soldiers following him noticed that the deputy platoon leader had not taken action yet. Knowing that the deputy platoon leader was interested in Silhouette, it was not difficult to understand. The deputy platoon leader was also a father before, but his wife died in childbirth. Although In the end, she tried her best to give birth to a pair of twins, but she still passed away, and not long after, the twins also failed to survive.

At that time, the deputy platoon leader was still a young soldier who had just joined the army. He was assigned to the border area and had no information. He only had the old wired phone, so he had no idea about the death of his wife and children.

He only knew that his wife was about to give birth to a baby, and it was a twin. He submitted a request for leave early to visit his wife and children, but a phone call directly shattered his hopes and pushed him directly. Endless abyss.

On the other side of the phone was his mother-in-law. She cried and told him about the death notice issued by the hospital.

At first, the deputy platoon leader did not believe it, thinking that the mother-in-law was joking, and said seriously that the joke was not funny, but the mother-in-law kept crying, and the deputy platoon leader gradually realized that this might not be a joke. He began to panic and began to beg his mother-in-law. explain

"Mom! Are you kidding, right? Xiaoxin is okay, right? Xiaoxin is with you, right! Tell me you are joking! I beg you, tell me you are joking!!"

In the end, the deputy platoon leader couldn't even control his emotions and shouted loudly. The deputy platoon leader's shouts startled the surrounding soldiers and started to surround them.

But no matter how much the deputy platoon leader requested, the sound of crying kept coming from the phone.

This made the deputy platoon leader lose his mind and shouted into the phone

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I want to see Xiaoxin with my own eyes."

In the end, the deputy platoon leader went directly upstairs to get his personal belongings, and then left the military camp building on the border. However, he was stopped at the gate. At that time, the deputy platoon leader had lost his mind and just wanted to leave here and go back. Arrive home.

He started to rush through the border, but was subdued by several sentries working together and imprisoned directly in a small dark room. This incident attracted the attention of his superiors. After understanding the situation, they directly approved the deputy platoon leader's vacation and then issued an order. Take it to the nearest airport by helicopter.

In this way, the deputy platoon leader returned to his hometown, but after returning to his home, what greeted him was not the gentle embrace of his wife, but a black and white photo and a death notice. The deputy platoon leader's eyes simply lost his soul. He thought She cried but couldn't cry. She wanted to make a sound but couldn't. Most of her originally black hair turned white in an instant.

Later, when he returned to the original border, the deputy platoon leader seemed to have become a different person. His original cheerful personality disappeared and became taciturn. During training, he no longer complained about hardship and tiredness, but became more devoted to himself. energy, no! It should be hard training.

Later, when the instructor asked him why he was working so hard, the deputy platoon leader said this:

"Only during training can I forget my grief for a short time, but the physical pain is far less than the pain in my heart. As soon as I close my eyes, I will think of my wife and children. They told me They miss me so much and want me to accompany them. I know this is my problem, so I can only train hard so that I don’t have time to think about it.”

That's why now the deputy platoon leader can't take action when he sees one large and two small people in front of him.

Other team members who knew what happened to the deputy platoon leader were also in trouble. One of the team members quietly left the room, stood in a corner outside the room and started to contact Cai Wenjie.

"You're from Team B, right? What's wrong?"

“That’s actually the case”

The team member reported the current situation to Cai Wenjie. After hearing this, Cai Wenjie frowned and said

"I understand. I will order you to leave the house later. You did a good job! What is your name?"

"Report, my name is Lu Hongjie"

"Lu Hongjie? Okay! I remember you, and I will reward you with an extra fifty points when you go back."

"Thank you, company commander!"

After Cai Wenjie ended the call, he thought about it and said on the intercom

"The plan has changed. The assassination mission has been cancelled. It has been changed to control. Tie up all the villagers and don't let them make any sound!"


After hearing Cai Wenjie's new order, the deputy platoon leader breathed a sigh of relief. If he only had control, he could still do it. The other team members also breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. To be honest, during the assassination, they also I am very hesitant. After all, they are all living people. If I don’t have such a big consciousness, I really can’t take action.

Nothing to say, the team members quickly completed the work of binding and gagging them before they could react.

Although it was a bit troublesome, it was much better than killing a life for no reason.

The mother and daughter who were sleeping also woke up completely. They wanted to say something, but they had been gagged by the team members. They could only hum and make scared sounds. As for the children, they were tied up but not gagged. They were afraid of suffocating them. Instead, they took a lollipop and stuffed it into the children's mouths.

The child who was about to cry did not make a fuss but just licked the candy in his mouth and looked at the team members in front of him curiously. This is what it means to be a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger. After doing all this, the deputy platoon leader led people out of the house. After looking back, he moved his mouth. No one knew what the deputy platoon leader said.

Go to the next house.

An hour later, all the houses except the villa were visited by the two teams AB. By the way, the truck drivers were also recaptured.

At the same time, dozens of firearms were seized, basically 56 submachine guns and 81 rifles, as well as hundreds of bullets, but not a single grenade was seen.

At this time, the infantry fighting vehicles that were originally outside the village also came into the village and were parked in the open space.

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