My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 81 Breakthrough

The infantry fighting vehicle driving into the village meant that Cai Wenjie had given up the assassination and was going to take a strong attack.

To be honest, when he knew that the enemy had no heavy firepower, Cai Wenjie directly reduced the danger level of Wumi Village from level one to level three.

That's why the infantry fighting vehicle was sent to support.

At this time, Cai Wenjie and the sniper moved to a new sniper point that could reach the villa to ensure that the sniper could kill the threatening person in the first time.

"Attention! The people in the villa may have discovered you, so fight quickly and decisively"


After Cai Wenjie's attack order was issued, two infantry fighting vehicles took the lead and began to move towards the villa. The armed personnel in the villa also found something wrong and hurriedly looked into the distance. At this time, the headlights of the infantry fighting vehicle lit up, which directly caused a brief blindness to the armed personnel who were looking.

At the same time, the 105mm rifled cannon and 7mm vehicle-mounted machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle began to tilt deadly flames in the direction of the villa area, and the team members following the infantry fighting vehicle also began to fire at the villa area.

The infantry fighting vehicles and the team members were moving and shooting at the same time, directly suppressing the armed personnel in the villa. Not to mention fighting back, they still don’t know what’s going on now. They just lie on the ground trembling and cover their ears or eyes to escape reality.

The sound of gunfire outside the villa not only scared the people in the villa, but also blew Zhou Zucai out of the warm bed.

Zhou Zucai, who woke up, shouted hurriedly

"Butler! Butler! What’s going on now? What’s going on outside? Why are there gunshots!?"

At this time, the door of the bedroom suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man dressed as a British-style butler came in. He said before he stood firm

"It’s bad, there are troops outside, sir, please leave through the back door!"

"What did you say? The army is coming! This!"

Zhou Zucai couldn’t believe what he heard. It seems that he didn’t do anything?

"Could it be that the food belongs to the army?"

Zhou Zucai reacted at this time. No wonder there was an army coming to fight him.

"Isn't that right? Shouldn't they ask me why I want to borrow food? How could they just start fighting without asking anything?"

The housekeeper saw that the person he served was still afraid to face the reality, so he could only urge him again.

"Sir, the army outside is about to attack, and our people have no power to fight back. Please escape from the back door before the army attacks, that's the only hope."

The housekeeper's anxious voice finally brought Zhou Zucai back to his senses

"You are right, housekeeper! Go and inform the wife's children to gather at the back door, and then escape!"

"Okay sir, I'll go right away"

After the housekeeper finished speaking, he hurriedly left the room. Zhou Zucai also quickly changed his clothes, and did not forget to take out a pistol from the safe, and then hurried to the back door of the villa. As for why he didn't take people to resist? Joke! Others don't know, don't you know it?

These so-called villa bodyguards, let them fight ordinary people, it's okay, once they encounter a real army, they will only be beaten, even his former brothers are more useful than them.

So instead of making a fearless resistance, it is better to slip away before they react.

When Zhou Zucai arrived at the back door, there were already three people waiting for him. In addition to the housekeeper just now, there was a charming young woman and a little boy who looked only about ten years old. They were Zhou Zucai's current wife and the child of Zhou Zucai and his ex-wife.

After seeing Zhou Zucai arrive, the young woman approached directly and said,

"My enemy, the fire outside scared me to death, let's go quickly"

But the little girl didn't react at all, just stood there coldly, saying nothing.

"My thing has been exposed, and there are troops outside to arrest me. If I had known this, I shouldn't have taken that batch of food. Now it's useless to say anything. Let's leave here quickly"

After Zhou Zucai finished speaking, he took the lead in pushing open the back door and walked out, but what he didn't know was that the housekeeper, his wife, and even his children didn't follow him.

Zhou Zucai felt that no one was following him, and turned his head in confusion, wanting to see why.


With a gunshot, Zhou Zucai felt a pain in his chest, and raised his head with difficulty to look at the back door.

At the back door, the butler was holding a black pistol, and smoke was coming out of the muzzle. It was obvious that the gunshot just now came from the gun in the butler's hand.

"You! Betray me!"

As soon as Zhou Zucai finished speaking, he fell down and closed his eyes forever.

At this time, the butler said in a low tone

"When you killed my parents, you should know what one life for one life means, and she is already my woman, and even your child is not your own."

After speaking, the butler even laughed a few times, and the enchanting woman also wrapped her arms around the butler at this time, resting her head on the butler's shoulder and showing a happy smile, while the little girl was still that cold, and she was unbelievably calm from beginning to end.

The main entrance of the villa

The infantry fighting vehicle had already broken through the gate of the villa and directly smashed open the locked iron gate. The soldiers following the infantry fighting vehicle also followed the infantry fighting vehicle into the villa. As time went by, the armed personnel in the villa, who originally had no resistance, were all killed, and the rest laid down their weapons and surrendered.

These included the housekeeper who had just killed Zhou Zucai, as well as the charming woman and the little girl.

Deng Jun led Team A to check if there were any hidden armed personnel in the villa, while Team B, led by the deputy platoon leader, was responsible for guarding the prisoners. Soon Deng Jun and his men finished checking the villa and found no hidden personnel, but found a body that was obviously shot at the back door.

They were also dragged to the front door by Deng Jun, where dead bodies and prisoners were piled up.

There were a total of 35 dead bodies and 15 living prisoners.

Deng Jun then began to contact Cai Wenjie

"Report that all the armed elements in the villa have been safely pulled out, killing 35 people and capturing 15 people, and there are no casualties on our side!"

"Very good! Wait for me to come down!"


Cai Wenjie led the sniper down the mountain and headed straight for the villa. As soon as he came in, he saw corpses all over the ground.

He didn't have any thoughts, and then he moved his sight to the group of prisoners. When the prisoners saw that the officers were observing them, they couldn't help but lower their heads even lower. However, there were always some people who not only didn't lower their heads, but also straightened their backs and straightened their slightly crooked dresses.

Then he met Cai Wenjie's sight directly. This person was none other than the housekeeper who killed Zhou Zucai.

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