My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 82 Qu Liangchen

"Hello, dear sir, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the housekeeper of this villa. My name is Qu Liangchen. I am very happy to meet you."

After saying this, the butler named Qu Liangchen bowed. •read

When Cai Wenjie saw Qu Liangchen, he thought of a scene he had seen in a movie or TV clip before.

"... There is a British butler standing in the building. He wears a wig and is a very gentleman. As soon as the owner comes in, no matter what happens, he has to say, "May I help you sir?" What's that?) With an authentic London accent, Beier has face..."

Although the person in front of me is an out-and-out yellow man, he is wearing a starched snow-white shirt, a black or white vest, a black bow tie, a black tuxedo, straight black trousers, shiny black leather shoes, and no trace of disorder. His hair and body that are always upright all prove the truth of his words.

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Cai Wenjie looked at the person in front of him and asked with some interest.

"Aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

When talking about murder, Cai Wenjie deliberately sent out some murderous aura, which was the kind of breathtaking momentum. It was obvious that Qu Liangchen in front of him was shaken, but he still pretended to be calm and replied.

"Of course I'm afraid, but rather than being afraid, I'm more grateful to you!"

"Thank me?"

Cai Wenjie wondered

"Yes! You gave me the opportunity to kill my enemies and avenge my parents."

"Enemy? Parents?"

"Yes, the owner of this villa is my enemy and the culprit who killed my parents. He forcibly acquired our ancestral home and my family's fields, leaving my parents homeless and on the streets, and finally depressed. Finally, at that time, I was still in a butler academy abroad. When I learned the news, I rushed back immediately but it was still a step too late."

After Qu Liangchen was silent for a moment, he continued:

"In order to take revenge, I chose to stay in the village, and relied on my study time to successfully apply for the housekeeper position here, and gained the trust of the villa owner step by step. Finally, when your soldiers broke into the villa, I succeeded I took the opportunity to kill him and successfully got my revenge, thank you."

"What is the name of the owner of this villa? Tell me all his information."

"Okay! As you wish, the owner of this villa is named Zhou Zucai."

Following the introduction by the butler Qu Liangchen, Cai Wenjie finally understood that Zhou Zucai could be said to be a talent. He could achieve his current position by relying on his own ability in the inland without a formal identity. He was considered a talent. .

But he shouldn't have grabbed that batch of food, let alone let himself notice him. He could only blame him for his bad luck.

"You said you are the housekeeper of this villa, then do you know where Zhou Zucai's treasury is? Of course I am not talking about banknotes but gold or gold bars."

Although he didn’t know why the officer in front of him asked about the treasury, Butler Qu still answered truthfully.

"Yes, there is a safe in the study room on the fourth floor, which contains Zhou Zucai's property."

"Really? Take me to see it."

"Very happy, please follow me"

After saying this, Qu Liangchen took the lead and walked in front. When Deng Jun was about to follow, Cai Wenjie stopped him and asked him to get the prisoners to the open space first, and then gather the remaining people in the village to the open space.

Just like that, Cai Wenjie followed Qu Liangchen upstairs.

Cai Wenjie, who had just escaped from everyone's sight, drew his pistol without hesitation and fired at Qu Liangchen in front of him. Before Qu Liangchen could react, Cai Wenjie accurately hit his head and killed him with one shot.

Then he said slowly to the corpse

"I'm sorry, I trust my men more"

Then facing Qu Liangchen's body, he spent 10,000 points to choose the clone that would possess him.

After a while, Qu Liangchen, who was originally dead, was resurrected again, and this time he will become Cai Wenjie's loyal subordinate.

The bullet-pierced head returned to its previous appearance. Qu Liangchen opened his eyes, then looked at Cai Wenjie and performed a standard butler's salute.

"Please give orders, chief!"

"Take me to the vault"

"Okay, please follow me."

Qu Liangchen led the way again. This time Cai Wenjie had no scruples anymore and followed safely to the study room that Qu Liangchen mentioned. Qu Liangchen walked to a mural hanging on the wall and started to pick it off. Come down.

After picking off the mural, Cai Wenjie discovered that behind the mural was a safe embedded in the wall.

It looked like a 30-inch LCD TV. After a dazzling operation, Qu Liangchen successfully opened the safe.

When Cai Wenjie got closer, he discovered that in addition to cash, there were fifteen gold bars weighing one kilogram, hundreds of thousands in cash, and several documents.

Cai Wenjie first exchanged the gold bars for points, a total of seven thousand five hundred points, and then looked at the document. He picked it up and looked at it with some curiosity. He found that the document was full of real estate certificates and land certificates, and he suddenly lost interest. Just threw it aside.

"Is there any other gold or something?"

"Report to the head, there is no more"

"Really! Then there is no reason to stay here, let's go down."


After that, Cai Wenjie took the lead to leave the study and returned to the first floor. He found that the place had been cleaned up. The bodies were doused with gasoline and then set on fire to prevent the plague.

At this time, Shunliu drove the Knight XV and stopped in front of Cai Wenjie. When he just got off, Shunliu went to the outside of the village alone and drove the Knight XV in.

Cai Wenjie opened the door of the co-pilot without any courtesy, sat down, and motioned Qu Liangchen to get in the car.

After seeing Cai Wenjie's gesture, Qu Liangchen opened the back door and sat in the Knight XV. Shunliu drove Cai Wenjie to the open space in the village.

Now the open space is full of villagers. Although most of them were assassinated before, there are still at least hundreds of people in the open space. Cai Wenjie looked at the people in the open space from the car and found that the villagers still didn't know what happened. They only knew that they were tied to the open space by a group of people in combat uniforms when they opened their eyes.

After arriving at the open space, Qu Liangchen quickly got out of the car and came to the door of the co-pilot, and opened the door for Cai Wenjie first.

Not to mention that it has a bit of flavor.

Cai Wenjie could only accept Qu Liangchen's kindness, stepped down from the car, and walked in front. Shunliu and Qu Liangchen followed behind. Although Qu Liangchen was not wearing a military uniform or combat uniform, he had the skin of an English butler, which was not embarrassing.

Cai Wenjie stood on the small platform where Zhou Zucai liked to stand before, looked down at the villagers below, and began to speak loudly.

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