My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 85 Handover

"I'm not short of those guns. What I'm short of now is people, especially soldiers. Look, can you give me some people?"

"No, no, you are short of people, don't I? It takes time to train qualified soldiers. With more than a hundred people, I am not enough for self-defense and training new people. If possible, I would also like to give you The soldiers are taken back and become instructors."

"No way! I took the risk to get all the food back for you, and you didn't even give me any food."

Zhou Weiguo was suddenly startled, then realized and said with some surprise

"Did you get the stolen food back?"

In fact, Zhou Weiguo didn't take it seriously when Cai Wenjie said he wanted to snatch the food back. He just wanted to wait for a few days to complete the preliminary training of the new recruits before going to snatch the food back. Unexpectedly, Cai Wenjie in front of him actually snatched the food back. , which surprised Zhou Weiguo. ReadМ

"Otherwise? I personally promised to get the food back, and of course I will carry out my promise. The food is now in the parking lot outside the stadium. Not only that, but I also brought back the hostages unscathed."

Then he took another sip of tea and continued.

"Let me tell you, it turns out that the village that was robbing food was a bit complicated. There were dozens of firearms. Although most of them were obsolete goods from the past, they could still fire. If you didn't notice, many soldiers would be injured. I was injured and couldn’t get better every few months, so I asked you for someone, but you actually rejected me, which makes me sad.”

Of course, these were all fabricated by Cai Wenjie. During the night attack on Wumi Village, there were no casualties at all. However, in order to deceive the soldiers, he had to resort to a bitter trick to make Zhou Weiguo feel guilty and want to make amends.

In fact, Cai Wenjie's trick was successful. When Zhou Weiguo heard that someone was injured, and it was the kind that would lie down for several months, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Although Cai Wenjie was the one who wanted to get the food back, he was injured after all, and He was still injured while retrieving food.

"Then will they be able to live a normal life in the future? Do they need medicine?"

"Of course it is lacking. You also know the situation of our gathering place. It is in dire straits. It has just been established. Now we are lacking everything, except for guns, ammunition and food. So this time I want to bring some people over to your place. , so that it can be built quickly, but you don’t even satisfy me on this point, it’s really”

After finishing speaking, Cai Wenjie looked at Zhou Weiguo as if he had misjudged the person, which made Zhou Weiguo a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said with a pained look on his face.

"Well, I really can't give it to you as an active soldier, but I can give you the support of doctors and medicines. There are doctors from Class A hospitals in the gathering place who have come to take refuge. I can give you the medical supplies in the gathering place. What do you think about the doctors and nurses and 20% of the medicines in our gathering place?”

"I want 50% of the medicine!"

"No! I've given you so much, can I still use it? At most 2.50%."

"Let's do it, be happy! I want 30%. I don't want the soldiers. Instead, give me some logistics personnel, the kind who specialize in repairing vehicles."

At this point, Zhou Weiguo basically agreed reluctantly.

"Okay, I promise you, you can take away the doctors and nurses, and you can take away 30% of the medicines. As for the logistics staff, I know it well. They are all retired engineering soldiers. There are more than a dozen of them. You can take them all with you." Let's go"

Why did Zhou Weiguo let Cai Wenjie take them away so easily? It's not that Zhou Weiguo looks down on them, it's that he doesn't need them at all now. There aren't many cars in the gathering place, and he still has engineers on active duty, which are enough for him. •

Cai Wenjie smiled now. So far, Cai Wenjie has achieved all the goals of coming here. From the beginning, Cai Wenjie's goal was not to be a soldier, well, but more to other logistics personnel, because Cai Wenjie discovered that the gathering place The development of logistics is inseparable from logistics personnel.

If Cai Wenjie was still alone, he might not need these. However, now that he has his own power, Cai Wenjie has discovered that logistics is an indispensable link.

But because there is no channel to recruit these logistics personnel, I can only get some wool from my theoretical superiors.

After all, the stadium gathering place lacks everything except people, and there are all kinds of professions.

Therefore, when Cai Wenjie was gathering wool, he had no psychological burden at all. Besides, by bringing some people back, he could also help with the consumption of the gathering place. Why not do it?

"Hahaha, you are indeed a big boss. You are very cheerful. If nothing happens, I will go back first. Remember to bring back the food."

Cai Wenjie stood up and started walking back. When he was almost at the door, he suddenly stopped and asked

"By the way, where should I go to pick up the people you gave me? Can you also arrange a truck for me to transport them? I think that 10×10 truck is good, do you think?"

Zhou Weiguo was furious. He knew that the 10×10 truck was his only face. How could he really hand it over to Cai Wenjie?

"Go away! I will arrange a bus for you to transport people, don't try to take advantage of my only remaining treasure!"

"Tch, if you don't give it, you won't give it. Why are you so angry? Let's go."

Then he left the war room without looking back. After Cai Wenjie left completely, Zhou Weiguo's angry face returned to its original look, and he shook his head speechlessly.

"Little brat, you still have a lot to learn."

After Zhou Weiguo returned to his seat, he brewed another cup of tea, and then gave instructions for the previous request, asking his men to gather doctors and nurses, as well as retired engineers, and then arrange vehicles to take everyone to the parking lot to wait.

After the arrangement was completed, he began to contact the other two gathering places for a meeting.

After Cai Wenjie came out, he went straight to the parking lot, and in a short while he arrived at the place where his men stayed. After seeing Cai Wenjie coming back, Deng Jun brought everyone to the front, saluted and said

"Report, everything is normal during your absence! Please give instructions!"

"Very good, someone will come to guide the grain trucks into the stadium soon, you ask the drivers to prepare, by the way, how is that thing going?"

Cai Wenjie said at the end, lowered his voice and asked Deng Jun, and Deng Jun also returned a positive look.

"Good job, bring them to see me"


After Deng Jun answered, he turned and walked towards a certain place, and in a short while he brought five people to Cai Wenjie.

It was the special police rescued by Cai Wenjie and his team. What Cai Wenjie whispered to Deng Jun just now was to persuade the five people to join the Xinguang gathering place.

Perhaps it was because Cai Wenjie rescued them, the five people agreed very quickly.

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