My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 86 Logistics Staff

As soon as these special police officers heard that Deng Jun was recruiting them, they agreed without saying a word. To be honest, they didn't eat or drink for three days, and it was still winter. After being frozen outside for three days, even the most determined captain couldn't help it. I thought about surrendering. read

Therefore, he had a great impression of Deng Jun and others who saved them, and agreed without thinking, as long as Cai Wenjie was willing to keep them.

"We'd love to join your gathering, no! Please do let us join your gathering!"

Cai Wenjie heard the sincerity in the mouths of the special police officers in front of him. Although he was secretly happy in his heart, his expression was still a standard serious expression. This was all to maintain his own persona. Cai Wenjie pretended to be fake, but let alone others. Eat this set.

"Okay! Welcome to join the New Light Gathering Ground. From now on, you will be a member of the New Light Gathering Ground defense force."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he pulled Deng Jun over and began to introduce him.

"He is the platoon leader of our Xinguang Gathering Area Defense Force. His name is Deng Jun. You guys know each other."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie stepped aside and began to observe whether the technicians who were coming just now had arrived. At this time, Deng Jun and the new SWAT team members began to get familiar with each other.

While Deng Jun and others were communicating, the medical supplies and personnel promised by Zhou Weiguo arrived in the parking lot one after another.

Two buses and a van parked not far from Cai Wenjie. The vans contained the medical supplies promised by Zhou Weiguo. As for the two buses, there were doctors and nurses sitting there. Zhou Weiguo said The total number of retired engineering soldiers reached more than 30.

But if this number of people can be accommodated on one bus, why is there another bus? Cai Wenjie thought a little strangely.

After the people in the bus got off the bus, Cai Wenjie finally understood why there was another bus.

First, there were the people who got off the first bus. You could tell they were doctors or nurses by looking at their clothes. There were also people who could vaguely see the shadow of soldiers. They were probably doctors, nurses, and retired engineers. The number of them was At thirty-six.

As for the people who got off the other bus, they were a group of people with their families, including the elderly, children, and some men and women. If Cai Wenjie guessed correctly, the people on the second bus were probably Relatives on the first bus.

Cai Wenjie is not dissatisfied with this, it is human nature, and in such an environment, if once separated, they may not be able to see each other for a lifetime, then it is better to move with the whole family.

Seeing so many people getting off the two buses, Deng Jun and others, who were having a lively exchange, quickly led their men to Cai Wenjie's side and began to become vigilant. Seeing this situation, a group of people on the opposite side couldn't help but become frightened. , the child hid next to the adult, and the man protected his wife and child and looked warily at Deng Jun and others who were holding guns.

Seeing that things were about to get out of control, Cai Wenjie quickly stopped the guns that Deng Jun and others were aiming at the opposite side, and said loudly.

"Don't be nervous. They are the people I want from the person in charge of the stadium gathering place. They are all logistics and technical talents. Put down your guns and don't scare them."

After Cai Wenjie ordered to put down the gun, the crowd on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, it was not a good experience to be targeted by dozens of guns at once.

Fortunately, the person on the other side who looked like a leader stopped his men in time.

After Cai Wenjie stabilized his position, he looked at the crowd opposite, organized his words a little, and then spoke.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of the Xinguang gathering place you are going to this time. My name is Cai Wenjie, and I will also be your person in charge in the future. In order to simply understand the situation, please briefly indicate your identity and occupation, as follows , my name is XXX, and my occupation is XXX.”

In order not to waste time, Cai Wenjie also gave some examples:

"Starting from you now, state your identity and name one by one."

Cai Wenjie pointed to the old man on the far left and said.

The old man Cai Wenjie pointed at was a boy-faced old man with white hair and a white coat. He had a white goatee. At first glance, he reminded me of the old master in martial arts novels.

The old man said slowly while stroking his goatee. Strangely enough, he didn't seem to speak loudly, but his voice still reached Cai Wenjie's ears clearly.

"My surname is Qin Mingyuan. I am a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who has been practicing medicine for many years. Young man, please take care of my business in the future."

Cai Wenjie's face darkened. What did this old man mean? Are you cursing yourself that something will happen?

Perhaps because he saw the change in Cai Wenjie's face, the old man quickly added

"What I'm good at is eliminating fatigue and doing dietary therapy. I don't have any other meaning."

After hearing this, Cai Wenjie's face improved. If it was just to relieve fatigue, he could indeed take more care of him. Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie nodded friendly to the old man and looked at the others.

"My name is Li Fengye and I am a surgeon."

"My name is Li Yuchun, I am a physician."

"My name is Ye Qing, I am a nurse."

Soon Cai Wenjie listened to the introductions of this group of doctors and nurses. Chinese medicine, Western medicine, surgery, internal medicine, everything. Now Cai Wenjie no longer has to worry about ordinary injuries, except of course those injured by zombies.

After listening to the introduction of the doctors and nurses, Cai Wenjie looked at a group of people who were obviously completely different from the doctors. When they were pointed at, they did not show any fear at all. They stood straight as always. It was obvious that they were trained people.

Cai Wenjie looked at the group of people, nodded imperceptibly, and then said

"It's your turn. Introduce yourself."

A sturdy man standing in front of Cai Wenjie was the first to answer Cai Wenjie's order

"Report! My name is Wang Yunhu. I used to be an engineer in the army. After retiring, I am now the owner of a car repair shop!"

This sturdy man named Wang Yunhu answered loudly in standard northern dialect. From his sturdy figure and tone of voice, it can be seen that he did not give up training after retiring and still maintained a military routine.

Cai Wenjie looked at Wang Yunhu, and then looked at the group of people next to Wang Yunhu. Like Wang Yunhu, they all had sturdy figures and firm eyes, and couldn't help asking.

"So are all the people here retired engineers?"

"Report! They are all my former brothers in the army, and now they are also employees of my repair shop."

Wang Yunhu said in a serious tone.

"Can you maintain infantry fighting vehicles or other vehicles?"

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