My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 870 System Plug-in


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Cai Wenjie was startled by the sudden sound of the system, and was stunned for a moment after hearing the system's prompt clearly.

“System search... Found system plug-in! Coordinates ×××, ××, ×××, please go to this coordinate point immediately to recycle it”

He really didn't expect the system to actively search for his own system plug-in. Why didn't it search it out earlier in the past, causing him to not have a regular armored group army.

Although he wanted to complain about the system, it was obvious that the most important thing now was the system plug-in.

Cai Wenjie, who came out of the Forbidden City, directly rejected Gui Kai's invitation to have dinner together, and then came to the bridge car that had been waiting for a long time, opened the door and got in.

“Please take me to the Capital Airport as quickly as possible”

“Okay, Chief”

Cai Wenjie's shoulder straps have been changed to military ranks, and it was the chief who personally put them on him.

Because of this, the driver could tell from the shoulder straps that the leader behind him was promoted in just a few hours.

Soon, the two black Red Flag sedans began to rush to the Capital Airport.

Cai Wenjie was not idle either. He began to look for the location of the system plug-in on the system satellite according to the coordinates given by the system. ♦♦  ♦♦

The system satellite displayed the actual location of the coordinates according to the coordinate parameters.

When Cai Wenjie saw the location given by the system satellite, he couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Because the coordinates given by the system satellite are not in China, but abroad.

And the most troublesome thing is that this abroad refers to the narrow island country.

You must know that the island country now is full of mutant zombies, and they are nuclear mutant zombies that have been contaminated by nuclear weapons.

The current island country can be said to be a zombie country. There should be survivors, but definitely not more than 10,000 people. In addition, those survivors are distributed in various areas of the island country. Perhaps they will never see other people in their entire lives. Once these survivors die, then this narrow island country will be destroyed. No, the country has been destroyed long ago, and it should be said that the race is going to be extinct.

Although he didn't want to set foot in that disgusting place, Cai Wenjie decided to take a risk for the system plug-in.

Because the system plug-in cannot be seen or touched by ordinary people, Cai Wenjie must go there in person.

According to the coordinates provided by the system, the system plug-in should be in the wealthy area of ​​the island country's capital.

In terms of distance, it is about 1,300 kilometers from the Xinguang gathering place to the capital of the narrow island country. Cai Wenjie's transport plane can make a round trip with full fuel at this distance, and no additional fuel is needed in the middle.

When Cai Wenjie was thinking about how to safely take back the system plug-in from the narrow island country, the black car carrying Cai Wenjie had arrived at the Capital Airport.

"Thank you for your hard work, see you again if you are lucky"

"Where, where, I wish you a safe journey"

After simply greeting the driver, Cai Wenjie got off the car and walked directly to the airport.

The soldier standing guard at the door did not dare to neglect and immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Hello, Chief! Please show me your ID card."


Cai Wenjie took out his officer's ID card and handed it to him.

After the young soldier carefully checked the officer's ID card, he immediately made way and respectfully returned the officer's ID card to Cai Wenjie.

"Thank you for your cooperation, and I wish you a safe journey!"

"Thank you."

After taking back his ID card, Cai Wenjie walked directly to his transport plane.

During the period, all kinds of people took the initiative to greet or salute Cai Wenjie.

Soon, Cai Wenjie arrived at his transport plane safely.

"The matter is done, let's go."


Without much nonsense, Cai Wenjie directly ordered to return.

After receiving the instructions from the ground to the tower, the three transport planes began to taxi on runway 1, and soon their three transport planes soared into the sky and began to return.

With a distance of less than 1,000 kilometers, the three transport planes flew to the Xinguang gathering place in at most an hour and a half.

Without waiting for others to relax, Cai Wenjie asked the soldiers of the armored infantry company to board other transport planes immediately.

Soon, in less than three minutes, all the soldiers of the infantry company boarded the new transport plane, and Cai Wenjie also boarded the transport plane after changing his military uniform.

"Let's go!"


Without too much nonsense, Cai Wenjie asked the pilot to take off.

The straight-line distance is less than 1,500 kilometers, and it will take about two hours to reach the destination.

It is necessary to pass through the sea. The various creatures in the sea have become very ferocious monsters after being infected by the virus.

Even the ocean fleet made of steel and iron bones is as fragile as a paper boat in front of these mutated marine creatures.

The original sea route is no longer usable, and no one dares to use it.

Because they want to observe the sea surface at close range, all three transport planes did not fly very high, and they were only 20 meters above the sea surface.

Cai Wenjie opened the small door on the side of the transport plane and looked at the sea with a telescope.

Soon, Cai Wenjie discovered a group of marine creatures chasing their three transport planes, as if they wanted to test how tough the transport planes were.

These mutant zombie creatures had no countermeasures against the transport planes. They could only hang far behind and pray that the three transport planes would malfunction and fall down, so that they would be eaten by a lot.

Although the marine creatures behind could not catch up with the three transport planes, this was the sea, and there was no shortage of small fish.

Soon, a large number of marine creatures began to appear around the three transport planes, and they were all struggling to swim towards Cai Wenjie's transport plane.

Among them were some large marine creatures, such as whales.

The whales, which were already very large, became very ferocious and even increased several times in size after being infected by the virus. They were truly the overlords of the ocean. Even if they were on land, their bodies alone could crush a lot of zombies.

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