My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 871 Three Defenses, Three Defenses, Three Defenses

When Cai Wenjie saw the whales were also nearby, he immediately ordered the transport plane to increase its altitude and not fly at low altitude.

The pilots of the transport plane naturally would not refute Cai Wenjie's decision, so these pilots increased their altitude in the blink of an eye and quickly left the original area. .

The next second after the transport plane increased its altitude, a huge monster suddenly jumped out of the sea and smashed towards the place where the transport plane was originally.

You should know that the transport plane was 20 meters above the sea surface, but this huge monster directly jumped over 20 meters and seemed to be 50 meters high.

If you look closely at this huge monster, you will find that the true face of this huge monster is a sperm whale.

And from the appearance, the body length of this sperm whale is directly more than 60 meters, and the weight must be more than 200 tons. How could such a monster really hit the transport plane? It must be a disaster of the catastrophic level. Fortunately, Cai Wenjie made a timely judgment, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Chief, do you want to fight back?"

"No, there's no need to waste time with this kind of thing, just keep flying"


The most important thing now is to get the system plug-in back, so Cai Wenjie doesn't plan to deal with this monster, so he tells the driver to ignore it and continue flying towards the destination.

Instead of leaving, it surfaced, stared at the three unreachable transport planes in the sky, and then followed the transport planes. Wherever they go, this sperm whale is ready to follow.

At this time, Cai Wenjie has already forgotten about the sperm whale.

Because the three transport planes have entered the airspace of the narrow island country.

When entering the airspace of the narrow island country, the three transport planes automatically received an automatic warning from the island country's air force.

And the warning was issued in three languages ​​at the same time. If it was normal, Cai Wenjie might have some concerns, but now, haha.

The entire island country is about to be extinct, why should Cai Wenjie care about them? He directly ignored the warning and continued to fly towards the capital of the island country.

However, what he didn't expect was that these guys had not only an automatic warning system, but also an automatic air defense system.

After multiple warnings were ineffective, three surface-to-air air defense missiles were automatically pushed out from a military base in the island country M, and then installed in the launcher. In less than a minute, the three air defense missiles automatically took off and sprayed in the direction of Cai Wenjie's three transport planes.

The transport plane carrying Cai Wenjie and others immediately sounded the alarm.

"Warning! Three air defense missiles are detected approaching us, please evade immediately! Warning!..."

Facing the attack of air defense missiles, Cai Wenjie did not react much, but just asked the pilot to keep moving forward, and then came to the back of the cabin alone.

After he walked to the tail of the cabin, he casually pressed a switch next to him.

As Cai Wenjie pressed the switch, the door at the back of the cabin began to slowly open.

At this time, the air defense missiles had appeared within Cai Wenjie's field of vision.

"Three? Just for practicing my marksmanship."

Speaking of this, Cai Wenjie took out a Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle directly from the system space. To be more precise, it should be the enchanted version of the Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle.

If it were an ordinary person, even if he held the enchanted Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle, he would not be able to hit the missiles flying by, but Cai Wenjie was not an ordinary person.

Originally, his various values ​​were the highest realm that humans could reach, and then with the magic power shared by the black dragon girl Wei'er, this allowed him to directly break through the human limit and reach an inhuman realm in a certain field.

For example, now, it is obviously a high-speed anti-aircraft missile, but in Cai Wenjie's eyes, it is almost like a badminton falling straight from a high altitude.

So, he easily locked the incoming anti-aircraft missile.

I saw him stuff three armor-piercing shells with bright red runes into the Type 10 magazine, and then inserted the magazine into the Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle, and then directly loaded it, ready to shoot.

Because he had locked onto the three missiles flying at high speed, Cai Wenjie didn't even look at them and pulled the trigger directly at the three targets.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

It was obviously an anti-material sniper rifle, but the sound it made could be basically ignored. If it was a little further away, even the puff puff sound could not be heard. This is one of the characteristics of enchanted weapons.

However, the small sound of shooting does not mean that the power is also small.

After the acceleration effect of the magic pattern, the three enchanted bullets fired by the 10-type anti-material sniper rifle crossed a distance of several thousand meters in an instant and hit the three anti-aircraft missiles directly.

The huge penetrating power of the enchanted bullet directly penetrated the entire missile, and at the same time, the magic pattern on the enchanted bullet also triggered its effect the moment it touched the missile.

The effect of this enchanted bullet is burning and explosion. As long as it is hit by this bullet, it will be turned into fragments. If it is a zombie, it will not even be burned.

Three enchanted bullets were exchanged for three surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. Overall, Cai Wenjie still lost.

After all, these anti-aircraft missiles are automatically launched, and no one will say anything even if they do not produce any results.

So, overall, Cai Wenjie still lost.

After this round of missile attacks, Cai Wenjie and his transport plane were not attacked again, and they arrived over the capital of the island country smoothly.

Looking at the ruined city on the ground, he did not have any emotional fluctuations, but felt a little relieved. No serious Z countryman would feel sad about the sacrifice of R countrymen, and Cai Wenjie was the same.

However, no one expected that there were still people alive in the capital of this island country, and they were living quite well.

Especially after suffering from the nuclear bomb purge of M country, it was incredible that they could still be alive.

At this time, in the residence of the Japanese locusts, that is, the locust center, a group of people who looked like refugees were hiding in an air-raid shelter underground.

This air-raid shelter was built at a huge cost with three defenses. The three defenses are anti-nuclear weapons, anti-chemical weapons, and anti-biological weapons. These are the most basic three defenses. In addition to these basic three defenses, there are also the latest three defenses.

Anti-precision strikes, anti-electronic interference, and anti-reconnaissance and surveillance are the latest three defenses.

There are also the most special three defenses, anti-earthquake, anti-tsunami, and anti-hurricane.

Basically, they added all the possibilities they could think of, turning it into a super underground fortress. Ordinary means and even nuclear weapons cannot completely destroy this air-raid shelter, even zombies.

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