My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 126 125 Terrifying Puppet Power

Chapter 126 125. Terrible Puppet Power

After Philip left, Su Hong was the only one left in the vast snow.

Without Philip's help to monitor the Dawn Cultists, he didn't know when the group would catch up with him, so he could only make the worst plan.

Su Hong glanced at the flat snow. There was no place to hide his body. If he encountered the Dawn Cultists, he would not have room to turn around.

"I can't go to the location of the Fire Shelter, but if I want to wait for reinforcements, I can't leave Qinghai City too far."

He accelerated and flew straight to Qinghai City. Melanie, who was tracking him behind him, thought he was going to escape to the Fire Shelter and sneered.

"Are you scared?"

"Catch up with him."

The sled raised snow waves in the snow, turned around, and rushed straight towards Su Hong.

Melanie knew that their plan had been exposed, but as long as Su Hong was caught, they could still get the location information of the shelter.


More than ten minutes later, Su Hong arrived at Qinghai City. What entered his sight was an abandoned suburban community, a shopping mall, and a subway station.

The enemy was in the dark, and he was in the light. There was no point in hiding now, unless he could find a way to block the Amber Eye.

"The surveillance of the Amber Eye seems to be achieved through the vision of the eyes, which can be seen from the fact that Melanie can't hear my voice."

"Assuming that she is monitoring everything I see, I will block my vision and not use my eyes to observe the environment. Can I get rid of her surveillance?"

Su Hong's heart moved, and he tried to close his eyes.

In order to prevent Melanie from having other means of surveillance, he also wrapped himself with shadows.

The world was completely left with only darkness.

As for how to walk without vision.

This is relatively simple. The shadows are spread around, and once encountering obstacles, the perception will be transmitted back to his mind, forming a relatively vague outline of the world in his mind.

He just needs to bypass the obstacles in time.

Although it is much more troublesome than looking directly with the eyes, once you get used to it, this way of observing the world with shadows is even more useful, and you can even observe the blind spots behind him.

However, the disadvantage is that he cannot observe the world outside the shadows. If he rashly controls the wind to fly, he may crash into the outer wall of the building because of the fast speed and unable to react.

In the dark world, Su Hong continued to move forward. He planned to find a hidden building to hide and delay the Dawn Cult for a while.

If it doesn't work, he can also attack the Dawn Cult.

On the snow only five or six kilometers away from him, Melanie sat on the sled. Her originally bright amber eyes were now only a ball of black, and Su Hong was nowhere to be seen.

The woman's eyes returned to normal color and she gave up monitoring Su Hong. She knew that it was meaningless to continue monitoring.

This guy has found a way to restrain the Amber Eye.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes, "Do you think you can escape from my palm by escaping the surveillance of the Amber Eye?"

"Too naive."

As soon as she finished speaking, a giant eagle soared into the sky on the storm and flew towards Qinghai City.

A few minutes later, the Dawn Cult entered the suburbs of Qinghai City and stopped at Su Hong's original position.

"Search, don't miss any corner."

The Dawn Cult shouted and searched around.

Su Hong was hiding in the utility room of the mall at this time. The shadow under his feet spread out of the mall and hid in the hidden corners of the city.

Once the Dawn Cult passed by, it would trigger his shadow perception, and he would be able to control the approximate location of the divergent minions.

"It's a pity that the soul ring failed to merge and has been destroyed."

Otherwise, he could use the shadow creations created by the soul ring to attract the attention of the Dawn Cult.

"I don't have a soul ring, but I just got a useful new ability."

The new ability he was talking about was the shadow puppet.

In the community farthest from the mall, an ordinary Dawn believer climbed the stairs and explored upstairs, but he didn't know that in the dark corner, Su Hong's shadow tentacles were waiting for him.

"You continue to search, I'll go up and take a look."

The Dawn believer who looked like a middle-aged man said to the believers downstairs, and then climbed the stairs and passed the corner where the shadow tentacles were hiding.

Before he could react, the shadow tentacles flashed and cut directly into the back of his head, stirring the brain tissue inside into a paste.

The man died instantly, and his body was about to fall from the stairs, but the surrounding shadows suddenly all poured into his body and repaired the wound.

Su Hong's consciousness entered this body, and he grabbed the frozen handrail and stopped falling.

"Is this the ability of the shadow puppet? It's really amazing."

He moved his body without feeling any discomfort, and he even sensed the power of disaster flowing in this body.

Su Hong's mind moved, and the dark pattern of thorns on his arm came alive, turning into two sharp blades wrapped around his hand.

"Thorns of thorns, is this your ability?"

"Dawei, is there any movement up there?" The Dawn Cultist who had finished searching one floor poked his head out from the stairs.

"It seems there is, come up and take a look."

"Dawei" looked nervous, as if he had really discovered something.

The Dawn Cultist was startled and quickly climbed up, "Here we come."

He just came to "Dawei" and before he could continue to ask about the situation, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He looked down and saw that a thorn had pierced his chest.

"Dawei, why?"

The Dawn believer looked unbelievable.

Su Hong said coldly: "Sorry, I'm a spy."

He killed the Dawn believer and pushed him away, then went down the stairs to find new prey.

On the street, Melanie's eyes flashed with the image of the Dawn believers killing each other, and her face instantly became gloomy.

After she sent the image of Dawei to all the Dawn believers, everyone was shocked and then furious.

"Kill him."

"Those who betray God are unforgivable."

For a while, all the Dawn believers gathered in the direction of the community.

Su Hong certainly knew the movements of the Dawn believers, and his current body could not withstand their siege.

He used shadows to fix Dawei's body, making him look like he was calmly waiting for other Dawn believers to come.

Su Hong's consciousness took the opportunity to escape, and his eyes were on the next puppet body.

In the community square, dozens of Dawn believers gathered together, and their target was Dawei who was standing calmly in the square.

"Kill him!"

The Dawn believers rushed forward, unaware that a shadow had quietly descended behind them.

The shadow spikes pierced out from the ground quickly and pierced the head of a Dawn believer.

Before the people around could react, the shadow poured into this body. Su Hong used the disaster power left by this body, transformed into a giant bear, and smashed an unprepared Dawn believer into a meat paste.

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