My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 127 126 Death

Chapter 127 126. Death in the End

"There is an attack from behind!"

The exclamations of the Dawn Cultists and the sparks of light from various disaster abilities all shone at this moment.

The sounds of fighting and wailing... came one after another. Seeing their teammates being killed by their own people, the psychological defenses of several Dawn Cultists were broken and they fled the battlefield one after another.

Su Hong glanced at them and did not chase them out.

If he wanted to chase them out now, he would definitely be hindered by other Dawn Cultists. Instead of wasting time on doing something that would not succeed, he might as well concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

The puppet possessed by Su Hong waved his sword and risked fighting with a cultist of the third level of the Undead. In the end, he barely fought with this cultist with his superb swordsmanship and died together.

[Disaster Level: Level 31]

The main body absorbed enough blood mist and the level was raised by one level.

Before the vigilant cultists around him relaxed, the dead cultist of the third level of the Undead suddenly opened his eyes and pulled out the long sword stuck in his forehead.

Shadows gathered to fill the wound, and there was no sign of injury.

"The power of the wild bear?"

Su Hong activated his disaster ability, his body muscles swelled, and tore the white robe.

But this time, before he could make a move, he was surrounded by pink mist.

Melanie made a move.

"Little mouse, I found you."

The woman came with a cold face, and the pink blood mist actually spread along the source of the shadow to the mall.

"No, I've been discovered!"

In the mall storage room, Su Hong suddenly opened his eyes and broke out of the door. He drove the storm to smash the frozen glass and ran away from Melanie.

"Where do you want to escape!"

Melanie's voice appeared in his ears, and it was obvious that she had locked him.


The giant eagle glided down from the sky, parting the snow curtain, and stabbed Su Hong like a sky sword.

It fell so fast that it even tore the strong wind driven by Su Hong apart and rushed straight towards him.

In a hurry, Su Hong only had time to activate the black sun magic, the shadow grew, and the giant body wrapped him inside.


A loud noise echoed throughout the city, the storm subsided, and only the white snow was blown up and floated in the air.

On the road, the ice surface cracked, and the shadow giant was torn apart in half, exposing Su Hong's body,

but the condition of the giant eagle was not much better, and he strangled its throat and pressed it to the ground.

"Damn it, you dare to do it?!" Melanie's angry voice came from a distance.

Su Hong smiled coldly, "It's just an experience pack."


"Boom!!" The shadow turned into a fire and burned the giant eagle, and the ice melted and evaporated, exposing the asphalt ground below.

Under the continuous burning of the terrifying flames, the giant eagle's wailing sound was extinguished, and it turned into charcoal, mixed with the melted asphalt, and it was indistinguishable from each other.

[Disaster Level: Level 32]

The blood mist stirred, blasting away the pervasive ice mist, and a powerful force washed over his body.

Su Hong rode the strong wind and continued to flee.

But after being delayed by the giant eagle, Melanie had completely caught up with him.

The pink mist filled the air, covering the buildings. Su Hong stood in the center of the beautiful world, unable to tell east, west, south, and north.

The desire in his heart was aroused by the mist, but it was soon infected and dispelled by his will.

He had reached the limit of his resistance to Melanie's Slaanesh power, but in the face of absolute power, the role that willpower could play was pitifully small.

Melanie appeared in front of him with a cold face, and the apricot wood staff seduced the blood mist, the abyss of desire opened up, and the demons of Slaanesh gathered from all directions.

Even though he knew that these demons were just illusions, Su Hong still had to go all out and deal with them seriously.

The shadow turned into a long sword and performed swordsmanship, blocking, stabbing, feinting, slashing... He tried his best, but still couldn't resist the endless demons.

The defense was exposed, and the blood-red claws scratched across his chest. Without the defense of armor, a blood mark suddenly appeared on his flesh and blood.

The sudden wound disrupted his fighting rhythm, followed by knife and axe slashing, claws biting... all left marks on his body.

Su Hong was drowned in the tide of demons. He groaned, his eyes suddenly glared, the shadow burned, and the blazing heart fire wrapped him up.

The flames used the shadows as firewood, drowned the demons, and temporarily repelled the pink mist that was wrapped around.

Melanie couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw this scene.

She found that this man not only had a terrifying shadow ability, but also cultivated the inheritance of the Knights Templar to a very high level.

Melanie suddenly felt reluctant to kill him like this.

The woman crossed her arms and said in a serious tone: "Give up resistance and surrender to me. I will give you the last chance."

The flames dissipated, and Su Hong supported his body with the shadow sword, trying not to fall down.

He panted and whispered: "It seems that something went wrong with Anna, and the resistance army can't come."

He has persisted here for a long time, but until now the resistance army has not appeared, and Philip has not returned. There is a high probability that there is a problem with the Fire Shelter.

He can only rely on himself now.

Su Hong raised his head and looked at Melanie. Behind her, the remaining Dawn Cultists gathered together.

Melanie emphasized again, "Don't test my patience. I can kill you at any time."

Su Hong smiled slightly, and he pulled out a shadow amulet from the shadow with his right hand.

Melanie's pupils shrank slightly, and a sense of crisis suddenly rose in her heart, but she was too late to escape.

Su Hong crushed the amulet in his palm without hesitation.

The flowing mist in the pink world stagnated for a moment, then exploded, and infinite shadows gushed out from his palm.

"The power of the fire bearer?!" The faces of the believers changed drastically, and fear appeared in their eyes.

The shadow swept across the ice and snow like a tide, drowning Su Hong. A huge arm stretched out from the gap of the shadow. Its powerful force distorted the space and rubbed the air to produce lightning.

"Boom boom!!"

The thunder roared, and the shadow covered the sky and the sun, crushing Melanie and other dawn believers.

The woman raised her staff, and the red mist resisted, but her figure was soon submerged by the shadow.

The giant palm fell to the ground, the ice surface shattered and exploded, the ground sank, and a pit was left.

"Boom..." The fragile high-rise buildings around were affected, collapsed one after another, and the wind and snow were raised.

After a long time, the wind and snow stopped, the shadows faded, and Su Hong stood there with difficulty. His soul was now exhausted and his body had no strength.

However, what made him heavy in his heart was that although this attack raised his disaster level to level 33, he did not see the prompt that Melanie was killed.

He stared at the deep pit, and a figure jumped out of it.

Melanie was in tattered clothes at this time, and a lot of snow-white skin was exposed to the air. Although she looked very embarrassed, her condition was much better than Su Hong.

She stared at Su Hong coldly, "You really deserve to die."

The pink world came again, and Su Hong's consciousness fell directly into darkness.

In a daze, he didn't know how long it had passed, and he felt as if someone was calling him anxiously in his ear.

It was a pity that he didn't last until he woke up, and his consciousness fell into darkness completely.

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