My doppelganger drama

Chapter 246 Attack and Surprise

"Isn't there anyone who can resist?" Brother Duomu sighed softly as he looked at the corpses in front of him.

He forgot to leave anyone alive to report the news. When they reacted, all of them committed suicide on the spot without exception.

So sad.

But it doesn't matter, they are so close, and the team was sent out not long ago. The sudden loss of contact should still attract subsequent attention.

With this in mind, Brother Duomu stretched out his hand.

The eyeballs of the corpse in front all detached from their eye sockets and flew into Brother Dome's robe and disappeared.

If you were an ordinary follower of the Hundred Eyes Sect, they would probably absorb so many eyes without hesitation.

But Brother Duomu thought about it and let it go.

A little bit of a subtle mental mysophobia, the six eyes that flew into his eyes uncontrollably made him very resistant. He didn't want to let himself become too deformed.

Although Wanyi's hobbies are like this, Duomuge is not the same for the time being.

Unless they are high-quality eyes, he usually only supplements Wan Yi's own eyes sent by other clones.

Wan Yi's eyes are certified as good eyes by the Eye of All Things, so it is not impossible for Duomu to be a little "picky" in his daily life.

After doing this, Brother Duomu stood quietly, letting his robes flutter in the wind.

"What? All the teams sent out have lost contact?!" Darla said in surprise after hearing the report from the people below.

"Yes, the team lost contact shortly after reporting their arrival at the crash landing site."

"Has the follow-up reconnaissance team been dispatched?"

"We were dispatched after the front team lost contact. The results should be available soon."

After hearing what her subordinate said, Dara remained patient for the time being.

Soon, the subordinates also received news of the follow-up reconnaissance team.

"The reconnaissance team saw the scene from a distance. All the team members in front died outside the aircraft! The equipment showed that there was no life response in the aircraft. There was only one person standing on the wreckage of the aircraft!" the subordinate replied in surprise.

"Only one person?" Darla frowned.

"Wait a minute, the reconnaissance team reports that they have been discovered! The other party directly chose to take action!"

Darla grabbed the contact device and was about to give instructions, but after talking, there was no response from the other end, only silence.

"What's wrong?" he called.

The subordinates dare not breathe.

After a long silence, there was a vague sound again on the other end of the connection.

Then a gloomy voice slowly appeared on the contact channel: "Did you shoot down my aircraft?"

"It's your uncle! Did you kill my team?" Darla scolded directly.

"There is no denying have already eliminated two teams by me. I am waiting for you here. You can continue to try to spread your senseless greed." The voice over there said.

"You have the guts! Wait for me!"


It seems that the communication device over there was directly destroyed.

The subordinates looked at the livid boss and said nothing.

"It seems that we have really encountered a hard problem." Darla said.

He looked at his subordinates and gave the order: "Copycat, I don't believe how capable a person who just sits on scrap iron is!"


"Huh? Sure enough, this kind of loose force that acts like a trap can't be too cautious. Brother Duomu went out in a hurry as soon as he caught a fish." Wan Yi, who was observing the gang's stronghold, said.

After Duomu Ge continued to provoke fishing, the gang immediately mobilized. It was obvious that they were just going to rob one person, but their posture seemed to be to go to another force to start a war.

"Now that the opponent's butt is empty, we are going to go up and steal their butt!" The little princess did not go to the front line, but her voice remained in the hearts of all Wan Yi.

"The little princess is right!"

"Go, go, go!"


"Steal ass!"

"The team hasn't gone far yet, be quiet!" It wasn't until the Green Goblin at the back spoke that everyone calmed down a little.

The picture and text were a little nervous, so the concentration of sedative drugs was increased again.

Green Goblin turned to Tu Wenwen and said, "Do you want to charge on the ground or drop into the field from the air?"

"Ah? Are you still planning to airdrop?" Tu Wenwen was stunned for a moment.

"It's just about doing everything comprehensively, haha." The Green Devil laughed.

"Then...shall I try an airdrop?"

"Easy to say."

"Damn it! There's only one person across the way! Why the hell are you bringing so many people there?!" Devin couldn't stand it after hearing about Dara's arrangement.

What is this teammate doing?

Is this really a teammate?

Don’t lose your brain if you engage in internal competition!

The leaders of many branches within the gang have passed away. Making such a choice at this point right after Devin and Darla had just finished their quarrel was, in a sense, taking sides.

Devin sighed.

"I really don't understand, these crazy people!" Devin sighed.

In order to kill one person, a "big army" was dispatched.

Devine couldn't understand.

And just when Devine was thinking about what the future would be like.

There was a sudden noise outside.

Devin frowned: "What's going on?"

Then one of his cavalrymen hurried over and said, "Boss Diwen! A gang of lunatics are coming!"

"What!?" Devin stood up directly from his position.

He quickly ran out of the house, and then he saw smoke rising from the entrance to the stronghold in the distance.

Many gang members are rushing that way, but it's like moths flying into a flame, none of them will return.

"Who is it! Who is it!?" Devin shouted.

No one responded, but soon, an undisguised roar came from the sky.

He looked up and was stunned.

He saw the toilet and the toilet plug!

Compared with these two, the aircraft next to it, which has a very normal and cool color scheme and shape, seems so unknown!

Countless firing holes were opened at the base of the "toilet", firing fire mercilessly downwards. With each bombing, the loud sound of toilet flushing in the sky was undoubtedly the most ruthless irony of what was below.

The rod of the "toilet stopper" radiates a lethal beam, and everything it strikes is caught in a sea of ​​fire.

A large area of ​​the gang's stronghold was plowed over in an instant.

Then, a figure began to fall from the aircraft for airborne landing.

"Boss, what should we do? The anti-aircraft weapons were destroyed as soon as they came up! The opponent's goal is very clear!" Ma Zi from behind ran out and shouted.

Devin covered his mouth, Devin frowned, Devin pondered.

When Devin spoke, he said decisively: "Run."

"Ah?" Ma Zai was stunned.

"The other party has been planning for a long time. We may have a spy inside, or we may have been monitored and observed by the other party. Now the opportunity of emptiness inside has been seized. And with the other party's level of armed reserves, even if they don't make small moves to fight head-on, It's not something we can stop." Ignoring the cold sweat on Devin's forehead, his thinking was still very clear.

He is too naive.

He actually felt that the little foundation he had accumulated on this low-level island in the corner of the country could fight against a madman with real premeditation and plan.

The hell in front of him completely shattered all his unrealistic illusions.

After weighing the pros and cons, he immediately made a decision, turned around and ran away with a few of his confidants.

"What? The stronghold was attacked!?" Dara's eyes widened and she couldn't believe the news.

What kind of development is this?

The gang members who came out with him were also puzzled.

For them, today is obviously just a day to masturbate and then encounter hard problems.

Why was the stronghold suddenly attacked?

This point is stuck too well!

Could it be that the aircraft was just a decoy sent by the attacking force?

How can it be!

You can use so many aircraft as bait, so why are you playing with their little gang? No direct violent push?

Play with them!

"Turn back!" Darla quickly ordered.

But as soon as he finished speaking, several pumpkin bombs fell from the sky, blowing up the team and knocking them off their feet. Children's laughter echoed around.

Accompanied by the sound of the engine, the green figure stepped on the aircraft skateboard and lowered slightly in the air. He looked down and gave an exaggerated smile: "No, no, no, you are already halfway there. Giving up halfway is not something worth promoting. What a virtue!”

"Kneel down and dig out your eyes and give them to me."

Another gloomy voice said.

Before some people saw the source of this sentence, their legs weakened and fell to the ground. With frightened expressions and shouts of resistance, they tremblingly raised their hands to dig out their own eyeballs.

Behind him, Brother Duomu also arrived here at some point. The overlapping pupils in his two eyes were cold and ruthless.

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