My doppelganger drama

Chapter 247 Masturbation begins, masturbation ends

The pictures and texts were taken from the plane that looked the most normal.

After numerous instigations from the troupe members, she finally refused the temptation and did not get on the toilet or toilet plug.

It is a dispensable persistence.

"Mask Girl!"

"It's the masked woman!"

"Damn it, it turns out he's from that force!"

"Stop scolding, the masked woman is here!"

Pulling the blade out of a corpse and shaking off the blood, she looked speechlessly at the people around her who were running away while yelling her nickname.

"Isn't there a nicer title?" she muttered dissatisfied.

Although the masked woman is indeed the best description of her at the moment.

But it's so weird.

"It's not a masked sword girl? It's not detailed enough." King Wu Yi walked lightly among the crowd. It seemed to be doing nothing, but the people fell down one by one and lost their lives in their sleep.

"Plus it feels cheaper." The picture and text said.

"But it's very appropriate." King Wu Yi applauded softly, "At least you are a person with a title."

After saying that, King Wu Yi looked at a building next to him, and gently rubbed the mask on his face with his fingers: "There is an ether radiation source with a high concentration there, which should be a disaster."

The picture, text and text follow its line of sight: "Do you want to deal with it?"

"Let's go take a look. This troublemaker seems to be imprisoned." King Wu Yi said with his fingers folded lightly.

After saying that, the two of them wasted no time and walked into the building together.

It's pitch black in here.

"Is it because of the lack of electricity bills?" King Wuyi said.

Suddenly, the sound of chains shaking came to their ears.


Tu Wenwen suddenly felt a strong wind blowing towards his face. While he was panicking, he drew his sword and slashed forward to meet the enemy with extremely precise movements.


However, upon collision, Tu Wenwen quickly felt the incomparable force coming from him, and immediately transformed the force and retreated to the side.

With the enhanced vision combined with other senses, I can vaguely feel that the other person is a big guy in the dark.


King Wuyi raised his hand, and scarlet flames rose from his hand, illuminating the dark environment.

The pictures and texts also used this to see clearly what the other party looked like.

It was a tall, strong man with gnarled muscles and a thick carapace covering his skin. At first glance, he looked like a big lobster, and his hands turned into two rough swords.

"The large-scale deformation of the whole body, is it the second stage of self-adaptation?" King Wuyi squinted his eyes and looked at it.

Pictures and texts made my heart tremble when I heard the words.

The other party turned around quickly, and King Wu Yi noticed that the other party's neck and limbs were tied with strong chains.

"It seems that we have broken into the territory of a certain beast."

"Roar--" The next moment, the troublemaker in front of him roared like a wild beast.

He turned around, and the swords transformed into his arms danced wildly, causing the wind pressure to sweep and destroy the surroundings.

"There is no reason, his eyes..." King Wuyi looked at him.

The strong carapace wrapped the man's head, leaving his eyes uncovered.

Perhaps because he stayed in the dark for too long, the adaptive system's body deformation instinctively discarded the unnecessary vision.

The other party seemed to have finally caught a bit of where the two of them were, and rushed towards them.

Tu Wenwen had ether particles floating around his body and quickly reacted defensively.

The knife traced a trajectory to deflect the opponent's attacks one by one.

But after only holding on for a few rounds, she gradually became unable to hold on any longer.

The opponent's strength is too huge, and with this small tank-like body, standing in front of him is like a mantis trying to act like a chariot.

Rather, it’s good to be able to cope with it all of a sudden.


The opponent's steering in a small area may not be flexible, but the speed of the straight-line advance is undisputed. After all, the pictures and texts failed to completely resolve the opponent's force, and his body was knocked upside down.

The girl's body rolled backwards and flew out, with blood spilling from her mouth. She hit a pillar before stopping. It seemed that she couldn't stand up for a while.

The Carapace Man seemed to be attracted to the blood and became even more violent.

Just when he was about to continue the collision, the chains on his body were stretched straight, making him stop in place.

"Roar?!" It turned back and roared at the chain behind it.

"Be quiet, big guy. If you are obedient, I can consider letting you be my little pet." King Wu Yi pulled the chain around its neck and smiled sinisterly.


As soon as it roared, golden light suddenly shone in the darkness.

Wu Yiwang's black clothes suddenly changed, his cloak turned white, a fluffy scarf appeared on his neck, and feathery tentacles sprouted from his head, resembling a white moth.

He switched to radiation mode, and the essence of the dream around him quickly condensed into a shining and irregularly rhythmic ball of light that hit the opponent.


The ball of light exploded, and the Carapace Man was knocked to the ground and howled.

However, the wounds on his body are recovering quickly, which is in line with the performance of the adaptive system.

It's hard and fleshy, even regenerated.

Wu Yiwang faced forward, grabbed the chain and pulled hard to drag the opponent towards him.

Holding a white thin sword in his hand, he slashed at the opponent with a trail of light and heat.

The rapier sliced ​​through the carapace and penetrated into the flesh.

The ground beneath Huo Ren cracked and sank, causing him to struggle.

"Black... so dark... light... I can't see... black..." The blow of this sword seemed to make this mad beast show a slightly weaker side.

At this time, the glowing eyes of Wu Yiwang's black mask on his face narrowed slightly.

"Good boy."

With one hand, he held down the troublemaker whose struggle had weakened, and with the other hand, he held the sword across his shoulder, causing dazzling sparks to rub off. All these scattered sparks turned into light and heat and merged into the sword again.

King Wuyi raised his sword and struck hard!

"Ah——!" The troublemaker screamed. The carapace on his chest was completely destroyed by this sword, and his skin and flesh were torn apart.

Before the screams stopped, King Wuyi turned his wrist and raised the sword, flying into the air with the huge body of the Carapace. After flying a long distance, he crashed two pillars before rolling to the ground.

Blood-stained carapace fragments were scattered on the ground, and the troublemaker was unconscious.

Tu Wenwen watched this scene and reached out with difficulty to increase the concentration of the sedative medicine.


This was the first time she saw King Wu Yi take action.

She couldn't stop this carapace scourge at all, and the blade couldn't cut through the opponent's carapace, but she really looked like a helpless child in front of King Wuyi.

"Is it easy to lie down in the VIP seat?" King Wu Yi turned his head and looked at the pictures and texts.

"Not very comfortable." Tu Wenwen replied.

"Then why don't you get up quickly?"

Tu Wenwen got up hard.

After King Wuyi cut the chain on Kaihuo Ren's body shorter, he grabbed his collar and dragged him away.

Devin and his closest subordinates boarded an aircraft he had provided.

Of course it is impossible for a person like him not to prepare means of escape.

"Go directly to the nearest main island." He looked ugly and disgraced.


Feeling a slight push on his back, the aircraft took off. The scenery outside was gradually forgotten, and Devin breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the aircraft shook violently.

"What's going on!" Devin's heart started to relax again.

"The aircraft was hit!"

"Is it the opponent's aircraft?"

"No, it's a ground anti-aircraft gun!"

"What?" Devin shouted directly, "Didn't you say that the anti-aircraft weapons were destroyed by them immediately?"

"Yes, I clearly confirmed it at that time..." The subordinate who reported before also had a trembling tone.

At the same time, the air defense armed unit was destroyed immediately.

Wan Yi from the Wanbi department are working overtime.

"Damn it! I told you to be careful and stop it, but you just blew it up!" Wan Yi yelled.

"Can't this still be repaired? If it can be repaired, it won't be a problem." Wan Yi, who was in charge of the raid, responded to his anger with a smile.

"It's simply because these weapons are more crude than imagined! Rather than repairing them, it's better to build them again using these materials!"

"Just make do with it if it can still be used. Hehe, they used these to knock us down in the first place."

"Hey, there seems to be an aircraft taking off over there."

"Are you going to escape?"

"How to say?"

"What else can I say? Beat him!"

The brand new anti-aircraft gun, which had just been repaired, was activated.

The aircraft that Devine was riding in was destroyed before it could escape far.

Until the fire engulfed him, he didn't understand how everything developed to this point in a short period of time.

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