My Elf Simulator

Chapter 108 Evolved Form

After lunch at noon.

Kurosawa returned to the training room.

He took out the nightmare mayfly that had formed a cocoon from his backpack.

In recent days, the size of this cocoon has been increasing, and the breath it exudes has been increasing.

This morning, there were very obvious signs of beating.

Kurosawa held the volleyball-sized cocoon and silently entered the nutritional value.

"Do you need my help?"

Suddenly, his psychic power sensed the thoughts coming from the nightmare mayfly.

Without hesitation.

The psychic power in his body transmitted waves through the palm of his hand, and then slowly merged into the inside of the cocoon.

As soon as the psychic power penetrated into it, Kurosawa felt a strong energy fluctuation.

The cocoon was very hot, and the energy kept squeezing, expanding, squeezing, and expanding.

It was like a beating huge heart, and it was like a volcano that was suppressed and about to erupt.

The nightmare mayfly seemed to be in some pain in the energy agitation.

Kurosawa immediately mobilized his psychic power and soothed it.

As the spiritual energy wrapped with the power of nature spread in its body.

Countless green forces calmed its heat like cold air.

Evolution is also risky, and there is a high possibility of failure.

At this last moment, Kurosawa gave the greatest help he could provide, but the key still depends on the Nightmare Mayfly itself.

It has to survive.

Kurosawa continued to release spiritual energy, while conveying encouragement to the Nightmare Mayfly.

Of course, he hoped that the Nightmare Mayfly could evolve successfully in one go.

Only by evolving into a new life form can it gain a longer lifespan.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Kurosawa’s forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

The long-term release and consumption of spiritual energy made him very tired.

But he did not stop, and the Nightmare Mayfly had reached the critical moment of evolution.

“Bang bang!”

The entire purple cocoon seemed to be alive.

It was beating violently on Kurosawa’s knees.

The little Shining stopped training and silently looked at Kurosawa and Nightmare Mayfly.

It walked back and forth in the same place.

Kurosawa swallowed his saliva.

His eyelids, which were tightly closed because of the need to strengthen his concentration, kept twitching.

Feeling the powerful energy fluctuations in his hands, he felt a little uneasy.

It has been a long time since he felt any information and emotions from Nightmare Mayfly.

It was like it fell into a coma and lost contact with him.

But the energy in the cocoon did not calm down because of its coma, but continued to "heat up".

Will something go wrong?

Evolution failure generally does not cause too big a problem, but he has also heard of a few cases where accidents caused the death of elves.

He can accept the outcome of evolution failure, but if it is the worst outcome, it will be troublesome.

Just when he was thinking about whether to give up evolution and wake up Nightmare Mayfly.

A faint emotion slowly emerged from the deepest part like a tiny bud.

The bud was quickly pulled out, and the original life force slowly awakened from its body.

The cocoon held by Kurosawa gradually slowed down its beating, and the energy was continuously absorbed by this huge life force and turned into nutrients for evolution.

It exuded a faint fragrance, a pure natural fragrance, and at the same time, a colorful and dazzling light gradually emitted from Kurosawa's hands.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

A wonderful sound sounded in Kurosawa's mind at the same time.

A warm and cool wonderful energy penetrated into his body from the contact between him and the cocoon.

The energy flowed through his whole body, and finally condensed in his brain and slowly melted away.

The spiritual energy in Kurosawa's body was slightly improved.


Kurosawa heard the movement of the cocoon and opened his eyes.

A crack split from the surface, continued to expand, and finally fine textures spread all over the surface of the cocoon.


The little life curled up inside poked its head out.

It was a strange little guy.

"Ah, huh!"

It squeezed out of the surface of the cocoon with difficulty, bending over and panting.

Kurosawa looked at the elf in front of him.

Whether in appearance or the powerful aura it exudes, it is difficult to associate it with the previous nightmare mayfly.

This is a soft and cute elf, like a dark version of the sunny doll, but more fluffy, with an ominous purple energy wrapped around it.

It is blue-purple all over, 40 to 50 centimeters tall, with two small tentacles on its head, floating in the air like swaying seaweed, looking really cute.

The most eye-catching thing is the iris in its huge eyes that is like a light green gem, which contains deep magic.

At this moment, it is floating in the air, raising its short left limb, and then raising its right limb.

It tilted its head.

There is a bit of confusion in its pupils.

Elf: Nightmare

Racial qualification: three stars

Attribute: Dream (weak ghost)

Energy value: 25.2

"Congratulations, the Elf Nightmare Mayfly has evolved into the Elf Nightmare."

"The Elf's racial qualification has been upgraded to three stars."

"The attribute energy has been slightly improved."

"Learned the deep blue racial skill: Prank."

Little Nightmare finally prepared himself mentally and accepted his changed appearance.

As soon as he raised his head, he found that Kurosawa was staring at him.

The mental preparation he had just made was defeated again, and he covered his face shyly.

A blue steam-like mist floated around his head and cheeks.

He cried softly and got into Kurosawa's arms.

"Ah, huh!"


After a burst of coldness.

Kurosawa couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Little Nightmare really got into his body.

But unlike the fusion of Little Shining Zeus mode, it simply hid in Kurosawa's body.

Has the evolved Little Nightmare no longer had a physical body?

Kurosawa thought silently.

"Ah, huh?"

Little Nightmare probably didn't expect that he could get into Kurosawa's body. He was startled and quickly poked his head out of Kurosawa's belly.

He reached out and touched the junction, and looked up at Kurosawa.

Kurosawa looked at it.

He understood what it meant, shook his head, and said softly.

"Don't worry, I'm not in pain."

He also felt very magical.

What is the physical state of Little Nightmare now?

It can obviously pass through his body without any resistance, but he can feel the touch of its touch. Can it transform between reality and illusion?

Attribute: Dream (Weak Ghost)

The attribute column on the panel should mean that the evolved Little Nightmare has acquired a small amount of ghost attributes.

So, is this a characteristic brought by the ghost attribute?

The Little Nightmare drilled in and out of Kurosawa's body.

In the past, it liked to stick close to Kurosawa and drill into his sleeves or collar.

Now that it has evolved, it is more convenient to hide in Kurosawa's body, which makes it very happy.

It keeps trying as if it has a new toy.

The Little Shining stared blankly at the scene of it going in and out of Kurosawa's body. Its simple brain has been overloaded and it can't understand what happened in a short time.

Is the owner being attacked? Should it help?

But the strange guy seems to be a friend from before.

To help? Not to help?

A little bird fell into thinking.

While it hesitated, the Little Nightmare floated out quickly.

It drilled into its body.



Two screams sounded at the same time.

The Little Nightmare who had just drilled in immediately slipped out.

The two took a step back, staring at each other.

They seemed to be surprised at why the other party attacked them.

Little Flash felt a burst of cold energy stimulation, and couldn't help shaking his body.

Little Nightmare was driven away by the lightning energy in its body, and his whole body was numb.

Hei Ze raised the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hands, and rubbed the heads of the two elves at the same time.

It seems that if Little Nightmare wants to sneak into the body of an elf with attribute energy, he will encounter some obstacles.

This also means that attribute energy can cause damage to its current ethereal physical state.

Thank you for the reward from the leader of Hongzhuang Manyanjian, thank you! It seems that there is nothing to repay. Seeing that other authors are rewarded with 10,000 rewards and more chapters, I will not learn from my own ability. Adding the two rewards of 10,000 before the release of the book by the book friend 20181003211423767, a total of 12 chapters. But I can only owe it for the time being. I'm too busy with school recently, so I'll pay it back slowly.

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