My Elf Simulator

Chapter 109 Showdown

Although the change in the attribute energy value of the evolved little nightmare is not big, its momentum has changed dramatically.

As a very small elf, the wild nightmare mayfly is not outstanding in frontal combat ability among two-star elves.

Compared with other elves, they are fragile and it is difficult for them to organize active and effective self-defense, so they must rely on expanding the population to ensure survival rate and take care of each other.

When encountering an enemy that is difficult to resist, the aging individuals in the elf population will choose to sacrifice themselves to protect the tribe.

Only a very small number of individuals of such a weak race will evolve into nightmares after their energy is full.

For many kinds of elves, contracting with humans may not be a good thing, because the elf contract will stifle their own potential, and the improvement of their strength is limited by the psychic talent and specific training plan of the elf master.

But for nightmare mayflies, contracting with humans can improve their success rate, because it is too difficult for them to rely on their own abilities to complete evolution, and it is even more difficult to break through the advanced stage.

It is rare for an elf to evolve and achieve a breakthrough in strength at the same time, like Little Shining.

Take the elves like Nightmare Mayfly as an example. If they want to evolve into Nightmare, they need to first improve their strength to the peak of the intermediate elves. With the improvement of strength, their blood will also reach the peak.

At this time, whether they can evolve into Nightmare before the end of their life span depends on the elf's own luck.

After the evolution is successful, they may reach the advanced stage through training and experience.

On the other hand, those elves whose initial racial qualifications are three-star will have much lower difficulty in breaking through to the advanced stage.

Kurosawa's Nightmare Mayfly can complete the evolution in advance. On the one hand, it is due to the dream attribute meme material, and on the other hand, the solid foundation he built by relying on nutritional value is also indispensable.

Kurosawa looked at Little Nightmare.

It is definitely unclear how much the strength has improved by just looking at the panel data, and it needs to be tested in actual combat.

His eyes slowly shifted to Little Shining.

If Nightmare wants to measure the increase in his own strength, the best opponent is Little Shining.

Because they had fought many times before, there were sufficient data samples for comparison and reference.

Before the evolution of Nightmare Mayfly, it played a more auxiliary role.

At first, the Dawn of Little Nightmare could still cause a lot of trouble to Little Shining, but as Kurosawa asked them to continue to practice adaptation.

Little Shining quickly became familiar with the effect of Dawn, and after a long time, the impact of mental attacks was greatly weakened.

Little Shining can often defeat Nightmare Mayfly in a few rounds.

I don’t know how much the gap in strength between them has narrowed after this evolution?

With this idea in mind, Kurosawa commanded Nightmare and Little Shining to stand on the left and right sides of the training ground, preparing to start an internal duel.

In order to ensure fairness, he chose not to help anyone and not to use psychic energy to help them enhance the effect of their skills.


With Kurosawa's order.

The two little ones quickly entered the attribute state.

Gold-blue arcs appeared on the surface of Little Shining, and it gently flapped its wings and stayed in the air.

Nightmare's soft body also emits a purple halo, floating in the air.

Their eyes collided with each other, and invisible electric light was born in the air.

Because of Kurosawa's daily brainwashing and encouragement, Little Shining gradually believed that he was the core of the team.

Since he was the core, of course he had to be the strongest in the team.

In order to maintain his core position, he always had high standards and strict requirements during daily training.

Compared with Little Shining, Nightmare was not as warlike, but he felt that Kurosawa had more expectations for himself after his evolution, so he didn't want to disappoint him.

Both of them had their own ideas, and their eyes gradually became firm.

"Electric shock!"

Little Shining took the lead.

The electric shock that had been trained thousands of times was as smooth as breathing, and it shot out from its beak in an instant.

The lightning was slender and sharp, and it looked calm, but this was the powerful proof that Little Shining's electric shock proficiency had reached LV3.

It could already compress the energy released by the electric shock to the extreme, reduce unnecessary losses, and be more difficult to defend against.

The might seemed to be reduced, but the destructive power was stronger.

The lightning was like a flying dagger, piercing the air quickly and neatly, hitting the soft body of Nightmare.

However, the next moment, Nightmare's blue-purple figure shook.

The figure suddenly disappeared, turning into countless dark smoke and dissipating.

Its body disappeared like a ghost.

The electric shock energy that lost its target passed through its ethereal figure.

Accompanied by a huge explosion.

A charred mark was left on the hard protective wall.

It seemed that the power of the attack was average and did not cause damage, but it was not the case.

In addition to providing daily training for the elf masters, the training room of the elf base in each city also served as an emergency shelter for citizens in the event of a major accident.

Unlike the energy-absorbing and buffering face wall, these protective walls are extremely strong.

Even if the shield device is not activated, the protective wall relies on its own material strength to withstand all attacks below the high-level elves.

Once the shield is activated, the defensive capability will rise sharply.

The ability to leave a mark on the wall is itself a proof of the excellent attack of the elves.

Little Shining turned his head and looked around.

Kurosawa, like it, was looking for the figure of the nightmare.

"Ah hoo hoo——"

Its ethereal voice suddenly sounded in the training room.

The sound was not loud, but it kept echoing in the training room.


The nightmare suddenly emerged from the ground, and its short hands pulled the Shining Bird down without hesitation.


The little Shining was startled, and made a sharp cry, flapping its wings desperately and flying upward.

It lowered its head and was about to launch an attack when the nightmare suddenly disappeared again.

Kurosawa stood in the distance, holding his chin and analyzing silently.

Little Shining is not that timid.

In his psychic perception, Nightmare had just quietly used dream-attributed energy. It was those dream-attributed energies that created hallucinations for Little Shining and put him in a frightened state.

Is it the effect of the racial skill [Prank]?

Little Nightmare used a prank, which had the effect of scaring Little Shining, and replenished its own consumption by absorbing the negative emotional energy that flew out during the frightening process.

Create fear + restore energy?

Because it can absorb the negative emotional energy caused by the successful release of skills, [Prank] consumes very little energy of its own attributes.

It feels like a very good skill.

Kurosawa watched the battle on the field and silently analyzed it.

The too-empty environment of the training room was obviously not enough to bring out the full effect of the nightmare [Prank].

If you are in a cold and dark environment, with environmental bonuses, the effect of the skill should be better.

Pranks are like the ultimate enhanced version of whispers.

The effect is stronger and the consumption is less.

I just don’t know if I can form a skill combo with Dawn.

Kurosawa thought.

Although his current strength is still at the professional level, because of his nutritional value, he has undergone a lot of elf skill training.

Through high-frequency skill training, he has noticed that there are excellent compatibility between some skills, and when combined together, they can form a more powerful effect.

For example, the Wuxiang composed of Mysterious Electric Shock and Dawn.

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