My Elf Simulator

Chapter 116 Lightning and Thunder

The opponent was not strong, so Kurosawa was ready to try his guess.

He sensed the lightning energy in the environment and concentrated his mind.

He mobilized his spiritual energy and used his perception to assist the little Shining.

He activated [Electricity Storage].

The surface of the little Shining was covered with a layer of shining light.

Then some magical power erupted in its body.


The strands of lightning energy in the air slowly gathered in its round body as if attracted by a magnet.


Whenever a burst of lightning energy in the air was absorbed, the surface of the little Shining would sound like a bird's song, and then the energy breath would clearly rise by a certain amplitude.

Because it was a skill that had just been learned and used for the first time, both Kurosawa and the little Shining were very unfamiliar.

But under careful control, they still used the [Electricity Storage] skill smoothly despite the bumps and bruises.

This was thanks to the experience during this period of time.

His own psychic power and the lightning attribute manipulation ability of the little Shining have increased several times.

At the same time, the tacit understanding between the two has reached a very good level.

If it were before, it would be almost impossible to use the skill of [Storage], which has a high level of operation precision, right after mastering it.

"Boss, how about we retreat?"

"What kind of monster is this! Is it really Lightning Dudu?"

Looking at the Shining bird floating high in the air, whose thunder attribute energy aura is gradually becoming more terrifying, the fat man in the trio stuttered.

He realized that the situation was getting worse and said what the other two people were thinking without any burden.

"It's too late now."

The team leader swallowed his saliva.

Now he finally recognized the reality.

The opponent was not weak, but he had never used his real ability.

The previous battle was just him playing tricks on him!

Thinking of this, he was extremely angry and inexplicably sad.

"Don't hold back, use up all your blood energy! Let's interrupt that Lightning Toot together!"

Feeling the lightning attribute elf whose momentum was still rising.

The team leader roared loudly, as if he wanted to cheer himself and his two companions up through the volume.

He roared passionately, but his heart was bleeding.

The blood energy he had stored had been accumulated for a long time, but he didn't expect to use it here today.

Although he didn't understand what specific elf skills the elf master on the opposite side was using, he also knew that he couldn't let the other party accumulate infinitely.

When the other party's "reading bar" was completed, they would really be finished.

He gave an order.

Instantly, the remaining two people also suppressed their uneasiness in their hearts and poured all their energy into their respective elves.

"Storm Spikes!"

"Lion Roar!"


Don't say it, perhaps it was the stimulation of excessive pressure, or perhaps it was because they considered that if they didn't stop the little Shining Spirit, they would be completely defeated, so they chose to be unreserved, and the elves commanded by the three people burst out with an extremely huge momentum.

The surrounding sand rushed into the sky, stirring up the nearby air into dust.

A small sandstorm suddenly appeared out of nowhere, carrying spikes, and roaring towards the small shining spirit in the air.

The ten-meter-high sandstorm tornado covered the surrounding area within a hundred meters with dim smoke and dust.


Kurosawa lowered the brim of his straw hat.

The purple dream shield protected its body, blocking most of the flying sand.

The sky was full of yellow sand, and he could no longer see the situation on the battlefield clearly.

In the turbid yellow sand, only a golden "little sun" emitted a hazy light through the layers of sand.


"Crack, crack!"

The wind attribute energy strangled the small shining spirit in the middle with steel spikes.

"Is there hope?"

The trio looked at the sandstorm that they had created with all their strength, and they felt hopeful.

They have already used up all the blood energy stored in the elves' bodies, and gathered all the strength of the three elves. This is the most terrifying attack they have created so far, and the power is even beyond their own imagination.

If they still can't defeat the opponent.

No! They must be able to. This level of attack is impossible for ordinary professional elf masters to withstand.

Although the momentum of Kurosawa's Shining Bird is very strong, in their perception, it still does not exceed the range of intermediate elves.

"Boom boom boom!"

The intensity of the opponent's full-strength attack, it must be said, surprised Kurosawa.

But the little Shining and his strength are not that simple.

[Charge] Completed!

Kurosawa's mouth corners slowly rose.

According to his expectation, the current release of the lightning gun should follow three steps.

While attacking the opponent with electric shock, a large number of free lightning attribute energy particles are released, which have an impact on the surrounding environment.

The second step is to rely on charge storage to recover and compress the energy of the discrete and ownerless particles, and combine them with the energy in the body to form a cycle.

At the same time, the powerful protection state brought by charge storage can also avoid various interferences from the opponent to the little Shining at this stage.

Now we finally come to the last step, releasing the lightning gun.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

In the chaotic sandstorm, a sharp and ethereal sound suddenly came to mind.

It was very faint at first, but as time passed, the sound became louder and louder.

It was like millions of bees making noises in unison.

The little sun in the center of the sandstorm slowly floated up.

Its light became brighter.

The trio heard strange noises and slowly looked up.

The scene in front of them surprised them so much that they slowly opened their mouths wide, and they didn't even notice the sand flying into their mouths.

In a trance, they seemed to see a miracle, two suns appeared in the sky at the same time!

A huge setting sun and a rising new sun.

Looking closely, the new sun was narrower and longer, it was the lightning elf!

Its light was too strong, completely suppressing the chaotic sandstorm.

Countless golden lightning gathered in its slender blue tail, turning into a huge Z-shaped lightning gun with golden body.

And the white noise in their ears was coming from the lightning gun.

"Ultimate lightning gun!"

Kurosawa muttered in his heart.

As the lightning gun condensed into shape, it triggered the ability of the ultimate.

The momentum of the lightning gun soared straight up, reaching the peak of the strength of the little shining spirit in history!

The restraining effect of the wind attribute of the sand walrus on the lightning attribute was instantly offset by this huge energy value gap.

Kurosawa waved his hand towards the location of the enemy elf.


A huge golden light suddenly appeared, splitting the sky and the earth in two, as if the thunder god in the sky threw lightning from the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

It was like a bomb falling into the desert.

The shock wave suddenly spread out from the center point where the lightning gun fell, carrying sand particles.

Sand and dust several meters high instantly attacked the outside along the center of the circle.

Nightmare flew out of Kurosawa's body, protecting Kurosawa in front of him, and at the same time tried his best to activate the protection of the Dream Shield.

But Kurosawa was still blown away several meters by the aftermath of the impact.


Kurosawa climbed up from the sand in a somewhat embarrassed manner, shook his head, and a trace of bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Even though he was prepared, he still underestimated the power of the ultimate lightning gun made by himself and the little shining spirit.

His memory stayed at the last time he used it on the Storm Monkey.

Although there was attribute restraint at that time, and he was restrained now, his strength was much stronger than when he was taking the professional level assessment, so the power was far greater than the last time.

So what level of attack is the current ultimate thunder gun?

Intermediate? Advanced?

Kurosawa shook his head and looked into the distance.

The battle was over.

The air was still covered with a layer of gray dust.

In his perception, the three elves were lying motionless on the ground.

Completely lost the ability to move.

This was actually the result of Kurosawa holding back.

Just now, he did not control the thunder gun to directly hit any elves, but still hit the surrounding sand.

The characteristics of the thunder attribute determine that it is destined to be a concentrated, single-point breakthrough explosive attack mode.

It can be said that most of the damage is concentrated near the center point.

The aftermath of the three elves is already the reduced power.

But because the power of the ultimate thunder gun is too strong, even if it is the aftermath of the attack, the three elves still have all their energy consumed.

Relying on the tenacious vitality of the intermediate elves, it was hanging on for a breath.

When Kurosawa sensed it, the little Shining flew back to him.

It looked a little tired.

The consumption of the lightning gun was still too much for the intermediate elves.

Kurosawa reached out and hugged it, slowly inputting the nutritional value.


The little Shining turned over comfortably in his arms and made a pleasant sound.

Although the body was very tired, the release of the lightning gun made it feel happy from the bottom of its heart.

It also made it regain its confidence. Relying on the lightning gun, its strength has widened the gap with the nightmare in the team.

Its eyes looked at the nightmare floating beside Kurosawa.

"Beep beep."

"Yeah haha?"

The two elves communicated with each other.

Kurosawa did not disturb their interaction.

When the dust settled, he walked towards the trio in the distance.

At this moment, the bodies of the trio were buried in the sand.

They were struggling to crawl out of it with stars in their eyes due to the impact.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft!"

When Kurosawa walked nearby, the tall man who was the leader of the team crawled out of the sand and kept spitting out sand from his mouth.

His hair was messy like a chicken coop, and his originally handsome one-shoulder cape had flown away to who knows where, looking like a refugee.

Kurosawa looked at the three people, squatted down and asked curiously.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

Although he was fine, the other three were beaten badly, but they were the first to attack.

And this is only Kurosawa. If it was an ordinary professional elf master, one against three would definitely not be able to hold on.

"Haha. We are good people."

"This is a misunderstanding, haha, we mistook you, the senior, for someone else, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings"

The tall young man in the lead looked at Kurosawa's half-smile, smiled awkwardly, and waved his hands repeatedly.

Until now, he had a clear look at Kurosawa. Although he was young and exuded a harmless temperament, the two elves on his shoulders gave him great pressure, making him swallow his saliva.

The younger Kurosawa was, the more afraid he was.

Even the weak Tutu bird could be trained to be so strong, how terrifying would the other purple elf be?

At least an elite elf master, or even...?

Kurosawa's figure instantly became unfathomable in his eyes.

He had heard that many powerful elf masters liked to pretend to be young and keep their appearance young.

"Haha, misunderstood?" Kurosawa shook his head and smiled, ignoring the other party's remarks.

Take out the smartphone from the bracelet.

Take photos of the three people’s faces one by one.

Because he moved so fast, the photo session was over before the hands of the three people covering their cheeks could be placed on their faces.

"Let me take a look."

Kurosawa retrieved the photos one by one.

Although smartphones are currently unable to connect to the Internet, some local data stored in them can still function.

The appearance and intelligence information of various elf masters currently wanted by the alliance can be checked one by one.

Whenever connected to the Internet, the system will automatically update this type of information and include information on the latest wanted elf masters.

"Gongsun Kui, is this you?"

Kurosawa Flip Smartphone.

A photo that looked very similar to the tall leader appeared on the screen.

The same horse face, high nose bridge.

There is also the pair of "three white eyes" with pupils set very low.

The only difference is that the man in the photo has cold eyes, a gloomy temperament, and a complete evil look.

And the man in front of him was showing a flattering smile.

"Of course it can't be me, it just looks like me."

"The alliance's D-level wanted personnel is wandering in the Ugu Desert. The core elf is the Sand Walrus. Is it such a coincidence?"

Today's facial recognition systems are very advanced. Under normal circumstances, there are very few errors. What's more, even the core elves used are the same. There are not so many coincidences in the world.

"Haha." Gongsun Kui forced out an ugly, bitter smile.

The body seemed to have lost all strength and sat slumped in the sand.

He was used to being domineering and plundering only cargo personnel or peripheral explorers.

But how strong can someone come to this hellish oven-like place to explore?

Unexpectedly, I met an expert in fishing law enforcement today.

He first decided to take action when he saw the Dudu bird next to Kurosawa, but who would have thought that a Dudu bird could be so powerful.

God wants to kill me. He couldn't help but think sadly.

"Can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?"

Kurosawa did not forget the first scene when he saw the three people.

He showed a kind smile, and at the same time, the surface of the little Shining on his shoulder flashed with thunder and lightning.

Gongsun Kui crawled back two steps.

Seeing the little Shining reminded him of the lightning just now, and he was still frightened at this moment.

"Senior, don't do anything, enforce the law in a civilized manner, and speak up if you have anything to say!"


"Don't! I'll tell you right away and I won't hide it!"

I don’t know what he was thinking about, but before Kurosawa could make the next move, he spoke in a hurry.

Kurosawa nodded and listened quietly.

After a while, he clapped his hands and stood up.

The three of them are the core team of the Sand Pirates. They received the mission yesterday and came here to look for Researcher Gao Yi who disappeared in the sandstorm.

A geologist who is familiar with the Ugu Desert is also of great use to criminal organizations like the Sand Bandits.

The three of them searched for two days but found nothing. Just when they thought it was an intelligence error and were about to call it a day and leave, they met Kurosawa.

In a sense, Kurosawa and his group were indeed traveling together, but they had just received the missing persons commission from different "units".

Kurosawa looked at the three people in front of him hesitantly.

Having lost their core combat power, they no longer pose a threat, but they are just a little troublesome.

The leader, Gongsun Kui, is a wanted person in the alliance, with a reward of 53 alliance points.

The reward amount for wanted criminals at the professional level in the league is generally within 100 league points.

The other two are not on the wanted list, but they must have done many evil things.

It was definitely not possible to run away, but it would be too far for him to take the three of them to the town where the alliance was stationed.

There are no alliance agencies stationed in places like Outpost Town, and the nearest city is a full 150 kilometers away.

After thinking for a moment, he used the satellite phone to call Gong Lihua in Haitang City and decided to ask her for advice.

Before he set off, Miya Lihua informed Kurosawa of her private number.

After waiting for half a minute, the call was dialed.

"This is Gong Lihua."

Gong Lihua's cold voice came through the phone speaker.

"Miya Minister, this is Kurosawa. Sorry to disturb you."

Gongsun Kui, who was sitting obediently aside, pricked up his ears to eavesdrop, and heard Minister Gong speak when Kurosawa spoke.

His heart felt a little heavy.

My guess was indeed correct. The expert was indeed pretending to be young, and even went to great lengths to deliberately bring a doodle bird to show weakness when fishing.

Anyone who can be called a minister is at least the highest officer of the municipal alliance, a master-level existence.

And could the being who could dial the master's phone so casually be an ordinary elf master?

He became more determined in his mind and could not resist no matter what.

Being caught back to the alliance would mean a jail sentence at most. If you angered a high-level elf master with special law enforcement powers, you might lose your life.

"Oh, Kurosawa, has something happened?" Gong Lihua on the other end of the phone put down her pen and asked, squeezing her brows, her voice softening a bit.

Based on her understanding of Kurosawa's temperament and the fact that he was undergoing travel experience, he would definitely not call unless there were any special circumstances.

"Is such that."

Kurosawa roughly told her his experience of meeting Gongsun Kui and others.

"Yes, I understand. Just wait a moment."

Gong Lihua turned on the computer monitor and quickly checked the situation near Kurosawa's location in the internal network system.

Kurosawa waited patiently, perhaps because he was away from home alone and had not contacted acquaintances for too long.

Hearing Gong Lihua's familiar voice, he felt a little warm.

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