My Elf Simulator

Chapter 117 Target and Abnormality

Gong Lihua's slender fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, and a series of crisp tapping sounds rang out.

After a long while, the voice on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly.

"Xiao Hei, there happens to be a small team of the Alliance in the subspace secret realm outside the Ugu Desert."

"I have sent your location and specific information to my friend in Beisai Province."

"Don't move where you are. Someone should come to pick you up soon."

Gong Lihua said slowly.

"Minister Gong, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Hei Ze thanked him.

His current location is not in Hanquan Province.

Although Gong Lihua is the Minister of the Haitang City Alliance, it is definitely not so convenient for her to intervene in cross-provincial affairs.

"That's not the case. It's just a few words."

"I mentioned you when I was chatting with Chi Lei the day before yesterday, wondering why you haven't contacted me for so long."

Gong Lihua didn't care and smiled heartily and generously.

"It's been more than a month since you came out. Is everything going well?"

When it came to personal topics, Kurosawa slightly distanced himself from the three people.

He stared at Gongsun Kui, who was the leader.

Gongsun Kui, who was sitting on the ground obediently, straightened his back instantly.

Little Shining jumped off Kurosawa's shoulder and, at Kurosawa's suggestion, took on the task of guarding the three people.


Little Shining summoned a small lightning bolt and struck Gongsun Kui's side.

Staring at him with vigilant eyes.

Under the gaze of the "ferocious beast" Little Shining, Gongsun Kui and his two companions dared not move.

But in fact, Kurosawa was worrying too much.

Gongsun Kui was already a frightened bird.

Not to mention that he was still making a phone call within sight, even if Kurosawa disappeared, Gongsun Kui would not dare to move for a short time.

Since he had determined in his heart that Kurosawa was a high-level elf master who deliberately used the beeping bird to fish for law enforcement, he instantly became much more honest.

He was afraid that if he resisted or did something out of line, he would be caught by Kurosawa on the spot and die directly.

Criminals have different personalities, some are brutal and cruel, some are treacherous and cunning, some are afraid of death, and some are ignorant of life and death.

But greed, fear and luck are human nature after all, and most people are of course afraid of death.

Gongsun Kui felt that although he was wanted by the alliance, he would probably not be sentenced to death. Now that he was caught without any chance to fight back, there was no need to make unnecessary and risky resistance.

"Aren't you busy now? Minister, if you are interested, I will tell you."

"Well, you tell me."

Gong Lihua said slowly.

She turned off the two computer screens on the desk, reached out and picked up the pure white ceramic teacup at hand, the tea in the cup had cooled down.

The tip of her finger gently rubbed the rough surface of the cup.

Red light faintly shone from her fingertips, and the heat passed through the thick wall of the cup into the tea.

Hei Ze paused for a moment, organized his words, and picked up some key points to talk about.

The more than one month he had been out was not very long, but he had experienced more than he had in the past few years.

No wonder the Alliance would recommend professional elves to go out for training.

Improving strength is only one aspect. More importantly, elves can come into contact with different people and things and various environments during the journey, which will bring more substantial growth to their knowledge, mind and adaptability.

The sun in the Ugu Desert gradually set in the west, and there were no clouds in the sky.

The whole sky was dyed orange, like a cup of clear apricot tea.

Kurosawa put the satellite phone against his ear and waded slowly on the sand dunes.

As the sunlight weakened, the temperature also dropped. The sand that scalded his feet in the afternoon continued to release heat, making people feel a little comfortable.

Kurosawa initially thought that Gong Lihua was a master elf master with rich experience, and these first experiences of his should be just trivial matters in her eyes.

She just asked a few questions out of polite concern, and she should lose interest soon.

But she never thought that she listened patiently.

Kurosawa even heard the faint sound of her drinking tea and chewing snacks from the receiver of the phone.

The conversation between the two continued until several figures in the distance rushed over quickly.

After checking their identities, Kurosawa handed the trio over to the alliance team.

The captain of the team handcuffed the three people with sealing handcuffs and collected their spirits.

After thanking Kurosawa, he left the place.

They came to the Ugu Desert with a special mission. At this moment, they received the wanted fugitives on the way and had to continue the mission.

When they passed the town where the alliance was stationed, they would hand over the three people to the relevant staff, and Kurosawa would also receive Gongsun Kui's wanted bounty.

Kurosawa set up the tent and lit a bonfire before it was completely dark.

Although he solved the problem of the three people in the Sand Bandits Group, his commission to enter the desert still made no progress.

In the afternoon, he searched in the natural state, but did not find any relevant clues, but found several pieces of minerals containing special energy in the sand.

Kurosawa sat in front of the fire and warmed himself.

The little Shining beside him was chirping something.

It was in a good mood today.

Nightmare flew out and wandered around.

It has been like this since it completed its evolution, and its lifestyle is a bit like a night owl.

It is not energetic during the day and spends most of its time hiding in Kurosawa's body to rest, but becomes much more active at night.

Kurosawa cleared his mind and looked at the stars for a while.

He was basically halfway through the journey now, and it would definitely be in time for him to complete the journey before the start of the summer season.

But he couldn't stay on the road for too long.

He planned to leave if he didn't gain anything within three days and continue his journey.

He wanted to perform well in the summer season, but although his current strength had improved a lot compared to before he set out, it was still not enough.

Little Shining learned the Thunder Spear, and his combat power did improve a lot.

The Ultimate Thunder Spear became the strongest output method he had mastered, surpassing Zeus in one fell swoop.

He estimated that even if he couldn't reach the advanced level, he would at least be at the peak of the intermediate level.

But it was impossible to fight a real elite elf master with the Ultimate Thunder Spear.

Elite elf masters at least have one advanced elf and several intermediate elves.

Little Shining's current energy value of 33.45 was too disadvantageous.

Generally speaking, the energy value of intermediate elves is maintained at around 5-50 leaves.

And the energy value of advanced elves is generally above 100 leaves.

The 50-leaf energy value gap between the peak of ordinary intermediate elves and the advanced elves is called the transition stage.

The transition stage is the process of the elves' rapid rise in strength.

The elves that enter the transition stage have their attribute energy reaching the peak of intermediate elves, and will gradually become activated.

To seek further breakthroughs, they need to use the characteristics of activated attribute energy to accumulate more energy and then condense the attribute core.

The attribute energy of the elves in the transition stage is very unstable in the body, so it is difficult to use instruments to test the specific energy value.

There is a gap of more than three times between 30 leaves and the 100 leaves of the bottom line of advanced elves.

Kurosawa still needs to work hard.

For this reason, he set four goals for the remaining journey.

The first one is for himself.

Through daily training before bed, make the psychic power stronger.

His current psychic power level is E+. After the journey, not to mention upgrading to D-, at least it must reach the threshold of breakthrough.

In this way, he can use the rewards of the summer game to raise his own psychic power to a higher level in one fell swoop.

The second one is for Xiao Shining.

Cultivate its energy value to the transition stage as much as possible.

Secondly, master the strongest offensive means, the thunder gun.

The third one is nightmare.

Energy value reaches 50?

Digest the evolutionary results and find a way to train some powerful offensive means like the little Shining.

At the same time, the tacit understanding with the little Shining needs to be improved.

Develop more combination skills besides [No Form].

The last one is to hatch the elf egg and cultivate it as soon as possible.

There are many goals and tasks, and it is not easy.

Kurosawa doesn't know whether he can complete all the plans he has made, but he will try his best to do it.

After eating.

The night is deep, and subtle rustling sounds begin to sound in the desert.

Various small lives crawl out from under the stones, in the sand, and in the roots of plants.

Kurosawa summons a pale golden giant egg from the flash card.

Continue to engrave the elf contract.

The consciousness of the little guy in the eggshell is already very clear and active.

Its immature consciousness constantly conveys a close feeling to Kurosawa.

Maybe because Kurosawa saved it from being petrified and dying, the little guy had no defense against Kurosawa.

It was just because he liked him too much, Kurosawa probed into the eggshell and always secretly nibbled it twice without knowing it.

It liked Kurosawa and his psychic power.

This way of expressing love caused some interference to Kurosawa's contract process, although the extent was not large.

After more than an hour, after sensing the sleepiness of the little guy in the elf egg, Kurosawa stopped the carving of the contract circuit, and the contract could only be carried out in moderation every day.

The elf was still very young, and a large amount of carving in a short period of time would have an adverse effect on its body.

Kurosawa opened his eyes and a touch of joy appeared on his cheeks.

The difficulty of the contract seemed to become easier after passing a difficult node.

Today's contract construction was particularly smooth.

He felt that if he maintained this state, he would be able to completely complete the construction of the elf contract in a few days.

Power storage, lightning gun, elf egg contract.

It was a fruitful and pleasant day. Except for Gao Yi who disappeared, it was all good news.

"It's really hot."

Hei Ze exhaled and fanned his cheeks with his hands.

The sand under his feet absorbed all the heat projected by the sun.

The ground temperature is estimated to be about 70 to 80 degrees Celsius.

As for how Hei Ze knew it.

He was too lazy to cook at noon, so he buried a few eggs in the sand, and they were baked in a short while.

Not to mention, the taste is pretty good.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I feel that eggs baked in sand are better than ordinary boiled eggs.

Hei Ze raised his hand and looked at his arm. His originally fair skin had turned into a healthy wheat color.

After a short rest, Hei Ze's body once again emerged with the ice-blue gas of natural power and entered a super-sensory state.

He didn't know how many times he had repeated this process in the past two days, and he seemed particularly skilled.

His current natural power is not enough to support him to cover the whole day, so he can only use it sparingly.

When he arrives at a place, he will start a "scanning detection" and then change points.

Strictly speaking, this detection method has omissions.

That is, there may be omissions between the areas covered by two scans.

But there is no way. Even so, Hei Ze feels that his exploration method is better than most elves.

Hei Ze closed his eyes.

The sea buckthorn rooted in the sand, the Achnatherum splendens sprouting under the stone, and various drought-resistant deep-rooted plants with leaves degenerated into needles are all conveying information to him.

There are still no man-made objects.

Hei Ze sighed in his heart.

It’s numb

Just when Hei Ze was about to turn around as usual, he suddenly felt an unusual movement in the west.

Although it seemed to have nothing to do with the missing Gao Yi, the abnormal situation gave him some interest and curiosity in the monotonous golden desert and the sun above.

Let’s go and have a look. It won’t take much time.

Hei Ze waved to the little Shining Spirit resting in the shadow of the boulder in the distance.

Walk towards the location of the induction.

After walking for a few minutes, Hei Ze stopped.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the gravel moving at his feet.

There was no wind today, and the heat in the air was stagnant.

He looked into the distance.

The surrounding gravel was moving together towards a central point in the distance.

There were obvious lines on the sand.

The sand was flowing like water.

Is this quicksand? Kurosawa thought silently.

He had only known about this natural phenomenon from books and movies before, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

In the movie, quicksand is like a black hole. Once a person is sucked into it, no matter how hard he struggles, he can only sink down little by little and finally step into the abyss.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa couldn't help but take two steps back.

However, he soon realized that he didn't need to worry so much.

He was still far away from the center.

Besides, even if he fell into the quicksand, he was not an ordinary person. Nightmare and Little Shining would take him out.

Kurosawa stared at the darker center in the distance.

A large gerbil was struggling inside, with only a head and two small arms left in the air.

It was because it stepped into that place that the pressure caused the foundation to become unstable, and the sandy soil that could not support any weight sank.

It also attracted the attention of Kurosawa in his natural state.

Kurosawa covered the power of nature again and sensed it more carefully for a moment.

He frowned slightly.

An indescribable subtle feeling stayed in his heart.

He chose to believe in his sixth sense.

He called out Nightmare from his body.

After saying a few words to the two little ones.

Nightmare and Little Shining each picked up one of Kurosawa's arms.



Little Shining's wings were covered with lightning energy and flapped its wings.

The purple halo on Nightmare's body became deeper.

As they exerted their strength, Kurosawa's feet began to leave the sand.

Floating up to a height of half a meter.

Then he slowly flew towards the center of the quicksand.

Not long after, Kurosawa stopped at the top of the center area.

The poor mouse had been completely swallowed by the quicksand.

On the ground was a patch of wet, soft sand with a darker color.

Because the sand swallowed the gerbil and there was no heavy object, the quicksand returned to calm.

Kurosawa shifted his thoughts away from the gerbil.

It was okay if it was swallowed, it was not a big problem.

Anyway, he let the two little ones carry him and fly here, not just to save it.

He entered the natural force state again.

This time he was very close, and the extremely subtle movement finally became a little clearer.

Kurosawa couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He was sure that the land under his feet was abnormal!

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