My Elf Simulator

Chapter 118 Gao Wen

When a person or animal passes through a quicksand area and creates pressure that exceeds a certain critical point, the quicksand will quickly liquefy, just like falling into a sticky paste. The more the person loses his composure and struggles, the deeper he sinks and the more firmly he sticks.

This is the principle of quicksand.

Logically, the gerbil should be in the quicksand pit below.

But in Kurosawa's perception, it disappeared after being swallowed up not long after.

It was as if it had never existed.

After Kurosawa patiently sensed for a long time, he guessed that the bottom of the quicksand led to a strange subspace.

However, this subspace was more secretive than the two subspaces he had been to before, as if covered with a thick layer of linen, isolating his psychic perception.

He floated in the air and thought for a moment.

Then he winked at the two little ones holding him.

The height of his body slowly decreased.

The shoes sank into the soft sand without any resistance, followed by the ankles and calves.

Until his body reached a certain depth, he finally felt a light attraction.

Kurosawa mobilized his psychic energy and followed the suction feeling like a vortex engulfing him without resistance.

Soon he and the two little bodies became hazy.

The next moment, his eyes were shrouded in darkness.

A familiar sense of traction came from all parts of his body.


He opened his eyes again.

He appeared in a dark space, with several shadowy torches hanging on the wall, casting a dark flame.

Another relic space?

Subspace can be roughly divided into two categories. One is a natural space, similar to the A18 subspace where Kurosawa performed his first professional mission.

The second is a space with obvious signs of civilization, also called a relic space.

The relic space is more mysterious than the ordinary subspace. It is said that it is the product left by a civilization on this planet.

Suddenly, Kurosawa, who was looking at the ancient texture on the wall, frowned.

After a scream, he vaguely felt the energy fluctuation from the depths of the passage.

However, since only torches were placed on the walls at the entrance, the passage was very dark.

He could not see the scene inside clearly.

Besides himself, were there other people or elves?

Kurosawa secretly became alert.

He raised his finger in front of his mouth and signaled to the two elves.

Nightmare and Little Shining understood what he meant and nodded.

Kurosawa lowered his pace and walked into the passage carefully.

There would certainly be no danger in leaving the relic space immediately.

But the huge gains he made in the relic space near Black Mountain last time made him reluctant to leave so simply.

At least he had to see the specific situation inside before deciding on the next move.

Kurosawa took every step with strength, his footsteps were very light, and there was almost no sound.

The passage was not long, and Kurosawa soon reached the end.

An enlarged open space appeared in front of him.

He did not step out of the passage, but chose to hide in the darkness carefully and watch the situation inside.

The ancient patterns on the wall outside emit a faint blue fluorescence.

Compared with the ordinary dim patterns, those fluorescent patterns seem to contain some strange energy.

The energy of the patterns on the walls keeps flowing and finally gathers in the center.

It is different from the high platform in the center of the ruins where the elf eggs were stored last time.

In the center is a circular altar.

The top wall of the circular altar is engraved with complex ancient patterns.

The complexity of the pattern is the most complex that Kurosawa has ever seen.

A gray-robed man stands on the steps of the altar.

A worm-shaped elf with thorns stands at the feet of the gray-robed man, and its tentacles pierce a small elf.

The pierced elf is the entry-level gerbil that disappeared from Kurosawa's sight before.

The gerbil is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming shriveled, and the blood in its body is being drawn out. The red liquid soaks its tentacles that pierce the gerbil.

After absorbing it clean, it throws the dried gerbil away.

In the distance, there were many dried corpses scattered randomly.

Apparently, before this, there were unlucky little lives like gerbils that fell into the quicksand.

Kurosawa looked at the elf with several pairs of long legs standing and two rows of thin spikes on its back.

In order to avoid making a noise, he did not take out his smart phone to identify it.

He just called up the memory of reading the elf illustrations in his mind.

A strange worm elf.

It was uglier than the one in the illustrations.

Kurosawa gave an evaluation in his mind.

His brows furrowed even more tightly.

The chilling appearance of the strange worm was not the reason for his frown.

After all, whether the appearance of an elf is cute or not is determined by its race, and there is no way and no reason to require all elves to look in line with human aesthetics.

But the act of plundering the life of a harmless elf so casually exposed its cruel and cold-blooded character.

He stared at the strange worm for a moment, then shifted from it to the gray-robed man.

As the saying goes, if the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked.

The character and behavior of the elves are, to some extent, in line with their elf masters.

Most elves are in the elf egg or cub stage when the elf contract is engraved, like a blank sheet of paper.

Their entire growth experience can be said to be witnessed by the elf master, and they are also deeply influenced by the elf master.

The grotesque bug is so vicious and cruel, where will its owner go?

Ordinary elf masters like Kurosawa, even if they are attacked by elves in the wild, they will try their best to save their lives within the allowable range.

Not many elves died at Kurosawa's hands.

Or it was an extremely violent and vengeful beast, like the cold spider. He was worried that letting the beast return to the mountains would cause disaster.

Either the little Shining couldn't control the intensity, like the storm water monkey, who fell into the thunder and lightning of the little Shining who couldn't fully control it when he used the thunder gun for the first time.

Reducing the number of killing wild elves means reducing the risk of backlash for elf masters.

Generally speaking, those who are not murderous elves are not necessarily good people, but there is a problem with the designation of murderous elves.

Kurosawa was half tempted to make a tactical retreat.

Although he is a little curious about this ruin space, he is a cautious person.

In his perception, the energy of that weird insect was well contained, but it still had a vaguely strong aura.

He was ready to leave the ruins space first.

Slowing down his pace, he did not turn around, facing the weird bug and the man in gray in the shadow, and slowly walked backwards and left.


Kurosawa, who was watching the man in gray slowly retreating, was suddenly startled and felt like a light on his back.

Behind him, from the passage where he came, there was a hissing sound.

He seemed to be stared at by something!

But on the way here, he clearly didn't feel anything.

"Come out, friend."

The man in gray suddenly turned around and said to Kurosawa who was hiding in the darkness.


Kurosawa thought he hid it well.

He was very helpless.

Not intending to pay attention to the man in gray, he turned around and stepped forward.

I immediately wanted to return to the entrance along the passage, and then activate my spiritual energy to leave the ruins space.


Kurosawa had to stop before he could completely move forward.

Wet mud continued to seep into the passage, sealing it in an instant.

With the help of the light emitted by the little Shining Spirit who had entered the attribute state, Kurosawa could clearly see the black mud in front of him.

It was an extremely dark and deep mud, and it continued to extend along the wall toward Kurosawa.

Kurosawa's way back was completely blocked.

Unless passing through the dark matter occupying the passage.

But in his perception, the dark material in front of him gave him a very strong corrosive aura.

He was not sure of his own safety.

He could only keep retreating under the approach of the dark matter, and finally walked out of the passage.

As soon as Kurosawa walked out of the passage, the strange substance stopped extending.

"Fortunately, I left a janitor outside."

The voice of the man in gray is magnetic, like the voice of a mature career man in movies and TV dramas. Naturally, people can't help but feel good about him, if they don't hear it in this situation.

Kurosawa had no way out and could only face the man in gray.

Nightmare and Little Shining flew in front of Kurosawa, glowing with attribute energy, protecting Kurosawa behind them.

He looked at the other person's face and opened his mouth slightly.

"Who are you."

"Congratulations on completing the event mission [Commission from Qianshao Town] and finding the missing researcher Gao Yi."

"Get 100 points"

The system beep sounded in Kurosawa's mind, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The photos he had seen a few days ago came to his mind. Even now, his smartphone still has photos of the other party stored in it.

The other party was Gao Yi who the leader of Qianshao Town asked him to find.

Gao Yi's life didn't seem to be in any danger. Instead, he seemed to have another purpose for disappearing in the sandstorm.

Kurosawa remembered what the leader of Qianshao Town said about Gao Yi.

Gao Yi is my best friend. He is gentle, cheerful, straightforward, and considerate in his dealings with others. He is a likeable researcher.

In his opinion, Gao Yi's strength is also very average. In order to avoid crises when going out for survey and research, he also equipped the opponent with a small team of caregivers.

Kurosawa sensed the aura in front of and behind him. If this is called ordinary strength, who is he?

"Do you know me?"

Gao Yi wears thin-framed glasses and a slight smile on his face. Although he is in his forties or fifties, he still has a bookish spirit.

Kurosawa nodded and said softly.

"I received a commission from Brother Nie Guangxiang of Qianshao Town to come to the Wugu Desert to look for you, Researcher Gao Yi. Now that I see that you are not in danger, I feel more relieved."

While speaking, Kurosawa moved his eyes slightly and observed the surrounding environment.

There are no entrances or exits other than the blocked passage.

Very bad.

"He's Brother Nie's friend." Gao Yi adjusted his glasses. "I thought I met a bad guy, but it turned out to be one of my own."

"You are here at the right time. Why don't we explore this ruins together? There is strength in numbers."

The smile on Gao Yi's face was very friendly, and his voice was soft yet powerful.

Kurosawa smiled back and nodded.

If that weird insect elf didn't secretly accumulate attribute energy, the other party's words would be more convincing.

Neither of them moved.

The next moment, a coat of lightning suddenly appeared on Kurosawa's body.

The power under his feet surged, and his body suddenly retreated.


Several spikes nearly one meter long suddenly fell to where Kurosawa had been standing.


The fluorescent ancient textured floor tiles on the ground suddenly exploded with force and bounced off the spikes.

Hei Ze stared at the spikes without changing his expression.

The speed was very fast. If he hadn't sensed that the other party was accumulating energy in advance, he might not have been able to dodge.

If he didn't dodge, the consequences would be unthinkable. He didn't want to use his life to test the protective strength of the thunder suit.

"Haha, the reaction is quite fast."

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows, did not move his steps, but sat down in front of the steps of the altar.

"Where did you know the news about this relic? I'm really curious. Can you tell me? Don't use Nie Guangxiang to perfunctorily tell me."

Hei Ze kept a distance of about 30 meters from him.

Hearing the other party's words, he instantly understood what he meant.

Obviously, Gao Yi didn't think that Hei Ze came here simply to accept the commission to find him, but had other purposes.

Indeed, it is not easy for ordinary elves to find this place.

Even Hei Ze, who has extremely sensitive perception, found this place with a bit of luck.

If it weren't for the gerbil's sacrifice, which caused the movement of the quicksand, he might have missed it.

Seeing that Hei Ze didn't say anything, Gao Yi sighed.

"I deciphered this special relic in the Wugu Desert from a book about ancient textures. I found it with great difficulty. I didn't expect there was another capable person."

"Why did you come to rob me of my opportunity?"

He began to admire, then turned angry.

Hei Ze heard the other party's tone and knew that he would probably not let him leave safely.

Hei Ze sighed in his heart. He did have the idea of ​​leaving, and he was not lying.

He had a bright future. Even without this relic space, he could be sure that his future was bright. He didn't need to fight with the other party for it.

But he understood that people's hearts were separated from their stomachs.

Even if he swore that he would give up the right to explore the relic space, the other party would not trust him.

There must be a battle between the two.


He looked at the information report of the smart phone that was quickly identified.

Elf race: Strange Worm

Racial qualification: Three stars

Strength: Intermediate

Energy value: 52 (???)

Attribute: Strange

Common race skills: Speed ​​Needle/Strange Ray/Mysterious Roar

If it is 52 energy value, it is fine. The problem is the question mark after the smart machine recognition system.

This means that its energy value is already in a complex state and difficult to detect.

So on the surface it is 52 energy value, but in fact it is in the transition stage, and its energy value may be between 50-100.

Obviously, the transition stage of Strange Worm is a terrifying enemy for Kurosawa.

And it is not the only one.

The mysterious elf that blocked the passage when he came here is probably also an intermediate elf in the transition stage.

The only good news is that Gao Yi let the mysterious elf block the passage to prevent him from escaping, which indirectly reduced a direct combat force.

The bad news is that Kurosawa is not sure whether the opponent has other intermediate elves of the same level.

The intelligence provided by Nie Guangxiang, the leader of Qianshao Town, is obviously not a reference.


Just when Kurosawa kept changing his mind and formulating strategies.

"Yin Yin!"


A strange voice suddenly sounded in the air.

It does not belong to any language in the real world.

But Kurosawa understood it again.

It means that there are two people to be tested in the current space. This trial secret realm only allows one person to be tested at the same time. Please perform the ceremony in an orderly manner under the guidance of [Muto].

Kuroze looked at Gao Yi.

His expression did not change at all.

Given how much Gao Yi values ​​this relic space, he should not be so calm after hearing the content of the voice?

Am I the only one who understands the meaning of this voice?

The last time Kurosawa entered the relic space, he was able to understand the meaning of the strange language. Although it was strange, he did not think much about it at that time.

He only regarded it as a more advanced language system and thought that everyone could understand it.

But now it seems that it should be just him who has some uniqueness?

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