My Elf Simulator

Chapter 122 Hatching Successfully

Kurosawa stayed in the passage without opening the door in front of him.

He took out his smartphone and checked the time.

7:26 p.m.

He was indeed a little hungry.

He swept away the gravel and made a clear space for a fire.

Under the expectant gaze of Nightmare and the little Shining Bling Bling, he began to cook.

When steaming rice, Kurosawa deliberately sprinkled a handful of brown rice in it.

Brown rice is rich in niacin, folic acid and multiple vitamins, which can help people reduce anxiety and help maintain emotional stability.

The environment of the underground palace is very dark, and there are all kinds of enemies like tides in the room passage.

After staying for a long time, tiredness and exhaustion are one aspect, and psychological problems may also arise from it.

Even Kurosawa, who always boasts of his good stress resistance, often feels a breathless feeling.

Fortunately, after waking up on the first day, I didn't have a nightmare again after that night.

Otherwise, the depressed mood would be destroyed by the nightmare that I couldn't wake up from, which would be really unbearable.

Dinner was soaked vegetables, rice mixed with brown rice, milk, canned fruit, and bamboo shoots fried with bacon.

Although supplies were limited, Kurosawa tried his best to make his dinner more varied.

After dinner, the two elves watched offline cached animations in the tent.

The light from the mobile phone screen and the desk lamp lit up the entire tent. From the outside, it was a yellow glowing cone, which looked very warm in the deep cave passage.

Kurosawa sat on the moisture-proof cloth outside, holding the elf egg and continuing to engrave the contract circuit.

Tonight is not an ordinary night.

The progress of contract engraving is close to completion, only the last little tail is left.

His palm was placed on the surface of the light golden eggshell. With a slight light, spiritual energy, natural power and nutritional value penetrated through the shell in an appropriate proportion and entered the elf egg.

When engraving the contract, Kurosawa did not forget to strengthen and nourish the elf egg.

It is precisely because of the continuous nutritional input that the breath of life in the elf is getting stronger day by day.

Perhaps it was the last moment before the engraving was completed, the consciousness of the elf egg was particularly active today.

For the spiritual energy, natural power and nutritional value transmitted by Kurosawa, the elf egg accepted them all and absorbed them greedily.

Sweat oozed from Kurosawa's forehead.

The long-term output of natural power and spiritual energy brought a great burden to his body.


In his perception, the last trace of the contract circuit in the elf egg was successfully connected.

The entire basic circuit formed a whole, emitting a brilliant light.


Some kind of magical link was formed between him and the elf egg, like an invisible and illusory bridge.

He and the elf egg were no longer two independent individuals, but formed a magical relationship of mutual dependence.


Nightmare lifted the tent, revealing a round head.

Two tentacles flashed with light.

This was its way of expressing curiosity and vigilance.

Nightmare turned his head, and his eyes finally stopped on the elf egg in Kurosawa's arms.

Flying lightly to Kurosawa's side.

Behind it, the little Shining also jumped out.

The little Shining actually noticed the movement outside the tent earlier than Nightmare, but he felt that he had to be more reserved.

So he waited until Nightmare came out, and then pretended to just know it, and came out slowly.

The two elves and Kurosawa watched the changes in the elf egg together.

Under the gaze of three pairs of unblinking eyes.

The light golden shell gradually rose with dazzling golden light.

"It seems that there is no need to use an incubator."

Kurosawa looked at the turbulent energy changes in the elf egg and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he needed to use a special incubator, it would be difficult for him to get it now, after all, it was a special period.

Most elf eggs need to rely on the appropriate temperature, humidity and other trace elements provided by the incubator to cross the process from elf eggs to hatching.

But Kurosawa's elf egg was well developed under careful care, and no additional equipment was needed to assist the hatching process.


The elf egg shook left and right a few times, with a clear arc.


Nightmare couldn't help but widen his eyes, and stretched out his short hand to point at the elf egg in surprise.


The surface of the eggshell suddenly cracked, and a piece of eggshell fell to the ground.

The shattering of the first eggshell seemed like the sound of a starting gun.


Soon, the eggshell shattered to the ground as the little life inside the eggshell rushed to the top.

"What is this?"

Kurosawa looked at the elf hatched from the elf egg with a somewhat stunned expression.

A stone hatched?

He blinked.

No wonder he felt so heavy when he usually held the elf egg.

Good guy, it turned out to be solid!

The elf in front of him was a stone pupa, slightly larger than a rugby ball.

The stone elf was pure white, with a layer of gilded mask covering its face. The gap on the face shell was inlaid with two dark golden eyeballs.

Four short legs grew on its torso, and there was a small tail on its butt that swayed gently. If you look closely, you can find two small bumps on its back.

The pale golden ancient patterns covering its body gave it an indescribable sense of mystery.

It turned over from the ground with difficulty, and its two short legs at the bottom struggled to support itself.

However, because it was "top-heavy", it quickly fell to the ground in a round shape, and could only move around on all fours.


The little Shining looked at its funny actions and laughed mercilessly. He looked nothing like his predecessors.


The stone elf's dark golden eyes looked at Kurosawa, and he let out a cry of grievance.

Although it had only been less than a minute since he came into this world, the familiar aura coming from Kurosawa's body made him immediately recognize his "mother".

Kurosawa also felt a familiar atmosphere in it.

Picked it up from the eggshell fragments.

Take out a clean towel from the storage bracelet, wet it with water, and gently wipe its white body.

Just coming out of the eggshell, it still has mucous membranes and turbid egg liquid hanging on it.

"Good weight."

Kurosawa wiped the stone elf clean and couldn't help but sigh.

It's hard to say how strong it will be in the future, but in terms of weight, the stone elf who was just born has surpassed its two predecessors in one fell swoop, and is estimated to weigh sixty or seventy kilograms.

And this is still in its juvenile form. As it grows and matures, its shape and size will definitely change.

Kurosawa hoped that this new little guy would not make the same mistake as his two predecessors and grow up.

At least from current indications, its potential in terms of size is promising.

Elf: Stone Spirit (Mutation)

Racial Qualification: Three Stars (???)

Level: Level 6

Properties: none

Skills: White level collision LV1 (1/5) Blue level hardening LV1 (1/5)

Kurosawa opened the sprite panel.

Its information was quickly updated above.

He was very sure that this little guy was also a new type of elf that had not been included in modern elf science.

It's easy to understand.

Both the place where the mutated stone spirit was found and the ancient textures covering its body show that this spirit has an inseparable relationship with the ancient civilization of the creator of the ruins.

Even this kind of elves are the product of the wisdom of ancient civilizations.

The three-star racial qualifications are quite satisfactory.

Kurosawa now has two three-star elves, and his horizons have also improved. He will not be surprised by the three-star qualifications.

But it was followed by a question mark, revealing the fact that it was no ordinary three-star elf.

Otherwise, with his current spiritual strength, it would not be so difficult to engrave the Elf Contract.

Those ancient textures convinced Kurosawa that the stone spirit in front of him was definitely extraordinary.

Kurosawa's consciousness left the panel.

I found two elves gathered around, looking at their new friends curiously.

It had just hatched, so its strength was naturally still very weak.


Shi Ling was stared at by Nightmare and Little Shining. He turned over and hid in Kurosawa's arms. He didn't know whether he was shy or afraid.

Kurosawa patted its round body. He believed that it wouldn't take long for Shi Ling to grow quickly and keep up with the progress of its two seniors.

Nightmare is its best example.

Kurosawa's experience in cultivating two intermediate elves and stronger psychic abilities can help it grow and become stronger quickly.

The entry-level, primary elf stage is not considered a bottleneck in front of a professional elf master.

In the gloomy temple space.

Gao Yi lay down in front of the altar, using a flashlight, and carefully looked at the complex ancient textures carved on it.

While observing, I write and draw in my notebook.

He looked like he hadn't gotten enough rest in a long time.

Bloodshot eyes were all over his eyes, and his hair was stuck together in clumps, hanging down on his head.

The original gentle temperament was gone, and now he looked like a homeless man on the street.

"Da da da."

There was a clear sound of footsteps coming from the end of the passage.

The black slime covering the entryway gave way to the visitor.

The person who walked into the temple was also wearing a gray robe. He was a thirty-year-old man. He stood carefully next to Gao Yi.

"how so."

Gao Yi is indeed a bit possessed.

Ever since Kurosawa entered the ruins from the altar, he has been studying the ancient textures on the walls and altar.

He believed there must be a connection between the texture on the walls and the opening of the altar.

It’s just that he hasn’t successfully cracked it yet.


The incomprehensible language sounded in the space again.

Making him feel even worse.

His mood and thoughts, which were already so troubled by studying the altar, became even more chaotic.

"Boss, I have sent you all the supplies you asked for."

The man stood next to Gao Yi, and when he saw that he didn't respond for a long time, he whispered.

Gao Yi was interrupted from his thoughts and turned his head abruptly.

A pair of red eyes stared at the man, like a fierce ghost.

Sensing his reaction, the weird bug beside him also raised his body from the ground and slowly walked towards the man in gray robe.

The man in gray robe was startled by his overreaction and backed away.

"Boss, it's me, Shang Dahai!"

Gao Yi stared at him.

After a long time, he looked back.

Suppress the restless emotions in your heart.

"Can you be more careful next time and don't disturb me when I'm studying!"

Gao Yi took a long breath and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, yes, I remember it, little one."

Shang Dahai smiled apologetically, lowering his head and not daring to look directly into Gao Yi's eyes, but his heart was filled with bitterness.

Ever since the boss left Outpost Town and got rid of his false identity as a researcher, his personality has become increasingly surly.

Every time I come into contact with him, I am terrified, afraid that I will become the blood food of the strange worm.

Especially now, he is almost like crazy.

But even if he regrets now, it is too late. His life is controlled by the other party, and he can only grit his teeth and serve the other party.

Gao Yi took the storage bracelet handed over by Shang Dahai.

Glancing at the full of supplies inside, he felt a little better.

These supplies are enough for him to stay here for three months.

He just doesn't believe that the kid can outlast him.

"Didn't you get exposed on the way here?"

Gao Yi took out an apple from the storage bracelet, wiped it clean, and ate it in a few bites.

"Don't worry, I have paid attention to your instructions. The things were taken from the warehouse and have not returned to Qianshao Town. When I came."

As he spoke, Shang Dahai suddenly slapped his head.

"However, there is a strange thing I want to report to you, Boss."

"Go ahead."

"It seems that there are many more Alliance hounds in several towns outside the desert. I roughly observed that there are dozens of them. Although they are not wearing clothes with the Alliance logo, they can't escape my eyes. Ordinary elves definitely don't have the same momentum as them."

"Boss, you say, could it be that our business has been exposed?"

Shang Dahai couldn't help but become panicked when he thought of this.

He followed Gao Yi and got a lot of benefits, and inevitably he also had a lot of lives on his hands.

He would definitely not end well if he fell into the hands of the Alliance agents.

Gao Yi frowned after hearing what he said, and then calmly returned to his expressionless and indifferent appearance.

"Do you think it's possible?"

"Use your pig brain to think about it. With just the two of us, are we worthy of the Alliance to dispatch so many teams?"

Gao Yi snorted coldly.

"Boss, you are right, you are still wise, hehe."

Shang Dahai scratched the back of his head.

After careful consideration, he put his heart at ease.

Although the two had committed many evil deeds during the years they hid in the Ugu Desert, they were nothing compared to those ruthless people. If the Alliance really wanted to capture them, they would not dispatch so many mobile forces. They were not so powerful.

While Shang Dahai was laughing happily, Gao Yi's drooping face suddenly became gloomy.

His thin hands clenched, and his clenched fingers lost their blood color and became even paler.

Damn, they came so quickly?

He was sure that those Alliance lackeys came for him, or to be more precise, for the kid who entered the altar.

Sure enough, that kid was very important.

He could make the Alliance dispatch a mobile force of dozens of people for a professional elf master, haha.

He really thinks highly of himself.

He showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

His heart became heavier and heavier, and he became more determined in his original idea.

He must not leave the ruins in a short time.

Given the secrecy of this relic, in the boundless Wugu Desert, no one can find this place unless he is looking for death.

When the kid comes out, first find out how to enter by torture, and then deal with it after the torture is clear.

This relic belongs to him.

Stay for three months, explore the relic thoroughly and then go out, then the danger must be lifted.

After all, no matter how powerful the kid is, it is impossible for the alliance's mobile force of dozens of people to waste three months here.

Leave the Wugu Desert and go north to another country, thoroughly digest the gains of the relic, try to enter the elite level, and then establish your own organization

Perfect plan, he thought about it, his eyes gradually brightened.

After a vision of the future.

He raised his head and looked at Shang Dahai who was making a fire not far away to prepare for cooking.

His eyes suddenly turned cold.

Now that he has a clear plan in mind, this person seems useless.

Keeping him around will make him talk more and waste food, and letting him go may expose himself.


A scarlet blood quietly entangled his body, and at the same time, the strange worm resting in the corner crawled towards the gray-robed man again.

I originally wanted to post a chapter to explain the late update, but I thought it was strange to open a chapter to talk about this, so I didn't post it. I will explain it in advance if it is delayed in the future. (PS: At about two o'clock, I felt the vibration so clearly for the first time in my life [surprise].)

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