My Elf Simulator

Chapter 123 Standing under the Golden Tree


Kurosawa and Shi Ling stood at the edge of the room to watch the battle.

In the center of the venue, Little Shining and Nightmare were fighting a group of "well-trained" Seahorse clones.

Seahorse is a seahorse elf with a two-star race qualification. It is 70cm long, most of its body is dark green, and its back is covered with soft dorsal fins and sharp spines.

Its abdomen is slightly bulging, its trunk bone ring is seven-sided, and its tail is curled forward.

The leader of the Seahorse is particularly strong, reaching one meter, and its long cylindrical snout constantly spews out green spheres.

The sphere full of grass element energy exploded instantly when it collided with the ground, and countless vines grew and took root.


Kurosawa put on a mask.

The air was filled with pale yellow-green pollen.

If he were not an opponent, he would still be quite impressed by the appearance of Seahorse.

But as enemies, the battle experience is not really wonderful.


The stone spirit twisted its body left and right, excitedly cheering for the two seniors in the field.

It was still at an ignorant age, full of curiosity and novelty about fighting.

While Kurosawa was driving his psychic energy to fight, he glanced down at the active little stone spirit, and his mouth corners slightly raised.

He spent some points yesterday to buy a few elf growth fruits from the system store.

After taking the elf growth fruit, the stone spirit's strength increased rapidly.

From level 6 to level 11.

Quickly passed the fragile entry stage.

The elf growth fruit can lay a good foundation for entry-level elves.

The stone spirit itself has accumulated a lot of energy in the elf egg stage, and with the foundation of the elf growth fruit, it is now particularly strong and healthy, and should be considered a top-notch level among entry-level elves.

Seeing the stone spirit, he couldn't help but recall the few months he spent in the Senli Club.

Recalling that time, he actually missed it a little.

At that time, I was always losing to other students in the club, and I felt inferior and depressed, and I had little contact with students of the same period.

Now as a person who has experienced it, I look back at myself at that time.

I think it is really unnecessary.

In fact, the students of the same period are quite friendly, and there is not so much intrigue.

In fact, others may not look down on him, but his thinking was in a dead end at that time.

Most of the students who joined the Senli Club are young people who know that they are ordinary in talent, love elves, and want to experience a different life.

The usual training is more of a self-entertainment of simulating elves fighting.

Not many people really care about the victory or defeat of the usual training games.

After finishing this experience, if I can go back alive, I will go to the club to see everyone.

I don’t know if Sister Xiaozhu, who is in charge of reception, is still there.

Kurosawa pursed his lips.

The battle in front of him has entered a white-hot stage.

The leader of the Senhaima leader, the replica, is estimated to have a strength of about 50 energy values.

For the current Kurosawa elf lineup,

It is still quite difficult to deal with a full-value intermediate elf that has not reached the transition stage and a team of intermediate elf companions.

And because they are clones, they have to cooperate more tacitly than ordinary elves.

The grass element pea bombs continued to explode in the field, and the ejected vines cooperated with each other to attack the nightmare and the small shining spirit.

It was the first time for Kurosawa to fight against a large number of grass-attribute intermediate elves, and he did not have much experience.

The process of fighting is also a process of learning and collecting experience in dealing with grass elemental elves.

Each attribute element has its own attribute characteristics and advantages. Different attributes and related supporting skills also determine the positioning of the elf in the lineup system.

Take the thunder attribute of the shining bird, which is Kurosawa's current main force.

The attribute advantage of most thunder attributes is penetration.

In the point penetration attack mode, lightning attacks can play a better role.

Therefore, the combat mode of most thunder attribute elves is often fast attack and fixed-point attack.

The attribute advantage of rock attribute is defense.

Therefore, the combat mode of most rock elemental elves is defensive counterattack and meat shield injury.

The shield effect of the rock element's guard skill is also slightly stronger than that of other attribute elves.

Based on this, it is unwise to attack a rock attribute elf master in the wild to seek victory.

The advantage of the grass element in front of us is growth and recovery.

The elves themselves have strong recovery ability, and even the vines, leaves and other media that launch attacks have strong recovery ability.

Using the continuous attribute characteristics, grass element elves often exert good control ability.

Especially in group combat, this kind of cooperative group control will be disgusting.

In actual combat, Kurosawa experienced this firsthand.

"Start charging!"

The two elves guarded each other's backs to prevent each other from falling into the endless green net.

A layer of exceptionally bright lightning appeared on the body of the little Shining.

The unruly lightning energy was firmly bound.

A vine whipped on its body and was quickly bounced off by its solid defense state.

"Electric shock!"


Kurosawa used his psychic power to command the two elves to launch a counterattack against the group of seahorses.

But it is not strictly speaking that he used his psychic power to do two things at the same time.

It's just that the time between the two was very short, and the similar effect was produced.

At present, it is still very difficult for Kurosawa to maintain the ability to do two things at the same time in high-intensity combat.

Perhaps he can only do it when his psychic strength reaches a higher level.

Nightmare turned into purple mist and disappeared from the spot.

A sharp whistle of "Yahaha" sounded in the air.

Three lightning bolts shot out from the beak of the little shining spirit in an instant.

Thigh-thick landmine snakes hit three seahorses respectively.


When the seahorse tribe showed a little confusion because of the attack formation.

Kurosawa did not waste this hard-won gap.

He noticed the gap in the protection exposed by the leader of the seahorse in an instant.

He sent instructions to the little shining spirit and the nightmare at the same time.

"Electric shock!"


A beautiful scene like a dream and electricity was born at the collision of the two energies.

Combo skill [No phase]

The seahorse leader's eyes were confused, his head paused, and he instantly fell into the virtual and real world of no phase.


The grass-attribute energy in the body decreased sharply.

Even the grass-element protective energy floating in front of it was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a moment, it seemed like a long time had passed.

The effect of Wuxiang's skill disappeared.


The awakened Senhaima leader let out an angry cry, swaying his body from side to side.

Several companions gathered around it.

Hei Ze had a good chance just now. When Senhaima leader was about to assist the attacked companion, he suddenly turned to attack it.

The effect of Xiao Wuxiang was very good, consuming a lot of its energy and physical strength.

Different from ordinary electric shocks, it is difficult for it to recover to its full state in a short time after being hit by Xiao Wuxiang.

Xiao Wuxiang is a shortened version of the complete Wuxiang that combines the ultimate electric shock and the dawn.

It is the result of his practice these days.

It can form a combination skill with the dawn just by relying on the normal electric shock.

The effect is slightly weaker than the full version, but it can be used stably.

Next, we need to beat the fallen dog, and give priority to focusing on the leader who is in poor condition.

Kurosawa made the target clear.

He controlled Nightmare and Little Shining to continue the attack.

It was unknown how long it took.

"Thunder Gun!"

Through continuous electric shocks, the surrounding free lightning environment has met the conditions for the use of Thunder Gun.

Countless thunder snakes gathered in the body of the Shining Bird.

The concentrated and dazzling Z-shaped lightning descended from the tail of the Shining Bird floating high in the sky.

The golden thunder gun struck the center of the weak elf tribe, bursting out strong light.

"Chi Chi!"


In the unwilling wailing.

All the clones disappeared.

"Mum Da." The stone spirit happily waved its little tail and crawled towards Nightmare and Little Shining who were slowly landing, celebrating everyone's victory.

Nightmare floated down and touched the smooth head of the "little guy".

"Ya Ya Ha."

The two little guys didn't know what they were communicating.

Little Shining looked like he wanted to join but wanted to remain aloof.

A platform rose in the center of the room.

On it were placed the rewards for passing this room.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the higher the level of the elves, the more difficult it is to have a decisive battle like the one he had in the spring game.

As the attributes of the elves are strengthened, their vitality and recovery are greatly improved.

Unless the gap is really huge, they will generally enter a stalemate stage of battle, and only after a period of intense fighting can the winner be determined.

After this battle, he also clarified his current strength.

Intermediate elves are invincible in the ordinary stage, and their strength is still a little short of the intermediate transition stage.

But he still had a trump card that he had not used just now, the ultimate and Zeus.

If all of them are used, he should be able to barely reach the threshold of the transition stage.

However, the strength of the initial transition stage is not enough.

At least to solve the current predicament he is in and defeat Gao Yi outside the altar, he needs to have the normal strength of the transition stage.

Come on.

He grabbed the reward items on the platform.

There are still three energy balls with different attributes.

Absorbed and converted into nutritional value in one go.

Shi Ling looked at the energy ball that turned into colorful light and disappeared in Kurosawa's palm, and his eyes widened.


It hugged Kurosawa's calf in surprise, and the cry it made was like praise.

Nightmare and Little Shining were already used to it.

Consciously flew to Kurosawa's side to receive the infusion of nutritional value.

"Nutritional value: 432"

After absorbing three energy balls, the nutritional value increased again.

Three energy balls can increase the nutritional value by about 100 points, but after so many days of underground palace exploration.

The nutritional value he possessed always remained in the three digits.

The main reason was that the consumption of the three elves was too large.

Nutritional value can help the elves to improve quickly, while laying a more solid foundation, and gain more endurance and physical strength than other elves of the same level, but the price brought is the large consumption of nutritional value, that is, magical resources.

After absorbing the energy ball, Kurosawa infused nutritional value into Nightmare and Little Shining one by one to restore their tired bodies.

At the same time, he took out the potion from the storage bracelet and applied it to their wounds.

"Shining Bird Energy: 39.4"

"Nightmare Energy: 32.2"

Hei Ze looked at the next door.

For the time being, he could not see the end of the underground palace room, and he could still use the ruins of the underground palace to quickly become stronger.

Nandu, Duoye Forest.


A beam of fiery red rainbow light streaked across the sky, and below him was a lush forest.

The woman jumped down from the red bird and landed lightly on the ground.

The scenery in front of her changed rapidly with her landing, and the last thing she saw was the valley surrounded on three sides.

In the center of the valley not far away, there was an extremely huge golden tree.

The pure and clear yellow leaves without any impurities were all over the towering tree.

The leaves scattered naturally on the ground dyed the huge valley golden.

Gong Lihua looked up at the golden giant tree that seemed to reach the sky.

When was the last time she came back?

Two years? Three years?

She thought for a moment, and nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

Slowly squatted down, grabbed a leaf, and raised it above her head.

The fan-shaped leaves are crystal clear, and the glass-like material radiates the intoxicating afternoon sunlight.

No matter when, seeing this unnaturally beautiful scenery will make you intoxicated from the bottom of your heart.

She still clearly remembers the first time she was led to the golden tree, looking up, and staring in amazement.

The shock of the elves and the world should have been deeply rooted in her heart since then.

Walk towards the golden tree.

There is a wooden house under the tree.

The top of the wooden house has accumulated a thick layer of leaves because of the lack of maintenance.

Going around the wooden house, under the tree trunk like a cliff, is an inconspicuous half-human-high stone temple.

A white cat sat on the top, curled up, as if sleeping, squinting its green eyes, letting the wind blow a few strands of golden hair on its chest.

Perhaps it smelled a familiar smell.

The white cat twitched its small nose and opened its gem-like eyes.


It didn't know how long it had been here, but it was very magical that there was no trace of dirt on its body.

"Long time no see, Afu."

Gong Lihua gently picked it up.


The white cat raised its head, and Gong Lihua's body was mixed with the smell that made it miss.

A long time ago, there were people living here.

But it didn't remember exactly how long ago it was.

It was always dozing and couldn't think about too complicated things.

"Why haven't you come back for so long?" Gong Lihua pondered for a moment and blinked. "There's nothing I can do. I'm looking for new friends for you outside."

As she spoke, she stroked Afu's soft hair with her fingers.

"Meow." The white cat Afu curled up and pricked up her ears when she heard Gong Lihua's answer.

"What kind of human? I'll bring him back to see you next time I have a chance. You should like him."


Gong Lihua knew that Afu was afraid of loneliness. The golden tree was particularly friendly to every human who was recognized by the golden tree and could enter this world.

Just like she was ignorant at the beginning, Afu would definitely accept Hei Ze.

Thinking of Hei Ze, she paused for a moment.

She was slightly relieved from the emotion of meeting Afu after a long separation.

Putting Afu back on the stone temple, she walked to the pool not far away, scooped a bucket of clear water, and patiently washed her palms.

She walked barefoot on the leaves, her steps were very slow.

As if she was performing some kind of soul-matching ceremony, she walked attentively.

Finally, she came to the huge trunk of the golden tree, stretched out her white palms, and gently pressed against the warm bark.

She closed her eyes.

Some mysterious power quietly enveloped her body, and her hair slowly floated up.

Her eyes flashed with colorful scenes.

When she woke up again, her consciousness had entered the ethereal world.

She communicated with the consciousness of the sacred tree.

Above her head, countless stars were hanging on the curtain of the galaxy.

Each one was the life star of successive inheritors.

Among the countless dim stars, only the last one was shining brightly.

This was her own life star.

Only one?

Gong Lihua felt a little regretful. She had finally found a successor who met the preferences of the sacred tree and she did not reject.

What a pity.

Thinking of her grandmother's instructions, she felt helpless. In her opinion, Kurosawa's talent was already excellent, but she did not expect the sacred tree to be so strict. Couldn't even he bear the burden of the sacred tree?

Obviously, the sacred tree's treasure reacted so strongly to him.

Just when she felt regretful, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

She stared upwards.

For a long time.

Finally realized the abnormality that had been ignored.

She was the last life star?

Logically speaking, whether Kurosawa was alive or not, his star should be after hers.

When alive, she is a shining star like her, and when dead, she is like the dark stars withering in the sky.

But, what is going on?

Kurosawa's awakening ceremony was held by her herself, so there must be no mistakes.

What went wrong?

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