My Elf Simulator

Chapter 124 You look at it, it looks at you

Mid June.

In a dark underground palace room.

"Come on, Mum!"

Kurosawa stood on the sidelines to encourage Shi Ling.

Its opponent is an ooze monster split.

The mother body of the ooze has been taken care of by Little Shining and Nightmare.

Only this green split body with a height of 40 centimeters was left.

To be precise, a split body of split bodies.

Kurosawa specifically asked Nightmare to be merciful and not harm the core of the part.

It just kept weakening its power, and finally left this ooze monster with rudimentary strength.

It moved on the ground as softly as a lump of mud.

Shi Ling looked back at Kurosawa and the two senior elves with confused eyes.

Little Shining and Nightmare ended the battle.

After being nourished and recuperated, their auras have recovered to some extent.


The little Shining Spirit spread its wings and pointed at the Stone Spirit in the distance and said something.

It seems to be teaching and guiding it in actual combat.

Kurosawa simply translated, "Little Shining" means, don't be afraid to peck it, kick it, or shock it.

There may be slight deviations, but the general meaning is correct.

Shi Ling became even more confused and looked at Nightmare again.

"Yeah haha."

Nightmare's voice was soft, and he spread his hands helplessly.

It was quite happy to help Shi Ling get rid of the split body of the ooze monster.

But it knew that this split body of the ooze monster was the training opponent Kurosawa left for Shi Ling.

As it thought about it, its eyes gradually wandered, remembering that there was a time when it was not suitable for fighting.

I really miss it.

Shi Ling received no response and could only look at Kurosawa.

Kurosawa looked at Shi Ling's pleading look and shook his head with a hard heart.

It must learn to fight.

"You can do it, Mum."

It was Kurosawa who gave the elf and stone spirit its name.

It has no other meaning but is inspired by its cry.

Kurosawa looked at the system panel information.

Elf: Stone Spirit (Mutation)

Racial Qualification: Three Stars (???)

Level: Level 18

Properties: none

Skills: White level collision LV1 (3/5) Blue level hardening LV1 (4/5)

Judging from the strength on paper, he judged that Mumu was a match for the ooze monster in front of him.

But why is the current situation happening?

It's funny to say that Shiling Mum's growth and development is close to the peak of the junior elf, but it has not experienced even one actual battle.

You know, at the same time, the Little Shining and even the Nightmare were veterans who had gone through many battles. At levels 17 and 8, they showed signs of being able to dominate at the same level.


The timing of Mum's birth was really bad.

To its two predecessors, the ruins of the underground palace were a training room, but to it, it was like a novice player entering an advanced map.

Among the elf clones here, the weakest ones are all mid-level elves.

Even if Mu Mu is born with extraordinary talents, it is impossible for her to defeat the monsters here.

This ooze monster split was already Kurosawa's carefully chosen opponent.

After knowing their disintegrating characteristics, he specifically asked the careful nightmare to "create" an opponent for Mumu that matched its strength.

Before the battle began, Kurosawa thought that Mumu would be satisfied with the opponent in front of him.

After all, when it usually watches the battle between Little Shining and Nightmare, it always looks excited and excited, mumbling non-stop, wishing it could help.

Who knows, now it really has an opponent.

On the contrary, it was stunned instantly.

I lived peacefully with the ooze monster for a full minute.

However, the ooze monster was frightened by the little Shining Spirit and Nightmare behind the Stone Spirit Mother.

Mother is in chaos on her own.

"Come on! Mum!"


"Yeah haha."

Perhaps it was the encouragement conveyed by everyone on the side through their own actions that gave it strength.

Mum finally took a few cautious steps forward.


As he walked, he roared a few times at the ooze monster.

Although he lacked momentum, he finally dared to show his sword to the enemy.

Kurosawa thought happily.

The ooze monster tilted his head and glanced at Mom.

As a clone, its intelligence is not very high, but its judgment of the situation on the field is still quite keen.

The Mumu in front of it did not give it the slightest sense of threat.

It was identified as a fox pretending to be a tiger.

He turned and looked at Little Shining and Nightmare.

These two elves were so strong that their mother bodies were defeated.

As the only remaining splintered entity, instinct makes it unable to launch a jade-breaking attack on them.

The mission of the clone's birth also makes it impossible for it to escape.

So I'm stuck here.


Mother Shiling stamped the floor and barked softly a few times.

It was a little embarrassed that it didn't get the attention of its opponent.

The feeling of shame and anger outweighed the uneasiness and confusion of its first battle.

The look in his eyes gradually became firm.

Kurosawa nodded.

He finally felt the will to fight ignite in his mother's heart.

The spiritual energy was quietly activated and attached to Mumu's hard body.

"Mum, activate hardening!"

Received orders from Kurosawa.

Mu Mu nervously controlled the shrinkage of the stone shell.

"Buzz buzz!"

There was a fine chirping sound like a swarm of bees flying around, and Mum's body surface glowed slightly.

Then on the pure white shell, the pale golden ancient texture began to flow.

The texture soaks into the white crust giving it a firm texture.

In fact, Mumu also practices hardening and collision in private, but this is the first time he has used it in actual combat, so he seems a little restrained. Fortunately, with the help of the instinctive conditioned reflex formed by the body, it can successfully use hardening.

The ooze was startled.

The wet and sticky body moved back half a meter.

The sudden change in Mum's temperament and momentum frightened it.

Mumu continues to rise in the ratings of its warning sense.

"Mum, use collision!"

Kurosawa commanded calmly.

The spiritual energy attached to its body activated again.

Mother Shiling gathered her strength and rushed towards the direction he commanded.

high speed.

The smooth body surface was covered with a layer of white air.


Mumu hit the body of the ooze monster Q Bullet accurately.


The ooze monster was slapped hard by Mumu.

The whole body was thrown and hit the walls of the surrounding room, and then fell to the ground and bounced continuously.

"Mum! Mum da!"

Seeing her skills take effect, Mumu celebrated on the spot.

Kurosawa interrupted his half-time act of popping champagne, which was a bad habit.

"Mum, then use collision!"

This time, Kurosawa did not use psychic guidance to help Mumu adjust the direction, but let it index the opponent by itself.

As expected, the ooze monster dodged Mumu's secondary attack.

Mumu made a thud and hit the wall heavily.

The reaction force of the impact caused him to fall to the ground, with stars on his head, and he fell into a brief dizziness.

Fortunately, its shell is tough and nothing serious happened.

"You must learn to control the direction of collision by yourself, and don't use skills blindly."

Kurosawa gave instructions from the side.

Mumu's intelligence is not low, but she lacks practical experience.

Kurosawa is not in a hurry, Mumu still has time to develop and grow.

"Mum." Shi Ling Mu stood up unsteadily, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

While it was thinking, the nightmare turned into black mist and suddenly appeared next to the ooze monster.

The nightmare didn't take action, but just stared at the ooze monster calmly.

The tightly locked Qi machine forced the ooze monster to remain motionless, trembling all over.

When Mother woke up from her thoughts, the nightmare turned into black mist and dissipated, leaving Mother with her opponent.

After thinking about it, Mumu didn’t need Kurosawa’s command.

Launch a collision and then push towards the ooze monster.

This time during the collision, Mumu paid extra attention to her opponent's movements and reactions.

While the ooze monster dodges, it also adjusts its direction in time.

The body turned an "L" shaped fold line on the flat ground.


The poor ooze monster was once again pushed away by Mumu's arrogant power.


The ooze monster, which had endured many collisions, was finally exhausted.

With a bang, countless green fluorescent debris exploded.

"Mum da!"

The Stone Spirit Mother grabbed the core fragments dropped by the ooze monster explosion and handed them to Kurosawa as if they were trophies.

Mum won the first battle.

Although the opponent is not strong and there are three "mom fans" on the side who enthusiastically provide help, victory is always something worthy of praise.

Kurosawa did not hesitate to praise him, and stroked his sister's head with his palm like a jade stone.

"What a job."

"Fighting is really not a problem for our sister."

Mumu's dark golden eyes smiled into a crescent shape, and she nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, completely forgetting how timid she looked at the beginning.

Kurosawa looked at his elves while applying the ointment on Mumu.

The exploration of the underground palace ruins of the ancient civilization improved his strength even better than Kurosawa expected.

Kurosawa looked at the new-looking elves in front of him and felt extremely pleased.

Needless to say, Mumu won the first battle. After training for a while, she should be able to successfully break through to the intermediate level.

It couldn't fight in the underground palace, but Kurosawa always let it maintain skill training on its own, and continued to use nutritional value to cultivate it. Putting aside actual combat, Mumu's growth rate was very gratifying.

The size has changed from about thirty centimeters tall when he was born to half a meter tall now.

If it continues like this, Kurosawa will probably be unable to hold it in its entirety.

The purple mist floating on the body of the nightmare standing next to Mumu became darker as his strength increased.

Powerful and illusory dream-attribute energy is constantly surging in the body, like a surging sea.

Nightmare Energy Value: 48.6

Nightmare is only a little short of reaching the peak of the normal strength of an intermediate elf.

When the attribute energy value of most intermediate elves reaches around 50 energy values, they will gradually enter a special stage.

This is the case with the little Shining next to Nightmare.

Shining Bird Energy Value: 53.1

A few days ago, Little Shining's energy value stayed at this value.

Its current strength does not stop here.

The reason why this value is maintained is because the thunder attribute energy in its body is changing its form and nature.

Just like a discrete electric cloud, it sometimes condenses and sometimes disperses. It is difficult to measure its strength with a specific value.

Actual combat is the best way to improve and test one's strength. During the training in the underground palace, Little Shining naturally entered the transitional stage.

The next thing it needs to do is move towards becoming a high elf.

However, this step is not easy.

Many excellent intermediate elves are stuck in the transition stage throughout their lives.

If the professional level with intermediate elves is the backbone of the alliance, as the flesh and blood to fill the alliance's execution system.

Then the elite level with high-level elves is the backbone of the alliance, and is also the group that is truly beginning to move towards high-end power.

As a city with a population of two million, Haitang City has only a few elite elf masters active in the arena. You can imagine the value of high-level elves.

The destructive power of high-level elves is quite terrible.

A mad high-level elf left alone can destroy a town.

Hei Ze looked at Nightmare and Little Shining.

With the current strength of the two elves, coupled with the abilities of the Mysticism and Zeus, I wonder if they can defeat Gao Yi?

His opponents have gradually strengthened in recent days, and he has defeated several individuals in the intermediate elf transition stage.

The mother of the slime monster just now is in the transition stage.

Although he and Gao Yi had fought once before entering the underground palace, that battle was simply a one-sided pressure response by him, and he could not judge the opponent's true strength at all.

The gap between the elves in the transition stage is very large.

From the intermediate elves with 50 energy values ​​to the lower limit of the advanced stage with 100 energy values, the gap is not small just considering the attribute energy, not to mention the increase brought by the different stages of attribute form change.

Hei Ze gathered the three elves.

Looking at the door in front of the room.

This is a bronze metal door, five meters high, like a door for giants.

According to Hei Ze's experience, the more complicated the door decoration in the underground palace, the more special the room behind the door.

The bronze door in front of him, no matter the size, the fineness of the decoration, or the complexity of the ancient texture, is the most Hei Ze has seen so far.

What is the room behind the door?

I hope it can surprise myself.

After all, there is not much food left. If it is still a stereotyped battle room, he will have to consider returning to the original teleportation altar. He can't starve to death in the underground palace.

Thinking wildly, Kurosawa gently placed his palm on the door.


When he pushed the door open at the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Trigger the event task [Inherit the key of the temple], please pass the trial in the temple."


The door behind him slowly closed.

Sensing someone entering the temple space.

The wall above his head began to light up.

Kurosawa was able to see the scene in the temple room clearly.

The surroundings were very empty.

The mossy and lush stone walls were engraved with shocking giant murals.

Observing carefully, the brushstrokes of the murals are connected by countless tiny ancient textures, which are very delicate.

The contents of the murals are mostly ritual scenes with some kind of theological and religious colors.

Masked people with extremely slender bodies and horns on their heads crawled together, performing standardized religious behaviors together.

They were surrounded by many strange monsters, which were portrayed with cold and desperate black brushstrokes.

"Yin Yin."

The sound of chanting sounded in the air, and Kurosawa understood it vaguely.


"Come to the light."

"On the day of judgment."

"Man, you must watch."

"Divine power."

"Trying to restore justice."

"Peace has been given from heaven."

"For the children of the world."

"Bring peace and beauty."

Slowly, he walked to the end of the mural.

In the center of the picture is an altar.

On the altar floated an exceptionally tall golden masked man, with its head lowered, looking at the people who prostrated themselves around it with pity.

This painting seemed to have some kind of magical appeal.

Although the golden masked man lowered his head and his expression could not be seen clearly, and the brushstrokes of the painting were also very simple, Kurosawa could still clearly feel the emotion of pity for all living beings conveyed by it.

Some melody was still being chanted in the air, as if reflecting the people who were crawling and praying in the painting.

"We are the insignificant people who come before you, and we are the confessors of our sins."

"After we have gone astray, may we see the dawn of the day."

"We will quietly prepare ourselves until you call us into a new era."

Tears quietly slipped from the corners of Kurosawa's eyes.

An inexplicable sadness enveloped his heart.

When he had some doubts about this.

The golden masked man in front of him suddenly moved.

Turning around, looking up at Kurosawa.

The pure black empty pupils stared at him, and the man in the painting seemed to have life.

Kurosawa's hair stood on end instantly.

Just when he wanted to turn around, he found that he couldn't move.

It was as if a pair of hands were placed on Kurosawa's shoulders from behind, holding him down firmly.

A black light was projected from the depths of the golden masked man's pupils.

Countless screams, howls, chilling laughter, chants, magnificent songs, monster roars, and chaotic sounds swept his brain.

Kurosawa and the elves fainted instantly and lost consciousness.

The golden figure on the mural looked at Kurosawa lying on the ground and slowly floated up.

The body gradually became illusory as if fading, and finally disappeared into the stone wall.

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