My Elf Simulator

Chapter 130 Confirming the relationship

"I didn't expect there's a restaurant here."

Hei Ze looked surprised.

"Have you been here before?"

"My junior high school is just opposite."

Having said that, he couldn't name the alley.

Haitang No. 2 Middle School is nearby. When he was in school, he would occasionally go into the alleys around it.

The alley is about 100 meters long. Opposite is the station. Haitang No. 2 Middle School is 300 meters west of the station.

Walking along the winding alley, there are messy snack stalls. Wooden tables and plastic stools extend from the tile houses to occupy the alley.

The vendors selling hand-grabbed pancakes, octopus balls, grilled skewers, and sweet soup eat and live here.

Going further in, there are a variety of small shops.

Selling snacks, stationery and comics, and video game halls.

Many junior high school students run to the alley as soon as school is over. Even though it is lunchtime, there is still a group of students in school uniforms gathered in front of the arcade outside the video game hall. It is very popular.

The private restaurant is located at the fork in the alley where the arcade is located, hidden in a group of low-rise houses with no special features.

"Oh, what a coincidence, did you come here to play games when you were in school?"

Gong Lihua showed a faint smile on her face.

"I came here with my classmates, and I just took a look at it at that time."

Walked into a house with a small courtyard.

There were two tables in the courtyard and another one in the house.

The owner of this private restaurant is a 40-year-old auntie. There is no store sign, no waiters, and even no menu.

You need to make a reservation for meals, usually five days or a week in advance.

It can be extended to half a month at the peak.

However, Kurosawa guessed that Gong Lihua probably didn't need to make an appointment when she came.

The two sat at the table in the house.

Soon the dishes came up, and they ate and talked.

Gong Lihua was still very curious about his encounter with Gao Yi, but she was in a meeting yesterday and it was not convenient for her to leave for a long time, so she chatted with Kurosawa briefly and hung up the phone after confirming that he was safe.

Kurosawa briefly described the situation he encountered in the underground palace ruins.

Gong Lihua couldn't help but sweat for him.

Although she was amazed at Kurosawa's rapid improvement in strength, she still reminded him.

"It's amazing, but the strength of the two intermediate transitional elves may be slightly weaker than the elves of the same level."

"Next time you encounter an enemy of the transitional level, be more careful."

"The actual combat power of elves at different transitional levels varies greatly. The weak ones may not be as good as some full-leaf intermediate elves, and the strong ones may be close to the combat power of the advanced stage."

Kurosawa nodded.

Gao Yi hid in the outpost town of Wugu Desert under an assumed name. In order not to expose his identity, the daily elf training must not be carried out in a high-profile manner.

And if the elves are not fully trained for a long time, their strength will decline to a certain extent, which is inevitable.

But Gao Yi is also stronger than ordinary elf masters, that is, his blood energy, which can bless and enhance the state of him and the elves.

So considering both aspects, Gao Yi may have some water, but how much water is added is debatable, depending on which part is heavier.

Gong Lihua was not at the scene, and the reason for saying this was that he was worried that Kurosawa's strength would increase too quickly and expand.

Not every time can be as lucky as this time, when facing a life-threatening moment, it happened to enter the underground palace ruins to improve strength.

Gong Lihua was obviously overthinking.

Every night, Kurosawa finished his training method and lay on the bed before falling asleep, and he would briefly summarize the day's training and combat experience.

After he finished his training in the underground palace, it didn't take much effort to defeat Gao Yi, but he would not forget the gap in strength between the two sides in the first battle.

And the sense of oppression given to him by his entangled blood.

It was precisely the contrast between the two battles that reminded him of the importance of training and practice.

He did have a lot of trump cards to play.

Wuxiang, Thunder Spear, Secret, Zeus.

Like Secret and Zeus, he could even burst out with strength beyond his normal level.

But usually when he evaluates the difference between himself and others, he compares them with normal strength.

If the basic strength is not good, the special moves can only improve to a limited extent.

The dishes made by this private restaurant are not big dishes, but they taste very good.

As they ate, they forgot to talk.

The two of them had a big appetite.

Or in other words, the appetite of normal elves is generally larger than that of ordinary people.

Elves with small appetites are either creating strange personalities or have special physiques.

The recovery and exercise of elves' spiritual energy require a lot of energy, and stronger physical fitness consumes more energy.

Getting hungry quickly and eating a lot is normal.

Even if you usually take supplements, you still have to eat well for three meals a day.

After dinner.

Gong Lihua took out a bracelet from somewhere and handed it to Kurosawa.

"Minister, what is this?"

"A storage bracelet, for you."

"Why did you suddenly give me this?"

Kurosawa subconsciously took the bracelet.

"Last time I called you, didn't you say that the storage space on your bracelet was too small? I'll give you a bigger one so it's more convenient to store things."

Hearing her say that, Kurosawa remembered.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

But he just mentioned it casually, and he didn't take it seriously.

He said at the time that the storage bracelet had a small space, and if you put other things in it, you can't put too much water.

It's enough for drinking, but it's far from enough for taking a bath, which makes the whole body wet and sticky.

What he expressed was more about complaining about the excessively hot weather in the Ugu Desert.

"You suddenly gave me such an expensive gift."

Kurosawa's face was a little tangled.

It would be a lie to say that it is not necessary.

The one he wears on his hand is relatively small, not to mention the space.

Strictly speaking, it doesn't belong to him yet. He only has the right to use it, not ownership.

The storage bracelets issued after signing a contract for promotion to professional level are the property of the alliance.

If you want to buy a personal storage bracelet, the cost is not affordable for most newly promoted professional levels.

And according to Minister Gong, the space of this bracelet is larger than the one he is wearing now, so the value is even higher.

"You're welcome, just think of it as a gift from me, the master, to my apprentice."

Kurosawa was stunned for a moment and his eyes widened slightly.

He and Gong Lihua looked at each other.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to?"

"No no."

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

"It just feels a bit too sudden, Minister."

Moreover, in his impression, confirming the master-disciple relationship should be more formal.

Bring tea and water and meet the elders of the master's family.

"Is it so sudden? I thought you had already regarded me as your teacher."

Gong Lihua blinked.


Kurosawa pursed his lips, a look of confusion on his face.

The relationship between the two had always been vague before, and of course he had some thoughts in his mind.

Although as a local alliance minister, it is normal to support some new people.

But he gave frequent advice and taught his own exercise methods.

In addition, the recent concern is obviously beyond the scope of normal support.

Now that the master-disciple relationship has been established, it seems like the difference is just one sentence, but the meaning is different.

At least he would feel more at ease now receiving guidance.

"I have thought about it, but you never said it, Minister, and I am too embarrassed to mention it."

"Sorry, forgot."

Gong Lihua took a sip of tea.

"Minister, are there any elders in our division?"

Kurosawa asked curiously.

After the master-disciple relationship was established, the relationship between the two quietly became more mellow.

He was curious about Gong Lihua's identity from the first time they met.

However, for an elf master of Gong Lihua's level, there is very little public information found on the Internet, not even his age.

Judging from daily contacts, it is obvious that Minister Gong is not very old.

A master elf master with such outstanding talent came to a remote town like Haitang City to be the head of the alliance branch.

Really rare.

For example, Haitang's last minister was an old man, and it is said that he was the same when he took office.

The masters who come to a small place like Haitang are basically those whose strength has begun to decline and are ready to retire in leisure.

Masters whose strength is on the rise will choose big cities, even though they may not be able to compete for ministerial positions there.

"Teacher? You think too much about my status as teacher. I have a few elders, but we only meet them very rarely."

"I'll take you back to have a look during the summer vacation."

"Okay, Teacher Buchou."

Kurosawa was not quite used to the change of identity and could not change his words for a while.

"If you're not used to calling me like that, just call me Sister Gong or Sister Hua."


Kurosawa puts on the storage bracelet given by Miya Toshika.

The bracelet given by Gong Lihua was light blue. He turned his wrist a few times and it felt good.

There was no psychic symbol engraved on the crystal in the middle of the bracelet, so Kurosawa successfully carved his own aura on it.

Take a peek inside.

This is?

Originally, I wanted to simply sense the specific capacity of the space.

But I didn't expect that there were some objects piled inside.

He used his spiritual energy to take one out.

A dark blue diamond-shaped stone soon appeared in the palm of his hand.

There is also a faint electrical energy scattered on the surface of the stone.

"Sister Hua, what is this?"

"Let me take a look, it might be a gift from the manufacturer." Gong Lihua said seriously as she took the ore.

Kurosawa stared at her silently and blinked.

You don't look stupid, right?

The manufacturer of the storage bracelet is not a charity, and will give away magical resources for free, and it just happens to be such a coincidence.

It happened to be something he could use directly.

"Just kidding, it's a little gift for you."

"For the next period of time, you can stay in Haitang and train with peace of mind. There is no need to run out."

"When you use it up, you can ask me for it again."

"With my current salary in the alliance, it is not a problem to afford a share of your training resources."

Gong Lihua took a sip of tea and didn't seem to care.

Kurosawa raised his eyebrows.

If the Haihua National Alliance is compared to a company, each alliance branch director is equivalent to a shareholder.

The subspace production in the area under her/their jurisdiction will be distributed to the minister according to a certain proportion. In addition, there may be some alliance allowances, wages, and other income.

Generally speaking, the more prosperous the city, the more income the Union Minister earns.

It sounds like ministers should be well-off, but they also need more resources, so it is common for them to be unable to make ends meet.

Can a remote place like Haitang afford Gong Lihua's daily practice?

And I have a job and support two people.

Isn’t he just a freeloader?

"Thank you, Sister Hua. I think I earned it myself, so I feel more comfortable using it."

Kurosawa shook his head.

It is absolutely impossible for him to ask Minister Gong for cultivation resources again.

As for the magical resources in the storage bracelet, he accepted them for the time being.

Mainly because he knew that Minister Gong would definitely not take them back, and there was no need to push and shove in the restaurant.

"Don't care about these little things, as long as you can improve your strength."

Seeing the determination on Kurosawa's face, Gong Lihua did not persuade him any more.

"By the way, Aze, when you plan to contract a new elf, tell me. I have taken a look at your situation and it meets the talent reward standards of the alliance. I can apply for a three-star elf cub for you."

Kurosawa nodded.

This is possible.

Of course, he happily accepted the wool of the alliance.

"Okay, but I may need to think about it again."

Generally speaking, after contracting an elf, you will not immediately contract a new elf.

And the resources are limited.

His current contract speed is really not slow.

After all, he has been an elf master for a short time, and there is a long period of invalidation.

Other elf masters who contracted four or five elves, or even more, had accumulated their experience over many years.

His situation was different from that of ordinary people.

Because the elves cultivated by nutritional value had a more solid foundation and were stronger than the elves of the same level, they would inevitably bring a heavier burden to the spiritual energy.

He did not want to be like some elf masters who abandoned the elves after contracting them and found that they were not suitable.

So he was destined to take the elite route.

From now on, every elf must be carefully selected.

"Then you can think about it slowly, there is no rush. You can apply to the alliance at any time, and this benefit will not expire."

Suddenly, Kurosawa thought of something and took out a flash card from his pocket.

Summoned the stone spirit Mumu.

Mumu was the first time to see Gong Lihua.

It had just come out of the flash card and felt the faint terrible breath coming from her body, and carefully huddled behind Kurosawa.

Every elf of Kurosawa basically had this reaction when they first met Minister Gong.

The stone spirit Mumu was now one meter tall, and the ancient patterns on its body were hidden in the gaps at the junction.

"Sister Hua, have you ever seen this kind of elf?"

Hei Ze pulled the reluctant Mumu out from behind.

Gong Lihua stared at Mumu.

Then he mobilized his psychic energy to sense it carefully.

After a long time, he shook his head.

"I haven't seen this kind of elf either. It should be the unique elf species of the ancient civilization period as you said."

"In fact, the Alliance has also had many precedents of excavating elf eggs in ruins and hatching them."

"Many early researchers believed that these elves of ancient civilizations could survive for so long and should be very powerful."

"But, perhaps because of the different times, these elves are not only extremely difficult to contract after hatching, but also not very compatible with modern elf masters."

"The ancient civilization elves' strength improvement speed is very slow, and most of them remain in the primary and middle stages. Few break through to the advanced and super ones, and the effort and reward are not matched."

"In our current elf contract system, the combat power that the ancient civilization elves can exert is greatly limited."

"It is also impossible to breed and reproduce, and the Alliance gradually gave up this research direction."

Hei Ze listened and listened.

It feels something is wrong.

It is true that the contract is difficult, but he seems to have not encountered the situation that Minister Gong mentioned later.

The speed at which the stone spirit Mumu's strength is improving is quite smooth, and it does not show any difference from the little shining spirit and nightmare in this respect.

In terms of strength, although he has not experienced many battles with Mumu, he can also judge that its combat power is definitely top-notch among the same class.

He does not think that Minister Gong is deceiving himself.

So he is a special case?

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