My Elf Simulator

Chapter 131: Diverting the trouble to others

The second day after returning to Haitang City.

Kurosawa was the only one at home, his parents had already gone to the store. They spent a lot of time in the hot pot restaurant during the day, and sometimes they lived in the store directly.

Kurosawa visited the hot pot restaurant yesterday afternoon.

But he went there wrapped up tightly. The business was not prosperous, but there were a lot of customers.

He should be able to make some money every month.

Seeing the situation in the store, Kurosawa was relieved. Even if he was not there, his family could still live well.

Kurosawa opened the system.

Due to various reasons some time ago, he did not have time to examine and summarize his own strength.

[Character Panel]

Player: Kurosawa

Level: 3 (1/40)

Psychic: D-

Charm: E+

Talent: Natural Force

Tickets: 245

He opened the exchange store.

[Exchange Shop]

[Fruit of Elf Growth - 10 points]

[Primary Affinity Badge - 500 points each]

[Small Psychic Amplification Opportunity - 200 points (limited to one purchase)]

245 points can be used to purchase new products refreshed in May.

However, he did not rush to buy, but looked at a button below.

The number of wishes for June's product types had been refreshed long ago.

He had not used it.

"You currently have one wish, do you want to use it?"

Kurosawa chose yes.

"The exchange shop wish was used successfully!"

After a flash of light, he successfully used the number of wishes for June, and the exchange shop had one more exchangeable product.

[Master Cooking - 250 points]


He also wanted to see what special products would be refreshed?

Unexpectedly, a life skill was refreshed.

Kurosawa looked at the new products in the exchange shop.

Weighing its price of 250 points, it didn't seem worth it.

Why did he want master cooking? To be the chef in his own store?

His own cooking skills are enough for simple cooking in the wild. Maybe he will choose to buy this master cooking skill when he has too many points to spend.

After thinking for a while, he adjusted the purchase priority of new products to the lowest.

He currently has 245 points.

He can buy a small increase in psychic power.

But he thinks it is probably not a good time to buy now.

He just upgraded from E+ to D- some time ago, and his psychic power has increased a lot. Obviously, the distance to upgrading to D- is not a little bit, and a small increase in psychic power is probably not enough to upgrade psychic power from D- to D-.

He wants to buy and use this product when D-level psychic power is at the threshold of upgrading, so that good steel can be used on the blade and play its maximum value.

Or accumulate points and exchange attribute affinity badges according to the situation. He vaguely feels that affinity badges can improve strength to a large extent.

Or, after a while, after July, the number of wishes in July can refresh better products than these two, and then it depends on the situation.

Anyway, no matter what plan, it is not the time to shop now.

Nutritional value: 542

There is a lot of nutritional value accumulated in the nutritional reserve.

And there are still some magical resources in the storage bracelet given by Sister Hua, which he has not converted yet. The nutritional value should be more after the conversion.

At least it can meet daily training for a long time.

Another module, the field exploration manual, plays a slightly smaller role. Mainly because the replica elves in the underground palace ruins do not meet the opponent requirements in the exploration manual.

The skill proficiency rewards obtained from daily accumulation have made the elves' skills improve a little faster.

Elf: Shining Bird

Racial Qualification: Three Stars

Level: Intermediate (Transitional Stage)

Attribute: Thunder

Energy Value: 53.1

Skills: White Level - Pecking LV3 (8/20) White Level - Screaming LV2 (9/10) White Level - Running LV3 (4/20) Blue Level - Angry Combo LV3 (5/20)

Deep Blue Level - Electric Shock LV3 (10/20) Deep Blue Level - Thunder Clothes LV3 (2/20) Deep Blue Level - Power Storage LV2 (2/10)

Purple Level - Thunder Gun LV1 (4/5) Purple Level - Thunder Bomb LV1 (3/5)

Little Shining is currently the absolute core of Kurosawa. The number of skills he has mastered has become a lot without him noticing.

Three white-level skills, four blue-level skills, and two purple-level skills.

The elf skills that have made major breakthroughs during this period are: White-level running has been upgraded from LV2 to LV3.

Just like the peck upgrade to LV3 unlocked an elf characteristic, sharpness.

Running up to LV3 also unlocks a Pokémon characteristic, endurance.

The effect of the characteristic is that when activating the skill running, the little Shining can obtain a reduction in physical energy consumption, and at the same time slightly enhance its endurance in this state.

Of course, this new change seems to be a bit useless to Kurosawa.

After all, it is well known that flying is faster than running.

After evolving from Dodo Bird to Shining Bird, it has left the chicken form and become a noble flying Pokémon.

The running skill is not used too often on weekdays.

This is also the reason why the running skill is obviously a very common skill, but it was upgraded to LV3 so late.

It can only be said that it is better than nothing.

Kurosawa is indeed consciously reducing the training of the dialogue-level skills on weekdays.

Even if the white-level skills are upgraded to LV3, they will awaken their characteristics and strengthen them to a certain extent, but the basics are too poor.

Even with the added characteristics, it is difficult to compare with blue-level and purple-level skills.

In the case of limited time, he will of course give priority to upgrading advanced skills.

The skill proficiency of deep blue-level electric shock is still far ahead of all skills.

It has reached half of the LV3 proficiency, but the difficulty of acquiring proficiency in the future will become greater.

The training of electric shock is relatively simple, with fast release speed, low energy consumption, and high versatility of skills.

His current LV3 (10/20) proficiency is already quite terrifying, and the use of electric shock is as smooth as daily breathing.

It is hard to imagine what the effect of LV4 electric shock will be.

The deep blue-level thunder suit is the second skill to be upgraded to LV3 after running.

The deep blue-level power storage is upgraded to LV2.

At the same time, the thunder gun is also upgraded because of the power storage.

After the Thunder Gun was able to release the skill on a daily basis, its proficiency finally began to break through the ice and slowly improved.

Finally, there is the Thunder Bomb.

The Thunder Bomb is positioned as a range skill version of the Electric Shock, which is more powerful.

In the future, Kurosawa's arrangement for the Shining Bird is to train the Thunder Bomb as quickly as possible.

After all, Electric Shock is a deep blue skill. Although it is very useful, as the strength of the Shining Bird gradually increases, it will not be able to keep up with the echelon and fall behind. The Thunder Bomb is the next core skill to replace it.

[Peck] → [Angry Combo] → [Electric Shock] → In Progress → [Thunder Bomb]

The core skills of the Shining Bird have been replaced by several versions without knowing it.

Elf: Nightmare

Racial qualification: three stars

Level: intermediate (transitional stage)

Attribute: Dream (weak ghost)

Energy value: 52.4

Skills: White level - Whip LV2 (8/10) White level - Whisper LV2 (9/10) Blue level - Hypnosis LV3 (1/20)

Blue level - Deep Sleep LV2 (8/10) Deep Blue level - Dawn LV3 (2/20) Deep Blue level - Dream Shield LV2 (3/10) Deep Blue level - Prank LV2 (4/10)

Nightmare's Hypnosis is upgraded to LV3.

Dawn is upgraded to LV3.

Dream Shield is upgraded to LV2.

Prank is upgraded to LV2.

The ones that are about to be upgraded from LV2 to LV3 are Whip, Whisper and Deep Sleep.

The gap between Nightmare and Little Shining is reflected in the lack of purple-level skills and the lack of two special joint skills, Secret and Zeus.

Of course, if we don't compare it with the little Shining Spirit, relying on its own solid foundation, its strength is very outstanding among the elves of the same level.

And the overall strength of the elves is not limited to the combat level.

Compared with the straightforward Shining Bird, the characteristics of the Nightmare elves are more bizarre and ethereal, and can complete more diverse tasks.

For example, when it needs to detect or carry out some covert tasks, its performance is very good.

For example, before entering the underground palace ruins, it relied on its weak ghost hidden characteristics to secretly activate the opening circuit of the altar.

Otherwise, whether Kurosawa can stand here now is still uncertain.

Elf: Stone Spirit (mutation)

Race qualification: three stars (???)

Level: 19

Attributes: None

Skills: White level-collision LV1 (4/5) Blue level-hardening LV1 (4/5)

Stone Spirit Mumu is about to reach level 20.

For a long time in the future, Kurosawa will focus most of his energy on it.

Obviously, Mumu is the weakest among Kurosawa's three elves.

This also means that it has the largest room for improvement.

The level is mainly increased to the current level 19 by nutritional value.

But in terms of skills, because Kurosawa himself was in a relatively dangerous situation some time ago, he really didn't have time to pay attention to its growth.

Instead, he tried his best to improve the strength of Little Shining and Nightmare.

Now, Little Shining and Nightmare are both in the intermediate transition stage, and the speed of strength improvement is relatively slow.

He was also able to pay more attention to Mumu, who has been "neglected".

Like its predecessors, Shining Bird and Nightmare, it needs a long-term closed-door training, so that it can usher in a complete transformation and truly grow into an elf with practical combat capabilities.

Kurosawa plans to stay in the elf base from tomorrow.

It has been resting for two or three days, and it's time to get back on track.

In the living room, Mumu, who was successfully recommended by Little Shining and was watching cartoons with it with relish, shuddered inexplicably.

It turned its head and looked around.


But it always felt that something happened.

He scratched his head in confusion.


The Shining Bird noticed his distraction and called out twice in confusion.

Mumu, who had no idea, could only continue to watch TV in a daze.


Kurosawa simply checked his clothes in front of the dressing mirror.

He didn't wear any formal clothes, but he had to dress appropriately when he went out to eat with others.

Only Nightmare followed him out this time.

Little Shining was watching TV at home, and it still had a lot of TV time accumulated. Mumu took advantage of it and watched it with him.

"I'm going out."

"There are snacks and milk in the refrigerator. If you are hungry, go find something to eat."

"Don't run out, don't use skills at home, and ignore the ringing."

"Little Shining, remember to take good care of Mumu. He is young and doesn't understand many things. If something is damaged at home, you know what will happen."

Before leaving, Kurosawa and the little Shining who were sitting on the sofa watching TV patiently instructed Mumu.

Mumu was stuck in the sofa and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, although he didn't understand many of the meanings of Kurosawa's words.

But, nodding was enough.

Unlike the heartless Mumu, the little Shining looked at Kurosawa with some resentment.

Why should Mumu be blamed for doing bad things?

He is obviously a child too.

Considering that he wanted to stay at home and watch TV, he had no choice but to nod and agree.

What made him happy was that Mumu was also very well-behaved and not the kind of person who likes to move around.

In addition, because he was the strongest, he had a certain authority in Mumu's heart, and Mumu generally would not refute what he said.

"Then I'm leaving. If I come back late, you can find food by yourself first."



The two elves sent him to the door.

He waved his hand.


After going downstairs, the air was filled with the sounds of unknown insects, and the trees in the old community were lush and green, rustling in the wind.

It was already past June, and the weather in Haitang had gradually become hotter, and the little head of summer was about to pop out.

After closing the door, the nightmare hiding in Hei Ze's body popped out its head. Thanks to it, Hei Ze seemed to be carrying a portable air conditioner, icy and cool.

Unless it was an extreme environment like the Ugu Desert, summer would have little impact on Hei Ze.

Hei Ze put on his cap and mask and walked out of the community.

This afternoon was the dinner time agreed with Ji Qingwen.

Because he had mentioned returning to Haitang during the last live broadcast, he received his message not long after he arrived yesterday.

Thinking of this, he felt a little shy.

Although he had not met once, he was not unfamiliar with Ji Qingwen.

When he first came into contact with the Elf Master competition as a child, it was the period when Ji Qingwen first emerged in the Haitang competition.

Ten years later, the faces on the field have changed.

Ji Qingwen has also become one of the strongest active elf masters in Haitang City.

There are only three elite players active on the Haitang stage. Who is stronger and who is weaker depends on the specific state.

Now, he himself has become a professional elf master.

People who used to only be seen on TV screens can now meet in real life.

He couldn't help but feel an absurd sense of unreality.


A message was received on the mobile phone WeChat.

"Have you gone out? I'm in the central area XXXX, come quickly."

It was a message from Ji Qingwen.

"I'm going out, rushing there."

Kurosawa replied.

He stopped a taxi.

He looked at the time and there were still thirty minutes before the agreed time.

It is highly likely that he will not be overdue.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

When he received Ji Qingwen's message, he thought he had remembered the meeting time wrong.

Fortunately, he was still very accurate in controlling the agreed time.

It seems that Ji Qingwen is like him, a person who is punctual and even arrives early.

Twenty minutes later.

Kurosawa got off the car on the side of the road.

Ji Qingwen and he agreed to meet at Fangyuan Street Park in the city center.

This park is quite famous.

Because it is the only public skatepark in Haitang City.

In the past, when he passed by the neighborhood, he often saw many teenagers playing skateboards in the obstacle props area and the U-shaped area, and their jumping and flying postures were very energetic.

When he was in elementary school, he followed the trend and secretly bought a children's board with his New Year's money.

Unfortunately, after mastering the most basic gliding, he got stuck.

Maybe it was because of his lack of physical talent, or maybe the elementary school friend who taught him was a half-baked person.

He never learned the basic jumping action of Ollie, that is, the pig jump.

He couldn't jump up no matter what, and gave up decisively after falling several times.

At this time, seeing the skatepark, he couldn't help but miss it a little.

It was a little strange that the skatepark that was once bustling was now empty and no one was using it.

He didn't take it to heart, looking at the specific location sent by Ji Qingwen a few minutes ago on his mobile phone.

"In front of the milk tea cart pavilion near Nongshim Road."

Since Ji Qingwen had urged him several times on the way, he did not waste time.

Following the map software, he hurried to the agreed place.


Walking through the park path full of trees.

Hei Ze's footsteps suddenly stopped.

A large group of teenagers gathered in the square in front of him.

Farther away, people continued to run to the shopping mall opposite Nongshim Road.

He silently took a few steps back.

But Ji Qingwen, who was sharp-eyed in the crowd, immediately spotted him.

Hei Ze looked into his eyes.

They nodded at the same time.

Hei Ze meant to express his understanding. He must have accidentally discovered his identity and was surrounded by fans.

The dinner can be postponed.

However, what should I do now, leave or stay? Or wait for him to finish signing, and then discuss the dinner location.

Hei Ze hasn't thought it through yet.

He heard Ji Qingwen shouting loudly.

"Champion Kurosawa is here. If you want an autograph or a photo, go find him, the one wearing a white sweatshirt."

"??? I'm so?"

What a way to divert trouble.

When they heard Kurosawa's name, the people around him immediately followed his instructions and looked at Kurosawa standing in the open space.

Instantly, a large wave of people rushed towards him from all directions like zombies in apocalyptic movies.

Ji Qingwen immediately took advantage of this opportunity to summon a big whirlwind bee and flew into the air.

"Sorry, brother, remember to check your phone after you're done. I'll wait for you at the agreed place."

Kurosawa looked at the crowd that surrounded him in the moment, pitiful and helpless.

"Brother Zezi, I'm your fan!"

"I'm super Ze!"

"Zebao, mom loves you."

"Zebao is so handsome!"

I was so careful.

Kurosawa sighed, watching the big whirlwind bee and Ji Qingwen's figures drifting farther and farther in the sky, and finally turned into small black dots and disappeared from sight.

"So mean"

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