My Elf Simulator

Chapter 136 Summer Season

In a villa.

Lin Daqing was wearing training clothes and holding a tablet computer in his hand.

A live broadcast is being played on the tablet.

This may be a coincidence. He just suddenly became interested in watching TV, and happened to open the Haitang Voice channel during the morning live broadcast, not specifically to watch Kurosawa.

"If I am particularly concerned about it, it should be player Ji Qingwen."

Kurosawa's calm voice sounded through the tablet's microphone.


He clenched the apple tightly and made a sour sound.

His eyebrows were furrowed.

It tastes really bad.

He threw the half-eaten apple into the trash can next to the table.

Unfortunately, the accuracy is lacking.

The apple fell to the ground, and the puree fell to pieces.

Looking at this scene, his mood became worse.

After all, he was Kurosawa's opponent in the spring finals, but he was not mentioned at all.

Do you think you have completely surpassed me?

He thought angrily.

But as an elf master, if you want to make a name for yourself, you can only do so on the arena stage.

His eyes stared at Kurosawa on the screen, his eyes sparkling.

He would make Kurosawa change his mind about himself.

The interview program of Haitang Voice continues.

Host Li Weiren kept bringing up topics.

Kurosawa answered some questions more implicitly.

For example, when asked about his goals for this summer split, he tried to keep his posture as low as possible in his words.

For example, before the auditions for the Spring Split started, he was randomly interviewed by someone passing by. His answer was that he would be successful if he entered the main round.

Of course, he was not well-known at that time, and his modest remarks were regarded as arrogance by the audience in the live broadcast room and the reporters interviewing him.

Afterwards, the video of the interview was found again, and everyone realized that he was extremely humble at that time.

Kurosawa thinks so. There are too many factors that affect the game, so he should be more cautious when speaking.

When he was a spectator, he often saw certain players saying they would not lose a game, only to be eliminated in the first game.

He said he wanted to prove who is the king of the new generation on the competition stage, but the result was that his opponent succeeded.

Unless it is a crushing match, many random factors still have a great impact on the game.

Specific schedule arrangements, assigned opponents, restraint relationships, status on the day, etc.

If you set a lower goal for yourself, the pressure will not be so great, but your performance will be better.

In addition to topics related to the competition, the host also asked questions about some of his private situations that the audience was interested in.

For example, in middle school, when did he decide to "abandon literature and pursue martial arts" and embark on a career path, and did his parents support his decision? This was the most frustrating and most fulfilling time he had ever encountered on this path.

Kurosawa answered many questions as thoroughly and sincerely as possible.

It was the first time for many viewers to learn about him outside the arena.

Although it is in the form of a question and answer interview, the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room has not decreased, but has continued to increase as time goes by.

Near the end of the live broadcast, there were more than 10,000 people online in real time.

Subsequent recordings and broadcasts of Begonia Voices will be edited and produced into shorter programs to make it easier for more viewers who have not watched it to watch.

"Here, I would like to thank Kurosawa player once again for accepting our interview, and I also wish Kurosawa player good luck in tomorrow's game."

"I am Li Weiren, and I will take you to listen to Haitang's different voice."

The show ends.

Kurosawa and the host looked at the camera with a smile and waved to the audience.


When the filming ended, Kurosawa let out a long breath.

His body sank into the sofa.

Although he didn't have much nervousness about appearing on camera, and his performance was generally decent, it was his first time to participate in a program, and it was a live broadcast that lasted for fifty minutes, so he couldn't say he was comfortable.

Li Weiren looked at Kurosawa, who was so soft on the sofa, with a smile on his face that was different from the formula in the show.

At this moment, Kurosawa is what a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy should look like. When he is interviewing, he often feels that he is facing a mature player in his twenties and thirties, rather than someone who has only been on the court for a few months. of new stars.

Kurosawa slapped his knees.

During the entire live broadcast, in order to avoid being screenshotted and made into emoticons, he paid great attention to his expression and posture. Now he suddenly relaxed and his body was a little tired. It felt like he had gone through a training session.

"Thank you for the interview. I'm sorry to cause you trouble when I'm so busy."

"It's my first time on a show and I have no experience. I'm too nervous. I hope I don't make a fool of myself." Kurosawa shook his head.

"Don't worry. Among all the people who are being interviewed for the first time, Kurosawa's performance is the most natural." The host praised.


Kurosawa didn't know whether he was sincerely complimenting him or just saying it for fun, but regardless, he was still relieved.

"By the way, player Kurosawa, can you sign your autograph for me?"

The host took out several white T-shirts from somewhere and handed over a black marker at the same time.

"no problem."

Kurosawa took the clothes and pen.

Looking at the clothes, I was a little surprised.

These pieces of clothing are his official player peripherals sold during the main stage of the Spring Split. Each piece of personal peripherals can bring him a certain amount of income.

The design of the T-shirt is not complicated. It just has a cartoon image of his head in the middle, and the corresponding number below.

It is out of print now.

"I bought these clothes during the spring game. This one is for my wife, this one is for my daughter, and this one is for collection. I was lucky and bought them in the first two days. I wanted to buy a few more on the last day, but they were sold out." The host explained.

"I didn't buy it." Kurosawa smiled.

He fainted directly after the game. When he wanted to buy a few pieces as a souvenir, they were already in the "sold out" state. In the end, he got two pieces from the inside through the relationship of the event group.

Among the many players' peripherals in the spring game, Kurosawa's personal peripherals are undoubtedly the best-selling.

It was okay in the first two or three rounds, but when he entered the finals and showed his professional level, the peripherals began to sell well.

The first season peripherals of popular players are particularly valuable.

Especially some special numbers, which can even be sold at high prices on certain trading websites.

Some time ago, the sales revenue of the peripherals was deposited into Kurosawa's account, a total of about 600,000 yuan.

Before the start of the spring competition, the competition team did not expect Kurosawa's peripherals to sell so well. He only produced 10,000 pieces of peripherals, which was seriously insufficient. On the day of the finals, many people wanted to buy peripherals but they were out of stock. Otherwise, the sales revenue would be more.

"Is it okay to sign here?"

"Yes, yes."

Kurosawa carefully signed his name on each piece of clothing.

Li Weiren looked at the name signed by Kurosawa on the clothes and nodded with satisfaction.

Because of his position, he was able to contact many masters in the elf world and accumulated a lot of autographed souvenirs.

There is even a piece of calligraphy by the former minister of Haitang City.

Kurosawa in front of him is obviously only a professional level, and his status is completely incomparable to that of a master elf master, but he suddenly has an inexplicable premonition.

This premonition is very strong. Perhaps these peripherals will become his most valuable collection.

The host and Kurosawa chatted briefly, took a photo together, and then said goodbye and left.

July 4.

The Haitang City Summer League Qualifiers officially began.

Perhaps because this year is a big year for elf events, the city-level summer league can be regarded as a warm-up before the world game, and the air is filled with a warm atmosphere.

Not only the players, but also the fans waiting to watch the game are gearing up.

Prepare to fight with hostile fan groups on various social media platforms.

Because elf masters are in a competitive relationship in the event, the relationship between the players' personal core fan groups will naturally not be very harmonious.

Sometimes it even happens that two players are friends who can talk about anything, but their fan groups quarrel with each other.

Of course, this situation is still a minority. In most cases, the disputes between fan groups are still based on the confrontation and conflict between players.

For example, Lin Daqing and Ji Qingwen, Kurosawa and Lin Daqing are the more intense fan group conflicts on the Haitang Forum.

Knowing that Ji Qingwen and Kurosawa have a good relationship and have a common enemy, their fans have formed an alliance.

On various local forums, Lin fans are overwhelmed by the same-sex Xiao Hei Zi and Ji Qingwen's fans.

But there is no way.

Xiao Hei Zi is now in a great position in Haitang and is very proud.

[Ze Shen is really a bad guy]

[This is my first time watching the auditions. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?]

[Ze Shen is invincible. I support Ze Shen Olive Ji Qingwen]

[Cross-dressing at first glance]

[Can Lin fans still speak loudly?]

[I have always been a pure Ze fan]

[Lin fans are starting to pretend again. They are so skilled]

[How do you evaluate Lin Daqing's statement that he will successfully avenge Ze Bao in the summer game?]

[Still talking hard]

Super Sports Forum, Haitang local section.

Starting in the early morning, the number of posts began to surge.

Supporters of the players, cross-dressing blacks, and rhythm-leading are mixed. The Internet is indeed exciting.

To a certain extent, the rhythm of the off-court is not even inferior to the real game.

Hei Ze changed into training clothes and simply took care of himself in front of the fitting mirror.

Seeing many people sending him messages on WeChat asking about watching the auditions live, there were too many people and he couldn't reply one by one.

He could only send a message to his friends circle to explain it all.

It was basically explaining the official rules of the competition group in his own tone.

Because there were so many participants in the auditions, in order to save time, contestants were not allowed to bring relatives and friends to watch the games. I hope everyone can understand.

Maybe Kurosawa could say hello to the competition group and bring some people in.

But he didn't intend to break the rules.

In this regard, Kurosawa's parents also supported him. They understood the rules of the auditions and encouraged him to strictly follow the rules of the competition group.

As for the games, they watched them on the live broadcast platform on the Internet.

Because of Kurosawa, they were already familiar with the process of watching the live broadcast of the games on the computer, and they could quickly find Kurosawa's games in many camera positions and live broadcast rooms.

The breakfast needs were met in the restaurant of the alliance base.

Sandwiches, steamed eggs, and a few boxes of fresh strawberries, it was delicious.

Walked up the stairs to the arena.


As soon as I stepped into the arena, I saw a crowd of people.

A huge sound enveloped Kurosawa's ears.

The repeated broadcasts overhead, the conversations of people around, the shouts of the staff, and the shouts of the elves were all intertwined.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly felt the real difference between the Summer League and the Spring Split.

Looking around, there are junior elves everywhere, and intermediate elves are not particularly rare either.

Even if the number of people participating in the auditions has gone through the preliminary screening, it is still much more than the auditions at the same time in the spring split.

As soon as Kurosawa entered the arena, he attracted many eyes.

admiring, confrontational, disgusting, appreciative

Not only from the players, but also from journalists who have obtained media qualifications to enter the venue.

"Kurosawa, would you like to be interviewed by us? I am"

"Kurosawa, this is the live broadcast room where Haitang's small blackboard commentary is conducted. Can you say hello to the viewers who support you?"

Upon discovering Kurosawa, the reporters' eyes suddenly lit up, and they surrounded Kurosawa like sharks smelling fishy smell.

Some reporters were interviewing other players even before they discovered Kurosawa.

However, after seeing Kurosawa, I immediately gave up the current interview without any nostalgia and turned to Kurosawa.

Kurosawa took a step back and responded to a few questions briefly while facing a long shot and a microphone that he wanted to put into his mouth. Then he saw someone in the crowd in the distance waving to him.

"Kurosawa, here."

"Sorry, I have to get ready for the game."

Kurosawa folded his hands and apologized.

The staff not far away also cast a stern look and quickly came closer to separate Kurosawa and the reporters.

Reporters can only interview players voluntarily, and cannot stalk or interfere with the process of the event. Media who violate the rules will be blacklisted by the event team and lose their next entry. Opportunities for first-hand information.

Although that is said, under normal circumstances, as long as it is not too serious, the staff will turn a blind eye.

They are also busy, arranging group work, managing venues, and deploying personnel. How can they have so much energy to check whether reporters are conducting media activities in strict accordance with regulations.

However, Kurosawa's situation was special. This person was personally named by the minister as the person in charge of the Haitang competition team to take special care of, so he could not be careless.

Of course, the focus here does not involve specific competition matters.

Just off the field, taking as much care as possible.

"Kurosawa, here, here!"

A young man 1.8 meters tall waved to Kurosawa in the crowd.

Kurosawa squeezed past.

"Lao Mai."

This person is Kurosawa's opponent in the first round of the spring split.

The two of them should have had nothing in common, but after the game, the other party took the initiative to talk to Kurosawa in his player tunnel and exchanged contact information.

In addition, they sometimes communicate on WeChat, so the relationship between the two is not unfamiliar.

Mai Xianghai stretched out his fist and punched Kurosawa on the shoulder.

"The champion players are different. They are so popular! They are so busy even before the competition."

His expression was narrow.

"It's not a good thing, it's always troublesome"

Kurosawa shook his head.

"Lao Mai, your strength has improved very quickly."

Suddenly his brows raised.

Sensing the psychic energy coming from Mai Xianghai, he said in surprise.

But if you think about it carefully, his psychic ability was very close to the professional level during the spring split.

It’s not surprising that it took a few months to cross this threshold.

He is twenty-one years old this year. At this age, he has broken through to a professional level of psychic strength. Although he is not amazingly talented, compared to the vast majority of psychic awakeners, his qualifications are already very good.

"Thanks for sharing my experiences with you." Mai Xianghai shrugged.

"But I'm definitely incomparable to you. I hope that when the lot is drawn, I won't draw you Kurosawa. I want to go through a few more rounds."

Speaking of this, his face showed exaggerated dissatisfaction.

"You guys are really disgusting. You can obviously enter the main competition directly, but you come to audition. It's too bullying."

While the two were communicating, some friends of Su Bei and Mai Xianghai also came over.

Not long after, warm-up background music started playing from the radio overhead.

"It has been detected that you are participating in the Elf Master Competition - Haitang Summer Cup Audition. The current competition level is rated as: Municipal Level ★★."

"By passing the current Haitang Summer Cup auditions, you can receive corresponding event rewards. The rewards depend on the player's round."

Now there are double monthly passes, Qiuqiu.

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