A system prompt sounded in Kurosawa's mind.

This is his second time participating in such a large audition.

He is more confident now than when he first competed.

The competition team distributed a booklet to each player, which roughly explained the process and precautions for this year's summer auditions.

The auditions are divided into five rounds.

More than 400 people passed through layers of screening, and finally 13 people were promoted to the main competition, where they competed on the same stage with the three elites who had applied for seed players.

In the auditions, among the approximately 400 contestants, there were no unclassified players. The lineup was composed of most registered-level players and some professional-level players, so the intensity was not low.

If they are unlucky, some players may even play against professional-level opponents for five consecutive rounds.

This year's summer competition has the largest number of applicants in recent years.

After all, it is the year of the competition, and all elf masters with a little ambition will participate. Even if they know that they will not reach the end, they can at least show themselves more in the auditions with higher exposure.

"Ahem, players, please put away your elves and wait in the rest area on the sidelines."

The voice of a middle-aged man came from the broadcast above the stadium.

Following his speech, the players on the field entered the rest area on the side of the field one after another.

There are indeed too many people at the scene, and players cannot be allowed to wander around the venue like they did in the spring games.

On the special lawn of the stadium, white paint marks were used to divide ABCDEF into six circular temporary stadiums.

The players were assigned numbers and randomly combined and arranged into different venues by the computer system.

"I am No. 42, at venue A."

"I'm 108, site B."

Su Bei, Mai Xianghai and others received the text message and raised their heads and said.

Then they looked at Kurosawa in unison.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"What's your number?"

"53, also venue A." Kurosawa glanced at his phone.

"Ah!! I'm super, I won't meet you later, right?" Mai Xianghai howled worriedly.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence, there are dozens of people." Kurosawa pursed his lips, trying to comfort him.

"Are you OK."

But Mai Xianghai seemed unable to listen at the moment.

"Guanshiyin bless me, don't let me meet Kurosawa. Give me two years of Yang Weijie's lifespan, and give me a registered level. Come on, give me a registered level."

"Fuck, use your own!"

Mai Xianghai closed his eyes, clasped his hands in front of him, and muttered something in his mouth. His bereaved friend beside him punched him in the abdomen in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, Wo Chao, you're serious, it hurts like hell, I'll be eliminated later, all thanks to you."

Mai Xianghai's Eozoon has advanced to the intermediate stage, and he is somewhat looking forward to his trip to the summer competition.

At least you can't be eliminated in the first round of the auditions, right? It would be too embarrassing to go on a round trip.

His parents, classmates, and girlfriend were all in front of the screen, ready to watch his wonderful performance.

Unfortunately, if he draws Kurosawa or a veteran professional level, his newly promoted Archeopteryx will only be beaten violently, without the ability to fight back.

In the seats in the rest area, there were many players with nervous expressions like Mai Xianghai. Because they did not know the strength of the opponents they were assigned, many people felt anxious about this.

Only a few people leaned on the back of their chairs and closed their eyes leisurely.

The auditions haven't officially kicked off yet, but things have already begun to unfold among the contestants.

Not long after, the players received the second text message.

"Kurosawa, the first round of your audition is scheduled to be held in Arena A. Your opponent is Qiu Hui, and the game is Game 6."

Kurosawa looked at the content of the text message and nodded with satisfaction.

Although he has not yet inquired about the specific information about his opponent, the match schedule is to his liking.

Due to the large number of participants, the first round takes the longest. If you are unlucky enough to be assigned to the back, you may have to wait until the evening for your turn.

If we delay the meeting any longer, we may have to get up early tomorrow morning to finish the first round.

Kurosawa hoped to finish early and rest early, so that he wouldn't have to worry about the game all the time.

"Phew - okay, okay."

Mai Xianghai, who was sitting next to Kurosawa, breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment he received the text message, he went to the official website to check the general information of his opponent.

He is a registered elf master who graduated from Haitang Academy one year ago.

Urged by his curiosity, Kurosawa took the time to inquire about his opponent in the first round.

Name: Qiu Hui

Level: Registration level

Age: 25

Elf: Dusk Dog (Elementary) Beanie Turtle (Elementary) Dudu Bird (Entry Level)

Honors: None

Subscriptions: 156

Mai Xianghai looked closely at Kurosawa's opponent information, winked, and had a complicated expression on his face.

Although it is difficult to tell the specific strength and weakness of the opponent from the panel information, the number of 156 subscriptions can vaguely judge the opponent's strength.

He should only be a free agent registered level, the weakest level among the 400 players, but he happened to meet Kurosawa, who was considered a strong player in the Haitang professional group. Mai Xianghai mourned for two seconds in his heart for the man named Qiu Hui.

There wasn't much change in the expression on Kurosawa's face.

There was no joy at being assigned to the weakest opponent, nor was he pretending to be solemn. His expression was as plain as ever, with no emotion visible.

Although he was really helpless, if he had to choose, he would rather fight against a professional level player than a registered free player.

It was not that he had any discrimination against that player, but his strength was between professional and elite level, and it was a bit of a bully to compete with him on the same field.

The elves of the other side were all not of a race with outstanding combat power, not to mention the little Shining, even Kurosawa, a human elf master, was stronger than them.

Moreover, he knew that when he was playing, there should be a lot of people watching in the live broadcast room. Although it was a normal process of the game, there would definitely be some people who would lead the rhythm.


He sighed secretly in his heart.

When he signed up for the auditions, he was worried about encountering weaker opponents, but he didn't expect that he would really encounter the weakest level.

I don't know if this is good luck or bad luck.

"Don't worry, fans of Brother Zezi. I'm refreshing the official website of the Haitang event group in real time. The official should soon publish the list of matches on the website. I will convey the latest situation to you as soon as possible. Friends who pass by, please follow me so that you won't get lost."

"I'm Pizza, the personal battle commentator. During the days of the auditions, I will broadcast the live broadcast of Zebao's matches in real time."

A man in the media area was holding a gimbal, refreshing another mobile phone while calming the impatient fans and passers-by in the live broadcast room.

Pizza, whose real name is Jia Zhengjiang, is a self-media worker. His usual job is to edit various highlights of battles and live broadcasts, and then make them into commentary videos and post them on social networking sites.

Occasionally, he would go in and out of various clubs to shoot and broadcast the battles of the elves.

Because he has 150,000 fans on ALILI, the most popular video social networking site among young people, he also received an invitation from the Haitang event group for this summer's auditions to broadcast the auditions of the summer's games as a personal self-media.

Although Pizza is from Haitang, he doesn't pay much attention to Haitang's games. The videos he usually edits are mostly highlights of players from surrounding cities in the province. When he is free, he will go to the arena in the provincial capital to broadcast the daily battles of the elves, which is a bit like the OB commentary of online games.

There are too few elves in small cities like Haitang. Apart from the competitions, the battles on weekdays are really pitiful.

It is also for this reason that he was entangled for a long time when he received the invitation from the Haitang event group.

Pizza is not familiar with many local players in Haitang. He is worried that when he comes to the live broadcast, he will say something wrong because he is not familiar with the players' information and be scolded by the audience in the live broadcast room. Moreover, the provincial capital is also in a period of frequent battles among the people.

For the sake of his video production career, he should rationally refuse the invitation of the event group.

But in the end he still came, just because he suddenly received news that Kurosawa, who has the qualification to apply for the seed player, chose to participate in the audition. Knowing that Kurosawa will also participate in the audition, he immediately replied to the contact person of the Haitang event group that he agreed to go.

The purpose was clear, that is, to watch Kurosawa, and the live broadcast and the game were incidental.

Kurosawa was indeed the most talented local player he had ever seen. Speaking of how he got to know Kurosawa, there were some twists and turns.

He remembered that it was a day in March.

He had just returned from the provincial capital and recorded a lot of wonderful battle materials. He was preparing to rush to make a video and release it as soon as possible.

While he was busy working on writing, there were constant excited howls outside the room.

He was dizzy from editing the video and suddenly got angry. He pushed the door and walked out of the living room, ready to ask his roommates to lower the volume.

When he walked out of the room, he found that his two roommates who shared the house with him were watching the game with their friends on the TV in the living room, and the TV was broadcasting the scene of the arena.

"Oh my god, this Kurosawa is too fierce, isn't he?"

"Incredible, our Haitang finally has a tough guy!"

"How old is he, and he's already a professional level. Not to mention Haitang, there may not be such a talent in the provincial capital."

He was in a bad mood at the time, and he thought that Haitang was worldly-wise and had been in the provincial capital for a long time, so he couldn't help but feel that Haitang was not up to par compared to the provincial capital players.

So he said a few sarcastic words.

In fact, when he learned that the player had cultivated an intermediate elf at the age of nearly 16, he was shocked at the moment, but for the sake of face, he still stubbornly said that there were many people with Kurosawa's talent in the provincial capital.

After the quarrel that night, although several people apologized to each other the next day, he apologized only for the quarrel. On the content of the quarrel, he still couldn't lose face and insisted on his own opinion.

He believed that Haitang's competition level was too low and lacked competitiveness, and Kurosawa's strength was very watery.

A 16-year-old semi-professional is very powerful, but there are such talents in the provincial capital. Kurosawa's strength is not as good as the provincial capital people who are good at fighting. Praise should not be excessive. We must look at the objective gap between Haitang and the provincial capital dialectically.

So, the three of them agreed to buy tickets together on the day of the finals and go to the arena to watch the game.

There is no need to say more about what happened later.

He changed from a stubborn black fan to a loyal fan of Zebao.

"Okay, it's refreshed."

Pizza looked at his phone and said excitedly to the live broadcast room.

He quickly downloaded the file and entered Kurosawa's name to search.

"Zebao's opponent in the first round is a registered player named Qiu Hui."

"Tsk tsk, the opponent's luck is a bit bad."

"But there is actually no difference. With Zebao's strength, there is not much difference between ordinary professional level and this kind of registered level."

"Today's game should be used as a warm-up for Brother Zezi. It just so happens that we haven't seen Zebao take action for several months."

"Do you still remember that lime-white elf that appeared in Brother Zezi's second live broadcast? Based on my understanding of Brother Zezi, he should send new elves to practice, on the one hand, to save some face for the other party, On the one hand, it is also an elf training a new contract.”

Pizza said nonchalantly to the live broadcast room.

There are not many viewers watching in real time in the live broadcast room, there are already more than 3,000 people.

Most of them are just like him, Kurosawa fans.

Because he edited many highlights from the Kurosawa Spring Split auditions and the few games in the main game, and did not hide his innocent and good nature. Under his daily influence, many people only watch OB of fans have also become Kurosawa's personal fans.

[Turtle, champion fights free agent]

[Invincible at the start]

[A shark entering a fish tank is a yes]

[I hope Zebao will be gentler later, otherwise he may be sprayed by some ill-intentioned Holy Mother]

[I just like watching fried fish, hehe]

There are also comments discussing the new elf in Kurosawa.

Kurosawa's Elf Stone Spirit Mother only briefly appeared in the camera for a few seconds in his second live broadcast, and even her appearance was not fully visible.

At that time, Kurosawa did not introduce its information to fans, so many fans were very curious about his new elf.

Judging from the situation of the first two elves in Kurosawa, the potential of the third elf should not be bad.

The competition started in an orderly manner soon after the list was announced.

Players and elves stood on the six circular arenas one after another.

Shouts, the roars of the elves, and the fluctuations of energy collisions constantly sounded from the field.

Pisa had no intention of paying attention to the situation on the field. He held up a cloud platform and wandered around the media shooting area, looking for Kurosawa's position.

"Don't worry, Chunliang guys. I took a look at Zebao's games. He played in the sixth game of Division A. He probably won't leave the venue. I'll take you to find where he is now."

[Anchor, hurry up, hurry up, I can’t see Zebao for a minute, it’s like there are ants crawling all over my body]

【(Red face and sweating)(Red face and sweating) I can’t stand it anymore】

[The ugly appearance of Chunliang Xiao Heizi is really Zebao, hehe, my Zebao, in reverse, I am also Xiao Heizi. 】

[The game is secondary]

After some searching, he finally found Kurosawa on the west side of the player waiting area.

While other media people were broadcasting the games in full swing on the six arenas in real time, he was unique, holding a mobile phone on the gimbal and filming the contestants area in Area A.

Kurosawa was wearing his competition uniform and a black jacket. He was resting his chin with one hand and scrolling through his mobile phone with the other, bored.

Suddenly, with his peripheral vision, he noticed the gazes staring from afar. He glanced over inadvertently and found that it was a man with a media badge hanging around his neck, holding a gimbal to film himself.


He paused for a moment and looked around calmly with his peripheral vision.

The people in the seats next to me went to the viewing area on the sidelines to watch the game, and they were undoubtedly filming themselves.

Could it be that it's an official? Is there a rule during the competition that other players can't use their mobile phones?

He didn't remember that there was such a rule, but he still subconsciously put away his phone, coughed twice, tensed his body and sat upright, looking at the competition venue from a distance.

It's better to be careful, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is used as negative material.

[Laughing to death, Brother Sawako seems to have discovered it]

[Pizza is a heinous crime! Are you disturbing me Zebao from playing with his cell phone? 】

【Reported! 】

[Hold pizza commentary, meow, hold pizza commentary, thank you, meow]

Pizza scratched his cheek.

"Kurosawa, your match is about to start, please go to the waiting area of ​​Division A to wait."

Kurosawa received the text message on his mobile phone and stood up.

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