My Elf Simulator

Chapter 142 A sudden contact

In the afternoon, Kurosawa went home first.

In fact, today is not a holiday, but his fifth round of competition ended early, so he had free time in the afternoon.

His parents knew that today was the day when his audition ended, so they came back from the store early and prepared to cook a table of delicious dishes for him to celebrate.

Kurosawa stopped a taxi on the roadside, told the driver the address, and rushed towards home.

There was no way, even if he was the spring champion, he still had to rely on taxis and various public transportation to travel because he was not old enough to learn to drive.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Kurosawa got off the car and the old community appeared in front of him.

The Luan trees in the community were growing well, and they bloomed orange-red flowers like light wine, hanging in clusters on the green branches, which was very beautiful.

The scorching heat of the past few days seemed to have been dissipated a little.

Back to the familiar living address, Kurosawa felt a little relaxed.

To be honest, the living conditions in the Haitang Alliance Base Hotel are really good. There are aunties coming to clean every day. The base is located in the relatively prosperous city center, and it is convenient to order food on the takeaway software. Through the large transparent glass wall, you can also look down at the whole Haitang scenery.

But no matter how good the hotel is, it is not your home after all, and it is difficult to have a sense of belonging.

Although this community where he has lived for more than ten years has always been old and unchanged, returning here can make him feel at ease.

But one thing that must be admitted is that the community is indeed too remote.

Not to mention that it is not convenient for him to go back and forth on weekdays, his parents are sometimes too lazy to come back when they are in the store.

Should I consider buying a house for my parents near the city center again?

The housing prices in Haitang City are incomparable to those in big cities.

Even in the city center, the average price is only 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per square meter. Of course, the housing prices in the particularly high-end communities may be relatively higher.

The previous million cash prize for winning the spring game has not been spent yet, and hundreds of thousands of surrounding shares have been received later. It should be no problem to buy a house in the city center close to my parents' store.

Hei Ze released Little Shining and Nightmare.

He pushed the door and walked into the house.

"Aze is back?"

"And Dudu Bird and Xiao Meng, eh? Where's your big one? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Mom, Ms. Tao, approached and touched the two elves, and then asked in confusion.

Hei Ze explained briefly.

"That's a great thing!"

Ms. Tao was very happy. In the few months since Hei Ze became a professional elf master, she had made up a lot of knowledge about elf masters.

Sometimes I would learn to use network software like young people to query various relevant information. Although I only understood a little bit of many things, I generally knew more common sense than before.

When elves enter the intermediate stage from the primary stage, the awakening attribute is definitely one of the most important nodes in the many growth stages of elves.

It should be mentioned that even if the elf master's spiritual power reaches the professional level, and he has cultivated an intermediate elf, and the qualifications of the primary elf meet the conditions for promotion to the intermediate level of two stars, it does not mean that it can reach the intermediate stage 100%.

There are various factors, such as the degree of tacit understanding between the elf master and the corresponding elf, and even the elf's own talent.

Different individuals of the same elf have different blood talents.

"You should have a good meal in the cafeteria at the base, right?" Ms. Tao held the little Shining in her arms and played with it in a flat and round shape.

The little Shining, who was so majestic in the arena, had a bitter face but did not dare to resist. He carefully restrained his energy for fear of hurting her.

It was also taken care of by Ms. Tao since it was a child. Even though it is now a powerful intermediate elf, it still has a feeling of fear and respect for her.

The nightmare turned into a virtual form floating in the air, looking at its helpless appearance and smiled secretly.

"Don't worry, I have three meals a day on time, and even if I forget to eat, these three will not forget." Kurosawa nodded. As for eating in the cafeteria, he can't guarantee it during this period.

During the competition, the cafeteria provides three meals for free to all eligible players, and the restaurant, which is not particularly large, is full every day.

It was hard to find a quiet seat.

"Order less takeout. If you are tired of eating in the cafeteria, try to eat at the store. Who knows how the takeout is made?"

Ms. Tao advised.

In fact, she wanted to deliver food to Kurosawa at first, but gave up the idea after Kurosawa persuaded her.

The store in Haitang Base is a distance away, and his training time is not fixed. Ordinary people can't even enter the park during non-watching periods. It is extremely inconvenient. If you want to deliver food, it will delay the parents' time.

Not long after, the father who bought vegetables came back with big and small bags.

"Dad, why do you buy so many vegetables?" Kurosawa asked with a little surprise, taking the bag from his father. "I'll only stay here for one night and will be back at the base tomorrow."

"They are all your favorites. I thought you must be tired from the recent competitions, and I don't know what you want to eat specifically, so I just bought them all. Don't worry, it didn't cost much. Some of the dishes were brought back from the store." Hei's father panted slightly. There was no elevator in this building, so he walked up the stairs.

Hei Ze shook his head, but didn't say anything else.

Fortunately, he has a big appetite, and with Little Shining and Nightmare around, there will probably be no leftovers.

"By the way, you guys have a few days off. You're going back to the base tomorrow. Are you in such a hurry?" Ms. Tao asked.

"From tomorrow, we'll have a four-day holiday, and then the main competition will start. This year's schedule is a bit tight."

"Isn't there still a few days left? Let's rest at home for two more days."

"Don't let a layman instruct an expert here." Dad washed his hands in the bathroom and interrupted when he heard Ms. Tao's words.

"Do you really think that this offseason is just for the players? When can't you go home? These days are crucial. Of course, you must stay at the base and be able to train and maintain your best condition at any time."

He has always supported Kurosawa's "career-oriented approach".

"You're the only one who knows better, right? I'm not worried about Ze being too tired after playing games for so many days."

Kurosawa looked at his "arguing" parents and smiled.

In the afternoon, my parents watched cartoons with the little Shining in the living room.

Kurosawa returned to the room, sorted out all the summer clothes in the cupboard, and put them into a storage bracelet.

The space in the blue storage bracelet given by Gong Lihua is much larger, with a full five cubic meters of space.

Therefore he can also carry more personal belongings.

Books and personal items that I didn’t dare to bring with me before because I wanted to save space can be put in it.

In the evening, the Kurosawa family had dinner relatively early.

His parents came together to prepare a table of delicious dishes. Kurosawa originally wanted to show off his improved cooking skills to his parents, but unfortunately the kitchen conditions did not allow it and the space was too small to accommodate two people.

There are a lot of seafood on the dining table. Although Haitang City is named "Hai", it is located inland, so seafood is not cheap.

But in recent months, as Kurosawa's elf master career has flourished, the conditions at home have also improved significantly.

Kurosawa picked up a few pieces of abalone cut into crisscross cuts.

At the dinner table, his parents were chatting with Kurosawa about his competition.

Although the parents have to run the store, they have not missed any of Kurosawa's performances these days.

During the audition stage, the SMS notification from the league’s official website was not very timely.

They learned about a public account from a young clerk. As long as they entered the name of the player, they could immediately push information such as the game number and the specific address of the live broadcast room.

However, the store clerk did not know the identity of Kurosawa's parents and just thought that they were ordinary fans of Kurosawa like most people.

He happened to be a Kurosawa fan, and he was worried that the two middle-aged store managers would not understand the game, so he kept introducing Kurosawa's situation and historical results to them.

"In the main competition, I don't ask you to have any good results, but you must pay attention to your physical safety and don't be like the last time."

Mom said worriedly.

She initially thought that there was not much difference between the spring and summer games. Although Kurosawa was injured in the spring game and narrowly won the championship, she had been training for several months. As long as she paid attention to it, it shouldn't be too difficult for Kurosawa in the summer game. But then someone After explaining to her that the summer and spring games were completely two-level competitions, she started to worry about Kurosawa again.

She was afraid that Kurosawa would become competitive and end up in the hospital just like the spring finals.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention."

Kurosawa nodded.

During the spring finals, he was not very proficient in using Zeus mode.

He was injured after forcing himself to use Zeus a second time.

In a duel under normal circumstances, even if they lose, it will not lead to that situation.

Now he is very sure.

My father also had lingering fears about Kurosawa's last Zeus.

"The move you used last time is still rarely used. It looks very dangerous. I think it is good to command the elves to fight in the command area like other players."

Kurosawa will not use Zeus less frequently in the future, so he can only explain it again to his worried parents.

Zeus is not a skill that overloads the body. It would have hurt him last time he used it, but he just misjudged the situation.

If you use it under normal circumstances, not only will you not be injured, but you can also exercise your physical fitness. Don't regard it as a scourge.

After explaining, he also showed his strength to his parents.

After listening to his words, his parents looked at his indeed stronger body and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You should always pay attention to maintaining a good relationship with other players, and don't have conflicts with others casually."

Ms. Tao warned.

Even though Kurosawa was already a financially independent elf master, she sometimes couldn't help but look at Kurosawa and some of his things from the perspective of school.

Subconsciously, I think of the Haitang Elf Base as a school, and the other players are like classmates.

It is natural to have a good relationship with your classmates.

However, the relationship between most of the contestants was much stranger than she imagined.

Only communicate with people you can get along with. Strictly speaking, every player is in a competitive relationship.

Kurosawa didn't refute, just nodded.

Afterwards, Kurosawa discussed buying a house in the city center with his parents.

To Kurosawa's surprise, his parents didn't object too much.

Of course, they have different considerations when it comes to site selection.

Different from Kurosawa's idea of ​​buying a house near the store, they wanted to buy a house near the elf base, so that it would be convenient for Kurosawa to live there.

No need to stay in a hotel all day.

As for them, they are quite used to living in the rooms on the second floor of the store.

After a meal, the family still had not decided where to buy a house.

After all, it was an expenditure of hundreds of thousands, which was a large sum for the Kurosawa family. Even though the economic situation has improved significantly now, they are still very cautious.

Clear the table and wash the dishes.

When Kurosawa returned to his room, he could still vaguely hear the discussion coming from his parents' bedroom.

He sat down at the desk and turned on his phone.

As soon as the game ended during the day, many of his contacts on WeChat sent him congratulations, but he never read the messages.

Now that I have some free time, I have time to start replying.

Of course, for those contacts with whom he was not very close, he just copied and pasted them and thanked them politely.

Only people with whom you have contact on weekdays will edit your replies yourself.

Suddenly, he saw one among the many messages.

The other person's avatar is a cat wearing a colorful hood.

He thought for a while and felt that this person really had no impression. After clicking in and taking a closer look, he finally remembered who the other person was.

"Kurosawa, congratulations on your promotion, good luck in the summer season!"

The other party's blessing text message was very short, perhaps because he felt that his words were too dry.

She added a clenched fist expression behind her.

Kurosawa pursed his lips and smiled.

The other party is Li Mianmian, his deskmate for three years in junior high school.

But the two of them only added a WeChat chat. When they were in junior high school, they didn't communicate much in school on weekdays, and there were very few records on the communication software.

The few records on the Lenovo information in the cloud are very polite exchanges.

For example, I sent him an apology for accidentally bringing his stationery.

I didn’t go to school because I was sick, so I asked about the general content of the class that day, etc.

Although Kurosawa had been in contact with each other a few months ago because of the hypnosis mission, after that brief contact, the communication between the two was interrupted again.

If I remember correctly, the other party should have gone to a key high school in the provincial capital.

"Thank you. Sorry, I only read the text message at this time."

Kurosawa typed a reply.

A provincial capital hundreds of kilometers away.

In a plainly decorated room, Li Mianmian was working on an exercise book with a desk lamp on.

Throughout July, her high school will have to make up classes.

Therefore, in the next month, she will have to stay in the provincial capital and cannot leave, and her official vacation will not be until August.

For some reason, she was a little disappointed with the school's arrangements for making up classes.


The phone on the desk vibrated.

She ignored it at first, brushed her hair, glanced at the phone and quickly looked away.

When she does her homework, she never unlocks her phone.

This is a good habit she has developed. She checks the information before starting to write homework. She will not pay attention to other people's information during the process, and will not easily test her concentration while studying.

But soon she seemed to remember something, and turned to look at her phone that had fallen silent.


She frowned slightly and hesitated for a long time.

Still reach out.

Press Turn on and the screen will light up.

"VCHAT (micro chat)"

"1 message from 1 contact."

I opened WeChat and found that I had received a reply to the blessing I had been struggling to send for a long time during the day.

Her eyes light up.

Although she felt vaguely guilty about using her mobile phone during study time, she felt more happy.

In fact, she spent a lot of time editing that message during her lunch break, carefully deleting, modifying, and modifying it.

It was originally written in a lot of lines, but in the end it was reduced to just one sentence.

The title also changed from old classmate and deskmate to Kurosawa.

Even so, after sending that message, it didn't take long for her to regret it.

I wanted to withdraw but found that I had missed the time.

The relationship between the two had become estranged after graduation, and it used to be awkward to send messages for no reason.

Unlike himself who was still an ordinary student, the other party must have known a lot of people now. Can Kurosawa recover at such a busy time?

Sure enough, just as she had guessed, the other party had probably forgotten who she was. Until the evening, there was no reply.

While she was disappointed, she felt relieved at the same time.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly received another message from the other party.

"It's okay. You must be very busy today. I just happened to see the news of your promotion and sent you a message of blessing. Actually, there is no need to reply specifically."

Li Mianmian's face turned red, and her slender fingers tapped on the screen.

Of course this is a lie. Although most of Kurosawa's matches took place during the day when she was in class, network applications are now very developed. Even if you miss the live broadcast, you can still search for the corresponding recorded video. She used her few During the break, I watched all the games of my old classmates without stopping.

"Do you have to make up classes during the summer vacation in high school? I heard that your school is very strict about academic performance."

Kurosawa also did not focus the conversation on himself.

Since the other party doesn't watch much of the game, it would be a bit of a showoff to talk about the game.

And he also has some understanding of the key points of Li Mianmian's province.

If he hadn't awakened his psychic powers, he would most likely have enrolled in that school like her.

"Yes, the make-up classes will last until August. If you are in your senior year of high school, the vacation will be even shorter. I heard that there are only ten days of summer vacation."

"It's so hard."

Kurosawa replied sincerely.

Although he is very busy now, he is always doing things that he enjoys, and he can arrange his time as he pleases.

Students, especially in the special stage of high school, are probably the most difficult period.

"It's a pity. I'm going to compete in the provincial capital in August, but you should return to Haitang by then. Otherwise, I can ask you to take me around the provincial capital."

Perhaps it was the change after becoming an elf master that made Hei Ze more outgoing than before.

Although he didn't communicate much with Li Mian Mian, they were deskmates for three years after all. After not seeing each other for a long time, he missed her a little.

After waiting for a while, he didn't receive a reply.

The other party was typing

This state appeared and disappeared, disappeared and appeared again.

Hei Ze realized that his words might have caused some trouble to the other party.

He had experienced a lot of things, so he wanted to meet with his former classmates, but from the other party's perspective, the relationship between the two did not seem to be so familiar.

Just when he was about to talk about something else to change the topic.

Li Mian Mian finally replied.

"It's okay, I should still be in the provincial capital in August. When you come to the provincial capital, send me a message."

"But I'm not too familiar with the provincial capital."

The two chatted casually for a few more sentences. Hei Ze knew that this time was the time for studying at night, so he didn't disturb her too much. After temporarily making an appointment to meet in the provincial capital, he ended the chat.

Thanks to "嘘嘘" for the reward of 5000 Qidian coins, thanks to "海 Ziyuan" for the reward of 1500 Qidian coins, thanks to "雨羊天" for the reward of 1600 Qidian coins.

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