My Elf Simulator

Chapter 143 Who is the culprit?

Kurosawa sat up from the bed, his eyes were empty, and he was in a daze for a while.

He turned over and stepped on the ground.

The cold tiles, the coolness rushed up through the soles of his feet, and he couldn't help shivering.

A beam of warm sunlight came in from the slightly rusty iron frame window.

He opened the window, and the noisy cicadas followed the wind into the whole room.

The weather outside the window was very good, with a blue sky and white clouds.


He stretched himself.

It has been a long time since I slept so late like today.

At around seven o'clock, his naturally formed biological clock "woke" him up once.

Although he was no longer sleepy at that time, he still lay back in bed, browsed his phone for a while, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Now when he woke up for the second time, it was already eleven o'clock.

The sound of the TV and his parents' voices could be vaguely heard in the living room.

Even when it was close to noon, Kurosawa's parents had no intention of waking him up.

He changed his clothes and grabbed the flashcard on the desk.

The flashcard where Mumu was located had a crystal-like surface with a faint fluorescence, and the energy state was stable.

But Kurosawa knew that this was only temporary.

When Mumu digested the nutrients fed to it in the early morning, it would soon be urged again.

Mumu's intermediate promotion path was more tortuous than Kurosawa expected, and it required a lot of energy.

When he just returned to Haitang, his stored nutritional value was 542 points.

Now less than ten days have passed.

Only 284 points are left, and most of them have been swallowed up by Mumu who has fallen into a deep sleep in the past few days.

In addition to Mumu, the daily training of Little Shining and Nightmare, who are in the transition stage of intermediate elves, also consumes a lot.

If you want to quickly improve the strength of the elves, it is not enough to just bury your head in hard training, but also provide sufficient nutrition.

Invest a lot of various elf food, nutritional value and other resources.

"Brush your teeth and wash up, I'm going to cook."

Mom heard the sound of the door opening and said.


Kurosawa nodded.

This afternoon, Hei Ze was going back to the Haitang Alliance Base.

It was not convenient to stay at home, and he was also worried that the two elves would not maintain proper training after resting at home for a few days, which would affect their condition in the main competition.

Hei Ze still had some thoughts about the summer season.

The better the performance in the game, the more rewards he would get.

Personal level experience, points, and goods that will be refreshed after upgrading.

He couldn't say what kind of results he could achieve in the summer season, but it was definitely right to rush forward as much as possible.


Spitting out a mouthful of white foam, Hei Ze glanced at the system panel.

Elf: Shining Bird

Racial qualification: three stars

Level: intermediate (transitional stage)

Attribute: thunder

Energy value: 53.1 (???)

Skills: White-pecking LV3 (8→10/20) White-screaming LV2 (9/10) White-running LV3 (4→6/20) Blue-angry combo LV3 (5→6/20)

Deep blue-electric shock LV3 (10→12/20) Deep blue-thunder suit LV3 (2→4/20) Deep blue-level power storage LV2 (2→5/10)

Purple-thunder gun LV1 (4/5)→LV2 (1/10) Purple-level thunder bomb LV1 (3/5)→LV2 (3/10)

In the few days of training and the actual combat of the auditions, although the energy values ​​of the two elves are still in the transitional stage, their strength has not stagnated.

Compared with when I just returned to Haitang, all the skills of the elves have been greatly improved.

The progress of the little Shining's electric shock is still very stable, and the LV3 level of the elf skills is already extremely proficient.

According to Kurosawa's current realm.

LV1 is the level of learning, LV2 is to use the skill proficiently, and LV3 is proficient. The elf master and the elves cooperate tacitly and have their own unique understanding of the relevant skills.

For ordinary elf masters, the LV2 level of skill proficiency is sufficient in most cases in actual combat.

But if the intensity is increased, like Kurosawa's previous face of "Gao Yi" in the ruins, when there is a gap in the strength itself, it will put forward higher requirements for the proficiency of skills.

Kurosawa has also summarized the situation of that battle after returning for so many days. After replaying and reviewing it in his mind over and over again, he has attributed many reasons.

In addition to the initial discomfort with Gao Yi's strange scarlet blood energy and the gap in his own hard power, his own ability also made many forced mistakes under the psychological pressure.

The higher the proficiency of the elf skills, the more he can ensure that he can stably perform at the level he should in various situations.

Purple-level Thunder Bomb LV2 (3/10)

As the next core skill of Little Shining.

The proficiency of Thunder Bomb is improving quickly, but it is not enough. He wants to upgrade it to LV3 as soon as possible.

Elf: Nightmare

Racial qualification: three stars

Level: Intermediate (transitional stage)

Attribute: Dream (weak ghost)

Energy value: 52.4 (???)

Skills: White-Whip LV2 (8/10) White-Whisper LV2 (9/10) Blue-Hypnosis LV3 (1→3/20)

Blue-Deep Sleep LV2 (8→9/10) Deep Blue-Dawn LV3 (2→5/20) Deep Blue-Dream Shield LV2 (3→6/10) Deep Blue-Level Prank LV2 (4→7/10)

Nightmare's various spirit skills are also steadily improving.

Among them, the research work on its deep sleep alien release has made certain progress.

As a passive skill, deep sleep is still very powerful.

Nightmare's energy value can catch up with Little Shining, and it also entered the transition stage a little later, and deep sleep played an indispensable role.

After a long period of exploration and experimentation, he and Nightmare finally found the subtle fusion node between deep sleep and hypnosis skills. At present, deep sleep can be simply used on Little Shining.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of lack of proficiency, the deep sleep effect released by the alien is not as good as that carried by Nightmare itself.

Kurosawa is not greedy. For him, everything is difficult at the beginning, and being able to achieve a breakthrough from 0 is something worth celebrating.

The auditions have come to an end, but for the official event group of the Begonia Alliance and the audience who follow the game, this summer has just begun.

In the daily TV programs, car radio channels, offline billboards and various promotional banners are warming up for the summer season.

After the summer season, the world championship will be held every four years.

The atmosphere of this Haitang summer season is unprecedentedly lively.

On the streets and in coffee shops, people can be heard chatting and discussing the contents of the summer season and world championship.

Not to mention the online forums.

However, today, in addition to the repeated arguments about the players' hard power competition every day, there are new topics for discussion on the forums.

[Oh my god, why can't I buy tickets on the official website! ]

[The first round of tickets lasted for half an hour last night, but there was no ticket in the second round today? It's outrageous! ]

[Did they all get bought by scalpers?]

[I'm so confused. I go to the scene every season, and this is the first time I've encountered this situation.]

[Didn't they say that the official store of the league will release a batch of first-day tickets at noon today? ]

[Did the official really release tickets? They are not doing hunger marketing, right? (It turned out to be soybeans. I thought you made me speechless.jpg)]

[I promised my child, but now I can’t buy tickets. I’m really annoyed]

[Friends who have bought tickets can privately message me. The price is three times higher]

[It’s only 13:20 now, and the tickets are gone? ]

[I’m desperate. I have money but can’t spend it. ]

[I still want to buy tickets at 13:20. I set the alarm in advance. I didn’t get one even though I came at 12 o’clock. I have to rely on my hand speed. ]

[The third batch of tickets will be released at noon tomorrow. Of course, it will be the last small part of the tickets. According to today’s situation, everyone should be prepared for not being able to buy tickets. ]

[As a successful person who has grabbed tickets, I have summarized a few experiences to share with you. 1. Don’t use WIFI, use 5G network, which is faster. 2. Choose seats in advance and add them to the shopping cart. 3. Agree to the software’s password-free payment to save the verification stage 4. Start clicking to submit the order five minutes in advance, and don’t stop even if it gets stuck. I wish everyone good luck in getting tickets, and please pay attention to Kurosawa. 】

【Completely crazy, I didn't take it so seriously during my college entrance examination review period. 】

【Woohoo, my Zebao, I still want to go to the scene to post】

【It's so funny, the Zebao fan group was still discussing yesterday about choosing seats as close as possible, uniform offline clothing, and cheering slogans, but in the end, no tickets were available, hahahaha】

【Warm reminder, there are still some tickets on, but the system is a bit stuck, so you have to refresh it like crazy. 】

The Haitang City Elf Alliance Base Arena can accommodate about 10,000 spectators.

This number of seats is enough in the normal season, and most people will choose to watch the game through TV channels or online live broadcasts.

After all, the ticket price is at least two or three hundred yuan per ticket, and good stands seats even cost thousands of yuan. Watching TV at home not only doesn't cost a penny, but also saves time on traveling. Isn't it nice to lie on the sofa and drink happy water to watch the game?

In previous years, only the tickets for the finals of the summer and winter seasons were more popular, and tickets for other games were rarely sold out.

It is rare for the first day tickets to be sold out as soon as they are released, as happened this year.

After lunch, Kurosawa hailed a taxi and rushed to the alliance base. He took a moment to check his phone.

He found that several people he knew were asking him if he had any tickets for the main game. He couldn't help but feel strange.

Among them was even his partner who was still at the registered level and had performed tasks together.

He didn't think they were just asking him for tickets to save some money.

Sure enough, he logged into the forum and took a look.

The Haitang local section was full of various topic discussion posts about tickets.

Several posts were glowing red, indicating that the number of replies exceeded 500.

He simply browsed the content of the posts and was a little dumbfounded.

Are tickets for the summer season so difficult to buy? He saw that many people had written detailed guides.

Multiple openings, different ticket purchase channels, precautions for grabbing tickets, and various operational details, it was like a guide for some difficult dungeon.

From this aspect, we can also see that the enthusiasm of the audience this summer is far greater than in the past, and the number of people who want to watch the game live has doubled compared to previous seasons.

Kurosawa didn't think about tickets specifically.

His parents planned to book tickets online like the spring season, but looking at the current situation, it is probably impossible for his parents to buy tickets through regular channels.

Fortunately, as one of the sixteen contestants, he should have had votes from some of the contestants' relatives.

However, I don’t know how many tickets I can get if the tickets are so compact.

Two copies from your parents are a must, as well as the club’s Xiaozhu sister, Li Cun.

Tian Cheng, who works at the Suwon Town Office, also wants to pay.

In addition to her daily work, she also manages three large fan groups of 2,000 people for Kurosawa in her free time. Her hard work is very fruitful.

Although Kurosawa has only been diving in the group, it does not mean that he does not pay attention to the situation in the group. As an administrator, Tian Cheng often helps him guide some positive energy in the group, such as quarreling less with other fan groups and lowering the anger.

And Coach Wang, who took the time to watch him play during the exam preparation process.

After thinking about it, the number of tickets to prepare is really not small.

They may have failed to grab tickets in the first two rounds. Looking at the current situation, they analyzed that it would be difficult to grab the last remaining share tomorrow, so they asked him to find out if there were any extra tickets for the players' relatives.

He roughly calculated that he would need about ten tickets, and other relatives and friends would definitely ask for tickets in the future.

Of course, there were far more than ten people who asked him about tickets, but he couldn't satisfy everyone, and he could only say sorry to some people. The number of official tickets for players’ relatives is probably limited.

Kurosawa was not one to procrastinate and dialed Chi Lei's number directly.

"Hey, Sister Chi. It's me, Kurosawa."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"That's it. Can I order a ticket for the main game?"

"Tickets for the main game, no problem. How much do you want?"

Kurosawa noticed the hesitation in the other person's tone and asked carefully.


"Ten. Uh."

The other end of the phone pondered for a moment.

"Please wait a moment, this is a little bit. I'll go and ask the colleague in charge of this."

"Oh well."

Kurosawa nodded.

There is no way, it is really difficult to buy tickets at this stage.

He took a look at the transaction posts on the forum and saw that many tickets had been sold for several times the price.

He doesn't really want to buy from others, it's not that he is stingy.

However, on the one hand, the procedures were cumbersome and he didn't know if there were any tricks in the process. On the other hand, he didn't want to give money to some scalpers who were hoarding tickets.

Even though one ID card can only buy one ticket, this year's scalpers, seeing that they are making a profit, will not be hindered by this little trouble, and they all come around like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

After a while, Kurosawa heard Chi Lei's voice coming back.

"I'll get ten tickets from the event team for you. This year's tickets are in short supply. Many players have asked for a lot of relatives' tickets, so there aren't enough points. If you ask later, they might be gone."

"However, only the two numbers left for your parents are consecutive. The others are non-consecutive. It doesn't matter."

"It's okay, thank you, Sister Chi."

Kurosawa hung up the phone and assured several people who asked him about tickets.

After finishing the chores, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chi Lei helped him get series tickets so that he could watch the finals from the first round.

He really didn't expect the atmosphere to be so hot this year.

Scalpers hoarding tickets is just a symptom. The underlying reason is that the number of people who want to watch the game offline has increased sharply.

Otherwise, the scalpers are not stupid, the tickets will not be sold, and they will be the only ones losing money if they die in their hands.

Kurosawa never liked to cause trouble to others, and at this moment he couldn't help but complain secretly in his heart.

He didn’t know whether he was complaining about the lack of seats in the venue, the unfair behavior of scalpers, or other reasons.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

Several pieces of information about his fans actively purchasing tickets on the forum came to mind, and I contacted the group friends I saw in the diving group chat a few days ago to discuss the matter of collectively giving him offline cheering slogans.

He rubbed his chin and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Is there any possibility that the main culprit causing the difficulty in getting votes this year?

Actually it's me?

Kurosawa shook his head violently.

No, no, no. I am just an ordinary professional player.

It shouldn't be his turn to take the blame.

Thanks to "Kazhka" for the 500 starting coin reward.

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