My Elf Simulator

Chapter 144 First Draw

July 13th.

After two consecutive days of heavy rain, Haitang City finally welcomed a sunny day on the opening day of the summer season.

This is no coincidence.

Before the start of many major games, for the sake of spectator viewing experience, leagues in various regions will use their own methods to rain in advance to ensure that the weather is clear during the game days and citizens can travel conveniently.

For example, in Haitang, the hard-working Minister Gong is responsible for the city's rain-inducing work.

During the main competition of the Haitang Summer Games, the Elf Base Park was briefly open to the public, and many citizens gathered in the square of the arena.

There are many flexible businesses arranged in the square and the first floor, selling food, drinks and official peripherals.

Parents wandering around with their children, couples on dates watching the game, office workers, and elderly people of all identities can be seen everywhere.

Shi Hongzhi is an ordinary college student.

During the recent summer vacation, he just returned from overseas. With his strong Internet speed, he grabbed a ticket during the third round of ticket release.

At this moment, he looked up at the crowded square and fell into a trance for a moment.

Although he is also a complete fan of the game, this is the first time for him to watch the game offline.

It was early in the morning before it was time to enter the venue. With nothing to do, he leaned under a tree and called a friend.

"Bao Zihao, you are not in the arena at all. Where have you been hiding?"

"Are you stupid? Didn't I say that I didn't buy a ticket?"

"Haha, is this all Lin fans?"

"Jiang Zi is arrogant? Lend me your game console and CD and return it to me immediately."

"I'm super different, Dad, if you have something to say, please tell me!"

"Hmph, do you think Kurosawa is stronger or Lin Daqing is stronger?"

"That's Zebao who is stronger. Although you are my father, I can't lie without conscience."

"I don't have an unfilial son like you. Come to Lianmai later when we watch the game and see how I humiliate you."

"Who's afraid of whom?"

He was joking with his friends and looking into the distance.

The pounding heart calmed down.

In the distance, there seemed to be noisy sounds from the crowd.

He looked far away.

It turns out that the first contestant has arrived.

Surrounded by staff, she walked along the red carpet toward the entrance.

As he walked, he waved to the crowds on both sides.

He narrowed his eyes and saw a beautiful female player.

He couldn't quite remember the specific name.

"Tsk, tsk."

He didn't lean over for an autograph.

I just feel that she is really good-looking, no wonder there are so many fans cheering.

"However, she looks like a beautiful young lady in her early twenties, but her real age may be that of an aunt in her thirties or forties."

He shook his head, thinking in his mind.

Humans are so superficial.

It's different like him, he only appreciates interesting souls.

Of course, he would not admit it. At first, he had the idea of ​​​​moving forward to take a photo and post it on, but there were too many people and he gave up because he felt that he could not squeeze in.

While wandering around the square, he found that many spectators who came to the scene had changed into support T-shirts with the player's graphics on them.

After asking around carefully, I found out that I purchased it from an official store.

I decisively went to the store and purchased a set of Kurosawa's support shirts and peripheral dolls.

Because of my friend's request, I reluctantly bought a set of Lin Daqing style support shirts for him.

When he was checking out at the front desk of the store, the waiter and many customers around him stared at him with strange eyes.

There are many customers who buy peripherals for different players, but there are very few who buy the Heilin duo like him.

In other words, there is none at all. The conflicts between the two fan groups are among the best in Haitang's various forum communities.

The fans are in dire straits, and there is no possibility of two chefs coexisting.

The conflicts between the players themselves are not as obvious as the conflicts among the fan groups.

Even Lin Daqing, who was dissatisfied with Kurosawa, always remained openly polite in various interview programs. At most, he secretly mocked Kurosawa for being overestimated.

Kurosawa rarely commented on Lin Daqing to the outside world.

"Hey, it's really troublesome."

Kurosawa and Ji Qingwen sat together in a black luxury car and drove slowly into the park.

Looking at the numerous live audiences in the square.

He covered his forehead.

What kind of thing is this? It's like a celebrity walking on the red carpet.

He was obviously staying in a hotel in the Elf Affairs Center not far away, but he still had to go through the motions.

There is no way this is requested by the competition team.

If he had his own idea, of course it would be better to keep a low profile and save trouble. Just like in the audition, he would finish his meal in the restaurant and follow the internal passage directly from the affairs center to the arena.

"Don't you like being in the limelight? I thought you would enjoy it like many young players." Ji Qingwen turned to look at Kurosawa.

Kurosawa shook his head.

However, this is also in line with the work arrangement of the competition team.

It can't be said that I usually enjoy the benefits and subsidies of the Haitang Alliance, take the money every penny, and do nothing at all.

"What about you, Brother Ji?"

"I don't care. Anyway, I'm not as handsome as you guys. My fans are all rational fans." Ji Qingwen said with a smile.

Although he has many fans, the average age is much higher than Kurosawa's.

And those who are fans of him are all because of his personal strength. There is no such thing as a good-looking fan or a mom fan.

The two got out of the car and were immediately greeted by staff.

"Both contestants, please wait a moment."

Kurosawa looked at the contestants walking on the red carpet.

Lin Daqing was standing in the middle of the road wearing a slightly shimmering golden dress.

He kept waving to the fans around him.

A passionate scream erupted with each swing.

Stop and go, very slowly.

It seems that he is the kind of player Ji Qingwen said is enjoying the moment.

Because he walked relatively slowly, the two of them needed to stop here for some time.

"Can you tell him to hurry up? Are you embarrassed to let us, Aze, wait like this?"

Ji Qingwen didn't tolerate him, so he urged the staff directly if he had anything to say.

Kurosawa rolled his eyes at Ji Qingwen.

He actually felt fine and wasn't in a hurry. It's just that Ji Qingwen has never been able to get along with Lin Daqing, so he wanted to attack him whenever he got the chance.

The coordinating staff quickly used headsets to contact colleagues around Lin Daqing to speed up the progress.

They were all well-known players that he couldn't afford to mess with, but compared to Lin Daqing, the two waiting for him were obviously more powerful.

One is one of Haitang's most elite players, and the other is a heavyweight. It is rumored that the minister's beloved disciple is Haitang's "prince of the dynasty."

Besides, Lin Daqing was really unreasonable, it took too long, and it wasn't a fan handshake meeting just for him, so it was more like that.

The urging effect was immediate. Lin Daqing, who was busy taking photos with fans, had to end it in a hurry. With an unhappy look on his face, he finished the formalities at the front desk and disappeared from the entrance.

With Ji Qingwen's courtesy, Kurosawa stepped forward first.


"I'm Chaoze!"

"Brother Sawako, look at me."

"Come on for the game."


Kurosawa walked quickly, raising his hand to slightly respond to the deafening cheers in his ears.

He was stunned for a moment as he looked at the approaching audience.

There were more fans coming to the scene today than he expected.

Under the guidance of the staff, he transformed into a ruthless worker, walked to several photo spots in sequence, put on a business smile and took photos with the audience who came to the scene. After clocking in to complete the work, he bid farewell to the crowd and came to the service front desk.

Needless to say, the Spring Split is like a secondary event compared to the Summer Split.

The process is far less formal than the summer split.

Before the entrance, the 16 players entering the main competition need to sign their names on the commemorative board, as well as sign a competitive commitment statement and other documents in front of the service desk.

At the same time, the players need to face the camera and read out the guarantees in the commitment letter, which is full of ceremony.

These links will be completed under real-time live broadcast footage, and will also become part of the material for later editing into documentaries.

The commitment letters for Kurosawa's spring game were all signed backstage at the venue, and there was no oath-taking part in public.

He signed his artistic signature on the memorial board.

The marker made a sharp sound when scratched on the smooth board.

In just a second or two, Kurosawa left his eye-catching yet beautiful signature on it.

Fortunately, Kurosawa inquired with Ji Qingwen in advance to find out about such a link, and specially found someone to design a good signature.

I have practiced it many times during my nights during the past few days.

Even though he has no calligraphy talent, his memory and body control are not bad, and he can easily clone a specially designed signature.

"I promise that during the competition of this summer competition, I will strictly abide by the regulations of the Haitang League competition group and abide by the rules of competitive battles. I will not maliciously harm my opponents, and I will not treat the competition negatively."

The guarantee content of the commitment letter is not long.

Kurosawa finished reading carefully.

Then he turned around and walked through the player tunnel and entered the arena.

The roof of the arena was completely opened, and bright sunlight poured in, illuminating the green field.

"It has been detected that you are participating in the elf division competition - Haitang Summer Cup. The current competition level is rated as: three-star city level."

"The event level meets the requirements. Starting immediately, event rewards will be distributed in a timely manner based on the player's performance in each round."

The system's beep sounded in Kurosawa's mind.

Three stars. Rewards are distributed according to rounds.

Kurosawa recited the message silently in his mind.

Just when I was about to fall into thought, I heard a voice in my ear.

It turned out to be Lin Daqing who had not yet gone to the lounge. He was leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting for him.

"Don't be eliminated before you meet me."

He left after saying a few words.

Kurosawa, who was left with a black line on his forehead.

Could it be that he thinks this behavior is very personal?

Kurosawa felt very calm and had no other thoughts. He just felt that the other party exuded a kind of mysterious confidence.

There are many strong players in the main event of the Summer Split, and now it is somewhat credible to say this.

He shook his head, walked to his indoor lounge backstage, took off his formal clothes and put on his player uniform.

After all the players entered, the audience also began to enter with tickets.

The first thing to be held this morning is the opening ceremony.

Kurosawa, who was sitting in the rest room, heard cheers coming from outside and the familiar voice of Miya Toshika on the radio.

He knew that the minister's speech was currently going on outside.

Perhaps due to the influence of the competition atmosphere, his mood was not as calm as before.

Summons Little Shining and Nightmare.

Mother is still sleeping.

Its aura has become very full recently, its daily nutritional intake is being reduced, and it should be about to end its transformation process.

But at least, Mumu couldn't catch up in the first game.

What he can rely on are two transitional intermediate elves.


He let out a long breath.

After the speeches, there was the opening ceremony performance, and then there was the lottery ceremony.

Lucky spectators will choose the opponents for the first round for the contestants.

This is a link just launched this season. While ensuring fairness, it can add more suspense to the game and increase the effect of the program.

Therefore, Kurosawa still doesn’t know who his opponent will be in the first round.

He knew that his restless mood was greatly affected by this.

His current strength is not particularly strong, and the results of his opponent's extraction may directly affect his final results.

Among the sixteen main-race players, according to the information currently available, there are thirteen professional-level players and three elite-level players.

If you are assigned to an elite opponent in the first round, it will be difficult to fight, and there is a high probability that you will leave in the top 16.

He has not officially fought against elite elf masters yet, and he is not quite sure how big the gap is between himself and Haitang's elites, so he is not sure about it.

In fact, he is not the kind of person who particularly cares about results and other people's opinions. There is nothing shameful about ending this summer split in the top 16.

He still has a lot of time and opportunities to improve himself.

Just leaving the field in the first round means that he can get very few rewards.

His practice and training in the next few months may be greatly affected, which is what he is worried about.

Kurosawa lets The Shining and The Nightmare warm up.

The two little guys seemed to feel his mood, and they cheered up and seemed more excited than usual.

Little Shining is very confident now, and his little tail is wagging slightly.

The little eyes looked along the dark player tunnel to the field outside, shining with dazzling light.

Long-term self-discipline training makes it believe that as long as it joins forces with Kurosawa, it will not be afraid of any elves.


It turned to look at Kurosawa in his seat, as if to promise something to him.

Kurosawa looked at the two elves.

Knowing that they are "pacifying" themselves puts a smile on their faces.

He put away his phone and touched the two elves.

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it that much.

Anyway, he can't interfere with the extraction process.

During this period of time, I did not neglect training, and I have done everything I can do.

Player: Kurosawa

Rating: 3 (19/40)

Points: 805

It's better to think about how much personal level experience and points a round of competition can bring him.

The main level of the summer split is three-star.

The rewards should be more generous than those in any previous competitions.

Hope to upgrade as soon as possible.


The stadium outside erupted into roaring cheers.

At this moment, a lucky spectator is standing in the center of the field, grabbing the balls one by one from the sealed box.

The ball was opened and a piece of rolled paper was placed inside.

The camera zoomed in quickly, focusing on the paper he had pulled away.

The word Kurosawa is clearly written on it.

"The contestant in the third game of the first round of the main draw is Kurosawa."

He heard his name on the radio.

Some time passed.

His opponent in the third game was also caught.

".Bai Changqing."

Kurosawa's brows relaxed, but he did not relax completely.

This is not a bad sign.

He didn't directly bump into ordinary professional levels like Zeng Shi and Lin Daqing that he wanted to meet in the first round, but he didn't meet the three elite levels either.

It would be great if he could face Lin Daqing in the first round.

In this way, he can spend less effort and still fulfill Lin Daqing's wish.

The other party has always wanted to take revenge on him, and he knew it.

Unfortunately, there is no such good thing.

He didn't know much about the player Bai Changqing.

But he happened to be one of the players he remembered more deeply during the audition process.

Like himself, the opponent has a high probability of possessing transitional elves.

Bai Changqing, 39 years old, professional level.

On the surface, compared to several well-known players of the new generation, this introductory information seems a bit shabby, and the talent looks ordinary.

However, there are also differences among professional players.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are all professional level.

The top professional level with transitional level can almost crush the ordinary professional level.

Kurosawa once again inquired about the other party's specific information.

I found out that the opponent was an elf master who was active on the Haitang stage ten years ago. He had not participated in the competition for many years. For some reason, he signed up again this summer.

The information that can be queried is out of date and obviously cannot be used as a reference before the battle.

If I remember correctly, in the audition, the elf sent by the opponent was an ordinary mid-level elf, and it was impossible to tell the truth.

But Kurosawa still relied on the opponent's spiritual energy fluctuations and the aura lingering on his body to judge that his strength was not simple.

Elves will leave their own aura, especially on the bodies of the elf masters who get along with them, and Kurosawa's perception is very keen. During the audition, he noticed the faint aura of transitional elf lingering on the opponent's body. breath.

"Trigger the event mission [Start with Victory], the Haitang Summer Games has officially begun. Please win the first battle."

A voice sounded in his head.

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