My Elf Simulator

Chapter 156 The End (Three in One, please subscribe)

A minute ago, Kurosawa's little Shining was still wandering around in the field, looking like he was being beaten passively, while the crystal ray was leisurely and contentedly aloof.

A minute later, the high-level elf crystal ray fell into the water, and its flesh and blood tissue scattered to the ground.

The change came so suddenly that no one expected it.

Shocked expressions were frozen on people's faces.

In the audience, the voices of Kurosawa fans wearing exclusive cheering clothes suddenly became louder, and the cheers that just echoed through the sky came from their mouths.

No one could have predicted that Kurosawa would be able to defeat the High Elf.

Kurosawa in the west command area panted slightly.

The burst attack in just a few seconds was very draining on both him and Little Shining.

Kurosawa knew he only had one chance, so he basically poured all the blessings from his psychic burst into it.

If the crystal ray cannot be defeated in one blow, he and the little Shining will be dragged into the quagmire of a protracted war with the advanced elf's stronger recovery and adjustment ability.

Zhuang Yanbing's beautiful eyes flashed with confusion, and he stared at the venue and Kurosawa who looked tired for a moment but still had a stern expression with a slightly absent-minded gaze.

She could feel the calmness of her heart beneath that ancient, calm face.

Defeating himself is not even worth showing the slightest emotion on his part?


She took a deep breath, her high chest rising and falling violently.

To be honest, it was really hard to stay calm.

Shocked, puzzled, confused

Under thousands of pairs of eyes, the shame and anger of being defeated by the other party, and the unspeakable shame of being ignored by the other party.

She thought that her cheeks must be red now.

But as a player, she must control her emotions well when she is on the competition stage.


She stretched out her hand and took back the crystal ray that was trapped in the body's self-protection mechanism in the distance.

The advantage has not been completely lost, she still has giant dolphins to rely on.

Think calmly.

The powerful lightning strike that Kurosawa just absorbed from the environment of the venue has consumed all the lightning energy flowing in the venue. Moreover, the condition of the elf and himself has also obviously declined.

It will definitely be difficult to maintain the offensive that was far beyond the intermediate elf level just now.

Her mind was racing, and she calmed down her thoughts.

She turned over her hands and took out her third flash card.

There was a flash of golden light, and the giant dolphin appeared.

The giant dolphin is a large sea spirit.

Very good at swimming.


Bursts of strange ethereal dolphin sounds came from its snout.

Kurosawa was under a lot of pressure.

His physical condition is not optimistic,

After the icy blue gas coat covering the surface of the skin shook violently, it was difficult to maintain its convergence back into the body.

The heart network and the explosion just now consumed a lot of energy, and the natural body can no longer maintain it.

He originally expected to rely on mysteries + thunder gun to defeat the crystal ray.

Then use Zeus to deal with the remaining high-level giant dolphin.

But now, can his body function really activate Zeus?

Kurosawa felt the burning heat in his body and thought hesitantly.

Little Shining still has some energy left.

It fluttered its wings and flew briskly on the field, looking extremely proud.

It seems to be venting the joy of defeating the strong and the weak against the crystal ray.

It has always had an element of pride in its character.

It's been like this since the child was born.

He was hatched and trained, and he received a severe beating from reality at the Senli Club, but he did not abandon the arrogance in his character.

It lowered its head to look at the giant dolphin swimming rapidly in the water, and made a clear cry.

Not to mention that it still has about 30% of the energy in its body, even if it only has one tenth, it will not bow to the enemy to show weakness.

Whether it can win or not is another matter. At least in terms of momentum, it is never willing to admit defeat.

In the past, in the club, even if he was beaten until he was lying on the ground and lost the strength to move, he would not forget to provoke the victorious opponent with explosive hair. When he met some elves with relatively violent personalities, he received a lot of beatings in vain.

Now that it has become so much stronger, its pride is even greater.

On the field, cleaning staff were approaching by boat, using filters to quickly clean the remaining crystal ray tissue in the water.

The flesh and blood of elves like this will interfere with the surrounding energy.

Scattered body tissue doesn't matter, but the crystal ray is a high-level elf, and the flesh and blood that was destroyed just now is really quite a lot, so it needs to be removed in order to avoid affecting the subsequent games.

Taking advantage of this "intermission" time, Kurosawa was thinking in his mind.

It is not easy to defeat high-level elves with intermediate elves.

He guessed that even if the summer split ends here, based on his current performance, the rewards from the system should not be less.

In terms of public opinion, the moment he won the Crystal Ray, he had already won a big victory.

It seems the saneest idea would be to throw in the towel.

He looked at the referee, but his hand to signal was still not raised.


Baby Shining is still very much alive.

It seemed that his small body was outmatched by the ten-meter-long body of the giant dolphin.

It tried its best to spread its wings, and it felt like it was baring its teeth and claws.

Kurosawa looked at it and shook his head, helpless and amused.

Anyway, since Little Shining's desire to fight has not subsided, he, as the master, cannot make a disappointing decision.

Many times, it is too boring to rely solely on reason to decide gains and losses.

However, since he was ready to continue the battle, he didn't want to rush into the battle and then lose in disgrace. That didn't suit his character.

[Exchange Shop]

[Fruit of Elf Growth - 10 points]

[Primary Affinity Badge of Attributes - 500 points each]

[Master Cooking - 250 points]

[Defender Badge - 500 points]

Defender Badge Effect: The wearer of this badge will be enveloped by an invisible aura, and the shield blessing effect obtained will be enhanced. (Note: This badge cannot be used on the elves themselves, only on the players.)

Kurosawa looked at the panel.

No longer entangled.

His mind was focused on one of the props.

"Do you want to buy the defender badge?"


"Purchase successful, remaining points: 85"

Although he couldn't wear different attribute affinity badges at the same time, there was no conflict between the defender badge and the affinity badge.

The defender badge is the external shell energy, and the affinity badge is the internal blessing energy.

The effect of the defender badge is to strengthen the shield and protect yourself.

If it were an ordinary elf master, even if he could obtain this strange ability, it would be useless in the current battle.

But Kurosawa still has Zeus, who has the ability to fight side by side with the elves.

He is now physically weak and it is difficult to control the energy of the Zeus mode. He hesitated before because he was worried that once the energy in the Zeus mode collapsed, it would be easy to hurt himself.

Just like using Zeus for the second time in the spring finals.

In essence, it was because his body was extremely tired before he opened Zeus for the second time, and he could not restrain the energy well, and finally backfired on himself.

This defender badge should be able to reduce the burden of restraint for him.

The cleaning staff on the field were very efficient and began to evacuate in an orderly manner after completing their work.

Kurosawa did not continue to think about it and looked at the panel.

The defender badge is still a concept prop without a physical entity. Its thumbnail appearance in the system bar is a small silver-white shield.

He chose to wear the defender badge.

So heavy

As soon as Kurosawa put on the defender badge, he felt like he was bound.

The heaviness he felt was not in the physical sense, but in the consciousness level.

It was as if his brain was warning him that he had installed too many peripherals, which was a great burden on his body and mind.

This time, he really had to fight quickly.

Hei Ze rubbed his temples.

Zhuang Yanbing calmed down and looked at Hei Ze again.

Was it an illusion?

I always felt that his temperament had changed?

He just stood there, as heavy as a rock.

She knew that some elf masters could emit strange auras.

But they were at least masters who started from masters. They had been with super elves for a long time, immersed in the strong energy of attributes, and they also subtly brought some of the attributes of their temperaments.

Hei Ze in front of her was the most unpredictable opponent she had encountered since she awakened her psychic power.


The whistle announcing the continuation of the game blew.

The two elves moved at the same time.

The little Shining Spirit turned into golden light and rushed towards Hei Ze.

Hei Ze took the initiative to leave the command area and waded into the water beside him.

This is

Zhuang Yanbing's pupils shrank suddenly.

A familiar image emerged in her mind. It was the video of Kurosawa's spring game that she saw when she was looking up the intelligence of the top four opponents last night.

She watched it at double speed at that time, but the fusion clip still left a deep impression on her.

Still coming? She was really desperate. She spat in her heart.

She had heard a little about fusion, because it was a special skill of the fusion of elves and humans, which required a high degree of tacit understanding between the two, and there was also a lot of danger. After all, the human body was too weak compared to the elves.

You can even find a lot of images of elf masters who made mistakes and "exploded" on the Internet.

When the state was obviously seriously deteriorating, did you dare to merge? She took a breath and felt her scalp tingling.


Although the little Shining wanted to fight in person, it was no different for it to fight in Kurosawa's body.

It did not reject Zeus's process, and even enjoyed the feeling of fighting side by side with Kurosawa more than ordinary battles.

The Shining bird turned into a small sun and merged into Kurosawa's body silently.

The blue-gold color emerges from Kurosawa's body.

Kurosawa and the little shining bird's Zeus form is not static. As the energy value of the shining bird increases, the blue part becomes less and the gold becomes more, giving it a more majestic feeling.

Kurosawa is now extremely proficient in entering Zeus.

[Defender Badge] [Thunder Attribute Primary Affinity Badge]

The two badges light up at the same time.

The cloud-patterned blue rapier and the silver-white shield complement each other.

The powerful thunder attribute energy flows through Kurosawa's skin, bones, and flesh.

There are traces of it in organs, muscle fibers, and even cells.

The thunder flow penetrates the pores of the skin all over the body, covering the body surface, forming a blue-gold thunder armor.

The thunder armor is not only a defensive effect, but also can isolate the energy difference between the inside and outside of the body, preventing the energy from collapsing and turbulent, and hurting his body.

While the thunder armor is condensed, the [Defender Badge] takes effect.

The thunder armor in Zeus mode also meets its definition of shield.

The Thunder Armor becomes even stronger with the blessing of the Defender Badge!

The primary affinity badge of thunder attribute also burst out with strong fluctuations.

Kurosawa gritted his teeth.

He activated the originally sluggish natural force again.


The thunder and lightning energy in his body soared to a terrifying level.

The blue-gold body seemed to have completely realized the attribute.


His body slowly floated up and stepped lightly on the water.

The thunder and lightning under his feet flowed wildly.

Fortunately, the water below contained water attribute energy, and the repulsive force from the water attribute allowed him to stand on the water surface relatively lightly.

Otherwise, he should be in the water.

This is the characteristic of the crystal ray's deep-sea protection skill. Even after it leaves the field, the special water environment will remain in this closed venue for a period of time.

Such a strong force.

This time, Zeus surpassed any previous training of Kurosawa.

The blessing of the thunder attribute affinity badge made the thunder energy more active.

The protection of the defender badge, like removing the gene lock, broke through the upper limit of Zeus' instinctive protection mechanism.

【? ? ? ]

[I forgot that Brother Zezi can merge]

[Turtle, did he really win?]

[Impossible, absolutely impossible]

[Too cute]

[Let’s not talk about Brother Zezi’s strength, the special effects are completely better than other players]

The barrage began to roll again.

Many of Zhuang Yanbing’s fans, after this battle, no matter what the final result is, they are convinced by Kurosawa.

Kurosawa briefly adapted to his current state, and he didn’t have time to feel too much.

The energy of the active little Shining in his body dropped very quickly.

He didn’t have much time to hesitate.


A wave more than ten meters high was lifted by the giant dolphin and hit him heavily.

The wave was wrapped with extremely huge water attribute energy.

About one hundred units of attribute energy value, or energy refined by the attribute core, if it was before.

Not to mention him, even the little Shining couldn’t resist it.

But now, he actually felt that the energy in front of him was just like this.

Although the little Shining Spirit did not have an attribute core, the power of Zeus and the double badges also achieved a similar effect.

Directly raised the quality of the transition stage to the same level as the giant dolphin or even stronger.

Kurosawa Fukushin suddenly felt that he had mastered some kind of ability.

Following that vague feeling.

His blue-gold palm clenched slightly.


Kurosawa's palm shook.

The next moment, a sharp spear was tightly grasped by him.

The spear was golden all over, and it was folded into an irregular Z-shaped spear head at the end of the spear tip.

It was a variant of the thunder gun.

The energy level reached the requirement, and the original thunder blade directly evolved into a stronger thunder gun.


The hair on his forehead fluttered.

A wave like a huge wall had come to him.

His small body seemed particularly small under the wave of three or four floors.

In the audience, people saw that he did not dodge or hide, and they couldn't help but worry for him.

Kurosawa's brain was very calm in the Zeus state, and he was not frightened by the huge wave wall.

He clenched the lightning spear that seemed to extend like his arm, and his arm and waist and abdomen exerted force, and the lightning was surging.

His right arm holding the lightning spear swept, cutting towards the wave at an unimaginable speed.

In an instant, the penetration and speed unique to lightning were fully demonstrated.


A white line separated from the endless wave wall.

The golden lightning tore the heavy water energy inside the wave.


The heavy wave of more than ten meters collapsed and disintegrated in front of Kurosawa.

Big but useless!

The huge wave is maintained by water-attributed energy. Now the quality of Kurosawa's lightning energy has been greatly improved. As long as the water energy in it is wiped out, the wave will automatically dissipate.

This endless water is not a pure substance. When the energy value is sufficient, they are turbulent waves.

Once the energy value is scarce, the turbulent waves are all illusions!

Now the "Hei Ze Elf" who has briefly entered the advanced stage felt something in his heart and understood it instantly.

Zhuang Yanbing, who was in the command area, was shocked, but she remembered the previous lesson, swallowed her saliva, and did not stop the attack.

She knew very well that a fighting style like Hei Ze's could not be allowed to explode, and he must be dragged to death with a torrent of attacks.

This time is different from that time. Previously, Nightmare was frightened by the energy value difference and did not dare to approach the crystal ray easily. Now it is Zhuang Yanbing who dares not command the giant dolphin to approach Hei Ze, for fear of being directly defeated by him with extremely terrifying momentum.

Zhuang Yanbing's spiritual energy burst, first let the giant dolphin start high-speed movement to avoid Hei Ze's hesitation and wandering at the edge of the arena.

Then he performed a series of wave bursts.

The giant dolphin can use the legacy of the crystal ray. This water field makes it easier for it to perform skills.

And the stronger the effect of the fusion, the shorter the duration.

As long as she can hold Kurosawa back, victory will eventually belong to her. The process may be embarrassing, but she doesn't want to lose.

No one wants to build someone else's reputation on the field.


Several dozen meters of deep blue wave walls moved towards Kurosawa like a rising Rashomon.

There is a protective layer above the head to limit the height. If Kurosawa wants to break through to the giant dolphin, he has to face these endless waves.

The battles in the arena one after another made the audience and even the commentators hold their breath.

One moment, it seemed that Kurosawa had the advantage, and the next moment, it seemed that Zhuang Yanbing would win. It was impossible to make a judgment.

Kurosawa took a deep breath.

A materialized breath of lightning blew out from the corner of his mouth.

His body slowly sank.

His feet gently touched the water surface. If you look closely, you can find that there is a layer of golden lightning energy between his feet and the water surface.

Countless electric sparks exploded at the junction.

Kurosawa mobilized all his energy.

He knew that he only had one chance to attack.

His vision was completely blocked by the continuous waves, but it didn't matter. He relied on the heart net to directly lock the giant dolphin swimming at high speed at the edge of the field.

After locking the target, Kurosawa accumulated power under his feet, and the lightning energy pulled his fascia and muscles.


The terrifying impact force exploded under his feet, and he was like stepping on concrete, and his body moved forward rapidly.

While running at high speed, his body turned into a golden light, and it was still accelerating.

When he came to the first wave, he pushed the thunder gun in his hand forward to resist the wave.

The terrifying potential energy poured out with highly compressed thunder energy.

Now the mass of thunder energy is stronger than the water energy in the wave, and it will break at a single blow.

The ten-meter-high heavy wave can't interfere with Kurosawa at all.




"Kurosawa is still accelerating, he is still accelerating!" Hongguang, the male commentator who has always been mistaken for Kurosawa by fans on the forum, stopped pretending. He is also a Kurosawa fan.

The words that came out of his mouth like a machine gun even broke because of excitement, and he was excited by the battle on the field.

In the shooting field of the high-altitude camera, a very thin golden line instantly exploded and pierced four waves in succession. Not only did the speed not slow down, but it also slightly accelerated.

After breaking through all the waves, Kurosawa's eyes suddenly became clear and there was no obstacle.

While moving at high speed, his pupils were almost stretched into a brilliant white light.

He tilted his head slightly while running, and finally saw the figure of the giant dolphin in the perception of the heart network.

At this moment, it was fleeing away from Kurosawa at high speed.

It couldn't escape.

Kurosawa stepped on the water with his feet.

The lightning pierced the water, blasting out a splash of water tens of centimeters high.

With the huge force of the back kick.

Kurosawa's rapidly moving body suddenly turned in an "L" shape, and his aura had completely locked the giant dolphin.

The lightning gun in his hand was brilliant.


The water along the way was lifted up, exposing the original light green colloid field below.

Kurosawa looked like an angry beast of thunder and lightning.

The giant dolphin using the high-speed movement skill was already very fast.

But Kurosawa's speed was faster than it!

The distance between the two was rapidly shortened, and finally, amid the exclamations of the audience, the golden lightning colloidal collision hit the giant dolphin.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

An explosion occurred again, this time even more violent.

The roar of thousands of birds resounded throughout the arena.

On the high stands, Gong Lihua had no choice but to block the violent light again.

This time she was well prepared. While blocking the light, she still allowed the audience to see what was happening inside.


The waves slapped the protective cover at the edge restlessly.

After a long time, the light finally dissipated.

Only the "lake" on the field was still surging, telling the story of the fierce collision that had just occurred.

Zhuang Yanbing in the command area on the field raised his head slightly.

The sky above the stadium was blue and extremely clear, and the sunlight was so good that it was even a little dazzling.

So quiet.

She communicated with psychic energy, and like the crystal ray just now, the giant dolphin was once again beaten into a deep self-sleep protection mechanism by Kurosawa. Her eyes were a little red.


"After an attribute explosion, what is the battle situation like?"

"Kurosawa looks like he has left the combined state, and the giant dolphin seems to have lost its ability to fight."

"If the giant dolphin loses its ability to fight, according to the rules of the Begonia competition, the side whose elves lose their ability to fight first loses, and the winner is Kurosawa."

"If the giant dolphin can still continue to fight, then our game will still be suspenseful."

"Yes, the specific situation needs to be decided by the referee team."

The female commentator Yu Li spoke at a high speed like a string of cannons, and the joy in her voice could no longer be suppressed, but her professional qualities as a commentator prevented her from making a final statement for the time being.

But the audience had already cheered like a tsunami.

In particular, many fans wearing Kurosawa's cheering clothes stood up to celebrate.

They all had eyes.

The giant dolphin sank to the bottom of the water and did not show its head for a long time. The clear shadow under the water was surrounded by blood.

Kurosawa floated on the water with exhaustion.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, glanced at the little Shining lying on his abdomen, who was in a deep sleep, and smiled.

Now, you should be satisfied.

The referee team came to Kurosawa by boat, pulled him out of the water, and helped him sit down.

At the same time, other people went to search and check the status of the giant dolphin.

"Hello, do you have anything to eat?"

Kurosawa leaned on the mat with sore body, and asked the staff weakly.

There was food in the storage bracelet on his wrist, but at this moment his spiritual energy was exhausted, and he couldn't take anything out, so he could only ask for help from the staff.

Fortunately, a female staff member had a few small breads in her bag.

Seemingly worried that Kurosawa didn't have the strength, the young lady kindly unpacked the food for him and carefully tore it into small pieces for feeding.

Kurosawa was not completely unable to move, but she was too active. Kurosawa had no time to refuse and had to slowly swallow the food that was delivered to his mouth.

The camera in the sky seemed to have noticed the movement on the boat and zoomed in.

The scene of Kurosawa being fed was filmed.

[What baby]

[Smile, you are really good at lying down after playing. ]

[Too hot, my baby]


[So who are you envious of? ]

"We received a message confirmed by the director that the giant dolphin of contestant Zhuang Yanbing has lost its combat capability. Since the three contestants she played have all left the stage, and contestant Kurosawa still retains a Pokémon as a reserve force, the referee group ruled that the winner of this battle is contestant Kurosawa!"

"Let's congratulate him!"

After a brief silence in the arena, a huge cheer broke out again.

Thanks to "Only 666 Dried Salted Fish" for the 500 Qidian coins, "Youzi Fang" for the 268 Qidian coins, "海 Ziyuan" for the 1500 Qidian coins, and "Why is the name of my Phuket Island like duck" for the 100 Qidian coins. This chapter is 6K words, 2K words have been returned, and there are still 8 chapters to go. o(︶︿︶)o Alas, today is a little bit off, the update is not very ideal. Let's set a small goal of 10,000 words a day tomorrow, I hope it can be achieved.

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