My Elf Simulator

Chapter 157: After the End

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room refreshed quickly, and the dense colorful bullet screen covered the entire screen tightly, like a blooming firework.

Countless Ze fans rushed to tell each other.

Many glass-hearted Ze fans who had left halfway, heard that Kurosawa won, and entered the live broadcast room again with a somewhat incredible desire to verify.

As soon as I entered, I heard the commentator announce the result.

[Really won? ]

[Win! !]

[This is Kurosawa]

[Bingbing fell (crying voice)]

[No one thought that Bingbing, who you have high hopes for, fell on the stage of the semi-finals! ]

[This is why I like watching his games, too passionate! ]

[It's really like Qin Shihuang touching the wires, winning numbly]

[Bingbing's licking dogs should have sharked him a long time ago. ]

In a dark room, the lights were not turned on, and the blue light of the computer screen was reflected on the uncertain face of the middle-aged bald man.

His fingers stopped on the keyboard for a long time without typing anything.

The content displayed on the screen in front of him was the semi-finals of the Haitang Summer Tournament.

The login account nickname in the upper right corner showed [Stronger Ruze].

He was the well-known Qiangzhe Ruze who dominated the local forums and various live broadcast rooms.

The reason why he became a Ze hater was because he was a fan of Cen Biyao.

He was a daughter-raising system, but the Cen Biyao he supported had not yet shined, and she became a stepping stone for Hei Ze in the spring tournament auditions.

To this day, there are still people on the forum who criticize her for not performing well as a representative of outstanding graduates of Haitang Academy.

At this moment, looking at the full screen of celebrations, he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

As a staunch Ze hater and a fan, he certainly couldn't feel happy because of Hei Ze's victory.

[Mr. Qiang, lead the brothers to charge again! ]

[Knife in hand, shark licking dog! ]


Looking at the rapidly scrolling barrage on the screen, and the content calling him, his iron-green face showed an indescribable complex expression.

Pinching numbness.

Since he became a fan of Hei Ze, he has never had a smooth sailing.

In the spring season, Hei Ze showed his true colors when he entered the season.

He barely won by relying on a sinister sneak attack.

In the spring finals, Lin Daqing, as a senior professional, would definitely kill Hei Ze.

In the summer season, he officially turned to the opposite role, openly praising but actually making enemies and attracting hatred for Hei Ze's fans.

He felt that he was really rational this summer season.

There are many strong players in the summer season, and an ordinary spring champion who is a tiger in the mountain and a monkey is the king is really not good enough.

There will be veteran professional and elite players who can deal with Hei Ze.

Now he sees that his second favorite player Zhuang Yanbing fell to Hei Ze.

The player he likes lost, and the player he hates won.

It's really a double whammy.

Otherwise, just go with the flow and turn from a hater to a fan.

He pinched his chin and began to think.

With ten years of experience in watching games, he always puts his true feelings into watching the games.

For many years to come, it is estimated that the name Kurosawa will be deeply engraved on the milestones of the competition.

I really can't stand being humiliated all the time.

His eyes flickered as he looked at the somewhat immature face in the camera.

It seems that this guy is also quite pleasing to the eye.


The crisp bell for the end of get out of class rang.

"get out of class is over. During your lunch break, you can digest the knowledge points I taught you again."

The math teacher on the podium cleared his throat and picked up the big teacup at hand.

After a short silence, the classroom became noisy again.

Several students trotted to the podium with exercise books in their arms, ready to ask questions about some parts that they didn't understand in class.

Li Mianmian looked around, feeling a bit guilty.

In the past, she would also be one of the people who went to the stage to ask questions.

But today she fell into depravity. She was a little distracted at the beginning of the class, thinking about other things, and it was difficult to concentrate on the class.

Bai Yuzhi, her deskmate next to her, gently pushed her shoulders.

"Hurry up."

Her family is quite strict, and their phones were confiscated from the first day of school.

Li Mianmian's cheeks were slightly red.

She took out her phone from the drawer and unlocked the screen.

Before the class started, she had not had time to exit the text broadcast software she had entered.

[The live broadcast has ended. If you need to view the content, please check the recorded content]

"Congratulations to Hei Ze!"

Although the live broadcast has ended, the name of the live broadcast room above is a spoiler.

Li Mianmian looked at the title of the live broadcast room and a big question mark appeared on her head.

"What does it mean?"

Bai Yuzhi, her deskmate, whispered her inner confusion.

Did they win? It's unlikely, right?

Even if she was just an ordinary audience, she knew clearly that elite players were better than professional players.

Li Mianmian clicked on the recorded broadcast, which was actually a live broadcast of text, and pulled the progress bar to the end.

"The game is over. In the semi-finals between Kurosawa and Zhuang Yanbing, Zhuang Yanbing retired with three elves, and Kurosawa won with one elf. Thank you for watching the XXXX text live broadcast."

"Did she really win?" Bai Yuzhi said in surprise.

She couldn't hold back her voice for a moment, causing several classmates around her to look at her.

But fortunately, it was the end of get out of class, and everyone was talking loudly. No one was dissatisfied, but just curious about what she was so surprised about.

"Why? Let's see the process."

Li Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief.

Ignoring Bai Yuzhi's insistence.

"No, no, I have to do the questions." Li Mianmian was a little dizzy because of her shaking.

In the end, there was no choice but to give her the phone to watch it by herself.

The classroom was equipped with a signal blocker, and the Internet speed was too slow to watch the video.

She planned to go back to her uncle's house to watch the game today.

If you have watched the text broadcast, you will feel a little spoiled, and you will lack the anticipation when watching the video recording.

She held the carbon fiber signature pen and looked out the window.

A kite was hovering in the blue sky.

Unfortunately, the provincial competition in August is still a long time away.

In the audience seats of the arena, the audience began to leave one after another.

After all, this was just a semi-final, and there was no award ceremony.

After the game, both players left the venue.

However, Hei Ze was carried away by someone, while Zhuang Yanbing took his elf to the elf medical room to treat his injuries.

In the stands, an empty corner.

The two men looked at each other in silence for a long time.

"I didn't expect that Kurosawa won." Ji Qingwen scratched his head and broke the silence.

Although he was optimistic about Kurosawa, he didn't think he could beat Zhuang Yanbing before the battle started.

Zhuang Yanbing's strength seemed mediocre to him, but she was a genuine elite player after all, and the gap between her and ordinary professional players was real.

The energy gap between classes meant that it was difficult for ordinary people to cross classes and defeat opponents, except for those extraordinary geniuses.

When he first learned about Kurosawa on the Internet, he firmly believed that this person would grow into the strongest player in Haitang.

But Kurosawa was in Haitang after all, and he didn't have a good education and various resources like those geniuses in big cities, so he needed time to develop.

"Xiaozhuang's fighting awareness is still not good, and her performance is far below the standard. I advised her to go out and gain more experience." Wei Lian crossed his arms and shook his head.

Although he was surprised by Kurosawa's performance, Zhuang Yanbing did not perform at the level that an elite player should have.

The two were qualified to comment on Zhuang Yanbing.

Zhuang Yanbing has two high-level elves. The energy value of the crystal ray barely reaches a hundred standard units, and the other giant dolphin is even more shabby, just about to break through the high-level stage.

More importantly, the energy of the elves is not condensed enough.

The scene is very loud and bluffing. From the perspective of the battle scene alone, it is even more exaggerated than the battle between the two of them the day before yesterday, but in fact it is flashy. Facing the attack of Hei Ze, it is so easy to be defeated in one blow.

In fact, although the three of them are currently called Haitang Three Cs on the mainstream forum of Haitang, the two and Zhuang Yanbing are not players of the same level, and Zhuang Yanbing is just making up the number.

People always inexplicably favor the number "3". If we only analyze it from the level of strength, there is no so-called three Cs, only double Cs.

Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian can barely play in the provincial competition. Although they cannot enter the main competition, they have certain competitiveness in the auditions.

The provincial competition is a large battle mode, and the number of elves that can appear is six.

Three 1V1 solo battles, and a group of 3V3 team battles.

Both the depth and breadth are far beyond the city-level competition.

The elf master must not only enrich the elf lineup, but more importantly, formulate good tactics and build an elf system.

The complexity rises sharply, which is why it is difficult for players from small cities to stand out in the provincial competition.

Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian both have four high-level elves. The breadth of the lineup barely meets the requirements of the provincial competition, but the depth is insufficient, and the energy value is not superior to other players in the provincial competition. Moreover, it is difficult to build a system team due to the lack of resources.

Not to mention Zhuang Yanbing, it will take a few more years of training to reach their current level.

"It's easy for you to talk, and don't be so strict with a girl."

"Gender discrimination?"

"I didn't say that." Ji Qingwen waved his hands repeatedly, and at the same time changed the subject without leaving a trace. "By the way, it really deserves to be a combination skill that can only be mastered by the master level. It's ridiculously strong."

"It's quite powerful." Wei Lian, who always doesn't like to admit that others are strong, couldn't help but nod. "But it's probably very harmful to the body if you always fight like that."

"Who knows? I don't know how to combine." Ji Qingwen shook his head.

Wei Lian and Ji Qingwen could both feel that Hei Ze's Lightning Dudu was in the transitional stage. His normal strength could not touch the elite level, but after a short combination, he actually burst out with an energy value intensity fluctuation of about 100 points.

Although they were surprised, they had never come into contact with a player who could use such an unpopular skill as a combination skill at the professional level, so they didn't know whether it was considered normal or extraordinary.

"So what are you going to do? In the duel with him tomorrow, I feel that this kid has a strong desire to win. You won't let him win, right?" Wei Lian asked, staring into his eyes.

"What are you thinking about? The economic benefits brought by a championship are at least hundreds of dollars. The club is about to buy a batch of new equipment. It's a tight time. How can we be so generous?" Ji Qingwen dodged his eyes and laughed.

"It's good that you know." Wei Lian nodded.

In their words, neither of them took Ji Qingwen's semi-final match in the afternoon to heart.

His opponent in the afternoon was just a veteran professional.

Not everyone is like Kurosawa, possessing the strength to transcend classes.

Moreover, even if you fight monsters of higher levels, it is too difficult to fight an elite player with four high-level elves.

The transitional stage is a long process, and it is not easy to condense the attribute core.

It is common for players who are talented enough to be stuck for a few years.

Moreover, as players get older, their psychic abilities will inevitably show signs of rigidity and stubbornness. If a breakthrough is not completed after a certain period of time, it will become more and more difficult to advance.

Kurosawa was lying on the bed in the consultation room.

His nightmare and little Shining have been sent to the elf ward by the nurse, and he himself still needs treatment.

The burden the double badges placed on his body was heavier than he imagined.

It was fun to cheat for a while, and I had sex after the game.

Fortunately, the injury was not as serious as in the spring finals.

After all, he can rely on Zeus to perform physical exercises from time to time, and the exercise method itself can also increase his vitality, and there are also potions prepared by the minister himself to supplement nutrition. Various props and techniques make his physical strength far better than that of the same level.

If it had been someone else so late, their body would have exploded long ago.

"Yes, yes. It's okay. I'm in good health now. I was just hungry just now."

As Kurosawa answered his mother's call, he heard the sound of the door opening.


Kurosawa looked over.

It was Gong Lihua and Chi Lei holding the folder.

He smiled a little guiltily.

Gong Lihua didn't bother him on the phone and found a chair next to the hospital bed to sit down.

"Mom, let's stop talking. I have something to do here, so I'll hang up now. Well, I'll go eat soon. You guys should eat early too."

Being stared at while talking on the phone always felt like a light on his back. Kurosawa chatted for a few words and then hung up the phone.

"Minister, what's wrong with you?"

"Let me see you. Are you feeling unwell now?" Gong Lihua sighed.

"The doctor said that the internal structure of my muscle was torn, and there was some internal bleeding. It should be fine."

"." Gong Lihua blinked, not knowing what to say.

Kurosawa felt that his injuries were not too serious, at most he was a little overstretched.

If he takes some rest during the offseason, he should be able to recover.

His overdraft this time was essentially different from the Spring Judgment. Zeus did not use it excessively.

It's just that after the double badges were superimposed and too many BUFFs were added, the body couldn't resist.

"You must learn to take care of your body. I'll push for you in tomorrow's final. You take good care of yourself."


"Your body is like this, and you still want to fight?" Gong Lihua held her forehead and sighed.

Why don't you notice that the child is so tough at ordinary times?

"Even if you're not injured, you still can't beat Ji Qingwen. There's no chance."

It's true but it hurts.


That was the reason, but Kurosawa still wanted to go.

I have no other idea, just to get some experience and rewards.

"I still want to give it a try. Don't worry, Sister Hua. I know it well. Tomorrow I will let the elves go on stage for a formality."

"I promise myself I won't play."


"Okay." Gong Lihua didn't hesitate after hearing his assurance.

"When fighting in the future, no matter how careful we are, our vitality is very tenacious, but after all, we are still mortal bodies and cannot withstand the torment."

"Yeah." Kurosawa nodded obediently.

Gong Lihua turned over her hand and took out a tube of medicine.

"Drink this medicine. Your body will feel better in the next two days and you won't be lying in bed."

"But don't think of it as a panacea. Don't overwork your body in the past few days. Take a few days of rest after the game."

"Thank you, Sister Hua. Is this the same medicine I took last time?" Kurosawa took the test tube and shook it gently. The thick purple gel inside shimmered.

The last spring battle was very serious, but there were still no sequelae. Kurosawa was deeply impressed by the healing medicine.

"The effect of the medicine is much weaker." She explained as if she was worried that Kurosawa would think she was stingy. "The more effective internal medicines are, the more harmful they are to the body. If it is not necessary, it is better to use less."

Kurosawa nodded in understanding.

"Also, don't just keep your head down and train alone. The World Championships happen to be in a few days. Then you can get together with a few friends and watch the competition."

Nagging, Gong Lihua suddenly felt that she was becoming more and more like a mother.

She didn't know what she was thinking of, so she suddenly stopped talking and a smile appeared on her lips.

"Forget it, I won't miss you for now and have a good rest."

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