My Elf Simulator

Chapter 158: Relinquish the throne?

Hei Ze took the medicine given by Gong Lihua.

As expected, he felt much better.

The tear and swelling in his waist and abdomen improved greatly, and he should be able to walk now.

The spiritual energy that was wasted in his body was also quietly restored.

Open the system.

"Congratulations on your advancement in the Haitang City Summer Competition. The current competition level is three stars at the city level. Because you have shown extraordinary strength and defeated opponents who are stronger than you, the rewards for this round have been greatly increased. The rewards are being settled for you."

Many small upward arrows rose on the system panel.

After a round of loading.

"Congratulations, you have won 510 points and 12 personal experience points."

The reward for the first round of the battle with Bai Changqing was 210 points plus 9 personal experience points.

The reward for the last round of the battle with Zeng Shi was 170 points, plus 8 personal experience points.

The reward this time was really a big win.

He is really an elite player.

Hei Ze is now more and more clear about the reward system of the competition.

The amount of reward comes from many aspects.

The level of the event, the difference in strength between the opponent and himself, and his performance.

In general, the higher the level of the event, the more rewards there are, but the actual specific rewards depend on the situation of the opponent.

In the same summer game of the three-star level of the city, Zeng Shi can only provide 170 points, while Zhuang Yanbing's point reward is three times as much.

As for the experience value, it seems to be only linked to the level of the event, but it can't make too much difference.

Of course, he was able to defeat Zhuang Yanbing, and he also paid a full 1,000 points to buy the affinity badge and the defender badge.

The effects of both badges are better than he thought at the beginning, otherwise it would be difficult for him to cross the class and defeat two high-level elves with his current strength, even if their own energy value is not too high.

From the result, it seems that the reward for the battle with Zhuang Yanbing did not earn back the 1,000 points invested, but the vision cannot be so limited. The improvement of the two badges is real and he can use them in the future.

Overall, Kurosawa is still very satisfied with his decision.

He was ready for tomorrow's game, but he should be able to get more points.

"Currently available points: 595"

"Personal level: Level 3 (48/40)"


The system sounded again.

"Prompt: Personal level experience has met the upgrade standard, do you want to upgrade?"


"Congratulations, your personal level has been upgraded to Level 4 (8/100)"


How much?

The next level requires a full 100 experience points.

When can I upgrade to Level 5?

While he was confused, the voice in his mind did not stop.

"Get the level upgrade reward: 100 points."

"Currently available points: 695"

"Upgrade in the store."

"Your psychic power has increased, current psychic power: D+"

A strong warm current surged in Kurosawa's body, and then his psychic power expanded again.

In just a few moments, his psychic power increased several times.

He stretched out his palm.

Mobilizing psychic power, a breeze rose from his hand.

The energy that was originally only enough to blow up feathers can now probably carry a few pages of paper, which is a significant improvement.

However, psychic power is the foundation for elf masters. If you really want to influence your strength, you need to train diligently day after day.

He played with the rapidly improving psychic power.

Open the system store.

[The store is being upgraded and maintained]

Well, it's closed.

But it doesn't matter.

He only has 695 points now. Even if he has the purchase authority, it is probably difficult to buy any props that can quickly improve himself.

The gap between him and Ji Qingwen is not a little bit.

The hard power is too different, and I didn't think I could beat him.

Let's take a good rest for a while.

After the spring season, the continuous training continued until the high-intensity duel in the summer season. Heze and the elves are also a little tired.

To be honest, he still feels a little tired after the battle in the morning.

He is lazy all over.

He took out his mobile phone, opened the forum, and prepared to see what others think of him.

Sure enough, in the Haitang forum section, everyone is now discussing the battle that just ended in the morning.

As for the semi-finals in the other half of the area in the afternoon, not many people care about it.

The local section is full of various scoring posts and discussion posts.

The few posts discussing other players are full of disruptive replies.

——Everyone's time is limited, please don't post content that is not about Zebao!

[How do you evaluate Kurosawa's performance in the semi-finals? ]

God among gods.

Yibai points.

I would like to call him the first person to kill the enemy above his level.

Can the fans of Bingbing who opened champagne before the game still talk?

Don't post it. It's hindsight. How many people really think Kurosawa can win before the game?

I have always believed that Zebao can kill explosively——Strong people are like Zebao

Strong people are like Zebao, don't say anything as a reverse role. Do you really think that everyone in the forum is a fool?

Haha, Bingchu is anxious——Strong people are like Zebao

In addition to the controversial posts, there are also brainless flattering posts.

Zebao, for you, I turned into a werewolf, for you, I became crazy, for you, I put on thick disguise.

Zeze, my destined Zeze.

All of them are popular online reviews with a 100% duplication rate.

Hei Ze took a look at the forum and found it very interesting.

He felt much better.

It seems like we can start planning our summer vacation.


Kurosawa lay on the bed in the hotel room.

Run the exercise method and quietly recuperate your body.

Although he himself feels that this summer split is over, there will be at least one procedural round tomorrow.

Adjust your body condition a little to avoid being unable to walk tomorrow.

"Ding dong——"

The doorbell rang in the hallway.


Kurosawa opened his eyes and turned to look at the entrance.

No one will come at this time, right?

His dinner order had been delivered long ago.

The hotel's cleaning staff does not come to serve at this time.

With a trace of confusion, he got out of bed, picked up his light cotton slippers and walked towards the entrance.

Pulling down the armrest, the door slowly opened.

"Hey, did you sleep?"

Ji Qingwen stood outside the door wearing casual clothes.


Kurosawa shook his head.

"Are you feeling better?"

"After taking a tube of medicine given by the minister, the injury is temporarily under control and will not worsen. It will only take a few days to recover."

"Oh, all right."

Because I trained at Ji Qingwen’s club some time ago.

He was relatively familiar with the other party, but he was still a little surprised at this moment.

Kurosawa did not go to the arena to watch this afternoon's game because he was recuperating.

But he knew the result.

There were no twists and turns, and Ji Qingwen won easily.

In other words, the two players separated by the door now are the two players in the finals of tomorrow's Haitang summer competition.

There's a game tomorrow.

Is there anything you want to do to come to see me at this time?

Kurosawa stepped aside and invited him in.

He had occupied this hotel room for more than half a month, and it was like half of his own home.

"Brother Ji, there's no need to change your shoes. An aunt will come to clean it tomorrow morning."

"It's okay, no trouble."

While talking, Ji Qingwen had already changed his slippers.

"Do you usually stay in hotels?"

Ji Qingwen glanced at the layout of the living room and could clearly see the traces of long-term residence.

"Yes, for convenience, it only takes five minutes to go downstairs to the training room. You don't have to clean it yourself."

Kurosawa took him a bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator.

After spending a few days in his club, I knew what he liked to drink, so there was no need to specifically ask.

"If you have spare money, you can buy a house or invest in a shop in the city center. In recent years, housing prices have generally been rising."

Kurosawa nodded.

But he felt that Ji Qingwen might think highly of himself.

He doesn't need much money right now, so he didn't bother to do any business operations after winning the championship in the spring.

Firstly, it might take more time, and secondly, he doesn't have anyone he can trust yet to entrust it.

The league's salary and the peripheral share during the game are enough for him, but if he buys a house with the idea of ​​​​investing, money is still relatively tight for the time being.

But he also knew that Ji Qingwen's suggestion was reasonable.

As the number and strength of elves increases, elves will gradually choose to buy single-family homes or move out of the city center and live on the edge of the city.

After all, elves are dangerous creatures to ordinary people, and they may also have unstable moods. Many elves are not happy to stay in flash cards. The best choice is to stay away from urban areas and ordinary people.

But whether it's adding a single-family home, investing in a club, or setting up your own little base in the suburbs, it's not a small investment.

Ji Qingwen shared some of his investment skills with Kurosawa.

The two chatted for a while.

Kurosawa felt like he had something else to talk about, but he still didn't know how to say it.

After all, no matter how you think about it, the purpose of the other party's visit should not be to share investment experience with him, right? It's eight or nine o'clock in the evening

"Brother Ji, what's the matter with you? I always feel like you're worried."

Kurosawa thought it was okay to delay, so he asked straight to the point.


Ji Qingwen took a sip of Coke and squeezed the can.

"Actually, it's nothing important."

"Uh, what should I say?"

"I just said it casually, please listen to it."

Ji Qingwen showed a hesitant expression on his face, but finally decided to speak.


Kurosawa nodded.

Ji Qingwen scratched his head and was a little confused about what to say.

He didn't think so much.

Previously, in front of the media, he said that he and Kurosawa would meet for the finals, which was just a joke.

At that time, he really didn't think that Kurosawa could advance to the finals like him.

I made such a comment to Wei Lian during the day.

In addition, seeing Kurosawa playing so "hard" and looking like he was eager to win, even if he was injured, he was really shocked.

He has enough championships.

Haitang City is a small place, and the competition for the championship is not as fierce as in big cities.

He originally wanted to play casually and admit defeat tomorrow, but Quan thought it was a gift for the Haitang successor he was optimistic about.

But then I thought about it, and I was worried that if I didn't explain it in advance, I might cause trouble.

After all, it is obvious that he will deliver the championship. It doesn't matter if he has good intentions here. If Kurosawa is not happy, or

After thinking about it for a while, he decided that it would be better to discuss it with Kurosawa in advance and ask for his opinion.

"Tomorrow, do you have any ideas about the championship? I can do it here."

Kurosawa heard Ji Qingwen's intermittent words.

Took a breath and looked at Ji Qingwen strangely.

"Brother Ji, are you okay?"

Let's not talk about his thoughts first. Isn't Ji Qingwen too generous?

The relationship between the two can only be regarded as friends, but it has not really upgraded to the level of close friends.

The time of knowing each other is too short.

Besides, brothers should settle accounts clearly.

There are many cases where people quarrel over the division of property.

The bonus and subsequent reputation influence of a summer champion are terrifying.

He admitted defeat, even if people knew that Ji Qingwen's strength was far stronger than Kurosawa, but in terms of the result, he would be stepped on to achieve fame.

In the future, when Kurosawa becomes famous, the audience in other places will only see that Kurosawa defeated the elite Ji Qingwen at the professional level and took the summer championship from him. As for the process, who will care.

".I know it's a bit sudden to ask you this, but you don't have to worry about my thoughts. My intention is just out of some personal ideals. Don't think too well of me."

Ji Qingwen said something, but it seemed that he said nothing.

Kurosawa looked into his eyes and knew he was serious.

With just one word from him, the man who had only known him offline for less than a month was really willing to give up tomorrow's championship.

If Lin Daqing knew, he would be shocked.

Is the difference between people so big?

In order to prevent him from winning the autumn competition, he specially signed up for the small season.

Now, in such an important summer competition, the champion just said no?

Kurosawa shook his head.

Although he didn't understand what charm he had that made him willing to give up a championship, he couldn't accept such a thing.

On the one hand, it didn't fit his personality, as if he was operating in secret.

On the other hand, Kurosawa's public opinion pressure was not small. Many people jokingly called him the "Prince of Haitang" and he had the Minister of Haitang Alliance as his backstage.

If Ji Qingwen admitted defeat tomorrow, he didn't need to think about it, he knew that there would be many gossip media and black fans who would make up the minister.

He didn't want to see that happen.

"Brother Ji, please don't... Just play seriously tomorrow. I hope you can show your full strength."

"I know you are kind-hearted, but giving me a championship is meaningless and will cause a bad impact."

Hei Ze said this not because he was so upright, but also because of practical interests.

The system's reward for the game is based on his performance in the schedule, not just a simple win-loss relationship.

Otherwise, why can defeating Zhuang Yanbing get so much more than defeating Zeng Shi, if they are both wins.

Ji Qingwen admitted defeat and he won. Or Ji Qingwen gave his all and he lost seriously.

It is not certain who gets more rewards, but it is most likely the latter.

So Hei Ze was not moved at all by Ji Qingwen's proposal to abdicate the championship.

He believes that he does not lack such a championship, and he still has a lot of time. If he can't get it next year, there is still the year after.

This kind of "relationship championship" that relies on others to give up will only be a stain on himself, and it will also be bad for the minister and Ji Qingwen's reputation, and it will only benefit Ze Hei and some chaotic media that want to make big news.

The two looked at each other for ten seconds without saying anything.

"I understand."

"I didn't think about it enough."

Ji Qingwen breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Perhaps because he felt the atmosphere was too serious, he suddenly stood up and looked at Kurosawa and said.

"Then, I will be serious tomorrow. Don't cry if I beat you up."

"Come to think of it, you haven't lost a game since your debut. You will lose sooner or later. It's better to let me have it."

"When you become successful, people will only think of me when they mention who defeated you first."


Kurosawa nodded.


The two chatted for a while.

It was late.

Kurosawa sent him out of the hotel room.

He had to rush back to his house in the city. Tomorrow was the last game of the summer season.

The updated word count today was 8K, a little short, what a pity. There are still 6 chapters to go. Thanks to "Yu Yangtian" for the 1500 starting coins and "Hai Ziyuan" for the 100 starting coins. Thanks to "卡zh card” for the reward of 500 Qidian coins.

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