My Elf Simulator

Chapter 159: Socially anxious boy with severe dependence

It rained lightly in the early morning.

Today, the final of the summer season will still be held at 7pm.

During the day, the Begonia Elf Alliance held an open day event in the park.

Kurosawa slept well last night.

He is now very relaxed because he is no longer under pressure from the evening game.

His muscles are still a little sore, but the injury has been suppressed for the time being.

The battle at night was just him commanding the elves to fight, so the impact on his body was not great.

Kurosawa looked outside the park through the glass of the hotel room.

The air after the rain was washed very clear, the ground was spotless, and the leaves looked particularly green, like a bean green oil painting brushstroke painted by nature.

The streets of the base below were crowded with people, and there were citizens visiting everywhere.

Today is the public open day. In addition to the audience who bought tickets, ordinary people can also enter and exit at will.

If it was like this every day, the staff and elf masters would certainly not be able to stand it, but it doesn't matter if they come here occasionally, and it can also make the usually deserted park lively.

Nightmare followed Kurosawa and followed suit, sticking to the window, staring at the street below, with two round eyes flashing with curiosity.

There were many elves wandering in the square, and citizens were taking photos with the tall or mini elves.

Food, simulated battle experience activities, exhibitions

Many registered and professional elf masters who had nothing to do also mixed into the crowd to enjoy the rare bustling atmosphere.

A young man with orange hair walked in the temporary streets of the park with a gimbal, stopping and starting along the way.

The importance of the elf base to any city is needless to say.

As early as when planning the construction of the site, the government allocated a large piece of land in the city center for the alliance to build a new venue.

There is so much land that it can't be used up. In the entire park, except for the office building, the elf master affairs center and the arena, most of the area is idle square.

The park is really not small, but there are too many citizens who came to experience the visit today, so it still looks like a sea of ​​people.

The young man holding the gimbal to broadcast live was Jia Zhengjiang, a self-media worker with the online name Pizza Commentary and a fan of Kurosawa.

He walked quickly while muttering to his phone.

"There are a lot of people. There are still seven check-in points. I don't know if I can collect them all." He muttered, holding a piece of colorful card paper in his hand.

This is a check-in event organized by the Haitang League Event Group.

Visitors need to experience the activities and complete the check-in at eight activity points in the park. After collecting them, they can get a signed limited edition peripheral of the designated player.

It sounds simple, but it is actually difficult to implement.

First of all, there are too many people, and there are long queues at almost every activity point.

And even if you get in line, you only have one experience opportunity. You must seize the opportunity to successfully pass the mini-game, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.

This queue-game process, even if you don't make a mistake once, you have to do it eight times.

[Are you good enough, host? I feel like you are just talking nonsense. You just passed the simulated battle twice]

[You usually explain things clearly, but why are you so weak when you play?]

[To be honest, you have embarrassed our Zebao fans. Please quit the group!]

"Don't worry, we will get the limited edition autographed peripherals of Zebao today."

"Why did some people expel me from the fan group? What does that mean?"

"You will quit being my fans, but the host will not quit being my fans."

Pizza looked at the mocking comments on the screen and retorted indignantly.

Suddenly, he saw the enlarged statue of Shining in the corner of his eye.

"I am so awesome. I will take a photo with you first, and then I will show you what a game master is."

Kurosawa originally planned to sleep and rest in the hotel upstairs during the day.

But in the end, he couldn't stand the three curious elves' soft and hard persuasion, so he decided to go downstairs to have a look.

But Mumu can't join in the fun of the open day.

Although it has appeared the least, its symbol is the strongest. It is so big that it is too conspicuous, so it can only hide in the flash card and be experienced through perception.

Kurosawa has heard that there is a prop that can temporarily shrink the elves into a juvenile body.

Mumu will definitely grow bigger in the future, and Kurosawa feels that he needs to learn more about the relevant information.

Otherwise, Mumu will be absent every time he goes out for activities, which is embarrassing.

It is also an important part of the family.

Wear a hat and mask and wrap yourself tightly.

He turned around a few times in front of the mirror.


Probably no one would have thought that he would be wandering around the open day with nothing to do when he was going to compete in the evening.

The main feature is unconventional thinking.

Nightmare can hide in his body, and Little Shining plans to put a tiger fur coat on it.

After putting on the clothes, Little Shining will no longer have its pure white symbol.

As for being discovered as a dodo bird, it doesn't matter.

There are many people who raise dodo birds in Haitang City now.

The Dudu bird is a one-star elf that can be bred on a large scale, and the price is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

This is still a good individual that can be used as a combat requirement for elf masters. If there is no combat requirement, some individuals with extremely weak bloodlines may be taken for 10,000 yuan.

Therefore, even many ordinary citizens will keep Dudu birds as pets at home.

Of course, the Dudu birds raised in ordinary people's homes basically have no fighting power.

After all, the premise of artificial large-scale breeding is to castrate part of its natural racial circuits in the blood to prevent them from becoming wild elves. If there is an elf master to build a contract, it is okay, they can still master the bloodline ability, but in the breeding of ordinary people, they have nothing special except that they are stronger than normal creatures.

Kurosawa stuffed the chubby little Shining into the tiger coat.

It made a few reluctant grumbles.

It probably felt that a "raptor" like itself was dressed up like this cute thing and had to appear in front of so many people, which damaged its tall and mighty image.

But there was no way, if it didn't wear camouflage clothes, it could only stay in the flash card.

It chose to surrender.

Today's little Shining is too popular.

Especially after playing a crucial role in yesterday's exciting battle of the weak over the strong, fans who watched the game remembered it instantly.

If a vote on "Who is the most popular elf at present" is launched on the Haitang local forum, the little Shining Spirit may really win the top spot.

It is originally round and chubby, with a lovely appearance that makes people want to pinch it.

In addition, with a solid mass base, many people do not have the conditions to contact various cool high-level elves, but there are still many channels for Dudu Bird to get started.

For example, go to various pet stores, or special coffee shops to play with Dudu.

If it were not for the fact that Kurosawa is currently only struggling in Haitang, its current reputation should be even more terrifying.

Few elf masters can cultivate such a civilian elf to the intermediate stage, not to mention that Kurosawa's little Shining Spirit is more than intermediate strength. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although Kurosawa, the elf master, contributed to yesterday's victory, the little Shining Spirit itself also has strength far beyond the intermediate elves.

There are many people in the square, and the air seems to have warmed up several degrees because of this.

Kurosawa walked out of the Elf Master's Office through a small door, blended into the crowd quietly, and became an ordinary tourist.

When he arrived at the square, he found that there were many things to do on the open day.

In addition to the official check-in points for activities, folk DIY handicrafts or painters can also set up stalls here by applying in advance to sell food, handicrafts or fan works.

Most visitors were queuing at the official activity points for signed limited peripherals. Although there were many people in the mobile market area, it was still within an acceptable range.

Kurosawa walked into a busy stall curiously.

The stall owner was a girl in her twenties with long hair and a pretty face.

Her stall sold some homemade clay figures.

Her stall was very busy.

Kurosawa became interested.

He approached, looked around with interest, and then scratched his cheek awkwardly.

What's going on? It seems to be different from what he thought.

"Hello, little brother, is there anything you want to buy? They are all 100 yuan each."

Kurosawa looked a little embarrassed behind the mask.

It's not that he thinks the price is expensive. To be honest, these clay works are very delicate and you can see that they are made very carefully.

Various elves are lifelike.

Some are elves that have appeared in the main competition.

The star-lit Archosaur on the base, the crystal ray flapping its wings and flying.

Some are rare elves from other regions.

The fierce Rex Tyrannosaurus, the Melville whale jumping out of the water.

However, there is one flaw.

He looked around to make sure he didn't miss anything.

It seems that there is really no elf of his own, even one.


It seems that he was self-indulgent and thought that he and his friends were very popular now.

"Um, I see you don't have Lightning Toot here? Is it the Toot Bird of Kurosawa?"

Kurosawa asked unwillingly before leaving.

When he mentioned his own name, he felt a little weird.

"Ah, you are also a fan of Zebao." The stall owner, who was distracted by serving other customers, turned around and had an expression of recognition as if he had met a fellow traveler.

"Unfortunately, you came too late. Zebao's elf model was sold out not long after you came this morning."

"How about this, let's exchange WeChat contact information. When I finish making the next batch of Zebao elves, I will send you the finished product pictures. If you want them, send me the address and I will mail them to you."

The girl looked very enthusiastic.

Kurosawa was relieved to hear the girl's explanation.

But when he heard that he had to add contact information, he subconsciously paused.

He has two WeChat accounts.

No matter which one, he can be clearly recognized as Kurosawa.

If he is caught, he will probably have to confess here this morning.

"Well, forget it, I don't really like Kurosawa that much, I just asked casually. I want this one."

"Crystal Manta."

Kurosawa pointed to the miniature version of the Manta elf not far in front of him.

The female stall owner was silent for a moment, her eyes lingering on the tiger-skinned Dudu in Kurosawa's arms.

Who are you kidding?

He even raised a Dudu bird on purpose.

However, this Dudu bird is really cute.

In her eyes, the Dudu bird turned its head like a curious baby to stare at the clay model on the stall.

When it saw the crystal ray, it even made a threatening sound.

In terms of appearance and body shape, it is almost catching up with Zebao's.

Unfortunately, in her heart, Kurosawa is unique, and ordinary dodo birds are just cute.

".Okay, then I'll wrap it for you."

The stall owner thought for a moment, but didn't choose to expose him.

She consciously analyzed the reason.

Looking at this tightly wrapped boy, she felt a little guilty.

This boy is probably a severe social phobia.

Every day he stays at home, draws the curtains, plays games, watches animations, and eats takeout.

In order to come here to buy some Kurosawa peripherals, he mustered up the greatest courage to step out of the house.

He wanted to go back several times with regret along the way, but finally arrived here with difficulty.

As a result, because his own stock was seriously insufficient, he finally overcame his fear and still couldn't buy the elf clay he wanted.

Even though she said that he could place an order on WeChat, he didn't dare to add strangers' contact information because he was socially phobic, so he could only find a lame reason to refuse.


It must be like this.

But Zebao did a good thing.

Giving a boy who is seriously out of touch with society the courage to step out of the house.

She looked at Kurosawa with sympathy.

"Keep working hard in life! Also, please continue to support Zebao!"

She clenched her fist with full energy, leaned close and whispered to Kurosawa to encourage him.

Kurosawa took the crystal ray clay model she packed and handed over, and a few black lines appeared on his forehead.

Why did he suddenly say something inexplicable?

Why did she feel that she had made up a lot of things in her mind.

Although she couldn't do it anymore, the other party was encouraging herself after all. It didn't seem good to not respond, so he nodded shyly.

"Uh, thank you." His low voice came through the mask.

Kurosawa, confused, left the stall with a paper bag.

He wandered around the nearby stalls and bought some things.

What made him happy was that no matter what stall was selling, basically his products were the best.


Homemade T-shirts, clay toys, hanging paintings

Even female-oriented fan books.

Although the content seemed a bit difficult for Kurosawa to talk about.

But he seemed unable to "go to the police".

After all, although the protagonist of the comic in the doujinshi looked highly similar to him, and the image of the elf was also similar, the name of the protagonist was Bai Ze.

This was probably the unbearable burden that one had to bear to become a well-known public figure.

Being popular was not a bad thing.

The number of subscriptions to his official website had increased rapidly in recent days.

It was estimated that it would increase to 400,000 in a short time, and then he could earn a small amount of points by relying on long-term achievement tasks.

After strolling around the open day exhibition area for a few hours in the morning, Kurosawa stayed in the hotel room to rest in the afternoon.

After all, he was injured, and there was a game in the evening, so he couldn't go too far.

Kurosawa couldn't do something like Mai Xianghai, who took free photos with fans in the square.

At six o'clock, Kurosawa, who had finished dinner, entered the venue early.

The arena was brightly lit tonight.

The extremely bright projection spotlights rotated everywhere, illuminating the venue white.

Several staff members led Kurosawa to the command area and let his elves experience the venue first.

During the open day, the competition team had renovated the competition venue again.

It looked extremely flat and clean, which was pleasing to the eye.

Not long after, Ji Qingwen also arrived at the venue.

The two looked at each other through the air and nodded.

Nothing was said, but each other already understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

There will be no suspense in today's game.

Kurosawa's body at the moment cannot use the strongest Zeus, and can only rely on the elves' own power. Moreover, even if he is in his prime, he can't take down any of his high-level elves.

His high-level elves are generally worth two hundred.

Kurosawa is in a good mood.

He looked at the empty audience seats, which will be filled with spectators soon.

Countless people in Haitang City will watch the final battle of the summer season in front of the TV.

Among those people, there will be his junior high school teachers, classmates, relatives and friends.

Six months ago, he would never have thought that he would have the opportunity to stand on the stage of the highest league in his hometown.

He sat cross-legged in the huge open field, raised his head, and looked at the bright shadowless spotlight above his head.

Nightmare returned from warm-up next to him, and the little Shining and the tall Mumu stood beside him, squeezing each other like playing.

For a moment, he was a little dazed.

"Have you finished your homework? Are you watching the game here?"

"Dad, turn off the TV."

"Well, just watch it. It will be over soon."

"You just spoiled me."


In the small living room, the image of myself who used to lie on the dining table to do homework and glance at the TV to watch the game seemed to appear in front of me again, overlapping with the current self.

Fate is really magical.

Perhaps tonight, countless "selves" are watching the game.

What kind of mood do they have when they see themselves.

Perhaps there will be people with aspirations who also embark on the path of elf masters.

Although he was there tonight as a supporting role to the champion, he was already very satisfied.

February to July.

After several months of hard work, although there was some coincidence, he stepped onto the highest finals stage in Haitang City. This should be the best answer for himself during this period of time.

The staff beside him looked at Kurosawa, not understanding his mood at the moment.

But he didn't disturb him.

Only Ji Qingwen, who was also a contestant, saw this scene from afar.

He immediately read the mood from Kurosawa's eyes, and couldn't help but smile.

It's a good thing that when he first stepped onto this highest stage, he should have been as excited as him.

Unfortunately, after experiencing it a few more times, the feeling has faded.

I can't play well in the provincial competition, and I can only hang around in the Haitang League. It's not an honor to appear on the finals stage of Haitang City again and again. It's just a shame.

As the first person in half of the Haitang League, I can only be a bully at home and attack hard at home. I have no achievements in foreign wars. Whenever I think of this, I feel very ashamed of the fans who have always supported him.

Fortunately, someone will be able to replace himself who has done nothing soon.

He suddenly felt relieved.

The audience entered the venue one after another.

Kurosawa did not choose to stay in the contestant channel, but came to the sidelines to watch the audience fill the auditorium.

The swaying light sticks all over the sky made him feel indescribably moved.

Tonight's competition is destined to be less heated.

After all, the fan groups of both of them know that there is no conflict between Kurosawa and Ji Qingwen. It is better to say that for some reason, Ji Qingwen admires Kurosawa very much.

With such a contestant, the fan group is naturally happy.

There is no room for black fans who want to lead the rhythm.

It is impossible to use Ji Qingwen to drag down Kurosawa.

Ji Qingwen himself claimed to be a loyal fan of Kurosawa when he was on the show, and he has publicly expressed his optimism about Kurosawa in front of the media many times, and firmly believed that he is a genius who can lead Haitang out of the city and step onto the highest stage of the provincial competition.

"Come on, Zebao, come on, Mr. Ji."

"Come on, brother Zezi!"

Voices of encouragement kept coming from the nearby audience.

Kurosawa waved his hand.

On the high rostrum, Gong Lihua also came to the scene.

On the one hand, it was for the award ceremony after the game, and on the other hand, it was to supervise Kurosawa.

Although Kurosawa had promised her that he would take it easy, she was still a little worried that Kurosawa would get too excited.

The current injury is not serious. If he is forced to merge again, the injury will be compounded, which will not be a small matter.

Kurosawa searched for a while in the audience and found his parents.

Tonight, in addition to his parents, some of his relatives were also present.

Chi Lei deliberately gave more tickets.

Most of the relatives of the family live in the same city.

The situation of Kurosawa's family is quite special.

His father is from Haitang, but he is an only child. His grandparents passed away very early.

There are only some distant relatives in the local area.

And his mother is not from Haitang City.

All those who came tonight are her family members.

Not long ago, my mother talked about Kurosawa for the first time with her family.

As soon as they heard that Kurosawa was going to play in the finals, her grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers all came by high-speed rail.

They wanted to cheer Kurosawa on the spot.

When Kurosawa looked over, the lively cousin he had met a few times was dancing and waving at him in the audience. He smiled and waved again.

To be honest, there was no atmosphere before the game.

But it was okay this way.

After a wonderful opening performance.

Kurosawa and Ji Qingwen stepped onto the stage of the arena with the commentators' grand introduction.

"Both players are the pride of our Haitang City."

"Yes, it is a very meaningful moment in the history of our Haitang League. Tonight may be talked about by the audience for decades to come."

"The current No. 1 player in Haitang and the new generation, most likely the No. 1 player in the future, will compete."

The two commentators were not too reserved when talking about Kurosawa.

Now even a fool knows that Kurosawa's future will be limitless.

Yesterday's battle completely made him famous.

Those who can defeat elite players as professional players are all top talents without exception.

All Kurosawa needs is time.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be able to step into the provincial competition, or even a higher stage, and become the first legendary figure born in Haitang in recent years.

Countless people feel that they are witnessing history now, and there is a feeling that the carriage of history is rolling forward.

Because Kurosawa mentioned it to the event team before the game, and Ji Qingwen also agreed, there was no embarrassing pre-game trash talk like the spring finals before this game.

Straight into the official battle.


The referee blew the whistle.

Thanks to "Hai Ziyuan" for the 1,500 starting coins. 6,000 words of Xiaobian, there are still 5 chapters to owe. Youzi also wants to update more and earn more rice (つд), but unfortunately I have to do some content promotion of the graduation project today and tomorrow, otherwise it will be difficult to explain in class. Please understand. There is not much suspense in the finals, and the content of the battle will not be described too much.

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