My Elf Simulator

Chapter 168 Beast

In order to fully prepare for the upcoming Hanquan Provincial League A, which is a provincial competition for players selected through municipal competitions across the province, the Haitang team is currently conducting a training camp at the suburban base on the west side of Haitang.

The scorching sun above our heads baked the earth.

On the red rubber track, people in training uniforms were running.

Big beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks and dripped on the hot track.


Kurosawa ventilated evenly.

Little Shining, Nightmare and Mumu were also following him on the long run.

Of course he is not the only one receiving such training.

Other training members are also running.

It's just that some people still seem to have some spare time, and some people are already panting and their cheeks are red.

Kurosawa took steps forward, spreading his strength evenly to his thighs, while thinking about the explanation given by the chief instructor just now.

"Instructor Dawei, let us exercise our physical fitness. Isn't it necessary?"

When the chief instructor announced the training content to be conducted first, Lin Daqing, who had always been dissatisfied with him, refuted it.

His tone was lukewarm.

"Yes, we are elves, and we don't rely on physical strength to win the game."

There are also a few people who don't say anything, but don't really agree with the chief instructor's training plan.

Because the elf master has psychic powers, his physical fitness will be subtly nourished and increased, making him much stronger than ordinary people.

But this gap is undoubtedly too small compared to the increase in the enhanced elves.

It's not that a few of them have this idea. Elf masters generally recognize that the return on physical strength is too low.

It’s thankless and makes myself very tired.

Staying in the air-conditioned training room, comfortably instructing the elves to train their skills, and improving their strength step by step, is what many people consider to be formal training.

Kurosawa had no objection to the training plan formulated by the chief instructor.

The reason is that Gong Lihua is an unconventional elf master, and he always emphasizes the importance of an elf master's physical fitness and vitality.

The refined medicines and exercise methods have the effect of strengthening the body and enhancing vitality.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Kurosawa unconsciously believed that physical exercise was also an important part of cultivation.

However, just when Kurosawa thought that the short-haired chief instructor would ignore Lin Daqing, he explained expressionlessly.

There are three reasons.

1. Physical exercise is not without benefits for traditional elf battles. When exercising with the elves, the mutual understanding can be improved and the relationship can be promoted.

2. The qualifying round of the Hanquan Provincial League A does not adopt the traditional arena duel mode, but is conducted in an outdoor venue for assessment, which puts forward higher requirements for the overall quality of the elf masters themselves.

The reason for changing the competition system is that the World Championship has greatly squeezed the normal competition period. According to the usual qualifying process, it takes too long, which may affect the holding of the autumn competition in some cities.

3. Spiritual energy and physical energy are actually inseparable. Physical exercise does not seem to increase the quantity and quality of spiritual energy, but it can make the release of spiritual energy more supple.

In order to convince the twelve players, the chief instructor also proposed a policy of allocating magical resources according to rankings after explaining.

In any aspect of this training, the better the performance of the students, the more rewards they will receive. The worse the performance, the fewer resources will be allocated.

If the basic training requirements are not completed, there will be no allocation of magical resources, and the share will be transferred to others in proportion.

So even Lin Daqing had to obediently carry out the training as required, although he may not necessarily agree with the chief instructor's explanation in his heart.

It is difficult for adults to change their opinions with just a few words.



Beads of sweat continued to slide down Kurosawa's cheeks.

He stepped on the red track, feeling that the ground below was absorbing his power like sand.

Running seems particularly strenuous.

Every time I lift my legs, it's like pulling my legs out of a swamp.

Only then did he realize that physical exercise was not as simple as he thought.

As soon as the spiritual energy moved, the perception spread out along his body as the center of the circle, instantly covering the training ground.

A look of surprise appeared on his cheek.

In his perception, the entire runway and underground were connected as one.

There is an elf spreading energy underground.

What ability is this?

gravity? Telekinesis?

During the brief perception process, his spiritual energy seemed to be affected by that power and was consumed rapidly.

He quickly gathered his psychic energy.

The stands next to the track in the distance.

Lu Dawei was looking at the playground below with his arms crossed.

At a certain moment, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a slight arc.

He moved his eyes away from Ji Qingwen and slowly focused on Kurosawa, who was running at the front of the team.

Among the twelve players, the youngest player is the most comfortable.

"Is he Kurosawa?"

"Yes, base commander."

"How many laps has he done?"

"Kurosawa's player is currently on his 12th lap, and other players are basically on laps 8-10."

Lu Dawei was communicating with his subordinates.

One lap of their playground is one kilometer. This morning's basic training plan is 30 laps, with a prescribed time of 2 hours. Finally, the students will be ranked according to the duration.

"Which gear are you using now?"

"Fourth gear."

Lu Dawei stared at Kurosawa, and noticed from his physical condition that Kurosawa still had a lot of energy left, so he gave instructions calmly.

"Move it up to third gear."


"Nothing to worry about, just go ahead."

"Yes." Lu Dawei's adjutant nodded, mentally mourning for a few seconds of silence for the other eleven contestants.

At this moment in the fourth gear, others are already having a hard time running.

Long-distance running is something that requires skills. It pays great attention to breathing rhythm and physical distribution. Even if the physical fitness of elf masters is different from ordinary people, it is not an easy thing to suddenly let them run long-distance. What's more, their training is still blessed by gravity. It can continuously absorb everyone's physical energy, making the already difficult training more difficult.

The third level is already the standard for daily training of regular mission teams at the base.

The task team that executes the sequence is not as good as some elites on the track in terms of head-on elf battles, but its overall quality is more comprehensive.

The adjutant trotted away, entered the operation room, and conveyed the chief instructor's instructions to the staff.

That energy-absorbing gravitational field is the special ability of some kind of super-awakened elf. Considering that the power of elf has too strong an impact on humans without guardianship skills.

It is necessary to use instruments arranged everywhere on the field to carry out restraint degradation so that it can be output to the track smoothly without harming the human body while maintaining a certain strength.

In this way, there are a total of five levels of intensity difference, and the first to fifth levels decrease linearly step by step.

The first level is almost the original gravity field without any weakening.

Being able to train under this condition is almost a superman, which means that he can withstand the pressure from the gravity field of a high-level elf and remain active.

Of course, this does not mean that first-level trainers can compete with high-level elves. The gravity field skill itself is not a damage skill, and the gap between first-level trainers and high-level elves is still huge.

But even this is terrifying enough.

He has been an adjutant for more than ten years. Before Lu Dawei took office, he worked as a clerk at the base.

In such a long time, I have only seen two first-class trainers.

Even Lu Dawei can only train under second gear conditions.

First gear, second gear, third gear, and fourth gear. It seems that there is only one digit difference between each level, but the difficulty rises linearly as you go up.

Kurosawa was running happily, stretching his body and glancing at the people behind him from the corner of his eye.

If nothing else, he should be the first to complete the training plan this time.

Even the elite Ji, Wei, and Zhuang are not as good as him in terms of physical fitness.

Although Zeus has been training for several months, the effect on his body has gradually become weak.

But the cumulative effect of exercise is still there, not to mention that he still has exercise methods and medicines to nourish his body.

Kurosawa was planning in his mind, could he speed up?

At first, he was worried that if he ran too fast, he would unknowingly affect the rhythm of others, so he slowed down a little.

It should have been set for two or three laps now, so the acceleration shouldn't have much impact, right?

Kurosawa was still thinking.

A magical force enveloped the training ground suddenly and suddenly spread.

The weight of terror came.


Kurosawa was so distracted that he didn't pay attention. He lost his footing and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the nightmare floating beside him gave him a quick hand and eyes.

Kurosawa stabilized the rhythm and continued running.


After running a few steps, Kurosawa noticed something different.

He blinked.

What's going on here?

My feet became so heavy, my body became so heavy, even my thoughts seemed to slow down, and the heat waves in my sight seemed to be flattened by gravity.

The environment was eerily quiet, with only the scorching sun overhead proving that we were still in the real world.

Kurosawa, who had just adapted to the fourth gear, suddenly entered the third gear's hypergravity state, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The belly of the body was burning like a furnace, very hot.

He had a very familiar feeling, as if he had entered the Zeus state again at this moment.

It also consumes a lot of physical energy. There seems to be an invisible and strange energy in the air that is draining his physical energy.

The difference is that the body in Zeus' state feels a sense of comfort.

What I feel at this moment is a huge sense of heaviness.

To be fair, Zeus's pressure on physical strength is stronger than this gravity mode, but in Zeus mode, the little Shining can assist him and is protected by thunder armor, but now his body is directly exposed to special energy.

Physically, it felt even more uncomfortable.

"Huh..." Kurosawa quickly adjusted his breathing several times.

Reduce stride length and increase stride frequency.

In this mode, the fluctuation of the body's center of gravity will be reduced, the airborne time will be reduced, and the pressure on the body will be less.

Even so, in fact, it only reduced the stride length, and the frequency could not be increased. On the contrary, it slowed down a lot.

The idea is great, but the body can’t do it.

Kurosawa is no longer at ease. He has only one idea at the moment: finish the request first.

If you fail to complete thirty laps and fail to complete the basic requirements, there will be no allocation of magical resources.

He gritted his teeth and continued to squeeze out the physical energy in his body.

The perspective shifted away from Kurosawa's body.

The suddenly strengthened gravity field made the remaining eleven people miserable.

They were already sweating profusely when they were in the fourth level. At this moment, the pressure was suddenly increased, causing the three of them to fall down.

After slowly getting up, they tried to run a certain distance, but two of them soon could no longer move their legs.

Her thighs felt like they were weighed heavily, and flames were burning all over her body.

"No more running, I give up."

"Forget it, I don't want the reward."

The two of them stretched out their hands and gave up. They were hanging at the end of the team, and they probably wouldn't be able to finish. They just didn't want to be embarrassed, so they gritted their teeth and persisted.

At this moment, the difficulty suddenly increased, and it instantly became the straw that broke the camel's back.

The runners who lost their strength were helped off the track by the operators standing by.

Leaving the influence of the gravity field, the two felt that their bodies were slowly coming back to life again, although they were still sore.

"It's impossible to accomplish it, right?"

"Yeah, it's so unreasonable."

The two of them were leaning on the lounge chair.

The adjutant who came to greet them heard their conversation and had a wry smile on his face.

He also couldn't figure out why Tong Dawei suddenly raised the difficulty level.

The training must be done step by step, and the span is so large that it will not have any training effect at all. Is it just to give everyone a show of strength and polish off the arrogance of these players?

Lin Daqing gritted his teeth and his expression became ferocious.

So sad.

His running pace became very slow.

"Da da da!"

A burst of heavy and even footsteps sounded from beside him.

He looked sideways and saw it was Kurosawa!

His pace is still as fast as before.

The face was very calm, with no expression visible.

Is this man a monster?

Lin Daqing swallowed.

The running speed of the few people who were still struggling on the playground could not help but slow down. Only Kurosawa continued to run quickly as if nothing was wrong.

If it weren't for the terrifying gravity he felt everywhere and the heavy footsteps under Kurosawa's feet, he would have almost thought that Kurosawa was immune to the influence of the gravity field.


It didn't matter if he was better at training elves. He could comfort himself that it was because God was unfair and there was a gap in innate talent.

But I didn't expect Kurosawa's physical fitness to be so abnormal.

My twenty-five-year-old body is entering its prime, but the other person, I heard, has just celebrated his seventeenth birthday and is far from reaching the peak of normal human body strength.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying the twenty-five-year-old Kurosawa’s body would be? Melee elf?

Fortunately, the unrealistic idea of ​​an offline fight was not put into practice, otherwise, he might have been pushed to the ground and beaten.

Lin Daqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to jog for one or two more laps. In the end, his physical strength was almost exhausted. After losing the strength to run, he also reached out and gave up.

They were followed closely by Zeng Shi, Bai Changqing, Zhuang Yanbing, Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian.

One by one, the players either left the field gracefully on their own, or were helped to rest on the sidelines.

Energy drinks were brought to replenish the consumption.

The people who came back to life were communicating in their seats, and all of them cast their eyes on the last remaining figure on the runway.

His speed seemed to have slowed down a bit, but it was still maintained at 10KM/H.

Perhaps an ordinary person who doesn't know anything about the situation would think that this kind of running speed is nothing special.

But everyone who has personally experienced the torture of a gravity field deeply understands the meaning behind this speed.

"What lap is this?"

"I don't know, twenty laps?"


"You won't really finish it for him, right?"

"You are still laughing here, have you ever thought about the fact that all of us have given up and have not completed the basic task requirements, and there will be no rewards for all of us. If Kurosawa completes it, according to what the chief instructor said before, all our shares will be handed over to Kurosawa. Ze, he can do it all by himself."

"Hehe, I don't care."

"I don't think he can finish it."

"Someone seems jealous."

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