My Elf Simulator

Chapter 169 End of training and before departure


Kurosawa maintains even breathing and cadence.

He was so focused on training that he didn't know that other players outside the court were discussing him.

Even the fact that he was the only one left was an afterthought.

Long-distance running in hypergravity mode is not an easy task. In addition to the heavier body feeling, there is also an inexplicable force field that eats away at his physical fitness.

However, after running a few laps and adapting to the feeling, he began to feel less uncomfortable and even felt comfortable burning calories.


Among the three elves, Mumu had the hardest time running.

Its body is the heaviest and very dense, weighing several hundred kilograms.

Mumu's instant explosive power is outstanding.

[Collision] [Strange Strength] These skills can produce a short burst of huge power, but the endurance is inferior. He weighs a lot, and he has to perform long-distance running under gravity, which he is not good at, which is really a bit difficult for him.

But Mumu saw that Little Shining and Nightmare could follow Kurosawa relatively easily, and she didn't want to fall behind, so she gritted her teeth and followed behind.

Fortunately, Kurosawa noticed something was wrong with it, and after casting an encouraging look, he reached out and took back Mumu while running.

Time flies when you’re focused on exercising.

Kurosawa counted circles in his mind.

Run to the twenty-fifth lap.

He estimated that he still had some remaining physical strength in his body and thought about it in his mind.

Although it is very hard, completing the arranged training tasks should not be a big problem.

While he was thinking this, a voice sounded in his ears.

"Trigger the event task [Enjoy the exercise], please exceed the physical training task requirements and complete the running goal of 40 laps in total."

"Mission Progress: 25/40"

There was no movement for a long time, and the system, which had been silent for many days, issued a task.

Kurosawa silently accepted it in his heart.

40 laps.

It feels a bit strenuous.

Kurosawa is very aware of his physical condition.

The mission requirements issued by the system are basically very close to his current upper limit of physical strength.

Keep running and see where your limits are.

"Lap 26."

"Lap 27."

"Lap 30."

"Lap 31."

The "melon-eating crowd" who had nothing to do on the sidelines also helped count.

"I'll go, it's really abnormal, I only ran 15 laps."

"15 is not bad, I'm only 13."

"By the way, has Kurosawa already passed 30 laps?"

"Is it the 31st lap? Or did I count it wrong?"

"Someone please stop. Kurosawa is probably confused."

"Xiao Heizi, it's been 31 laps, it's time to end."

When Kurosawa passed by, Bai Changqing and others who were resting on the sidelines shouted.

Kurosawa turned to look at everyone, nodded, indicating that he understood the situation, and then continued running.

Throughout the process, he never slowed down.

Even though I knew they had good intentions, it was impossible to stop and explain why.

It is not easy to complete 40 laps. Once you stop or the rhythm is disrupted, it will be difficult to have the strength to support it. All you have to do is not let up.

Not only were the other eleven players surprised by Kurosawa's physical strength, but the adjutant in the stands was also filled with admiration.

1 hour and 20 minutes, 30 laps, the first half is in fourth gear, and the second half is in third gear.

In terms of physical strength, he is even better than the members of the main mission team of the base. I really don't know how he can develop such abundant physical fitness at such a young age.

Is it possible that under the guise of an elf master, his true identity is actually a fitness guru?

"Chief of base, do you need me to call for a stop? It's already been 31 laps, and it looks like he will continue running."

"No, just let him keep running. I also want to see where his physical limit is."

Lu Dawei waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

He reached out and touched Hu Za's chin, thinking in his mind.

Do you feel that the difficulty is too low and you feel unsatisfied because you have not achieved sufficient training effect, so you do more training voluntarily?

If the intensity of the second gear was not much higher than that of the third gear, I would really want to increase the intensity for him.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly.

It has been several years since I left the Haitang Arena and entered the execution sequence. I never expected that such an interesting player would appear.

He was busy with tasks some time ago and neglected to pay attention to the news. He heard from others that a top genius emerged from the Haitang Alliance, Spring Crown Xia Ya, and he reached the top profession within a year of awakening his psychic powers.

I didn't quite believe it at first, but after checking it out, I found out that it was indeed true, and I was shocked for a long time.

Now that I see Kurosawa's physical fitness being so good, I can't help but admire him in my heart. He really has a good reputation.

By the 38th lap, Kurosawa's legs became extremely heavy and sweat had completely soaked his training clothes.

He moved his legs mechanically. What supported him to continue moving now was probably inertia.

There seemed to be countless invisible tentacles on his thighs clinging to him, grabbing him, trying to get him to stop.

To be able to persist until this point, both will and sufficient physical strength are indispensable.

Lap 39.

Kurosawa's consciousness began to blur, his heart accelerated, and his blood surged wildly.

The golden tree visualization imprint in the body seemed to sense its state, emitting a frightening golden light.

Help his body keep going.

Lap 40.

Kurosawa's physical energy has been squeezed out.


A lot of sounds started coming to his ears.

In a trance, he seemed to see a bizarre scene appearing in the sky.

The sky cracked and countless huge tentacles tore through the space.

Golden light overflowed from it like seawater.

He was stunned, and the next moment all the scenes disappeared in front of his eyes.

He ran across the finish line.

He continued to run for dozens of meters numbly, and slowly stopped his body.


The gravity on the track slowly withdrew.

He lost all his strength and fell on the hot track.

His swollen temples "bang bang".


He panted.

"Congratulations on completing the event task [Enjoy the fun of exercise] and get the task reward of 100 points."

"Current number of points: 405"

The system's voice sounded.

The difficulty of this event task is much more difficult than Kurosawa expected.

But this is not the point.

What was the scene just now?

He recalled the strange scene he saw after his physical strength was squeezed to the limit, and was stunned.

Why do hallucinations occur?

While he was still thinking, Ji Qingwen and others in the distance came over and pulled him up from the ground.

"I really admire you. You are too hardworking, aren't you?"

"I didn't know you were such a tough guy."

"Big brother is awesome."

"Don't crowd around. Let Kurosawa rest for a while."

Kurosawa put aside his thoughts and panted and forced a smile at everyone.

After refilling energy drinks on the recliner and resting for ten minutes, Kurosawa's condition gradually improved.

The chief instructor gathered everyone who had finished resting.

"Too weak."

"Except Kurosawa, no one has achieved the predetermined goal."

"As mentioned before, all the rewards for the morning training will be distributed to Kurosawa who has achieved the goal."

When he spoke, the expressions of the contestants were different.

Some were ashamed of their physical fitness, some were unconvinced, and some didn't care.

The difficulty was obviously increased once in the middle. If it weren't for the sudden increase in gravity, at least most of them would have been able to run 30 laps, not to mention that everyone had completed the goal.

But the younger Kurosawa was able to finish the run, and even exceeded the target. Even if he had complaints, no one stood up to say anything.

During the lunch break, Kurosawa went to the supplies department to settle the rewards.

A total of more than ten kilograms of two-star magical resources.

Kurosawa selected some crystal-type magical resources with a higher cost-effectiveness.

Although the staff managing the supplies was very surprised, he did not refuse Kurosawa's request and packed it for Kurosawa.

It must be said that the Haitang Alliance was really generous this time.

This batch of two-star magical resources is worth at least 100 alliance credits.

It should be converted into nutritional value of 200 points.

Of course, this may be related to the fact that he took all the rewards for the morning exercise.

The rewards originally distributed to 12 people were all taken by him.

Time flies, and it is the seventh day of the training camp in a blink of an eye.

During the first three days of the training camp, the members of the Haitang team were doing various physical training.

The intensity was very high, but fortunately, the base prepared various medicinal foods for them to supplement nutrition and restore their bodies.

Otherwise, if they maintain high-intensity training for a long time, some people who have neglected exercise will be exhausted, not to mention getting stronger.

At night, the base will organize everyone to take a medicinal bath.

In just three days, everyone's spirit and physical fitness have obviously improved.

Among the twelve people, Kurosawa, who has the strongest body, has gained the most.

Because the first three days are pure physical training, even the elite level is inferior to Kurosawa in this area.

About 40% of the training incentive rewards were gained by Kurosawa alone, and the accumulated various magical resources should be worth more than 200 alliance points.

It's a great profit.

In addition to the harvest of these resources, Kurosawa's physical fitness has also improved a lot.

If he were to run the third gear of the ultra-gravity long-distance run now, he should be able to complete the goal of 40 laps relatively easily, and he would not squeeze out his physical limit like the first day.

After the third day, the Haitang training team entered the wild jungle under the leadership of the chief instructor Lu Dawei to receive the second stage of training.

The second stage of training is much richer than the basic training received at the base.

Find hunting prey, cook picnics.

Cut wood to build cabins, pick herbs.

Rock climbing, fight wild slime monster tribes.

Jointly encircle and suppress a high-level mutant violent elasmobranch rhinoceros and its sheltering tribe.

Many things happened in the process.

There were times of crisis, and there were also peaceful and relaxing camping times.

It was the seventh day, and it was time to leave this lush forest.

Kurosawa thought about this, packed up his belongings in the cabin, and walked out of the room.

"Have you packed up all the things?"

He just met Lin Daqing who was going out of the cabin next door.

Kurosawa said hello.

"Well, thank you for yesterday." Lin Daqing hesitated for a moment and responded.

"It's okay, I didn't do much, it was mainly the credit of Brother Ji and Brother Wei." Kurosawa patted Mumu who looked back at the cabin reluctantly, and said modestly.

The two were talking about the last encirclement and suppression of the violent elasmobranch rhinoceros yesterday, which was also the last task of their training plan.

That high-level elf has a very strong energy value, with an energy value of more than 300 leaves.

A team of twelve people, with dozens of elves working together, took two full hours to defeat it.

The main force of the battle was Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian.

Kurosawa and Zhuang Yanbing, who were the second strongest, assisted from the side and helped other professional elf masters who were in crisis from time to time.

Kurosawa's perception was relatively good, so the rescue and help were relatively timely.

The training effect of a few days was remarkable. With the experience of training, suffering, training, and picnic together, except for the gaps between some people, everyone generally got more familiar with each other.

Kurosawa and Lin Daqing did not have any deep hatred.

In addition, Kurosawa took the initiative to greet him several times when they met in succession, and helped him several times during the training process in the jungle to resolve the crisis. Lin Daqing was not so ungrateful.

Although he didn't say it, he actually recognized Kurosawa in his heart.

Besides, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Kurosawa's future was limitless. If he really became an enemy with him, he would be the only one who would suffer.

The sun was setting in the jungle, and the orange afterglow was sprinkled on the clearing in the jungle.

Dozens of wooden houses built with logs were in a lush forest, like a primitive village.

After packing up their luggage, everyone gathered and returned to the training base.

Chief Instructor Lu Dawei announced that the training activities of the Haitang team were successfully completed.

"Ah, I'm so tired, I want to go back to watch the drama."

"Lazy dog! Can you learn the spirit of hard work from Ze Shen?"

"Yes, yes, reflect on it, the gap between you and Ze Shen is so big, it's not that you don't work hard."

"When you are watching the drama, Ze Shen is training. When you are playing games, Ze Shen is also training, think about it carefully, right?"


"No, no, I have to rest when I go back tonight."

Hei Ze heard the conversation between Bai Changqing and others, and couldn't help blushing.

Is this serious, flattery, right?

Speaking of which, the name Ze Shen was originally used by Ji Qingwen as a joke, and now everyone has been infected.

Zhuang Yanbing, Bai Changqing, and Zeng Shi also began to tease.

Several people talked and laughed as they walked out along the base road.

Hei Ze took a ride from Ji Qingwen and returned to the city from the suburbs.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, see you in the afternoon."

After the seven-day training camp, after a short rest, the twelve-member provincial competition Haitang team will set off for Changchuan City, the provincial capital, tomorrow afternoon.

Hei Ze returned home and had dinner with his parents.

A week of outdoor training made Hei Ze a little tanned, and his mother, Ms. Tao, seemed a little distressed.

"How long can we rest this time?"

"We will leave tomorrow afternoon, and the team will set off together to Changchuan and take the high-speed rail."

"It's so rushed. Where will we stay there?"

"Don't worry, mom, there is a special athlete village, and Haitang Alliance has arranged everything. We won't starve. My master is leading the team."

"Oh. I bought you some new clothes, remember to bring them over."

Every time I go out, my mother will nag for a while.

Kurosawa knew that this was her subconscious habit, so he didn't say anything and just nodded in agreement.

Late at night, he returned to the room.

He glanced at the system panel.

"Current number of coupons: 545"

In the past few days of training, he completed two small tasks one after another, and the number of coupons reached 545.

He opened the system store, and the number of wishes for the store refreshed in August had not been used.

Before purchasing, try your luck first, I don't know what goods can be brushed out.

Thanks to "Lan Jia" for the 500 starting coins reward

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